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2025/3/14 4:06:13 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/xfijun/article/details/136772630  浏览:    关键词:南宁代办公司_网络方案怎么写_客服外包_北京seo服务商找行者seo


  • 1. 函数指针
  • 2. 函数模版
  • 3. 类模板

1. 函数指针

\qquad 函数指针是一个很有意思的功能,在阅读代码的时候深有感触。一般所说的指针是指向变量,可以用指针指向不同变量的地址;函数指针也类似,函数指针可以指向不同函数的地址(函数名就是函数的地址)。
double func(double);  \qquad\text{double func(double); } double func(double);    如果已定义一个函数 double func(double)
double (*pf)(double); \qquad\text{double (*pf)(double);} double (*pf)(double);   可以定义一个具有相同形参返回值类型函数指针 *pf
pf = func; \qquad\text{pf = func;} pf = func;         可以用函数指针 pf 指向函数 func,使用时可以用 *pf 代替 func

a1 = func(3);  \qquad\text{a1 = func(3); } a1 = func(3);        通过函数名调用 func() 函数
a2 = (*pf)(3); \qquad\text{a2 = (*pf)(3);} a2 = (*pf)(3);       通过函数指针 *pf 调用 func() 函数,把 (*pf) 当成函数名
a2 = pf(3);  \quad\text{a2 = pf(3); } a2 = pf(3);         也可以像使用函数名那样使用函数指针 *pf

写成 (*pf) 是因为小括号优先级更高,否则 double *pf(double) \text{double *pf(double)} double *pf(double) 就是指“返回值为double指针”的函数

\qquad 在下例中,定义了一个表示运算的函数指针 *calc \text{*calc} *calc,可以指向不同函数。
( 1 ) \qquad(1) (1) *calc \text{*calc} *calc 指向“加法运算”函数 addition \text{addition} addition 时, (*calc)(x,y) \text{(*calc)(x,y)} (*calc)(x,y) 执行的是 x + y x+y x+y 的加法操作;
( 2 ) \qquad(2) (2) *calc \text{*calc} *calc 指向“乘法运算”函数 multiplication \text{multiplication} multiplication 时, (*calc)(x,y) \text{(*calc)(x,y)} (*calc)(x,y) 执行的是 x × y x\times y x×y 的乘法操作;
( 3 ) \qquad(3) (3) 函数指针也可以作为函数的形参。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;double addition(double, double);
double multiplication(double x, double y);
void calculation(double (*pf)(double, double), double x, double y);int main()
{// 定义函数指针double (*calc)(double, double);// 函数指针指向“加法运算”calc = addition;double result = (*calc)(5,6);;cout << result << endl;result = calc(7,8);cout << result << endl;// 函数指针指向“乘法运算”calc = multiplication;result = (*calc)(5,6);cout << result << endl;result = calc(7,8);cout << result << endl;// 将“函数指针”作为函数calculation的形参calculation(addition,8,9);calculation(multiplication,8,9);return 0;
}double addition(double x, double y)
{cout << "The sum of " << x << " and " << y << " is ";return x + y;
}double multiplication(double x, double y)
{cout << "The product of " << x << " and " << y << " is ";return x * y;
}void calculation(double (*pf)(double, double), double x, double y)
{cout << pf(x,y) << endl;


The sum of 5 and 6 is 11
The sum of 7 and 8 is 15The product of 5 and 6 is 30
The product of 7 and 8 is 56The sum of 8 and 9 is 17
The product of 8 and 9 is 72

2. 函数模版

\qquad 函数模板是函数的泛型描述,使得函数能够自动适配数据类型。

\qquad 函数模板的声明方式(使用 typename \text{typename} typename关键字表示数据类型):
template < typename Any> void func(Any &, Any &); \qquad\qquad\text{template <\textcolor{crimson}{\text{typename}} Any> void func(Any \&, Any \&);} template <typename Any> void func(Any &, Any &);

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;template <typename Any> void Swap(Any &, Any &);
template <typename Any> void Swap(Any *, Any *, int); // 函数模板也可以重载
template <typename Any> void arr_show(Any *, int);int main()
{int i = 10;int j = 20;cout << "i = " << i << ", j = " << j << ".\n";Swap(i,j);cout << "swap i,j: \n";cout << "i = " << i << ", j = " << j << ".\n\n";double x = 21.2;double y = 36.7;cout << "x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ".\n";Swap(x,y);cout << "swap x,y: \n";cout << "x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ".\n\n";double arr1[] = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16};double arr2[] = {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15};arr_show(arr1,8);arr_show(arr2,8);Swap(arr1,arr2,4);cout << "Swap ......" << endl;arr_show(arr1,8);arr_show(arr2,8);return 0;
}template <typename Any> void arr_show(Any *arr, int n)
{for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){cout << arr[i] << "  ";}cout << endl;
}template <typename Any> void Swap(Any &a, Any &b)
{Any temp;temp = a;a = b;b = temp;
}template <typename Any> void Swap(Any *a, Any *b, int n)
{Any temp;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){temp = a[i];a[i] = b[i];b[i] = temp;}


i = 10, j = 20.
swap i,j:
i = 20, j = 10.x = 21.2, y = 36.7.
swap x,y:
x = 36.7, y = 21.2.2  4  6  8  10  12  14  16
1  3  5  7  9  11  13  15
Swap ......
1  3  5  7  10  12  14  16
2  4  6  8  9  11  13  15

3. 类模板

\qquad 类模板的声明方式(使用 Type \text{Type} Type关键字表示数据类型):
template <class  Type > \qquad\qquad\text{template <class \textcolor{crimson}{\text{Type}}>} template <class Type>
class myClass \qquad\qquad\text{class myClass} class myClass

\qquad 成员函数的声明方式:
Type func( Type &x,  Type &y); \qquad\qquad\text{\textcolor{slateblue}{\text{Type}} func(\textcolor{blue}{\text{Type}} \&x, \textcolor{blue}{\text{Type}} \&y);} Type func(Type &x, Type &y);

\qquad 成员函数的实现方式:
template <class  Type > \qquad\qquad\text{template <class \textcolor{crimson}{\text{Type}}>} template <class Type>
Type myClass< Type >::func( Type &x,  Type &y); \qquad\qquad\text{\textcolor{slateblue}{\text{Type}} myClass<\textcolor{crimson}{\text{Type}}>::func(\textcolor{blue}{\text{Type}} \&x, \textcolor{blue}{\text{Type}} \&y);} Type myClass<Type>::func(Type &x, Type &y);

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;template <class Type>
class myCalc
private:public:Type addition(Type &x, Type &y);Type multiplication(Type &x, Type &y);
};template <class Type>
Type myCalc<Type>::addition(Type &x, Type &y)
{cout << "The sum of " << x << " and " << y << " is ";return x + y;
}template <class Type>
Type myCalc<Type>::multiplication(Type &x, Type &y)
{cout << "The product of " << x << " and " << y << " is ";return x * y;
}int main()
{myCalc<int> cal1;//定义一个int型计算器int x1 = 6;int y1 = 7;cout << cal1.addition(x1,y1) << endl;cout << cal1.multiplication(x1,y1) << endl;myCalc<double> cal2;//定义一个double型计算器double x2 = 2.5;double y2 = 3.7;cout << cal2.addition(x2,y2) << endl;cout << cal2.multiplication(x2,y2) << endl;return 0;


The sum of 6 and 7 is 13
The product of 6 and 7 is 42The sum of 2.5 and 3.7 is 6.2
The product of 2.5 and 3.7 is 9.25


