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【React】常见的 HOC 使用案例

2025/2/24 1:30:06 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/u013675821/article/details/140591599  浏览:    关键词:【React】常见的 HOC 使用案例

高阶组件(Higher-Order Component,HOC)是一种用于在 React 中复用组件逻辑的技术。以下是几个常见的 HOC 使用案例,以及详细的代码示例。

1. 日志记录 HOC


import React from 'react';const withLogging = (WrappedComponent) => {return class extends React.Component {componentDidMount() {console.log(`${WrappedComponent.name} mounted`);}componentDidUpdate() {console.log(`${WrappedComponent.name} updated`);}componentWillUnmount() {console.log(`${WrappedComponent.name} will unmount`);}render() {return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />;}};
};export default withLogging;
使用日志记录 HOC
// src/App.js
import React from 'react';
import withLogging from './LoggingHOC';const MyComponent = () => {return <div>My Component</div>;
};const LoggedMyComponent = withLogging(MyComponent);const App = () => {return (<div><LoggedMyComponent /></div>);
};export default App;

2. 数据获取 HOC

这个高阶组件在组件挂载时从一个 API 获取数据,并将数据传递给被包装的组件。

import React from 'react';const withFetchData = (url) => (WrappedComponent) => {return class extends React.Component {state = {data: null,loading: true,error: null,};async componentDidMount() {try {const response = await fetch(url);const data = await response.json();this.setState({ data, loading: false });} catch (error) {this.setState({ error, loading: false });}}render() {const { data, loading, error } = this.state;return <WrappedComponent data={data} loading={loading} error={error} {...this.props} />;}};
};export default withFetchData;
使用数据获取 HOC
// src/App.js
import React from 'react';
import withFetchData from './FetchDataHOC';const DataComponent = ({ data, loading, error }) => {if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>;if (error) return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;return <div>Data: {JSON.stringify(data)}</div>;
};const FetchDataComponent = withFetchData('https://api.example.com/data')(DataComponent);const App = () => {return (<div><FetchDataComponent /></div>);
};export default App;

3. 权限控制 HOC


import React from 'react';const withAuthorization = (requiredRole) => (WrappedComponent) => {return class extends React.Component {render() {const { user } = this.props;if (user.role !== requiredRole) {return <div>You do not have permission to view this page</div>;}return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />;}};
};export default withAuthorization;
使用权限控制 HOC
// src/App.js
import React from 'react';
import withAuthorization from './withAuthorization';const AdminPage = () => {return <div>Admin Page</div>;
};const AuthorizedAdminPage = withAuthorization('admin')(AdminPage);const App = () => {const user = { role: 'user' }; // change to 'admin' to see the pagereturn (<div><AuthorizedAdminPage user={user} /></div>);
};export default App;

4. 动态样式 HOC

这个高阶组件根据 props 动态添加样式。

import React from 'react';const withDynamicStyles = (WrappedComponent) => {return class extends React.Component {render() {const style = {color: this.props.color || 'black',fontSize: this.props.fontSize || '16px',};return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} style={style} />;}};
};export default withDynamicStyles;
使用动态样式 HOC
// src/App.js
import React from 'react';
import withDynamicStyles from './withDynamicStyles';const StyledComponent = ({ style }) => {return <div style={style}>Styled Component</div>;
};const DynamicStyledComponent = withDynamicStyles(StyledComponent);const App = () => {return (<div><DynamicStyledComponent color="red" fontSize="20px" /></div>);
};export default App;


高阶组件是一种强大的模式,可以在 React 中实现代码复用和逻辑抽象。通过高阶组件,你可以:

  • 提取和重用跨组件的逻辑
  • 控制组件的渲染
  • 操作传递给组件的 props
  • 管理和注入状态


