好像看似内容跟操作系统没什么大关系,但是笔者要说的是——看,修改操作系统,离不开上面的最基本的知识。在之后,你可能会去使用qemu, gas等工具完成底层代码的编写,他们内部最核心的概念并没有偏离我们的nasm和bochs。所以,笔者还是决定在这里细心的介绍一下我们后面的代码编写中使用的概念,大纲已经在上面的了。大致的内容如次,enjoy!
%include "boot.inc" ; Include an external file, which may define constants, macros, or other configurations
; Export a global symbol so that other modules can call this function
global mbr_print_strings
; Define the code section, starting at the address MBR_VSTART (likely defined in boot.inc)
section mbr vstart=MBR_VSTART; Initialize segment registersmov ax, cs ; Copy the value of the code segment register CS into AXmov ds, ax ; Copy the value of AX into the data segment register DSmov es, ax ; Copy the value of AX into the extra segment register ESmov ss, ax ; Copy the value of AX into the stack segment register SSmov fs, ax ; Copy the value of AX into the FS segment registermov sp, MBR_VSTART ; Set the stack pointer SP to the starting address of the MBRmov ax, 0xb800 ; Load the address of the video memory (text mode) into AXmov gs, ax ; Copy the value of AX into the GS segment register (used for video memory access)
; Clear the screen using BIOS interrupt 0x10, function 0x06mov ax, 0x0600 ; AH = 0x06 (scroll up function), AL = 0x00 (clear entire screen)mov bx, 0x0700 ; BH = 0x07 (attribute for blank lines, white on black)xor cx, cx ; CH = 0, CL = 0 (top-left corner of the screen: row 0, column 0)mov dx, 0x184f ; DH = 0x18 (24 rows), DL = 0x4F (79 columns) (bottom-right corner of the screen)int 0x10 ; Call BIOS interrupt 0x10 to clear the screen
; Print the "Hello" string on the screen
; Set the cursor to the first row, first column (DH = 0, DL = 0)mov si, welcome ; Load the address of the "welcome" string into SImov cx, 0 ; Set CX to 0 (row number)call mbr_print_strings ; Call the string printing function
; After printing, check the hard disk for the bootloader
; Set the cursor to the next linemov si, tell_check_disk ; Load the address of the "tell_check_disk" string into SImov cx, 1 ; Set CX to 1 (next row)call mbr_print_strings ; Call the string printing function
; Check the disk for the bootloadermov eax, LOADER_START_SECTOR ; Load the starting sector of the bootloader into EAXmov bx, LOADER_BASE_ADDR ; Load the destination address for the bootloader into BXmov cx, 1 ; Set CX to 1 (read 1 sector)call check_disk ; Call the disk checking function
; Print a message indicating that the disk check is completemov si, tell_check_disk_done ; Load the address of the "tell_check_disk_done" string into SImov cx, 2 ; Set CX to 2 (next row)call mbr_print_strings ; Call the string printing function
; Jump to the bootloader's base address to transfer controljmp LOADER_BASE_ADDR ; Jump to the bootloader's starting address
; ------------------------------------------
; Function Declarations
; ------------------------------------------
; --------------------------
; Function: check_disk
; Parameters:
; EAX - Starting sector (LBA)
; BX - Destination address in memory
; CX - Number of sectors to read
; --------------------------
check_disk:; Save registers that will be modifiedpush esipush di
; Save parameters in registers for conveniencemov esi, eax ; Save the starting sector in ESImov di, cx ; Save the number of sectors in DI
; Tell the hard disk controller to read the specified number of sectorsmov dx, 0x01f2 ; Port 0x1F2: Sector count portmov al, cl ; Set AL to the number of sectors to readout dx, al ; Write the value to the port
; Restore EAX to its original valuemov eax, esi
; Send the LBA (Logical Block Address) to ports 0x1F3-0x1F6mov dx, 0x01f3 ; Port 0x1F3: LBA low byteout dx, al ; Write the low byte of the LBA
mov cl, 8 ; Shift EAX by 8 bits to get the next byteshr eax, clmov dx, 0x01f4 ; Port 0x1F4: LBA middle byteout dx, al ; Write the middle byte of the LBA
shr eax, cl ; Shift EAX by another 8 bitsmov dx, 0x01f5 ; Port 0x1F5: LBA high byteout dx, al ; Write the high byte of the LBA
shr eax, cl ; Shift EAX by another 8 bitsand al, 0x0f ; Mask the top 4 bitsor al, 0xe0 ; Set the LBA mode (bit 6) and drive number (bit 4)mov dx, 0x1f6 ; Port 0x1F6: LBA top 4 bits and drive selectout dx, al ; Write the value to the port
; Send the read command to the disk controllermov dx, 0x01f7 ; Port 0x1F7: Command portmov al, 0x20 ; Command 0x20: Read sectors with retryout dx, al ; Write the command to the port
; Wait for the disk to be ready
.disk_not_ready:nop ; No operation (wait for 1 clock cycle)in al, dx ; Read the status from the command portand al, 0x88 ; Check the BSY (busy) and DRQ (data request) bitscmp al, 0x08 ; Compare with 0x08 (DRQ bit set, ready to transfer data)jnz .disk_not_ready ; If not ready, keep waiting
; Disk is ready, read the datamov ax, di ; Load the number of sectors into AXmov dx, 256 ; Each sector is 512 bytes, so 256 words per sectormul dx ; Multiply AX by DX to get the total number of words to readmov cx, ax ; Store the result in CX (loop counter)mov dx, 0x01f0 ; Port 0x1F0: Data port
; Read data from the disk into memory
.read_data:in ax, dx ; Read a word from the data portmov [bx], ax ; Store the word in memory at the address in BXadd bx, 2 ; Increment the memory address by 2 bytesloop .read_data ; Repeat until all words are read
; Restore registerspop dipop esiret ; Return from the function
; ------------------------------------------
; Function: mbr_print_strings
; Parameters:
; SI - Address of the string to print
; CL - Row number (0-based)
; ------------------------------------------
mbr_print_strings:push di ; Save the DI registerpush ax ; Save the AX registermov ax, 0xA0 ; Each row in text mode is 160 bytes (80 columns * 2 bytes per character)mov di, 0x00 ; Set the offset in the GS segment to 0mul cl ; Multiply AX by CL to get the offset for the specified rowadd di, ax ; Add the offset to DI
; Loop to store characters in video memory
store_loop:lodsb ; Load a byte from the address in SI into AL, and increment SIor al, al ; Check if the character is 0 (end of string)jz done_print ; If the character is 0, end the loop
; Store the character in video memory at [GS:DI]mov [gs:di], al ; Store the character in the GS segment at the offset in DIinc di ; Increment DI to point to the next position
; Store the attribute byte (0xA4) in video memory at [GS:DI]mov byte [gs:di], PRINT_STYLE ; Store the attribute byte (color/style)inc di ; Increment DI to point to the next position
jmp store_loop ; Repeat for the next character
; End of the printing loop
done_print:pop ax ; Restore the AX registerpop di ; Restore the DI registerret ; Return from the function
; ------------------------------------
; Data Section
; ------------------------------------
welcome db "Hello, Charlie's OS!", 0 ; Welcome message
tell_check_disk db "Ready to check the disk!", 0 ; Disk check message
tell_check_disk_done db "Disk Check work done", 0 ; Disk check completion message
; Fill the remaining space in the MBR with zeros
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0
; Add the MBR magic number (0xAA55) at the end of the 512-byte sector
复习一下,他们分别为定义宏预处理语句和包含文件预处理语句。当我们使用GCC扫描一个C语言文件准备对他进行编译的时候,他首先会扫描一下有没有预处理指令——比如说上面个两个就在GCC识别的范畴内,看到#define,就会做宏的替换和展开,看到#include,就会找到并打开读取我们被#include的文件,随后将文件的内容直接粘贴到被扫描的文件上,对的——一个字不差的粘贴!这里,笔者认为都来看操作系统的手搓教程了,自然都对编译器/汇编器如何解析include path的规则非常的烂熟于心了,所以这里不重复浪费大家的时间。
%include "boot.inc" ; Include an external file, which may define constants, macros, or other configurations
; Provides basic includes
%define MBR_VSTART 0x7c00
%define STOP jmp $
%define PLACE_MBR_MAGIC db 0x55, 0xaa
%define PRINT_STYLE 0x09
; sector macros
%define LOADER_BASE_ADDR 0x900
%macro SET_CURSOR 2mov ah, 0x02 ; BIOS中断0x10的设置光标位置功能mov bh, 0 ; 页码0mov dh, %1 ; 行号0 (第一行)mov dl, %2 ; 列号0 (第一列)int 0x10 ; 调用中断
Oh my god,好像还是看不懂,别急,这就是我下面要说的。
定义 MBR_VSTART 为一个值是0x7c00的常量
MBR_VSTART equ 0x7c00
NASM的手册中,给到了equ这个伪指令的用法:NASM - The Netwide Assembler,笔者决定粘贴出来:
EQU 将符号定义为给定的常量值:使用 EQU 时,源行必须包含标签。EQU 的操作是将给定的标签名称定义为其(唯一)操作数的值。此定义是绝对的,以后不能更改。因此,例如,
message db 'hello, world' msglen equ $ - message
将 msglen 定义为常量 12。msglen 以后不能重新定义。这也不是预处理器定义:msglen 的值只计算一次,在定义点使用 $ 的值,而不是在引用它的地方计算,并在引用点使用 $ 的值。
%define MBR_VSTART 0x7c00
define一个常量,在手册的NASM - The Netwide Assembler这里。
%define是声明一个单行宏的伪指令。是使用 %define 预处理器指令定义的。定义的工作方式与 C 类似;因此您可以执行以下操作:
%define ctrl 0x1F & %define param(a,b) ((a)+(a)*(b)) mov byte [param(2,ebx)], ctrl 'D'
mov byte [(2)+(2)*(ebx)], 0x1F & 'D'
%define a(x) 1+b(x) %define b(x) 2*x mov ax,a(8)
将以预期的方式评估为 mov ax,1+2*8,即使在定义 a 时未定义宏 b。
%define foo (a,b) ; 没有参数,(a,b) 是扩展 %define bar(a,b) ; 两个参数,空扩展
使用 %define 定义的宏区分大小写:在 %define foo bar 之后,只有 foo 会扩展为 bar:Foo 或 FOO 不会。通过使用%idefine 而不是 %define(“i”代表“不敏感”),您可以一次定义宏的所有大小写变体,这样 %idefine foo bar 会导致foo、Foo、FOO、fOO 等都扩展为 bar。
%define a(x) 1+a(x) mov ax,a(3)
宏 a(3) 将扩展一次,变为 1+a(3),然后不再扩展。
%define foo(x) 1+x %define foo(x,y) 1+x*y
预处理器将能够处理这两种类型的宏调用,方法是计算您传递的参数;因此 foo(3) 将变为 1+3,而 foo(ebx,2) 将变为 1+ebx*2。但是,如果您定义
%define foo bar
则不会接受 foo 的其他定义:没有参数的宏禁止定义与有参数的宏相同的名称,反之亦然。
%define foo bar
%define foo baz
重新定义它,然后无论在何处调用宏 foo,它都会根据最新的定义进行扩展。这在使用 %assign 定义单行宏时特别有用
你也可以使用%assign,但是这里,笔者就不多介绍了。显得实在有些啰嗦了,地址在:NASM - The Netwide Assembler
%macro实际上是C语言中#define的一个子功能,NASM - The Netwide Assembler阐述了%macro的格式。在这里我简要的说一下。
%macro param_numbody %endmacro
%macro SET_CURSOR 2mov ah, 0x02 ; BIOS中断0x10的设置光标位置功能mov bh, 0 ; 页码0mov dh, %1 ; 行号0 (第一行)mov dl, %2 ; 列号0 (第一列)int 0x10 ; 调用中断
所以,setcursor的一个调用例子就是SET_CURSOR 1, 0,就会被展开为
mov ah, 0x02 ; BIOS中断0x10的设置光标位置功能mov bh, 0 ; 页码0mov dh, 1 ; 行号0 (第一行)mov dl, 0 ; 列号0 (第一列)int 0x10 ; 调用中断
请前往笔者的实模式的介绍文件,导览到进一步进行阅读:从0开始的操作系统手搓教程 附一:实模式简单导论-CSDN博客,可以直接从内存寻址的部分进一步阅读。
; Print the "Hello" string on the screen
; Set the cursor to the first row, first column (DH = 0, DL = 0)mov si, welcome ; Load the address of the "welcome" string into SImov cx, 0 ; Set CX to 0 (row number)call mbr_print_strings ; Call the string printing function
; After printing, check the hard disk for the bootloader
; Set the cursor to the next linemov si, tell_check_disk ; Load the address of the "tell_check_disk" string into SImov cx, 1 ; Set CX to 1 (next row)call mbr_print_strings ; Call the string printing function
-Ipath add a pathname to the include file path
所以,我们在include path上就跟gcc的使用完全一致了,我们仍然可以使用-I来添加编译器的头文件搜索路径,让我们可以少写点include的前缀路径。
从0开始的操作系统手搓教程 附二——调试我们的操作系统(bochs调试小记)-CSDN博客
; Check the disk for the bootloadermov eax, LOADER_START_SECTOR ; Load the starting sector of the bootloader into EAXmov bx, LOADER_BASE_ADDR ; Load the destination address for the bootloader into BXmov cx, 1 ; Set CX to 1 (read 1 sector)call check_disk ; Call the disk checking function
针对系统编程,我们首先要知道的就是硬盘是分为主通道和辅通道的。也就是Primary通道和Secondary通道。说到底就是传递数据的通道,所以,我们的programming table就是这样的
IO端口 (Primary) | IO端口 (Secondary) | 读操作时 | 写操作时 |
0x1F0 | 0x170 | 从硬盘读取数据。数据通过该端口传输到CPU或内存。 | 向硬盘写入数据。数据通过该端口从CPU或内存传输到硬盘。 |
0x1F1 | 0x171 | 读取错误寄存器,包含上一次操作的错误代码(如坏扇区、CRC校验错误等)。 | 写入特性寄存器,用于设置硬盘的特定功能(如启用高级电源管理、设置传输模式)。 |
0x1F2 | 0x172 | 读取当前操作的扇区数量,检查剩余需要读取的扇区数。 | 设置需要读取或写入的扇区数量(如设置为1表示读写1个扇区)。 |
0x1F3 | 0x173 | 读取LBA(Logical Block Address)地址的低8位。 | 设置LBA地址的低8位,与LBA Mid和LBA High一起构成完整的28位LBA地址。 |
0x1F4 | 0x174 | 读取LBA地址的中间8位。 | 设置LBA地址的中间8位。 |
0x1F5 | 0x175 | 读取LBA地址的高8位。 | 设置LBA地址的高8位。 |
0x1F6 | 0x176 | 读取设备寄存器,包含当前选择的硬盘(主盘或从盘)及LBA模式信息。 | 设置设备寄存器,选择硬盘(主盘或从盘)及LBA模式。 |
0x1F7 | 0x177 | 读取状态寄存器,包含硬盘的当前状态(如忙、就绪、错误等)。 | 写入命令寄存器,发送操作命令(如读取、写入、识别等)。 |
IO端口 (Primary) | IO端口 (Secondary) | 读操作时 (Alternate Status) | 写操作时 (Device Control) |
0x3F6 | 0x376 | 读取备用状态寄存器,包含硬盘的当前状态(如忙、就绪、错误等)。 | 写入设备控制寄存器,用于控制硬盘的行为(如复位、启用中断等)。 |
首先,我们要确定通道,是Primary通道还是Secondary通道,随后往该通道的sector count寄存器中写入待操作的扇区数。
往该通道上的 command寄存器写入操作命令。
读取该通道上的 status寄存器,判断硬盘工作是否完成。
查询传送方式:也称为程序I/O、PIO(Programming Input/OutputModel),是指传输之前, 由程序先去检测设备的状态。数据源设备在一定的条件下才能传送数据,这类设备通常是低速设备,比CPU慢很多。CPU需要数据时,先检查该设备的状态,如果状态为“准备好了可以发送”,CPU再去获取数据。硬盘有status寄存器,里面保存了工作状态,所以对硬盘可以用此方式来获取数据。
; sector macros
%define LOADER_BASE_ADDR 0x900
; --------------------------
; check_disk
; bx, waiting write address
; cx, read sectors size
; --------------------------
check_disk:; Save registers to preserve their valuespush esipush di; Save the base address (eax) and sector size (cx) for later usemov esi, eaxmov di, cx
# disk related
ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata0-master: type=disk, path="boot.img", mode=flat
; Tell the hard disk port to read the sector; Set the number of sectors to read (cx) in port 0x1F2 (Sector Count)mov dx, 0x01f2mov al, clout dx, al
; Restore the base address (eax) for LBA calculationmov eax, esi
; Save the LBA (Logical Block Address) to ports 0x1F3 ~ 0x1F6; LBA low byte (0x1F3)mov dx, 0x01f3out dx, al
; Shift eax right by 8 bits to get the next byte (LBA mid byte)mov cl, 8shr eax, clmov dx, 0x01f4out dx, al
; Shift eax right by another 8 bits to get the next byte (LBA high byte)shr eax, clmov dx, 0x01f5out dx, al
; Shift eax right by another 8 bits and set LBA mode in port 0x1F6 (Device/Head)shr eax, cland al, 0x0f ; Mask the lower 4 bits (LBA bits 24-27)or al, 0xe0 ; Set LBA mode (bit 6) and select master drive (bit 4)mov dx, 0x1f6out dx, al; Send the read command (0x20) to port 0x1F7 (Command)mov dx, 0x01f7mov al, 0x20 ; Command 0x20 = Read Sectorsout dx, al
; Wait for the disk to be ready
.disk_not_ready:nop ; Small delay (1 clock cycle)in al, dx ; Read status from port 0x1F7 (Status)and al, 0x88 ; Check if the disk is busy (bit 7) and data is ready (bit 3)cmp al, 0x08 ; Compare to see if data is ready (bit 3 set) and not busy (bit 7 clear)jnz .disk_not_ready ; If not ready, keep waiting
; Disk is now ready to transfer data
; Calculate the number of words to read (sectors * 256 words per sector)mov ax, di ; Sector count (cx saved in di earlier)mov dx, 256 ; Each sector has 256 words (512 bytes)mul dx ; Multiply sectors by 256 to get total wordsmov cx, ax ; Set cx as the loop counter for the number of words to read; Set the data port (0x1F0) for readingmov dx, 0x01f0
; Read data from the disk
.read_data:in ax, dx ; Read a word (16 bits) from the data portmov [bx], ax ; Store the word in memory at the address pointed to by bxadd bx, 2 ; Increment the memory pointer by 2 bytes (1 word)loop .read_data ; Repeat until all words are read
; Restore the saved registerspop dipop esiret ; Return from the function
; --------------------------
; check_disk
; bx, waiting write address
; cx, read sectors size
; --------------------------
check_disk:; Save registers to preserve their valuespush esipush di; Save the base address (eax) and sector size (cx) for later usemov esi, eaxmov di, cx
; Tell the hard disk port to read the sector; Set the number of sectors to read (cx) in port 0x1F2 (Sector Count)mov dx, 0x01f2mov al, clout dx, al
; Restore the base address (eax) for LBA calculationmov eax, esi
; Save the LBA (Logical Block Address) to ports 0x1F3 ~ 0x1F6; LBA low byte (0x1F3)mov dx, 0x01f3out dx, al
; Shift eax right by 8 bits to get the next byte (LBA mid byte)mov cl, 8shr eax, clmov dx, 0x01f4out dx, al
; Shift eax right by another 8 bits to get the next byte (LBA high byte)shr eax, clmov dx, 0x01f5out dx, al
; Shift eax right by another 8 bits and set LBA mode in port 0x1F6 (Device/Head)shr eax, cland al, 0x0f ; Mask the lower 4 bits (LBA bits 24-27)or al, 0xe0 ; Set LBA mode (bit 6) and select master drive (bit 4)mov dx, 0x1f6out dx, al
; Send the read command (0x20) to port 0x1F7 (Command)mov dx, 0x01f7mov al, 0x20 ; Command 0x20 = Read Sectorsout dx, al
; Wait for the disk to be ready
.disk_not_ready:nop ; Small delay (1 clock cycle)in al, dx ; Read status from port 0x1F7 (Status)and al, 0x88 ; Check if the disk is busy (bit 7) and data is ready (bit 3)cmp al, 0x08 ; Compare to see if data is ready (bit 3 set) and not busy (bit 7 clear)jnz .disk_not_ready ; If not ready, keep waiting
; Disk is now ready to transfer data
; Calculate the number of words to read (sectors * 256 words per sector)mov ax, di ; Sector count (cx saved in di earlier)mov dx, 256 ; Each sector has 256 words (512 bytes)mul dx ; Multiply sectors by 256 to get total wordsmov cx, ax ; Set cx as the loop counter for the number of words to read
; Set the data port (0x1F0) for readingmov dx, 0x01f0
; Read data from the disk
.read_data:in ax, dx ; Read a word (16 bits) from the data portmov [bx], ax ; Store the word in memory at the address pointed to by bxadd bx, 2 ; Increment the memory pointer by 2 bytes (1 word)loop .read_data ; Repeat until all words are read
; Restore the saved registerspop dipop esiret ; Return from the function
%include "boot.inc"
section loader vstart=LOADER_BASE_ADDRmov si, enter_loadermov cx, 3call loader_print_stringsSTOP
; ------------------------------------------
; mbr_print_strings
; 函数名: mbr_print_strings
; 参数: si - 字符串地址
; 参数: cl - 行号
; ------------------------------------------
loader_print_strings:push di ; 保存 di 寄存器push axmov ax, 0xA0mov di, 0x00 ; 设置 gs 段的偏移地址为 0mul cladd di, ax
loader_store_loop:lodsb ; 加载一个字符到 al,并更新 sior al, al ; 检查字符是否为 0(字符串结束符)jz loader_done_print ; 如果字符为 0,结束循环
; 存储字符到 [gs:di]mov [gs:di], al ; 将字符存储到 gs:diinc di ; 更新 di,指向下一个存储位置
; 存储 0xA4 到 [gs:di]mov byte [gs:di], PRINT_STYLEinc di ; 更新 di,指向下一个存储位置
jmp loader_store_loop ; 继续处理下一个字符
loader_done_print:pop ax ; resume axpop di ; resume diret ; 返回
enter_loader db "Enter the Loader Sections Success!", 0
MBR = mbr
LOADER = loader
UTILS = utils
# Same in bochsrc, if u gonna switch the name, do also modified the bochsrc
BOOT_IMG = boot.img
MBR-OBJ:nasm -o ${MBR}.bin ${MBR}.Snasm -o ${LOADER}.bin ${LOADER}.S
.PHONY: clean upload all
clean:rm -rf *.bin *.out *.img
upload:rm -rf ${BOOT_IMG}bximage -func=create -hd=60M -q ${BOOT_IMG}dd if=${MBR}.bin of=${BOOT_IMG} bs=512 count=1 conv=notruncdd if=${LOADER}.bin of=${BOOT_IMG} bs=512 count=1 seek=2 conv=notruncbochs -f bochsrc
all:make clean;make;make upload
现在,我们make all看一下现象。
code this sections
NASM手册:NASM - The Netwide Assembler
Bochs手册Bochs User Manual
《操作系统还原真相》作者: 郑钢,操作系统真象还原 (豆瓣)