您的位置:首页 > 文旅 > 旅游 > 怎样在手机上制作网站_安徽住房和城乡建设厅官网_关键词排名监控批量查询_百度站长工具是什么意思


2025/3/19 18:19:48 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/fangye945a/article/details/143222412  浏览:    关键词:怎样在手机上制作网站_安徽住房和城乡建设厅官网_关键词排名监控批量查询_百度站长工具是什么意思


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h> // 用于isspace函数#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 1024
#define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 100000typedef struct Node {char *singleNumber;struct Node *next;
} Node;Node *hashTable[HASH_TABLE_SIZE];// 函数声明
unsigned int hashFunction(const char *str);
void insertHash(Node **hashTable, const char *singleNumber);
int containsHash(Node **hashTable, const char *singleNumber);
void freeHashTable(Node *hashTable[]);
int isNotBlankLine(const char *line);
char* trim(const char *str);int generaFile(const char *filename1, const char *filename2)
{FILE *file1, *file2, *outputfd;char output_filename[1024] = {0};strncpy(output_filename, filename2, strlen(filename2) - 4);strcat(output_filename, "_去重后.txt");char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];// 初始化哈希表for (int i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {hashTable[i] = NULL;}// 读取第一个文件并构建哈希表file1 = fopen(filename1, "r");if (!file1) {perror("Error opening file1");return EXIT_FAILURE;}while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, file1)) {char *trimmedLine = trim(line);if (isNotBlankLine(trimmedLine)) {insertHash(hashTable, trimmedLine);}free(trimmedLine);}fclose(file1);printf("load %s hash finish!\n", filename1);// 读取第二个文件并删除共同的单号file2 = fopen(filename2, "r");outputfd = fopen(output_filename, "w+");if (!file2 || !outputfd) {perror("Error opening file2 or outputfd");return EXIT_FAILURE;}while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, file2)) {char *trimmedLine = trim(line);line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0; // 移除换行符if (isNotBlankLine(trimmedLine) && !containsHash(hashTable, trimmedLine)) { // 没有找到相同的且不是空行fputs(trimmedLine, outputfd);fputc('\n', outputfd); // 使用fputc确保只写入一个换行符}free(trimmedLine);}fclose(file2);fclose(outputfd);// 释放哈希表freeHashTable(hashTable);return EXIT_SUCCESS;
}int isNotBlankLine(const char *line) {// 检查每一字符是否都是空白字符,如果是,则返回0,否则返回1while (*line) {if (!isspace((unsigned char)*line)) {return 1;}line++;}return 0;
}char* trim(const char *str) {if (str == NULL) return NULL;const char *end;size_t len = strlen(str);// Trim leading spacewhile (isspace((unsigned char)*str)) str++;if (*str == 0)  // All spaces?return strdup("");// Trim trailing spaceend = str + len - 1;while (end > str && isspace((unsigned char)*end)) end--;// The len is the number of non-space charslen = (end - str + 1);char *trimmed = (char *)malloc(len + 1);if (trimmed) {snprintf(trimmed, len + 1, "%s", str);trimmed[len] = '\0';}return trimmed;
}int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{char *filename1 = argv[1];char *filename2 = argv[2];if (argc != 3) {printf("请指定要去重的两个文件!\n");printf("用法: ./quchong 文件1 文件2\n");printf("示例:./quchong 受理.txt 计费.txt\n");return 0;}if (generaFile(filename1, filename2) != EXIT_SUCCESS) {printf("%s 去重失败!", filename2);return EXIT_FAILURE;}// 注意:这里应该重新初始化哈希表for (int i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {hashTable[i] = NULL;}if (generaFile(filename2, filename1) != EXIT_SUCCESS) {printf("%s 去重失败!", filename1);return EXIT_FAILURE;}printf("数据去重完成!\n");return EXIT_SUCCESS;
}// 哈希函数
unsigned int hashFunction(const char *str)
{unsigned int hash = 5381;int c;while ((c = *str++)) {hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */}return hash % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
}// 插入哈希表
void insertHash(Node **hashTable, const char *singleNumber)
{unsigned int index = hashFunction(singleNumber);Node *newNode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));if (!newNode) {perror("Memory allocation failed");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}newNode->singleNumber = strdup(singleNumber);if (!newNode->singleNumber) {free(newNode);perror("Memory allocation failed");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}newNode->next = hashTable[index];hashTable[index] = newNode;
}// 检查哈希表中是否包含某个单号
int containsHash(Node **hashTable, const char *singleNumber)
{unsigned int index = hashFunction(singleNumber);Node *current = hashTable[index];while (current) {if (strcmp(current->singleNumber, singleNumber) == 0) {return 1;}current = current->next;}return 0;
}// 释放哈希表内存
void freeHashTable(Node *hashTable[])
{for (int i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {Node *current = hashTable[i];while (current) {Node *temp = current;current = current->next;free(temp->singleNumber);free(temp);}}



