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2025/3/17 22:51:05 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/hqy1989/article/details/145064128  浏览:    关键词:网站毕业设计答辩问题_小程序网站开发机构_今日热点新闻事件_站长工具永久


在 JavaScript 编程的广袤天地里,数组犹如万能的基石,稳稳承载着各式各样的数据处理与复杂逻辑构建的重任。随着 JavaScript 语言与时俱进、迭代更新,其数组拓展方法更是如繁花绽放,日益丰富强大,仿若为开发者精心打造了一把把通往高效编程巅峰的金钥匙。此刻,就让我们满怀热忱,深入这片知识的宝藏之地,细致入微地探究这些实用至极的数组拓展“神器”。

二、ES6 带来的数组新特性



const [a, b, c] = [10, 20, 30];console.log(a); // 10console.log(b); // 20console.log(c); // 30const [x,, z] = [5, 6, 7];console.log(x); // 5console.log(z); // 7const [head,...tail] = [1, 2, 3, 4];console.log(head); // 1console.log(tail); // [2, 3, 4]// 解构多维数组const [ [m1, m2], [n1, n2] ] = [ [11, 12], [13, 14] ];console.log(m1); // 11console.log(n2); // 14// 解构函数返回值function getData() {return [20, 30, 40];}const [p, q, r] = getData();console.log(p); // 20console.log(r); // 40



const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];const arr2 = [4, 5, 6];const merged = [...arr1,...arr2];console.log(merged); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]const arr2 = [7, 8, 9];const combined = [0,...arr1,...arr2];console.log(combined); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9]// 合并不同类型数据数组,如字符串数组与数字数组const strArr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];const numArr = [1, 2, 3];const mixedArr = [...strArr,...numArr.map(String)];console.log(mixedArr); // ['a', 'b', 'c', '1', '2', '3']


const originalArray = [11, 12, 13];const cloned = [...originalArray];cloned.push(14);console.log(originalArray); // [11, 12, 13]console.log(cloned); // [11, 12, 13, 14]// 深度复制多维数组(简易示例,对于复杂对象仍要完善)const nestedOriginal = [[1, 2], [3, 4]];const nestedCloned = nestedOriginal.map(subArr => [...subArr]);nestedCloned[0].push(5);console.log(nestedOriginal); // [[1, 2], [3, 4]]console.log(nestedCloned); // [[1, 2, 5], [3, 4]]


function multiplyAll(...nums) {return nums.reduce((acc, num) => acc * num, 1);}console.log(multiplyAll(2, 3, 4)); // 24function logNames(first, second,...rest) {console.log(`First: ${first}, Second: ${second}`);console.log(`Others: ${rest.join(', ')}`);}logNames('Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David');




function listArgs() {return Array.from(arguments).map(arg => arg * 2);}console.log(listArgs(1, 2, 3)); // [2, 4, 6]function processFormData(form) {const formDataArray = Array.from(form.elements).map(element => ({name: element.name,value: element.value}));return formDataArray;}// 假设已有 HTML 表单对象 formconst formArray = processFormData(form);console.log(formArray);function handleAjaxResponse(response) {const dataArray = Array.from(response.data);return dataArray.filter(item => item.isValid);}// 假设已有 AJAX 响应对象 responseconst filteredData = handleAjaxResponse(response);console.log(filteredData);

处理 DOM 元素集合:

const divs = document.querySelectorAll('div');const divArray = Array.from(divs).map(div => div.textContent);console.log(divArray);const tableRows = document.querySelectorAll('tr');const rowData = Array.from(tableRows, row => Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('td')).map(td => td.textContent));console.log(rowData);



const singleNumber = Array.of(22);console.log(singleNumber.length); // 1console.log(singleNumber[0]); // 22const multipleElements = Array.of(25, 26, 27);console.log(multipleElements); // [25, 26, 27]const emptyArray = Array.of();console.log(emptyArray.length); // 0const arrayWithZero = Array.of(0);console.log(arrayWithZero.length); // 1console.log(arrayWithZero[0]); // 0

(三)find() 与 findIndex()

find() 仿若一位目光如炬的“数据猎手”,能在茫茫数组元素中,以惊人的速度锁定满足特定条件的首个元素:

const numbersList = [30, 35, 40, 45];const foundNumber = numbersList.find(num => num % 2 === 0);console.log(foundNumber); // 40const products = [{ id: 1, name: 'Product A', inStock: false },{ id: 2, name: 'Product B', inStock: true }];const availableProduct = products.find(product => product.inStock);console.log(availableProduct.name); // 'Product B'const users = [{ id: 101, name: 'John', age: 25 },{ id: 102, name: 'Alice', age: 30 },{ id: 103, 104, name: 'Bob', age: 25 }];const userWithAge = users.find(user => user.age === 25);console.log(userWithAge.name); // 'John'const tasks = [{ id: 1, description: 'Fix bug', completed: false },{ id: 2, description: 'Add feature', completed: true }];const incompleteTask = tasks.find(task =>!task.completed);console.log(incompleteTask.description); // 'Fix bug'

findIndex() 则如同“数据猎手”的指南针,相应地精准返回该元素的索引:

const index = numbersList.findIndex(num => num > 35);console.log(index); // 2const productIndex = products.findIndex(product => product.id === 2);console.log(productIndex); // 1const userIndex = users.findIndex(user => user.name => 'Alice');console.log(userIndex); // 1const taskIndex = tasks.findIndex(task => task.description === 'Add feature');console.log(taskIndex); // 1



const emptyArray = new Array(6).fill(0);console.log(emptyArray); // [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]const partialFill = [100, 200, 300].fill(99, 1, 2);console.log(partialFill); // [100, 99, 300]const customFill = [5, 10, 15, 20].fill(25, -2);console.log(customFill); // [5, 10, 25, 25]const negativeFill = new Array(5).fill(-1);console.log(negativeFill); // [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]const customShapeFill = new Array(3).fill({}).map((obj, index) => {obj.id = index;return obj;});console.log(customShapeFill);



const sourceArray = [50, 60, 70, 80, 90];sourceArray.copyWithin(1, 3);console.log(sourceArray); // [50, 80, 90, 80, 90]const customCopy = [15, 25, 35, 45].copyWithin(2, 0, 2);console.log(customCopy); // [15, 25, 15, 45]const reverseCopy = [10, 20, 30, 40].copyWithin(0, -1, -3, -1);console.log(reverseCopy); // [40, 20, 30, 40]const cyclicCopy = [1, 2, 3, 4].copyWithin(2, 0);console.log(cyclicCopy); // [1, 2, 1, 2]

(六)entries()、keys() 与 values()


  • entries() 如同一位贴心的“索引 - 值向导”,让我们能在遍历数组时,同时精准获取索引与对应的值:
const sampleArray = [101, 102, 103];for (const [idx, val] of sampleArray.entries()) {console.log(`Index: ${idx}, Value: ${val}`);}const objectArray = [{ id: 1, name: 'Item 1' },{ id: 2, name: 'Item 2' }];for (const [index, item] of objectArray.entries()) {console.log(`Index: ${index}, Object: ${JSON.stringify(item)}`);}const mixedArray = [10, 'hello', { key: 'value' }];for (const [i, v] of mixedArray.entries()) {console.log(`Index: ${i}, Value: ${JSON.stringify(v)}`);}
  • keys() 则像一位专注的“索引导航员”,一心专注于返回精准的索引:
for (const key of sampleArray.keys()) {console.log(key);}const sparseArray = [1,, 3];for (const key of sparseArray.keys()) {console.log(key);}const customSparseArray = [,, 5];for (const key of customSparseArray.keys()) {console.log(key);}
  • values() 恰似一位执着的“值传递使者”,聚焦于源源不断地输出数组的值:
for (ategoria value of sampleArray.values()) {console.log(value);}const stringArray = ['a', 'b', 'c'];for (const value of stringArray.values()) {console.log(value);}const numberArray = [1, 2, 3];for (const value of numberArray.values()) {console.log(value);}

(七)flat() 与 flatMap()

flat() 仿若一位拥有“扁平化魔法”的大师,轻轻一挥魔法棒,便能将嵌套数组一键“拍平”,化繁为简:

const nestedArray = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]];const flattened = nestedArray.flat();console.log(flattened); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]const deeplyNested = [[[1], [2]], [[3], [4]]];const deeplyFlattened = deeplyNested.flat(2);console.log(deeplyFlattened); // [1, 2, 3, 4]const mixedNested = [1, [2, [3, 4]], 5];const fullyFlattened = mixedNested.flat(Infinity);console.log(fullyFlattened); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]const stringNested = ['a', ['b', ['c']]];const flatString = stringNested.flat();console.log(flatString); // ['a', 'b', 'c']

flatMap() 则像是融合了 map 与 flat 双重魔力的“超级变换器”,先施展映射魔法,再以扁平化绝技收尾:

const numbersForFlatMap = [1, 2, 3];const result = numbersForFlatMap.flatMap(num => [num, num * 2]);console.log(result); // [1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 6]const stringNumbers = ['1', '2', '3'];const parsedAndDoubled = stringNumbers.flatMap(str => [Number(str), Number(str) * 2]);console.log(parsedAndDoubled); // [1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 6]const nestedObjects = [{ id: 1, values: [10, 20] },{ id: 2, values: [30, 40] }];const flattenedObjects = nestedObjects.flatMap(obj => obj.values);console.log(flattenedObjects); // [10, 20, 30, 40]

(八)reduce() 与 reduceRight()

reduce() 宛如一位沉稳的“数据累积工匠”,能按部就班地对数组元素进行累积计算,逐步汇聚成开发者所需的结果:

const numbersToReduce = [5, 10, 15];const sum = numbersToReduce.reduce((accumulator, current) => accumulator + current, 0);console.log(sum); // 30const product = numbersToReduce.reduce((acc, num) => acc * num, 1);console.log(product); // 750const people = [{ name: 'John', age: 25 },{ name: 'Alice', age: 30 },{ name: 'Bob', age: 25 }];const totalAge = people.reduce((acc, person) => acc + person.age, 0);console.log(totalAge); // 80const words = ['hello', '世界', 'javascript'];const concatenated = words.reduce((acc, word) => acc + ' ' + word, '');console.log(concatenated); // 'hello 世界 javascript'

reduceRight() 则如同“数据累积工匠”的镜像分身,从右至左进行类似操作,在特定场景下发挥独特功效:

const reversedSum = numbersToReduce.reduceRight((acc, num) => acc + num, 0);console.log(reversedSum); // 30const numbersWithWeights = [10, 20, 30];const weightedSum = numbersWithWe6ghts.reduceRight((acc, num, index) => acc + num * (index + 1), 0);console.log(weightedSum); // 110const operations = [(a, b) => a + b,(a, b) => a * b,(a, b) => a - b];const resultValue = operations.reduceRight((acc, operation) => operation(acc, 5), 10);console.log(resultValue); // 35


在一个电商项目的数据处理模块中,我们需要从后端获取的类似数组对象(如商品列表数据)转换为真正的数组,这时 Array.from () 就派上用场。利用 find () 和 findIndex () 可以快速定位满足特定条件的商品,比如查找价格最高的商品或特定品牌的商品。在展示商品列表时,使用 sort () 方法按照价格、销量等因素进行排序,提升用户体验。

在前端页面的交互逻辑中,当用户进行多项选择操作时,我们可以用数组的扩展运算符轻松合并用户选择的数据数组。而 includes () 可用于判断用户的操作是否重复,避免不必要的重复执行。


JavaScript 数组拓展方法为开发者们提供了诸多便利,无论是数据处理、逻辑实现还是用户体验优化,都离不开它们的身影。随着 JavaScript 的持续发展,相信数组相关的功能还会不断完善与创新。作为开发者,我们应熟练掌握这些现有方法,不断探索它们在实际项目中的更多应用场景,让我们的代码更加简洁、高效、健壮。让我们携手共进,在 JavaScript 编程的海洋中乘风破浪,书写更加精彩的代码篇章。


