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2024/10/7 0:27:07 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/s_lisheng/article/details/139790348  浏览:    关键词:PostgreSQL源码分析——基础备份



备份的方式有多种,可以进行SQL Dump,也可以停止数据库实例,对实例物理文件进行复制拷贝,有其各自的优缺点与适用场景。这里的基础备份,其中一个最大的优势就是可以不停机,不停业务进行物理备份,在备份过程中,不需要获取表上的锁,正常业务受备份的影响较小。另外非常强大的一个功能就是PIRT,后面再去分析,这里我们分析一下基础备份的全过程。


  1. 连接到数据库
  2. 执行select pg_start_backup('lable')命令。(会强制发生一次checkpoint,并将检查点记录到backup_label文件中)
  3. 执行备份,把数据目录进行复制(包含backup_label)
  4. 执行select pg_stop_backup命令,(删除backup_label文件,并在WAL日志中写入一条XLOG_BACKUP_END的记录,当备节点回放到该记录时,就知道备份结束了,数据达到了一致点,可以对外提供服务了)
  5. 备份过程中产生的WAL日志进行复制


  1. initdb,创建数据库
postgres@slpc:~/pgsql$ pg_controldata -D pgdata/
pg_control version number:            1300
Catalog version number:               202107181
Database system identifier:           7279971345653503170
Database cluster state:               shut down
pg_control last modified:             20230918日 星期一 092656秒
Latest checkpoint location:           0/167E598
Latest checkpoint's REDO location:    0/167E598
Latest checkpoint's REDO WAL file:    000000010000000000000001
Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:       1
Latest checkpoint's PrevTimeLineID:   1
Latest checkpoint's full_page_writes: on


postgres@slpc:~/pgsql$ pg_waldump -p pgdata/pg_wal/ 000000010000000000000001
// 省略...
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):     66/    66, tx:        732, lsn: 0/0167E550, prev 0/0167E4B0, desc: COMMIT 2023-09-18 09:26:56.640405 CST; inval msgs: snapshot 2396
rmgr: XLOG        len (rec/tot):    114/   114, tx:          0, lsn: 0/0167E598, prev 0/0167E550, desc: CHECKPOINT_SHUTDOWN redo 0/167E598; tli 1; prev tli 1; fpw true; xid 0:733; oid 13011; multi 1; offset 0; oldest xid 726 in DB 1; oldest multi 1 in DB 1; oldest/newest commit timestamp xid: 0/0; oldest running xid 0; shutdown
  1. 启动数据库
  2. 连接数据库,建表,插入数据
  3. 执行pg_start_backup('bak1')函数
postgres@slpc:~/pgsql/pgdata/pg_wal$ psql -p 7432
psql (14.8)
Type "help" for help.postgres=# create table t1(a int);
postgres=# insert into t1 values(1);
postgres=# select pg_start_backup('bak1');pg_start_backup 
(1 row)


postgres@slpc:~/pgsql/pgdata/pg_wal$ ls   
000000010000000000000001  archive_status
postgres@slpc:~/pgsql/pgdata/pg_wal$ ls   -- 强制切换WAL段,回收WAL文件, 从000000010000000000000002开始,后的WAL文件都要拷贝到备份文件中,回收的WAL文件则不需要
000000010000000000000002  000000010000000000000003  archive_status查看日志,观察运行过程, 执行过程中,会进行checkpoint操作:
2023-09-18 10:12:21.139 CST [417435] DEBUG:  00000: attempting to remove WAL segments older than log file 000000000000000000000001
2023-09-18 10:12:21.139 CST [417435] LOCATION:  RemoveOldXlogFiles, xlog.c:4114
2023-09-18 10:12:21.141 CST [417435] DEBUG:  00000: recycled write-ahead log file "000000010000000000000001"
2023-09-18 10:12:21.141 CST [417435] LOCATION:  RemoveXlogFile, xlog.c:4256
2023-09-18 10:12:21.141 CST [417435] DEBUG:  00000: SlruScanDirectory invoking callback on pg_subtrans/0000
2023-09-18 10:12:21.141 CST [417435] LOCATION:  SlruScanDirectory, slru.c:1574
2023-09-18 10:12:21.141 CST [417435] LOG:  00000: checkpoint complete: wrote 31 buffers (0.2%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 1 recycled; write=2.846 s, sync=0.005 s, total=2.860 s; sync files=22, longest=0.004 s, average=0.001 s; distance=9734 kB, estimate=9734 kB
2023-09-18 10:12:21.141 CST [417435] LOCATION:  LogCheckpointEnd, xlog.c:8925
2023-09-18 10:12:39.283 CST [417436] DEBUG:  00000: snapshot of 0+0 running transaction ids (lsn 0/2000148 oldest xid 735 latest complete 734 next xid 735)


postgres@slpc:~/pgsql$ pg_waldump -p pgdata/pg_wal/ 000000010000000000000002
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000028, prev 0/01696D18, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 735 latestCompletedXid 734 oldestRunningXid 735
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000060, prev 0/02000028, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 735 latestCompletedXid 734 oldestRunningXid 735
rmgr: XLOG        len (rec/tot):    114/   114, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000098, prev 0/02000060, desc: CHECKPOINT_ONLINE redo 0/2000028; tli 1; prev tli 1; fpw true; xid 0:735; oid 24576; multi 1; offset 0; oldest xid 726 in DB 1; oldest multi 1 in DB 1; oldest/newest commit timestamp xid: 0/0; oldest running xid 735; online
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000110, prev 0/02000098, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 735 latestCompletedXid 734 oldestRunningXid 735
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     54/   150, tx:        735, lsn: 0/02000148, prev 0/02000110, desc: INSERT off 2 flags 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/13010/16384 blk 0 FPW
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):     34/    34, tx:        735, lsn: 0/020001E0, prev 0/02000148, desc: COMMIT 2023-09-18 10:23:57.688476 CST
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000208, prev 0/020001E0, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 736 latestCompletedXid 735 oldestRunningXid 736


postgres@slpc:~/pgsql$ pg_controldata -D pgdata/
pg_control version number:            1300
Catalog version number:               202107181
Database system identifier:           7279971345653503170
Database cluster state:               in production
pg_control last modified:             20230918日 星期一 101221秒
Latest checkpoint location:           0/2000098        -- 最新检测点位置 
Latest checkpoint's REDO location:    0/2000028
Latest checkpoint's REDO WAL file:    000000010000000000000002   -- REDO WAL文件,即checkpoint REDO location开始的文件
Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:       1
Latest checkpoint's PrevTimeLineID:   1
Latest checkpoint's full_page_writes: on
Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0:735
Latest checkpoint's NextOID:          24576


postgres@slpc:~/pgsql/pgdata$ cat backup_label 
START WAL LOCATION: 0/2000028 (file 000000010000000000000002)
BACKUP METHOD: pg_start_backup
BACKUP FROM: primary
START TIME: 2023-09-18 10:12:21 CST
LABEL: bak1
  1. 拷贝数据库实例到备份文件

  2. 执行pg_stop_backup(),结束基础备份

postgres=# select pg_stop_backup();
NOTICE:  WAL archiving is not enabled; you must ensure that all required WAL segments are copied through other means to complete the backuppg_stop_backup 
(1 row)


2023-09-18 10:47:41.095 CST [447083] DEBUG:  00000: removing WAL backup history file "000000010000000000000002.00000028.backup"
2023-09-18 10:47:41.095 CST [447083] LOCATION:  CleanupBackupHistory, xlog.c:4375
2023-09-18 10:47:41.095 CST [447083] NOTICE:  00000: WAL archiving is not enabled; you must ensure that all required WAL segments are copied through other means to complete the backup
2023-09-18 10:47:41.095 CST [447083] LOCATION:  do_pg_stop_backup, xlog.c:11912
2023-09-18 10:47:41.263 CST [417436] DEBUG:  00000: snapshot of 0+0 running transaction ids (lsn 0/3000060 oldest xid 736 latest complete 735 next xid 736)


postgres@slpc:~/pgsql$ pg_waldump -p pgdata/pg_wal/ 000000010000000000000002
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000028, prev 0/01696D18, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 735 latestCompletedXid 734 oldestRunningXid 735
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000060, prev 0/02000028, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 735 latestCompletedXid 734 oldestRunningXid 735
rmgr: XLOG        len (rec/tot):    114/   114, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000098, prev 0/02000060, desc: CHECKPOINT_ONLINE redo 0/2000028; tli 1; prev tli 1; fpw true; xid 0:735; oid 24576; multi 1; offset 0; oldest xid 726 in DB 1; oldest multi 1 in DB 1; oldest/newest commit timestamp xid: 0/0; oldest running xid 735; online
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000110, prev 0/02000098, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 735 latestCompletedXid 734 oldestRunningXid 735
rmgr: Heap        len (rec/tot):     54/   150, tx:        735, lsn: 0/02000148, prev 0/02000110, desc: INSERT off 2 flags 0x00, blkref #0: rel 1663/13010/16384 blk 0 FPW
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot):     34/    34, tx:        735, lsn: 0/020001E0, prev 0/02000148, desc: COMMIT 2023-09-18 10:23:57.688476 CST
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000208, prev 0/020001E0, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 736 latestCompletedXid 735 oldestRunningXid 736
rmgr: XLOG        len (rec/tot):     34/    34, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000240, prev 0/02000208, desc: BACKUP_END 0/2000028
rmgr: XLOG        len (rec/tot):     24/    24, tx:          0, lsn: 0/02000268, prev 0/02000240, desc: SWITCH 
postgres@slpc:~/pgsql$ pg_waldump -p pgdata/pg_wal/ 000000010000000000000003
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/03000028, prev 0/02000268, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 736 latestCompletedXid 735 oldestRunningXid 736


  1. 备份文件进行恢复
2023-09-18 11:09:59.964 CST [1237713] LOG:  00000: starting PostgreSQL 14.8 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04.1) 11.3.0, 64-bit
2023-09-18 11:09:59.965 CST [1237713] LOG:  00000: listening on IPv4 address "", port 7431
2023-09-18 11:09:59.965 CST [1237713] LOG:  00000: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 7431
2023-09-18 11:09:59.970 CST [1237713] LOG:  00000: listening on Unix socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.7431"
2023-09-18 11:09:59.976 CST [1237717] LOG:  00000: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2023-09-18 10:12:21 CST
2023-09-18 11:09:59.976 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupXLOG, xlog.c:6585
2023-09-18 11:09:59.976 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: removing all temporary WAL segments
2023-09-18 11:09:59.976 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  RemoveTempXlogFiles, xlog.c:4070
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: backup time 2023-09-18 10:12:21 CST in file "backup_label"
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  read_backup_label, xlog.c:12143
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: backup label bak1 in file "backup_label"
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  read_backup_label, xlog.c:12148
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: backup timeline 1 in file "backup_label"
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  read_backup_label, xlog.c:12165
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: checkpoint record is at 0/2000098
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupXLOG, xlog.c:6729
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: redo record is at 0/2000028; shutdown false
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupXLOG, xlog.c:6936
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: next transaction ID: 735; next OID: 24576
2023-09-18 11:09:59.993 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupXLOG, xlog.c:6940
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: next MultiXactId: 1; next MultiXactOffset: 0
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupXLOG, xlog.c:6944
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: oldest unfrozen transaction ID: 726, in database 1
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupXLOG, xlog.c:6947
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: oldest MultiXactId: 1, in database 1
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupXLOG, xlog.c:6950
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: commit timestamp Xid oldest/newest: 0/0
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupXLOG, xlog.c:6953
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: transaction ID wrap limit is 2147484373, limited by database with OID 1
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  SetTransactionIdLimit, varsup.c:427
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: MultiXactId wrap limit is 2147483648, limited by database with OID 1
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  SetMultiXactIdLimit, multixact.c:2283
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: starting up replication slots
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupReplicationSlots, slot.c:1394
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: xmin required by slots: data 0, catalog 0
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  ProcArraySetReplicationSlotXmin, procarray.c:3984
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: starting up replication origin progress state
2023-09-18 11:09:59.994 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupReplicationOrigin, origin.c:706
2023-09-18 11:09:59.996 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: resetting unlogged relations: cleanup 1 init 0
2023-09-18 11:09:59.996 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  ResetUnloggedRelations, reinit.c:55
2023-09-18 11:10:00.008 CST [1237717] LOG:  00000: redo starts at 0/2000028
2023-09-18 11:10:00.008 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  StartupXLOG, xlog.c:7387
2023-09-18 11:10:00.008 CST [1237717] DEBUG:  00000: end of backup reached
2023-09-18 11:10:00.008 CST [1237717] CONTEXT:  WAL redo at 0/2000240 for XLOG/BACKUP_END: 0/2000028
2023-09-18 11:10:00.008 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  xlog_redo, xlog.c:10595
2023-09-18 11:10:00.010 CST [1237717] LOG:  00000: consistent recovery state reached at 0/2000268    到达一致性点,也就是pg_stop_backup的位置
2023-09-18 11:10:00.010 CST [1237717] LOCATION:  CheckRecoveryConsistency, xlog.c:8331      


postgres@slpc:~/pgsql$ pg_waldump -p pgbak/pg_wal/ 000000010000000000000003
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/03000028, prev 0/02000268, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 736 latestCompletedXid 735 oldestRunningXid 736
rmgr: XLOG        len (rec/tot):    114/   114, tx:          0, lsn: 0/03000060, prev 0/03000028, desc: CHECKPOINT_SHUTDOWN redo 0/3000060; tli 1; prev tli 1; fpw true; xid 0:736; oid 24576; multi 1; offset 0; oldest xid 726 in DB 1; oldest multi 1 in DB 1; oldest/newest commit timestamp xid: 0/0; oldest running xid 0; shutdown
rmgr: Standby     len (rec/tot):     50/    50, tx:          0, lsn: 0/030000D8, prev 0/03000060, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 736 latestCompletedXid 735 oldestRunningXid 736
  1. 检测备份的数据库实例是否启动成功
postgres@slpc:~/pgsql/pgdata$ psql -p 7431
psql (14.8)
Type "help" for help.postgres=# \dList of relationsSchema | Name | Type  |  Owner   
--------+------+-------+----------public | t1   | table | postgres
(1 row)postgres=# select * from t1;a 
(2 rows)




pg_start_backup ( label text [, fast boolean [, exclusive boolean ]] ) → pg_lsn

准备开始在线备份。唯一需要的参数是用于备份的任意用户定义的标签。(通常,备份转储文件将存储在这个名称下。) 如果可选的第二个参数被指定为true,它将指定尽可能快地执行pg_start_backup。这将强制产生一个即时检查点,这将导致I/O操作突增,从而降低并发执行的查询的速度。第三个可选参数指定是执行排他或非排他备份(默认为排他备份)。在排他模式下使用时,该函数将写一个备份标签文件(backup_label),如果pg_tblspc/目录中有任何链接, 则将一个表空间映射文件(tablespace_map)写入数据库集群的数据目录,然后执行检查点,然后返回备份的开始写-提前日志位置。 (用户可以忽略这个结果值,但在有用的情况下会提供它。) 在非排他模式下使用时,这些文件的内容将由pg_stop_backup函数返回,并且应该由用户复制到备份区域。


--> do_pg_start_backup


/** pg_start_backup: set up for taking an on-line backup dump** Essentially what this does is to create a backup label file in $PGDATA,* where it will be archived as part of the backup dump.  The label file* contains the user-supplied label string (typically this would be used* to tell where the backup dump will be stored) and the starting time and* starting WAL location for the dump.*/
Datum pg_start_backup(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
{text	   *backupid = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);    // 参数1:用来唯一标识这次备份操作的任意字符串// 默认情况下,pg_start_backup可能需要较长的时间完成。 这是因为它会执行一个检查点,并且该检查点所需要的 I/O 将会分散到一段 显著的时间上,默认情况下是你的检查点间隔(见配置参数 checkpoint_completion_target)的一半。这通常 是你所想要的,因为它可以最小化对查询处理的影响。如果你想要尽可能快地 开始备份,请把第二个参数改成true,这将会发出一个立即的检查点并且使用尽可能多的I/O。bool		fast = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1);            bool		exclusive = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);  // 开始一次非排他基础备份char	   *backupidstr;XLogRecPtr	startpoint;SessionBackupState status = get_backup_status();backupidstr = text_to_cstring(backupid);if (status == SESSION_BACKUP_NON_EXCLUSIVE)ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("a backup is already in progress in this session")));if (exclusive)  // 是否排他备份{startpoint = do_pg_start_backup(backupidstr, fast, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);}else{MemoryContext oldcontext;/* Label file and tablespace map file need to be long-lived, since they are read in pg_stop_backup. */oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);label_file = makeStringInfo();tblspc_map_file = makeStringInfo();MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);register_persistent_abort_backup_handler();startpoint = do_pg_start_backup(backupidstr, fast, NULL, label_file,	NULL, tblspc_map_file);}PG_RETURN_LSN(startpoint);   // 返回LSN


  • 强制开启full_page_writes = on, 备份结束再还原
  • 切换到一个新的WAL日志文件,命名规则如下: (方便进行日志归档,拷贝等操作)
/* Generate a WAL segment file name.*/
#define XLogFileName(fname, tli, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes)	\snprintf(fname, MAXFNAMELEN, "%08X%08X%08X", tli,		\(uint32) ((logSegNo) / XLogSegmentsPerXLogId(wal_segsz_bytes)), \(uint32) ((logSegNo) % XLogSegmentsPerXLogId(wal_segsz_bytes)))
  • 进行checkpoint
  • 构造backup_lable文件,存储检查点位置等信息
    返回最小的WAL LSN,以及timeline。这个LSN表示备份恢复需要的起始WAL日志的位置。
/** do_pg_start_backup** Utility function called at the start of an online backup. It creates the* necessary starting checkpoint and constructs the backup label file.* Returns the minimum WAL location that must be present to restore from this* backup, and the corresponding timeline ID in *starttli_p.*/
do_pg_start_backup(const char *backupidstr, bool fast, TimeLineID *starttli_p,StringInfo labelfile, List **tablespaces, StringInfo tblspcmapfile)
{bool		exclusive = (labelfile == NULL);bool		backup_started_in_recovery = false;XLogRecPtr	checkpointloc;XLogRecPtr	startpoint;TimeLineID	starttli;pg_time_t	stamp_time;char		strfbuf[128];char		xlogfilename[MAXFNAMELEN];XLogSegNo	_logSegNo;struct stat stat_buf;FILE	   *fp;backup_started_in_recovery = RecoveryInProgress();// 在恢复阶段,不能进行排他备份/* Currently only non-exclusive backup can be taken during recovery.*/if (backup_started_in_recovery && exclusive)ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),errmsg("recovery is in progress"),errhint("WAL control functions cannot be executed during recovery.")));/* During recovery, we don't need to check WAL level. Because, if WAL* level is not sufficient, it's impossible to get here during recovery. */if (!backup_started_in_recovery && !XLogIsNeeded())ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),errmsg("WAL level not sufficient for making an online backup"),errhint("wal_level must be set to \"replica\" or \"logical\" at server start.")));// .../** Mark backup active in shared memory.  We must do full-page WAL writes* during an on-line backup even if not doing so at other times, because* it's quite possible for the backup dump to obtain a "torn" (partially* written) copy of a database page if it reads the page concurrently with* our write to the same page.  This can be fixed as long as the first* write to the page in the WAL sequence is a full-page write. Hence, we* turn on forcePageWrites and then force a CHECKPOINT, to ensure there* are no dirty pages in shared memory that might get dumped while the* backup is in progress without having a corresponding WAL record.  (Once* the backup is complete, we need not force full-page writes anymore,* since we expect that any pages not modified during the backup interval* must have been correctly captured by the backup.)** Note that forcePageWrites has no effect during an online backup from* the standby.** We must hold all the insertion locks to change the value of* forcePageWrites, to ensure adequate interlocking against* XLogInsertRecord().*/WALInsertLockAcquireExclusive();if (exclusive){/* At first, mark that we're now starting an exclusive backup, to* ensure that there are no other sessions currently running pg_start_backup() or pg_stop_backup(). */if (XLogCtl->Insert.exclusiveBackupState != EXCLUSIVE_BACKUP_NONE){WALInsertLockRelease();ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("a backup is already in progress"), errhint("Run pg_stop_backup() and try again.")));}XLogCtl->Insert.exclusiveBackupState = EXCLUSIVE_BACKUP_STARTING;}elseXLogCtl->Insert.nonExclusiveBackups++;XLogCtl->Insert.forcePageWrites = true;   /* 强制开启full_page_writes */WALInsertLockRelease();/* Ensure we release forcePageWrites if fail below */PG_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP(pg_start_backup_callback, (Datum) BoolGetDatum(exclusive));{bool		gotUniqueStartpoint = false;DIR		   *tblspcdir;struct dirent *de;tablespaceinfo *ti;int			datadirpathlen;/** Force an XLOG file switch before the checkpoint, to ensure that the* WAL segment the checkpoint is written to doesn't contain pages with* old timeline IDs.  That would otherwise happen if you called* pg_start_backup() right after restoring from a PITR archive: the* first WAL segment containing the startup checkpoint has pages in* the beginning with the old timeline ID.  That can cause trouble at* recovery: we won't have a history file covering the old timeline if* pg_wal directory was not included in the base backup and the WAL* archive was cleared too before starting the backup.** This also ensures that we have emitted a WAL page header that has* XLP_BKP_REMOVABLE off before we emit the checkpoint record.* Therefore, if a WAL archiver (such as pglesslog) is trying to* compress out removable backup blocks, it won't remove any that* occur after this point.** During recovery, we skip forcing XLOG file switch, which means that* the backup taken during recovery is not available for the special* recovery case described above.*/if (!backup_started_in_recovery)RequestXLogSwitch(false);     // 切换到一个新的WAL日志文件,默认是16MB后才切换do{bool		checkpointfpw;// 进行强制checkpoint/** Force a CHECKPOINT.  Aside from being necessary to prevent torn* page problems, this guarantees that two successive backup runs* will have different checkpoint positions and hence different* history file names, even if nothing happened in between.** During recovery, establish a restartpoint if possible. We use* the last restartpoint as the backup starting checkpoint. This* means that two successive backup runs can have same checkpoint* positions.** Since the fact that we are executing do_pg_start_backup()* during recovery means that checkpointer is running, we can use* RequestCheckpoint() to establish a restartpoint.** We use CHECKPOINT_IMMEDIATE only if requested by user (via* passing fast = true).  Otherwise this can take awhile.*/RequestCheckpoint(CHECKPOINT_FORCE | CHECKPOINT_WAIT | (fast ? CHECKPOINT_IMMEDIATE : 0));/** Now we need to fetch the checkpoint record location, and also* its REDO pointer.  The oldest point in WAL that would be needed* to restore starting from the checkpoint is precisely the REDO pointer. */LWLockAcquire(ControlFileLock, LW_SHARED);checkpointloc = ControlFile->checkPoint;            // 获取最新的检查点信息startpoint = ControlFile->checkPointCopy.redo;  starttli = ControlFile->checkPointCopy.ThisTimeLineID;checkpointfpw = ControlFile->checkPointCopy.fullPageWrites;LWLockRelease(ControlFileLock);// .../** If two base backups are started at the same time (in WAL sender* processes), we need to make sure that they use different* checkpoints as starting locations, because we use the starting* WAL location as a unique identifier for the base backup in the* end-of-backup WAL record and when we write the backup history* file. Perhaps it would be better generate a separate unique ID* for each backup instead of forcing another checkpoint, but* taking a checkpoint right after another is not that expensive* either because only few buffers have been dirtied yet.*/WALInsertLockAcquireExclusive();if (XLogCtl->Insert.lastBackupStart < startpoint){XLogCtl->Insert.lastBackupStart = startpoint;gotUniqueStartpoint = true;}WALInsertLockRelease();} while (!gotUniqueStartpoint);XLByteToSeg(startpoint, _logSegNo, wal_segment_size);   //Compute a segment number from an XLogRecPtr.XLogFileName(xlogfilename, starttli, _logSegNo, wal_segment_size);  // 生成WAL日志文件名/* Construct tablespace_map file.   */if (tblspcmapfile == NULL)tblspcmapfile = makeStringInfo();datadirpathlen = strlen(DataDir);/* Collect information about all tablespaces */tblspcdir = AllocateDir("pg_tblspc");while ((de = ReadDir(tblspcdir, "pg_tblspc")) != NULL){// ...}FreeDir(tblspcdir);//创建backup_label文件,构造信息/* Construct backup label file. */if (labelfile == NULL)labelfile = makeStringInfo();/* Use the log timezone here, not the session timezone */stamp_time = (pg_time_t) time(NULL);pg_strftime(strfbuf, sizeof(strfbuf),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z",pg_localtime(&stamp_time, log_timezone));appendStringInfo(labelfile, "START WAL LOCATION: %X/%X (file %s)\n",LSN_FORMAT_ARGS(startpoint), xlogfilename);appendStringInfo(labelfile, "CHECKPOINT LOCATION: %X/%X\n",LSN_FORMAT_ARGS(checkpointloc));appendStringInfo(labelfile, "BACKUP METHOD: %s\n",exclusive ? "pg_start_backup" : "streamed");appendStringInfo(labelfile, "BACKUP FROM: %s\n",backup_started_in_recovery ? "standby" : "primary");appendStringInfo(labelfile, "START TIME: %s\n", strfbuf);appendStringInfo(labelfile, "LABEL: %s\n", backupidstr);appendStringInfo(labelfile, "START TIMELINE: %u\n", starttli);// 写backup_lable文件到磁盘/* Okay, write the file, or return its contents to caller. */if (exclusive){/* Check for existing backup label --- implies a backup is already* running.  (XXX given that we checked exclusiveBackupState* above, maybe it would be OK to just unlink any such label file?) */if (stat(BACKUP_LABEL_FILE, &stat_buf) != 0){if (errno != ENOENT)ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not stat file \"%s\": %m", BACKUP_LABEL_FILE)));}elseereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),errmsg("a backup is already in progress"),errhint("If you're sure there is no backup in progress, remove file \"%s\" and try again.",BACKUP_LABEL_FILE)));fp = AllocateFile(BACKUP_LABEL_FILE, "w");if (!fp)ereport(ERROR,(errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not create file \"%s\": %m",BACKUP_LABEL_FILE)));if (fwrite(labelfile->data, labelfile->len, 1, fp) != 1 ||fflush(fp) != 0 ||pg_fsync(fileno(fp)) != 0 ||ferror(fp) ||FreeFile(fp))ereport(ERROR,(errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not write file \"%s\": %m",BACKUP_LABEL_FILE)));/* Allocated locally for exclusive backups, so free separately */pfree(labelfile->data);pfree(labelfile);/* Write backup tablespace_map file. */if (tblspcmapfile->len > 0){if (stat(TABLESPACE_MAP, &stat_buf) != 0){if (errno != ENOENT)ereport(ERROR,(errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not stat file \"%s\": %m",TABLESPACE_MAP)));}elseereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),errmsg("a backup is already in progress"),errhint("If you're sure there is no backup in progress, remove file \"%s\" and try again.",TABLESPACE_MAP)));fp = AllocateFile(TABLESPACE_MAP, "w");if (!fp)ereport(ERROR,(errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not create file \"%s\": %m",TABLESPACE_MAP)));if (fwrite(tblspcmapfile->data, tblspcmapfile->len, 1, fp) != 1 ||fflush(fp) != 0 ||pg_fsync(fileno(fp)) != 0 ||ferror(fp) ||FreeFile(fp))ereport(ERROR,(errcode_for_file_access(),errmsg("could not write file \"%s\": %m",TABLESPACE_MAP)));}/* Allocated locally for exclusive backups, so free separately */pfree(tblspcmapfile->data);pfree(tblspcmapfile);}}PG_END_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP(pg_start_backup_callback, (Datum) BoolGetDatum(exclusive));/** Mark that start phase has correctly finished for an exclusive backup.* Session-level locks are updated as well to reflect that state.** Note that CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() must not occur while updating backup* counters and session-level lock. Otherwise they can be updated* inconsistently, and which might cause do_pg_abort_backup() to fail.*/if (exclusive){WALInsertLockAcquireExclusive();XLogCtl->Insert.exclusiveBackupState = EXCLUSIVE_BACKUP_IN_PROGRESS;/* Set session-level lock */sessionBackupState = SESSION_BACKUP_EXCLUSIVE;WALInsertLockRelease();}elsesessionBackupState = SESSION_BACKUP_NON_EXCLUSIVE;/* We're done.  As a convenience, return the starting WAL location.*/if (starttli_p)*starttli_p = starttli;return startpoint;


postgres=# select pg_start_backup('bak1');pg_start_backup 
(1 row)-- 生成的backup_label文件内容
postgres@slpc:~/pgsql/pgdata$ cat backup_label 
START WAL LOCATION: 7/F7000148 (file 0000000100000007000000F7)
BACKUP METHOD: pg_start_backup
BACKUP FROM: primary
START TIME: 2023-09-15 15:05:13 CST
LABEL: bak1


  • 如果强制开启了full_page_writes,则关闭
  • 写入一条备份结束的XLOG记录
  • 切换WAL段文件
  • 创建一个备份历史记录文件
  • 删除backup_label文件, 这个文件最开始是放在源数据库实例目录下,必须删除,不然源数据库重启时,会读该文件从而影响正常的恢复过程。
pg_stop_backup ( exclusive boolean [, wait_for_archive boolean ] ) → setof record ( lsn pg_lsn, labelfile text, spcmapfile text )

完成排他或非排他联机备份。exclusive参数必须与前面的pg_start_backup调用相匹配。 在排他备份中, pg_stop_backup删除备份标签文件,如果存在,则删除pg_start_backup创建的表空间映射文件。 在非排他备份中,这些文件的所需内容将作为函数结果的一部分返回,并且应该写入备份区域(不在数据目录)中的文件。

还有一个可选的boolean类型的第二个参数。如果为假,则该函数将在备份完成后立即返回,而无需等待WAL被归档。 这种行为只有在独立监控WAL归档的备份软件中才有用。否则,使备份一致所需的WAL可能会丢失,从而使备份无效。 默认情况下或当该参数为真时,pg_stop_backup将在启用归档时等待WAL被归档。 (在备用状态下,这意味着只有当archive_mode = always时,它才会等待。 如果主节点上的写活动很少,那么可以在主节点上运行pg_switch_wal来触发立即段切换。)

当在主节点上执行时,这个函数还会在预写式日志归档区域中创建一个备份历史文件。 历史文件包括给予pg_start_backup的标签,备份的开始和结束写前预写式日志的位置,以及备份的开始和结束时间。 记录完结束位置后,当前的预写式日志插入点自动移到下一个预写式日志文件,以便结束的预写式日志文件可以立即归档,从而完成备份。

该函数的结果是一条记录。lsn列保持备份的结束预写式日志位置(可以再忽略)。 当结束排他备份时,第二和第三列为NULL;在非排他备份之后,它们保持标签和表空间映射文件所需的内容。


pg_stop_backup () → pg_lsn

结束执行排他在线备份。这个简化版本等同于pg_stop_backup(true, true),只是它只返回pg_lsn结果。


/** pg_stop_backup: finish taking an on-line backup dump** We write an end-of-backup WAL record, and remove the backup label file* created by pg_start_backup, creating a backup history file in pg_wal* instead (whence it will immediately be archived). The backup history file* contains the same info found in the label file, plus the backup-end time* and WAL location.** Note: this version is only called to stop an exclusive backup. The function*		 pg_stop_backup_v2 (overloaded as pg_stop_backup in SQL) is called to stop non-exclusive backups.*/
Datum pg_stop_backup(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
{XLogRecPtr	stoppoint;SessionBackupState status = get_backup_status();if (status == SESSION_BACKUP_NON_EXCLUSIVE)ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),errmsg("non-exclusive backup in progress"),errhint("Did you mean to use pg_stop_backup('f')?")));/** Exclusive backups were typically started in a different connection, so* don't try to verify that status of backup is set to* SESSION_BACKUP_EXCLUSIVE in this function. Actual verification that an* exclusive backup is in fact running is handled inside* do_pg_stop_backup.*/stoppoint = do_pg_stop_backup(NULL, true, NULL);PG_RETURN_LSN(stoppoint);
}/** do_pg_stop_backup** Utility function called at the end of an online backup. It cleans up the* backup state and can optionally wait for WAL segments to be archived.** If labelfile is NULL, this stops an exclusive backup. Otherwise this stops* the non-exclusive backup specified by 'labelfile'.** Returns the last WAL location that must be present to restore from this* backup, and the corresponding timeline ID in *stoptli_p.*/
do_pg_stop_backup(char *labelfile, bool waitforarchive, TimeLineID *stoptli_p)
{bool		exclusive = (labelfile == NULL);bool		backup_started_in_recovery = false;XLogRecPtr	startpoint;XLogRecPtr	stoppoint;TimeLineID	stoptli;pg_time_t	stamp_time;char		strfbuf[128];char		histfilepath[MAXPGPATH];char		startxlogfilename[MAXFNAMELEN];char		stopxlogfilename[MAXFNAMELEN];char		lastxlogfilename[MAXFNAMELEN];char		histfilename[MAXFNAMELEN];char		backupfrom[20];XLogSegNo	_logSegNo;FILE	   *lfp;FILE	   *fp;char		ch;int			seconds_before_warning;int			waits = 0;bool		reported_waiting = false;char	   *remaining;char	   *ptr;uint32		hi,lo;// ...if (exclusive){/** At first, mark that we're now stopping an exclusive backup, to* ensure that there are no other sessions currently running* pg_start_backup() or pg_stop_backup().*/WALInsertLockAcquireExclusive();if (XLogCtl->Insert.exclusiveBackupState != EXCLUSIVE_BACKUP_IN_PROGRESS){WALInsertLockRelease();ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),errmsg("exclusive backup not in progress")));}XLogCtl->Insert.exclusiveBackupState = EXCLUSIVE_BACKUP_STOPPING;WALInsertLockRelease();/** Remove backup_label. In case of failure, the state for an exclusive* backup is switched back to in-progress.*/PG_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP(pg_stop_backup_callback, (Datum) BoolGetDatum(exclusive));{// ...// 删除backup_label文件/** Close and remove the backup label file*/if (r != 1 || ferror(lfp) || FreeFile(lfp))ereport(ERROR,(errcode_for_file_access(),errmsg("could not read file \"%s\": %m",BACKUP_LABEL_FILE)));durable_unlink(BACKUP_LABEL_FILE, ERROR);/** Remove tablespace_map file if present, it is created only if* there are tablespaces.*/durable_unlink(TABLESPACE_MAP, DEBUG1);}PG_END_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP(pg_stop_backup_callback, (Datum) BoolGetDatum(exclusive));}/** OK to update backup counters, forcePageWrites and session-level lock.** Note that CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() must not occur while updating them.* Otherwise they can be updated inconsistently, and which might cause* do_pg_abort_backup() to fail.*/WALInsertLockAcquireExclusive();if (exclusive){XLogCtl->Insert.exclusiveBackupState = EXCLUSIVE_BACKUP_NONE;}else{/** The user-visible pg_start/stop_backup() functions that operate on* exclusive backups can be called at any time, but for non-exclusive* backups, it is expected that each do_pg_start_backup() call is* matched by exactly one do_pg_stop_backup() call.*/Assert(XLogCtl->Insert.nonExclusiveBackups > 0);XLogCtl->Insert.nonExclusiveBackups--;}if (XLogCtl->Insert.exclusiveBackupState == EXCLUSIVE_BACKUP_NONE &&XLogCtl->Insert.nonExclusiveBackups == 0){XLogCtl->Insert.forcePageWrites = false;    // 关闭强制full_page_writes}/** Clean up session-level lock.** You might think that WALInsertLockRelease() can be called before* cleaning up session-level lock because session-level lock doesn't need* to be protected with WAL insertion lock. But since* CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() can occur in it, session-level lock must be* cleaned up before it.*/sessionBackupState = SESSION_BACKUP_NONE;WALInsertLockRelease();/** Read and parse the START WAL LOCATION line (this code is pretty crude,* but we are not expecting any variability in the file format).*/if (sscanf(labelfile, "START WAL LOCATION: %X/%X (file %24s)%c",&hi, &lo, startxlogfilename,&ch) != 4 || ch != '\n')ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),errmsg("invalid data in file \"%s\"", BACKUP_LABEL_FILE)));startpoint = ((uint64) hi) << 32 | lo;remaining = strchr(labelfile, '\n') + 1;	/* %n is not portable enough *//** Parse the BACKUP FROM line. If we are taking an online backup from the* standby, we confirm that the standby has not been promoted during the* backup.*/ptr = strstr(remaining, "BACKUP FROM:");if (!ptr || sscanf(ptr, "BACKUP FROM: %19s\n", backupfrom) != 1)ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),errmsg("invalid data in file \"%s\"", BACKUP_LABEL_FILE)));if (strcmp(backupfrom, "standby") == 0 && !backup_started_in_recovery)ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE),errmsg("the standby was promoted during online backup"),errhint("This means that the backup being taken is corrupt ""and should not be used. ""Try taking another online backup.")));/** During recovery, we don't write an end-of-backup record. We assume that* pg_control was backed up last and its minimum recovery point can be* available as the backup end location. Since we don't have an* end-of-backup record, we use the pg_control value to check whether* we've reached the end of backup when starting recovery from this* backup. We have no way of checking if pg_control wasn't backed up last* however.** We don't force a switch to new WAL file but it is still possible to* wait for all the required files to be archived if waitforarchive is* true. This is okay if we use the backup to start a standby and fetch* the missing WAL using streaming replication. But in the case of an* archive recovery, a user should set waitforarchive to true and wait for* them to be archived to ensure that all the required files are* available.** We return the current minimum recovery point as the backup end* location. Note that it can be greater than the exact backup end* location if the minimum recovery point is updated after the backup of* pg_control. This is harmless for current uses.** XXX currently a backup history file is for informational and debug* purposes only. It's not essential for an online backup. Furthermore,* even if it's created, it will not be archived during recovery because* an archiver is not invoked. So it doesn't seem worthwhile to write a* backup history file during recovery.*/if (backup_started_in_recovery){// ...}else{// 写入一条备份结束XLOG记录/* Write the backup-end xlog record */XLogBeginInsert();XLogRegisterData((char *) (&startpoint), sizeof(startpoint));stoppoint = XLogInsert(RM_XLOG_ID, XLOG_BACKUP_END);stoptli = ThisTimeLineID;/** Force a switch to a new xlog segment file, so that the backup is* valid as soon as archiver moves out the current segment file. */RequestXLogSwitch(false);   // 切换日志段文件,以便尽快归档,减少等待归档结束的时间XLByteToPrevSeg(stoppoint, _logSegNo, wal_segment_size);XLogFileName(stopxlogfilename, stoptli, _logSegNo, wal_segment_size);/* Use the log timezone here, not the session timezone */stamp_time = (pg_time_t) time(NULL);pg_strftime(strfbuf, sizeof(strfbuf),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", pg_localtime(&stamp_time, log_timezone));/* Write the backup history file */XLByteToSeg(startpoint, _logSegNo, wal_segment_size);BackupHistoryFilePath(histfilepath, stoptli, _logSegNo,  startpoint, wal_segment_size);fp = AllocateFile(histfilepath, "w");if (!fp)ereport(ERROR,(errcode_for_file_access(),errmsg("could not create file \"%s\": %m",histfilepath)));fprintf(fp, "START WAL LOCATION: %X/%X (file %s)\n",LSN_FORMAT_ARGS(startpoint), startxlogfilename);fprintf(fp, "STOP WAL LOCATION: %X/%X (file %s)\n",LSN_FORMAT_ARGS(stoppoint), stopxlogfilename);/* Transfer remaining lines including label and start timeline to history file.*/fprintf(fp, "%s", remaining);fprintf(fp, "STOP TIME: %s\n", strfbuf);fprintf(fp, "STOP TIMELINE: %u\n", stoptli);if (fflush(fp) || ferror(fp) || FreeFile(fp))ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not write file \"%s\": %m", histfilepath)));/* Clean out any no-longer-needed history files.  As a side effect,* this will post a .ready file for the newly created history file,* notifying the archiver that history file may be archived immediately. */CleanupBackupHistory();}// 等待归档结束/** If archiving is enabled, wait for all the required WAL files to be* archived before returning. If archiving isn't enabled, the required WAL* needs to be transported via streaming replication (hopefully with* wal_keep_size set high enough), or some more exotic mechanism like* polling and copying files from pg_wal with script. We have no knowledge* of those mechanisms, so it's up to the user to ensure that he gets all* the required WAL.** We wait until both the last WAL file filled during backup and the* history file have been archived, and assume that the alphabetic sorting* property of the WAL files ensures any earlier WAL files are safely* archived as well.** We wait forever, since archive_command is supposed to work and we* assume the admin wanted his backup to work completely. If you don't* wish to wait, then either waitforarchive should be passed in as false,* or you can set statement_timeout.  Also, some notices are issued to* clue in anyone who might be doing this interactively. */if (waitforarchive && ((!backup_started_in_recovery && XLogArchivingActive()) || (backup_started_in_recovery && XLogArchivingAlways()))){XLByteToPrevSeg(stoppoint, _logSegNo, wal_segment_size);XLogFileName(lastxlogfilename, stoptli, _logSegNo, wal_segment_size);XLByteToSeg(startpoint, _logSegNo, wal_segment_size);BackupHistoryFileName(histfilename, stoptli, _logSegNo, startpoint, wal_segment_size);seconds_before_warning = 60;waits = 0;while (XLogArchiveIsBusy(lastxlogfilename) || XLogArchiveIsBusy(histfilename)){CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();if (!reported_waiting && waits > 5){ereport(NOTICE, (errmsg("base backup done, waiting for required WAL segments to be archived")));reported_waiting = true;}pgstat_report_wait_start(WAIT_EVENT_BACKUP_WAIT_WAL_ARCHIVE);pg_usleep(1000000L);pgstat_report_wait_end();if (++waits >= seconds_before_warning){seconds_before_warning *= 2;	/* This wraps in >10 years... */ereport(WARNING,(errmsg("still waiting for all required WAL segments to be archived (%d seconds elapsed)",waits),errhint("Check that your archive_command is executing properly.  ""You can safely cancel this backup, ""but the database backup will not be usable without all the WAL segments.")));}}ereport(NOTICE,(errmsg("all required WAL segments have been archived")));}else if (waitforarchive)ereport(NOTICE,(errmsg("WAL archiving is not enabled; you must ensure that all required WAL segments are copied through other means to complete the backup")));/* We're done.  As a convenience, return the ending WAL location.*/if (stoptli_p)*stoptli_p = stoptli;return stoppoint;


9.27. 系统管理函数


