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2025/3/13 0:27:17 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/jackiendsc/article/details/144134534  浏览:    关键词:厦门定制型网站建设_徐州seo推广公司_首页排名优化公司_seo关键字优化价格

本文将继续介绍POI的使用,上接在Java中使用Apache POI导入导出Excel(三)

使用Apache POI组件操作Excel(四)


外边框非常适合对信息部分进行分组,并且可以轻松添加到列和行中 使用 POI API。方法如下:

Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();Sheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet("new sheet");sheet1.groupRow( 5, 14 );
sheet1.groupRow( 7, 14 );
sheet1.groupRow( 16, 19 );
sheet1.groupColumn( 4, 7 );
sheet1.groupColumn( 9, 12 );
sheet1.groupColumn( 10, 11 );try (OutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filename)) {wb.write(fileOut);


sheet1.setRowGroupCollapsed( 7, true );
sheet1.setColumnGroupCollapsed( 4, true );

您选择的行/列应包含一个 already created 组。它可以位于组中的任何位置。


图像是绘图支持的一部分。要仅添加图像 在绘图 patriarch 上调用 createPicture() 。 在撰写本文时,支持以下类型:

  • PNG
  • JPG 格式
  • DIB公司

应该注意的是,任何现有的图纸都可能被擦除 将图像添加到工作表后。

//create a new workbook
Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();//add picture data to this workbook.
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("image1.jpeg");
byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);int pictureIdx = wb.addPicture(bytes, Workbook.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG);
is.close();CreationHelper helper = wb.getCreationHelper();//create sheet
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet();// Create the drawing patriarch.  This is the top level container for all shapes.
Drawing drawing = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch();//add a picture shape
ClientAnchor anchor = helper.createClientAnchor();//set top-left corner of the picture,
//subsequent call of Picture#resize() will operate relative to itanchor.setCol1(3);
anchor.setRow1(2);Picture pict = drawing.createPicture(anchor, pictureIdx);//auto-size picture relative to its top-left cornerpict.resize();//save workbook
String file = "picture.xls";if(wb instanceof XSSFWorkbook) file += "x";try (OutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(file)) {wb.write(fileOut);

警告:Picture.resize() 仅适用于 JPEG 和 PNG。尚不支持其他格式。


List lst = workbook.getAllPictures();for (Iterator it = lst.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {PictureData pict = (PictureData)it.next();String ext = pict.suggestFileExtension();byte[] data = pict.getData();if (ext.equals("jpeg")){try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("pict.jpg")) {out.write(data);}}


命名范围是一种通过名称引用一组单元格的方法。命名 Cell 是一个 命名范围的退化情况,因为“单元格组”只包含一个 细胞。您可以按命名范围创建以及引用工作簿中的单元格。 使用命名范围时,将使用类 org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference 和 org.apache.poi.ss.util.AreaReference。

注意:使用相对值(如 'A1:B1' )可能会导致 在 Microsoft Excel 中处理工作簿时名称指向的单元格, 通常使用像 '$A$1:$B$1' 这样的绝对引用可以避免这种情况,另请参阅此讨论。

创建命名区域 / 命名单元格

// setup code
String sname = "TestSheet", cname = "TestName", cvalue = "TestVal";
Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(sname);
sheet.createRow(0).createCell(0).setCellValue(cvalue);// 1. create named range for a single cell using areareference
Name namedCell = wb.createName();
namedCell.setNameName(cname + "1");
String reference = sname+"!$A$1:$A$1"; // area reference
namedCell.setRefersToFormula(reference);// 2. create named range for a single cell using cellreference
Name namedCel2 = wb.createName();
namedCel2.setNameName(cname + "2");
reference = sname+"!$A$1"; // cell reference
namedCel2.setRefersToFormula(reference);// 3. create named range for an area using AreaReference
Name namedCel3 = wb.createName();
namedCel3.setNameName(cname + "3");
reference = sname+"!$A$1:$C$5"; // area reference
namedCel3.setRefersToFormula(reference);// 4. create named formula
Name namedCel4 = wb.createName();
namedCel4.setRefersToFormula("SUM(" + sname + "!$I$2:$I$6)");


// setup code
String cname = "TestName";Workbook wb = getMyWorkbook(); // retrieve workbook// retrieve the named range
int namedCellIdx = wb.getNameIndex(cellName);
Name aNamedCell = wb.getNameAt(namedCellIdx);// retrieve the cell at the named range and test its contents
AreaReference aref = new AreaReference(aNamedCell.getRefersToFormula());
CellReference[] crefs = aref.getAllReferencedCells();for (int i=0; i<crefs.length; i++) {Sheet s = wb.getSheet(crefs[i].getSheetName());Row r = sheet.getRow(crefs[i].getRow());Cell c = r.getCell(crefs[i].getCol());// extract the cell contents based on cell type etc.


// Setup code
String cname = "TestName";
Workbook wb = getMyWorkbook(); // retrieve workbook// Retrieve the named range
// Will be something like "$C$10,$D$12:$D$14";
int namedCellIdx = wb.getNameIndex(cellName);
Name aNamedCell = wb.getNameAt(namedCellIdx);// Retrieve the cell at the named range and test its contents
// Will get back one AreaReference for C10, and
//  another for D12 to D14
AreaReference[] arefs = AreaReference.generateContiguous(aNamedCell.getRefersToFormula());for (int i=0; i<arefs.length; i++) {// Only get the corners of the Area// (use arefs[i].getAllReferencedCells() to get all cells)CellReference[] crefs = arefs[i].getCells();for (int j=0; j<crefs.length; j++) {// Check it turns into real stuffSheet s = wb.getSheet(crefs[j].getSheetName());Row r = s.getRow(crefs[j].getRow());Cell c = r.getCell(crefs[j].getCol());// Do something with this corner cell}

请注意,删除单元格时,Excel 不会删除 attached 命名范围。因此,工作簿可以包含 指向不再存在的单元格的命名区域。 您应该在之前检查引用的有效性 构造 AreaReference

if(name.isDeleted()){//named range points to a deleted cell.
} else {AreaReference ref = new AreaReference(name.getRefersToFormula());

34、Cell 注释

注释是附加到 & 的富文本注释,与单元格关联,与其他单元格内容分开。 注释内容与单元格分开存储,并显示在绘图对象(如文本框)中 独立于单元格但与单元格相关联

Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); CreationHelper factory = wb.getCreationHelper();Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet();Row row   = sheet.createRow(3);Cell cell = row.createCell(5);
cell.setCellValue("F4");Drawing drawing = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch();// When the comment box is visible, have it show in a 1x3 space
ClientAnchor anchor = factory.createClientAnchor();
anchor.setRow2(row.getRowNum()+3);// Create the comment and set the text+author
Comment comment = drawing.createCellComment(anchor);RichTextString str = factory.createRichTextString("Hello, World!");
comment.setAuthor("Apache POI");// Assign the comment to the cell
cell.setCellComment(comment);String fname = "comment-xssf.xls";
if(wb instanceof XSSFWorkbook) fname += "x";try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fname)) {wb.write(out);


Cell cell = sheet.get(3).getColumn(1);
Comment comment = cell.getCellComment();if (comment != null) {RichTextString str = comment.getString();String author = comment.getAuthor();
}//  alternatively you can retrieve cell comments by (row, column)
comment = sheet.getCellComment(3, 1);


Map<CellAddress, Comment> comments = sheet.getCellComments();
Comment commentA1 = comments.get(new CellAddress(0, 0));
Comment commentB1 = comments.get(new CellAddress(0, 1));for (Entry<CellAddress, ? extends Comment> e : comments.entrySet()) {CellAddress loc = e.getKey();Comment comment = e.getValue();System.out.println("Comment at " + loc + ": " +"[" + comment.getAuthor() + "] " + comment.getString().getString());


Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);sheet.autoSizeColumn(0); //adjust width of the first column
sheet.autoSizeColumn(1); //adjust width of the second column

仅适用于 SXSSFWorkbooks,因为随机访问窗口可能会排除大多数行 在计算列的最佳拟合宽度所需的工作表中,列必须 在刷新任何行之前跟踪自动调整大小。

SXSSFWorkbook workbook = new SXSSFWorkbook();
SXSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet();
sheet.trackColumnForAutoSizing(1);// If you have a Collection of column indices, see SXSSFSheet#trackColumnForAutoSizing(Collection<Integer>)// or roll your own for-loop.
// Alternatively, use SXSSFSheet#trackAllColumnsForAutoSizing() if the columns that will be auto-sized aren't
// known in advance or you are upgrading existing code and are trying to minimize changes. Keep in mind
// that tracking all columns will require more memory and CPU cycles, as the best-fit width is calculated
// on all tracked columns on every row that is flushed.
// create some cellsfor (int r=0; r < 10; r++) {Row row = sheet.createRow(r);for (int c; c < 10; c++) {Cell cell = row.createCell(c);cell.setCellValue("Cell " + c.getAddress().formatAsString());}
}// Auto-size the columns.

请注意,Sheet#autoSizeColumn()不计算公式单元格, 公式单元格的宽度是根据缓存的公式结果计算的。 如果您的工作簿有许多公式,那么最好在自动调整大小之前评估它们。

警告:为了计算列宽,Sheet.autoSizeColumn 使用 Java2D 类 如果图形环境不可用,则引发异常。如果图形环境 不可用,则必须告诉 Java 您正在无头模式下运行,并且 设置以下系统属性: java.awt.headless=true 。 您还应确保在工作簿中使用的字体是 可用于 Java。


Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);Cell cell = sheet.getRow(0).getCell(0);Hyperlink link = cell.getHyperlink();
if(link != null){System.out.println(link.getAddress());


Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();//cell style for hyperlinks
//by default hyperlinks are blue and underlined
CellStyle hlink_style = wb.createCellStyle();Font hlink_font = wb.createFont();
hlink_font.setColor(IndexedColors.BLUE.getIndex());hlink_style.setFont(hlink_font);Cell cell;Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Hyperlinks");//URL
cell = sheet.createRow(0).createCell(0);
cell.setCellValue("URL Link");Hyperlink link = createHelper.createHyperlink(HyperlinkType.URL);
cell.setCellStyle(hlink_style);//link to a file in the current directory
cell = sheet.createRow(1).createCell(0);
cell.setCellValue("File Link");link = createHelper.createHyperlink(HyperlinkType.FILE);
cell.setCellStyle(hlink_style);//e-mail link
cell = sheet.createRow(2).createCell(0);
cell.setCellValue("Email Link");link = createHelper.createHyperlink(HyperlinkType.EMAIL);//note, if subject contains white spaces, make sure they are url-encoded
cell.setCellStyle(hlink_style);//link to a place in this workbook
//create a target sheet and cell
Sheet sheet2 = wb.createSheet("Target Sheet");sheet2.createRow(0).createCell(0).setCellValue("Target Cell");cell = sheet.createRow(3).createCell(0);
cell.setCellValue("Worksheet Link");Hyperlink link2 = createHelper.createHyperlink(HyperlinkType.DOCUMENT);
link2.setAddress("'Target Sheet'!A1");cell.setHyperlink(link2);
cell.setCellStyle(hlink_style);try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("hyperinks.xlsx")) {wb.write(out);