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2025/2/25 4:55:48 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_73087695/article/details/143689345  浏览:    关键词:长沙设计网站公司_外包加工网是骗人的吗_郑州企业网络推广外包_百度推广网址

















C# 游戏引擎中的协程_c# 协程-CSDN博客icon-default.png?t=O83Ahttps://blog.csdn.net/m0_73087695/article/details/142462298?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501






using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;namespace GoDogKit
{/// <summary>/// In order to simplify coroutine management, /// this class provides a global singleton that can be used to launch and manage coroutines./// It will be autoloaded by GodogKit./// </summary>public partial class GlobalCoroutineLauncher : Singleton<GlobalCoroutineLauncher>{private GlobalCoroutineLauncher() { }private readonly List<Coroutine> m_ProcessCoroutines = [];private readonly List<Coroutine> m_PhysicsProcessCoroutines = [];private readonly Dictionary<IEnumerator, List<Coroutine>> m_Coroutine2List = [];private readonly Queue<Action> m_DeferredRemoveQueue = [];public override void _Process(double delta){ProcessCoroutines(m_ProcessCoroutines, delta);}public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta){ProcessCoroutines(m_PhysicsProcessCoroutines, delta);}public static void AddCoroutine(Coroutine coroutine, CoroutineProcessMode mode){switch (mode){case CoroutineProcessMode.Idle:Instance.m_ProcessCoroutines.Add(coroutine);Instance.m_Coroutine2List.Add(coroutine.GetEnumerator(), Instance.m_ProcessCoroutines);break;case CoroutineProcessMode.Physics:Instance.m_PhysicsProcessCoroutines.Add(coroutine);Instance.m_Coroutine2List.Add(coroutine.GetEnumerator(), Instance.m_PhysicsProcessCoroutines);break;}}// It batter to use IEnumerator to identify the coroutine instead of Coroutine itself.public static void RemoveCoroutine(IEnumerator enumerator){if (!Instance.m_Coroutine2List.TryGetValue(enumerator, out var coroutines)) return;int? index = null;for (int i = coroutines.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--){if (coroutines[i].GetEnumerator() == enumerator){index = i;break;}}if (index is not null){Instance.m_DeferredRemoveQueue.Enqueue(() => coroutines.RemoveAt(index.Value));}}private static void ProcessCoroutines(List<Coroutine> coroutines, double delta){foreach (var coroutine in coroutines){coroutine.Process(delta);}// Remove action should not be called while procssing.// So we need to defer it until the end of the frame.ProcessDeferredRemoves();}private static void ProcessDeferredRemoves(){if (!Instance.m_DeferredRemoveQueue.TryDequeue(out var action)) return;action();}/// <summary>/// Do not use if unneccessary./// </summary>public static void Clean(){Instance.m_ProcessCoroutines.Clear();Instance.m_PhysicsProcessCoroutines.Clear();Instance.m_Coroutine2List.Clear();Instance.m_DeferredRemoveQueue.Clear();}/// <summary>/// Get the current number of coroutines running globally, both in Idle and Physics process modes./// </summary>/// <returns> The number of coroutines running. </returns>public static int GetCurrentCoroutineCount()=> Instance.m_ProcessCoroutines.Count+ Instance.m_PhysicsProcessCoroutines.Count;}




#region Coroutinepublic static void StartCoroutine(this Node node, Coroutine coroutine, CoroutineProcessMode mode = CoroutineProcessMode.Physics){coroutine.Start();GlobalCoroutineLauncher.AddCoroutine(coroutine, mode);}public static void StartCoroutine(this Node node, IEnumerator enumerator, CoroutineProcessMode mode = CoroutineProcessMode.Physics){StartCoroutine(node, new Coroutine(enumerator), mode);}public static void StartCoroutine(this Node node, IEnumerable enumerable, CoroutineProcessMode mode = CoroutineProcessMode.Physics){StartCoroutine(node, enumerable.GetEnumerator(), mode);}public static void StopCoroutine(this Node node, IEnumerator enumerator){GlobalCoroutineLauncher.RemoveCoroutine(enumerator);}public static void StopCoroutine(this Node node, Coroutine coroutine){StopCoroutine(node, coroutine.GetEnumerator());}public static void StopCoroutine(this Node node, IEnumerable enumerable){StopCoroutine(node, enumerable.GetEnumerator());}#endregion











using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Godot;namespace GoDogKit
{#region ISaveable/// <summary>/// Fundemental interface for all saveable objects./// Contains basical information for saving and loading, such as file name, directory, /// and the save subsystem which own this./// </summary>public interface ISaveable{/// <summary>/// The file name without extension on save./// </summary>        public string FileName { get; set; }/// <summary>/// The file name extension on save./// </summary>        public string FileNameExtension { get; set; }/// <summary>/// The directory where the file is saved./// </summary>public DirectoryInfo Directory { get; set; }/// <summary>/// The save subsystem which own this./// </summary>public SaveSubsystem SaveSubsystem { get; set; }public virtual void Clone(ISaveable saveable){FileName = saveable.FileName;FileNameExtension = saveable.FileNameExtension;Directory = saveable.Directory;SaveSubsystem = saveable.SaveSubsystem;}}public class JsonSaveable : ISaveable{[JsonIgnore] public string FileName { get; set; }[JsonIgnore] public string FileNameExtension { get; set; }[JsonIgnore] public DirectoryInfo Directory { get; set; }[JsonIgnore] public SaveSubsystem SaveSubsystem { get; set; }// /// <summary>// /// The JsonSerializerContext used to serialize and deserialize this object.// /// </summary>// [JsonIgnore] public JsonSerializerContext SerializerContext { get; set; }}#endregion#region Systempublic static class SaveSystem{public static DirectoryInfo DefaultSaveDirectory { get; set; }public static string DefaultSaveFileName { get; set; } = "sg";public static string DefaultSaveFileExtension { get; set; } = ".data";public static SaveEncryption DefaultEncryption { get; set; } = SaveEncryption.Default;static SaveSystem(){if (OS.HasFeature("editor")){// If current save action happens in editor, // append with "_Editor" in project folder root.DefaultSaveDirectory = new DirectoryInfo("Save_Editor");}else{// Else, use the "Save" folder to store the save file,// at the same path with the game executable in default.DefaultSaveDirectory = new DirectoryInfo("Save");}if (!DefaultSaveDirectory.Exists){DefaultSaveDirectory.Create();}}public static string Encrypt(string data, SaveEncryption encryption){return encryption.Encrypt(data);}public static string Decrypt(string data, SaveEncryption encryption){return encryption.Decrypt(data);}public static bool Exists(ISaveable saveable){return File.Exists(GetFullPath(saveable));}public static string GetFullPath(ISaveable saveable){return Path.Combine(saveable.Directory.FullName, saveable.FileName + saveable.FileNameExtension);}public static void Delete(ISaveable saveable){if (Exists(saveable)){File.Delete(GetFullPath(saveable));}}/// <summary>/// Checks if there are any files in the system's save directory./// It will count the number of files with the same extension as the system's /// by default./// </summary>/// <param name="system"> The save subsystem to check. </param>/// <param name="saveNumber"> The number of files found. </param>/// <param name="extensionCheck"> Whether to check the file extension or not. </param>/// <returns></returns>public static bool HasFiles(SaveSubsystem system, out int saveNumber, bool extensionCheck = true){var fileInfos = system.SaveDirectory.GetFiles();saveNumber = 0;if (fileInfos.Length == 0){return false;}if (extensionCheck){foreach (var fileInfo in fileInfos){if (fileInfo.Extension == system.SaveFileExtension){saveNumber++;}}if (saveNumber == 0) return false;}else{saveNumber = fileInfos.Length;}return true;}}/// <summary>/// Base abstract class for all save subsystems./// </summary>public abstract class SaveSubsystem{public DirectoryInfo SaveDirectory { get; set; } = SaveSystem.DefaultSaveDirectory;public string SaveFileName { get; set; } = SaveSystem.DefaultSaveFileName;public string SaveFileExtension { get; set; } = SaveSystem.DefaultSaveFileExtension;public SaveEncryption Encryption { get; set; } = SaveSystem.DefaultEncryption;public abstract string Serialize(ISaveable saveable);public abstract ISaveable Deserialize(string data, ISaveable saveable);public virtual void Save(ISaveable saveable){string data = Serialize(saveable);string encryptedData = SaveSystem.Encrypt(data, Encryption);File.WriteAllText(SaveSystem.GetFullPath(saveable), encryptedData);}public virtual ISaveable Load(ISaveable saveable){if (!SaveSystem.Exists(saveable)) throw new FileNotFoundException("Save file not found!");string data = File.ReadAllText(SaveSystem.GetFullPath(saveable));string decryptedData = SaveSystem.Decrypt(data, Encryption);var newSaveable = Deserialize(decryptedData, saveable);newSaveable.Clone(saveable);return newSaveable;}public virtual Task SaveAsync(ISaveable saveable){string data = Serialize(saveable);string encryptedData = SaveSystem.Encrypt(data, Encryption);return File.WriteAllTextAsync(SaveSystem.GetFullPath(saveable), encryptedData);}public virtual Task<ISaveable> LoadAsync(ISaveable saveable){if (!SaveSystem.Exists(saveable)) throw new FileNotFoundException("Save file not found!");return File.ReadAllTextAsync(SaveSystem.GetFullPath(saveable)).ContinueWith(task =>{string data = task.Result;string decryptedData = SaveSystem.Decrypt(data, Encryption);var newSaveable = Deserialize(decryptedData, saveable);newSaveable.Clone(saveable);return newSaveable;});}}/// <summary>/// Abstract class for all functional save subsystems./// Restricts the type of ISaveable to a specific type, /// providing a factory method for creating ISaveables./// </summary>/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>public abstract class SaveSubsystem<T> : SaveSubsystem where T : ISaveable, new(){public virtual S Create<S>() where S : T, new(){var ISaveable = new S(){FileName = SaveFileName,FileNameExtension = SaveFileExtension,Directory = SaveDirectory,SaveSubsystem = this};return ISaveable;}}/// <summary>/// /// A Sub save system that uses the JsonSerializer in dotnet core./// Notice that a JsonSerializerContext is required to be passed in the constructor,/// for AOT completeness./// <para> So you need to code like this as an example: </para>/// <sample>/// /// <para> [JsonSerializable(typeof(SaveData))] </para>/// /// <para> public partial class DataContext : JsonSerializerContext { } </para>/// /// <para> public class SaveData : JsonISaveable </para>/// <para> { </para>/// <para> public int Health { get; set; } </para>/// <para> } </para>/// /// </sample>/// </summary>public class JsonSaveSubsystem(JsonSerializerContext serializerContext) : SaveSubsystem<JsonSaveable>{public readonly JsonSerializerContext SerializerContext = serializerContext;public override string Serialize(ISaveable saveable) =>JsonSerializer.Serialize(saveable, saveable.GetType(), SerializerContext);public override ISaveable Deserialize(string data, ISaveable saveable) =>JsonSerializer.Deserialize(data, saveable.GetType(), SerializerContext) as ISaveable;}#endregion#region Extension Methods/// <summary>/// All functions used to extend the SaveSystem class. Fully optional, but recommended to use./// </summary>public static class SaveSystemExtensions{[Obsolete("Use Subsystem.Save() instead.")]public static void Save(this ISaveable saveable){saveable.SaveSubsystem.Save(saveable);}/// <summary>/// Unfortuantely, Extension Methods do not support ref classes, so we need to recevive the return value./// </summary>  [Obsolete("Use Subsystem.Load() instead.")]public static T Load<T>(this T saveable) where T : class, ISaveable{return saveable.SaveSubsystem.Load(saveable) as T;}/// <summary>/// Save a saveable into local file system depends on its own properties./// </summary>public static void Save<T>(this SaveSubsystem subsystem, T saveable) where T : class, ISaveable{subsystem.Save(saveable);}/// <summary>/// Load a saveable from local file system depends on its own properties./// This an alternative way to load a saveable object, remember to use a ref parameter./// </summary>public static void Load<T>(this SaveSubsystem subsystem, ref T saveable) where T : class, ISaveable{saveable = subsystem.Load(saveable) as T;}public static bool Exists(this ISaveable saveable){return SaveSystem.Exists(saveable);}public static string GetFullPath(this ISaveable saveable){return SaveSystem.GetFullPath(saveable);}public static void Delete(this ISaveable saveable){SaveSystem.Delete(saveable);}public static bool HasFiles(this SaveSubsystem system, out int saveNumber, bool extensionCheck = true){return SaveSystem.HasFiles(system, out saveNumber, extensionCheck);}}#endregion#region Encryptionpublic abstract class SaveEncryption{public abstract string Encrypt(string data);public abstract string Decrypt(string data);public static NoneEncryption Default { get; } = new NoneEncryption();}public class NoneEncryption : SaveEncryption{public override string Encrypt(string data) => data;public override string Decrypt(string data) => data;}/// <summary>/// Encryption method in negation./// </summary>public class NegationEncryption : SaveEncryption{public override string Encrypt(string data){byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(data);for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++){bytes[i] = (byte)~bytes[i];}return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes);}public override string Decrypt(string data) => Encrypt(data);}#endregion











using System.Collections.Generic;
using Godot;namespace GoDogKit
{/// <summary>/// A Global Manager for Object Pools, Maintains links between PackedScenes and their corresponding ObjectPools./// Provides methods to register, unregister, get and release objects from object pools./// </summary>public partial class GlobalObjectPool : Singleton<GlobalObjectPool>{private readonly Dictionary<PackedScene, ObjectPool> ObjectPools = [];/// <summary>/// Registers a PackedScene to the GlobalObjectPool./// </summary>/// <param name="scene"> The PackedScene to register. </param>/// <param name="poolParent"> The parent node of the ObjectPool. </param>/// <param name="poolInitialSize"> The initial size of the ObjectPool. </param>public static void Register(PackedScene scene, Node poolParent = null, int poolInitialSize = 10){if (Instance.ObjectPools.ContainsKey(scene)){GD.Print(scene.ResourceName + " already registered to GlobalObjectPool.");return;}ObjectPool pool = new(){Scene = scene,Parent = poolParent,InitialSize = poolInitialSize};Instance.AddChild(pool);Instance.ObjectPools.Add(scene, pool);}/// <summary>/// Unregisters a PackedScene from the GlobalObjectPool./// </summary>/// <param name="scene"> The PackedScene to unregister. </param>public static void Unregister(PackedScene scene){if (!Instance.ObjectPools.TryGetValue(scene, out ObjectPool pool)){GD.Print(scene.ResourceName + " not registered to GlobalObjectPool.");return;}pool.Destroy();Instance.ObjectPools.Remove(scene);}//Just for simplify coding. Ensure the pool has always been registered.private static ObjectPool ForceGetPool(PackedScene scene){if (!Instance.ObjectPools.TryGetValue(scene, out ObjectPool pool)){Register(scene);pool = Instance.ObjectPools[scene];}return pool;}/// <summary>/// Get a node from the corresponding ObjectPool of the given PackedScene./// </summary>/// <param name="scene"> The PackedScene to get the node from. </param>/// <returns> The node from the corresponding ObjectPool. </returns>public static Node Get(PackedScene scene){return ForceGetPool(scene).Get();}/// <summary>/// Get a node from the corresponding ObjectPool of the given PackedScene as a specific type./// </summary>/// <param name="scene"> The PackedScene to get the node from. </param>/// <typeparam name="T"> The type to cast the node to. </typeparam>/// <returns> The node from the corresponding ObjectPool. </returns>public static T Get<T>(PackedScene scene) where T : Node{return Get(scene) as T;}/// <summary>/// Releases a node back to the corresponding ObjectPool of the given PackedScene./// </summary>/// <param name="scene"> The PackedScene to release the node to. </param>/// <param name="node"> The node to release. </param>public static void Release(PackedScene scene, Node node){ForceGetPool(scene).Release(node);}/// <summary>/// Unregisters all the PackedScenes from the GlobalObjectPool./// </summary>public static void UnregisterAll(){foreach (var pool in Instance.ObjectPools.Values){pool.Destroy();}Instance.ObjectPools.Clear();}/// <summary>/// Get the ObjectPool of the given PackedScene./// If the PackedScene is not registered, it will be registered./// </summary>/// <param name="scene"> The PackedScene to get the ObjectPool of. </param>/// <returns> The ObjectPool of the given PackedScene. </returns>public static ObjectPool GetPool(PackedScene scene){return ForceGetPool(scene);}}













using Godot;
using Godot.Collections;namespace GoDogKit
{public partial class CutScene : Control{[Export] public string Path { get; set; }[Export] public bool AutoSkip { get; set; }[Export] public bool InputSkip { get; set; }[Export] public Array<InputEvent> SkipInputs { get; set; }[Signal] public delegate void LoadedEventHandler();[Signal] public delegate void ProgressChangedEventHandler(double progress);private LoadTask<PackedScene> m_LoadTask;public override void _Ready(){m_LoadTask = RuntimeLoader.Load<PackedScene>(Path);if (AutoSkip){Loaded += Skip;}}public override void _Process(double delta){// GD.Print("progress: " + m_LoadTask.Progress + " status: " + m_LoadTask.Status);EmitSignal(SignalName.ProgressChanged, m_LoadTask.Progress);if (m_LoadTask.Status == ResourceLoader.ThreadLoadStatus.Loaded)EmitSignal(SignalName.Loaded);}public override void _Input(InputEvent @event){if (InputSkip && m_LoadTask.Status == ResourceLoader.ThreadLoadStatus.Loaded){foreach (InputEvent skipEvent in SkipInputs){if (@event.GetType() == skipEvent.GetType()) Skip();}}}public void Skip(){GetTree().ChangeSceneToPacked(m_LoadTask.Result);}}







using Godot;
using Godot.Collections;namespace GoDogKit
{public class LoadTask(string targetPath){public string TargetPath { get; } = targetPath;/// <summary>/// Represents the progress of the load operation, ranges from 0 to 1./// </summary>        public double Progress{get{Update();return (double)m_Progress[0];}}protected Array m_Progress = [];public ResourceLoader.ThreadLoadStatus Status{get{Update();return m_Status;}}private ResourceLoader.ThreadLoadStatus m_Status;public Resource Result{get{return ResourceLoader.LoadThreadedGet(TargetPath);}}public LoadTask Load(string typeHint = "", bool useSubThreads = false, ResourceLoader.CacheMode cacheMode = ResourceLoader.CacheMode.Reuse){ResourceLoader.LoadThreadedRequest(TargetPath, typeHint, useSubThreads, cacheMode);return this;}protected void Update(){m_Status = ResourceLoader.LoadThreadedGetStatus(TargetPath, m_Progress);}}public class LoadTask<T>(string targetPath) : LoadTask(targetPath) where T : Resource{public new T Result{get{return ResourceLoader.LoadThreadedGet(TargetPath) as T;}}}/// <summary>/// Provides some helper methods for loading resources in runtime./// Most of them serve as async wrappers of the ResourceLoader class./// </summary>public static class RuntimeLoader{/// <summary>/// Loads a resource from the given path asynchronously and returns a LoadTask object/// that can be used to track the progress and result of the load operation./// </summary>        public static LoadTask Load(string path, string typeHint = "", bool useSubThreads = false, ResourceLoader.CacheMode cacheMode = ResourceLoader.CacheMode.Reuse){return new LoadTask(path).Load(typeHint, useSubThreads, cacheMode);}/// <summary>/// Loads a resource from the given path asynchronously and returns a LoadTask object/// that can be used to track the progress and result of the load operation./// </summary>public static LoadTask<T> Load<T>(string path, string typeHint = "", bool useSubThreads = false, ResourceLoader.CacheMode cacheMode = ResourceLoader.CacheMode.Reuse) where T : Resource{return new LoadTask<T>(path).Load(typeHint, useSubThreads, cacheMode) as LoadTask<T>;}}}




        好在我发现了GlobalClass的存在,在Godot C#中作为一个属性。可以将指定的类暴露给编辑器,这样一来如果该类继承自Resource之类的可以在编辑器中保存的文件类型,就可以实现近似于SO的功能(甚至超越)。

    [GlobalClass]public partial class ItemDropInfo : Resource{[Export] public int ID { get; set; }[Export] public int Amount { get; set; }[Export] public float Probability { get; set; }}



        其实在复盘的相当长的时间内, 我很希望能把游戏流程抽象成可以被管理的对象,但是鉴于那难度之大,和不同游戏类型的流程差异太多,不利于框架复用。于是短时间内放弃了这一想法。






