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2024/10/10 1:45:37 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44617651/article/details/139647157  浏览:    关键词:停止游戏中的循环扣血显示




在使用 Python 代码为游戏开发一个生命值条时,遇到了一个问题。代码使用了循环来减少生命值,但当扣除生命值后再次调用扣血方法时,生命值会继续从初始状态开始减少,而不是从当前生命值开始扣除。这使得生命值条无法正确反映当前的生命值。


import pygame, sysclass hpbar():def __init__(self, hpchunk, screen, posx, posy):# hpchunk can either be 125 or 250self.hpchunk = hpchunkself.screen = screenself.posx = posxself.posy = posyself.unit_h = 18self.unit_w = 250self.image = pygame.image.load('hpbar.png')self.total_hp = [self.posx + 3, self.posy + 3, self.unit_w, self.unit_h]  # +3 is there due to the thickness of the actual HP bar self.val_per_chunk = self.unit_w / self.hpchunk                     # units of a single chunk e.g. 250 / 125 = 2self.startPos = 253screen.blit(self.image, [self.posx, self.posy])pygame.draw.rect(screen, [0, 255, 0], self.total_hp, 0)self.current_hp = self.unit_wdef loss(self, loss_val):self.loss_val = loss_valtotal_chunk = loss_val * self.val_per_chunk                    chunkPosx = self.posx + self.startPos                               # e.g. if hpchunk = 125, then the hp will be in chunks of twohealthbar = [0, 255, 0]chunkRangeEnd = self.current_hp - total_chunk                           total_chunk = 0                                                     # first iterative valuestop_val = chunkPosx - total_chunkself.current_hp -= total_chunkfor lossx in range(self.current_hp, chunkRangeEnd, -self.val_per_chunk):pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, healthbar, self.total_hp, 0)      # hp bar chunkPosx = chunkPosx - self.val_per_chunk                      # x position of chunk total_chunk = total_chunk + self.val_per_chunk                  # total size of chunkif chunkPosx <= self.posx + 141:                                # yellow zonehealthbar = [255, 255, 0]if chunkPosx <= self.posx + 48:                                 # red zoneif self.val_per_chunk == 25:healthbar = [255, 255, 255]else:healthbar = [255, 0, 0]pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, [255, 0, 255], [chunkPosx, self.posy + 3, total_chunk, self.unit_h], 0)pygame.time.delay(200)pygame.display.flip()pygame.init()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([720, 480])
screen.fill((255, 255, 255))
pygame.display.flip()while True:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:sys.exit()# test, using hp bar instancenewbar = hpbar(125, screen, 150, 150)newbar.loss(5)pygame.display.flip()# test, using hp bar instancenewbar.loss(3)pygame.display.flip()

修改了 loss 方法,并且引入了 current_hp 属性,当调用 loss 方法时,首先计算出要扣除的生命值数量,然后从当前生命值中减去此数量,接着计算新的生命值范围,并使用循环绘制生命值条。这样,即使多次调用 loss 方法,生命值也会从当前值开始减少,并且可以正确反映当前的生命值。



