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2025/3/18 0:12:46 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/2301_76831056/article/details/145666558  浏览:    关键词:网页制作实训报告总结_商业空间设计图片_学生个人网页制作html_东莞seo




这是相机的几何模型头文件它是一个抽象基类(纯虚类) 纯虚类是包含一个或多个纯虚函数的类。







friend class boost::serialization::access;



  //实现序列化的模板函数template<class Archive>void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version){ar & mnId;ar & mnType;ar & mvParameters;}



 GeometricCamera() {}GeometricCamera(const std::vector<float> &_vParameters) : mvParameters(_vParameters) {}~GeometricCamera() {}




//不同类型的3D转2D的投影函数virtual cv::Point2f project(const cv::Point3f &p3D) = 0;virtual Eigen::Vector2d project(const Eigen::Vector3d & v3D) = 0;virtual Eigen::Vector2f project(const Eigen::Vector3f & v3D) = 0;virtual Eigen::Vector2f projectMat(const cv::Point3f& p3D) = 0;


virtual float uncertainty2(const Eigen::Matrix<double,2,1> &p2D) = 0;


 virtual Eigen::Vector3f unprojectEig(const cv::Point2f &p2D) = 0;virtual cv::Point3f unproject(const cv::Point2f &p2D) = 0;


virtual Eigen::Matrix<double,2,3> projectJac(const Eigen::Vector3d& v3D) = 0;


 virtual bool ReconstructWithTwoViews(const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& vKeys1, const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& vKeys2, const std::vector<int> &vMatches12,Sophus::SE3f &T21, std::vector<cv::Point3f> &vP3D, std::vector<bool> &vbTriangulated) = 0;


virtual cv::Mat toK() = 0;virtual Eigen::Matrix3f toK_() = 0;


virtual bool epipolarConstrain(GeometricCamera* otherCamera, const cv::KeyPoint& kp1, const cv::KeyPoint& kp2, const Eigen::Matrix3f& R12, const Eigen::Vector3f& t12, const float sigmaLevel, const float unc) = 0;
float getParameter(const int i){return mvParameters[i];}void setParameter(const float p, const size_t i){mvParameters[i] = p;}


#define CAMERAMODELS_GEOMETRICCAMERA_H#include <vector>#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>#include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/base_object.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/assume_abstract.hpp>#include <sophus/se3.hpp>#include <Eigen/Geometry>#include "Converter.h"
#include "GeometricTools.h"namespace ORB_SLAM3 {class GeometricCamera {friend class boost::serialization::access;//实现序列化的模板函数template<class Archive>void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version){ar & mnId;ar & mnType;ar & mvParameters;}public:GeometricCamera() {}GeometricCamera(const std::vector<float> &_vParameters) : mvParameters(_vParameters) {}~GeometricCamera() {}//不同类型的3D转2D的投影函数virtual cv::Point2f project(const cv::Point3f &p3D) = 0;virtual Eigen::Vector2d project(const Eigen::Vector3d & v3D) = 0;virtual Eigen::Vector2f project(const Eigen::Vector3f & v3D) = 0;virtual Eigen::Vector2f projectMat(const cv::Point3f& p3D) = 0;//计算不确定性,在优化的时候调用,实际上不管输入什么都会返回一个1.0fvirtual float uncertainty2(const Eigen::Matrix<double,2,1> &p2D) = 0;//反投影,归一化平面坐标virtual Eigen::Vector3f unprojectEig(const cv::Point2f &p2D) = 0;virtual cv::Point3f unproject(const cv::Point2f &p2D) = 0;virtual Eigen::Matrix<double,2,3> projectJac(const Eigen::Vector3d& v3D) = 0;//三角化恢复三维点,主要是在单目初始化中使用。virtual bool ReconstructWithTwoViews(const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& vKeys1, const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& vKeys2, const std::vector<int> &vMatches12,Sophus::SE3f &T21, std::vector<cv::Point3f> &vP3D, std::vector<bool> &vbTriangulated) = 0;//返回内参K矩阵virtual cv::Mat toK() = 0;virtual Eigen::Matrix3f toK_() = 0;//极线约束,三角化MP时使用。virtual bool epipolarConstrain(GeometricCamera* otherCamera, const cv::KeyPoint& kp1, const cv::KeyPoint& kp2, const Eigen::Matrix3f& R12, const Eigen::Vector3f& t12, const float sigmaLevel, const float unc) = 0;//获取与设置相机内参数float getParameter(const int i){return mvParameters[i];}void setParameter(const float p, const size_t i){mvParameters[i] = p;}size_t size(){return mvParameters.size();}//实际上也没有被调用virtual bool matchAndtriangulate(const cv::KeyPoint& kp1, const cv::KeyPoint& kp2, GeometricCamera* pOther,Sophus::SE3f& Tcw1, Sophus::SE3f& Tcw2,const float sigmaLevel1, const float sigmaLevel2,Eigen::Vector3f& x3Dtriangulated) = 0;//关于ID与type的获取函数,但是代码中没有使用unsigned int GetId() { return mnId; }unsigned int GetType() { return mnType; }const static unsigned int CAM_PINHOLE = 0;const static unsigned int CAM_FISHEYE = 1;static long unsigned int nNextId;protected:std::vector<float> mvParameters;unsigned int mnId;unsigned int mnType;};

2. Pinhole.h


/** * @brief 相机坐标系下的三维点投影到无畸变像素平面* @param p3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
cv::Point2f Pinhole::project(const cv::Point3f &p3D)
{return cv::Point2f(mvParameters[0] * p3D.x / p3D.z + mvParameters[2],mvParameters[1] * p3D.y / p3D.z + mvParameters[3]);
}/** * @brief 相机坐标系下的三维点投影到无畸变像素平面* @param v3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2d Pinhole::project(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D)
{Eigen::Vector2d res;res[0] = mvParameters[0] * v3D[0] / v3D[2] + mvParameters[2];res[1] = mvParameters[1] * v3D[1] / v3D[2] + mvParameters[3];return res;
}/** * @brief 相机坐标系下的三维点投影到无畸变像素平面* @param v3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2f Pinhole::project(const Eigen::Vector3f &v3D)
{Eigen::Vector2f res;res[0] = mvParameters[0] * v3D[0] / v3D[2] + mvParameters[2];res[1] = mvParameters[1] * v3D[1] / v3D[2] + mvParameters[3];return res;
}/** * @brief 相机坐标系下的三维点投影到无畸变像素平面* @param p3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2f Pinhole::projectMat(const cv::Point3f &p3D)
{cv::Point2f point = this->project(p3D);return Eigen::Vector2f(point.x, point.y);
/** * @brief 貌似是调试遗留的产物*/
float Pinhole::uncertainty2(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1> &p2D)
{return 1.0;


/** * @brief 反投影* @param p2D 特征点* @return 归一化坐标*/
Eigen::Vector3f Pinhole::unprojectEig(const cv::Point2f &p2D)
{return Eigen::Vector3f((p2D.x - mvParameters[2]) / mvParameters[0], (p2D.y - mvParameters[3]) / mvParameters[1],1.f);
}/** * @brief 反投影* @param p2D 特征点* @return 归一化坐标*/
cv::Point3f Pinhole::unproject(const cv::Point2f &p2D)
{return cv::Point3f((p2D.x - mvParameters[2]) / mvParameters[0],(p2D.y - mvParameters[3]) / mvParameters[1],1.f);


/** * @brief 求解二维像素坐标关于三维点坐标的雅克比矩阵* @param v3D 三维点* @return */
Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 3> Pinhole::projectJac(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D)
{Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 3> Jac;Jac(0, 0) = mvParameters[0] / v3D[2];Jac(0, 1) = 0.f;Jac(0, 2) = -mvParameters[0] * v3D[0] / (v3D[2] * v3D[2]);Jac(1, 0) = 0.f;Jac(1, 1) = mvParameters[1] / v3D[2];Jac(1, 2) = -mvParameters[1] * v3D[1] / (v3D[2] * v3D[2]);return Jac;


/** 三角化恢复三维点  单目初始化时使用* @param vKeys1 第一帧的关键点* @param vKeys2 第二帧的关键点* @param vMatches12 匹配关系,长度与vKeys1一样,对应位置存放vKeys2中关键点的下标* @param R21 顾名思义* @param t21 顾名思义* @param vP3D 恢复出的三维点* @param vbTriangulated 是否三角化成功,用于统计匹配点数量*/
bool Pinhole::ReconstructWithTwoViews(const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeys1, const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeys2, const std::vector<int> &vMatches12,Sophus::SE3f &T21, std::vector<cv::Point3f> &vP3D, std::vector<bool> &vbTriangulated)
{if (!tvr){Eigen::Matrix3f K = this->toK_();tvr = new TwoViewReconstruction(K);}return tvr->Reconstruct(vKeys1, vKeys2, vMatches12, T21, vP3D, vbTriangulated);
/*** @brief 返回内参矩阵* @return K*/
cv::Mat Pinhole::toK()
{cv::Mat K = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 3) << mvParameters[0],0.f, mvParameters[2], 0.f, mvParameters[1], mvParameters[3], 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);return K;
}/*** @brief 返回内参矩阵* @return K*/
Eigen::Matrix3f Pinhole::toK_()
{Eigen::Matrix3f K;K << mvParameters[0], 0.f, mvParameters[2], 0.f, mvParameters[1], mvParameters[3], 0.f, 0.f, 1.f;return K;


/** * @brief 极线约束* @param pCamera2 右相机* @param kp1 左相机特征点* @param kp2 右相机特征点* @param R12 2->1的旋转* @param t12 2->1的平移* @param sigmaLevel 特征点1的尺度的平方* @param unc 特征点2的尺度的平方,1.2^2n* @return 三维点恢复的成功与否*/
bool Pinhole::epipolarConstrain(GeometricCamera *pCamera2, const cv::KeyPoint &kp1, const cv::KeyPoint &kp2,const Eigen::Matrix3f &R12, const Eigen::Vector3f &t12, const float sigmaLevel, const float unc)
{// Compute Fundamental MatrixEigen::Matrix3f t12x = Sophus::SO3f::hat(t12);Eigen::Matrix3f K1 = this->toK_();Eigen::Matrix3f K2 = pCamera2->toK_();Eigen::Matrix3f F12 = K1.transpose().inverse() * t12x * R12 * K2.inverse();// Epipolar line in second image l = x1'F12 = [a b c]//                      u2,// (u1, v1, 1) * F12 * (v2,) = 0   -->  (a, b, c) * (u2, v2, 1)^t = 0 --> a*u2 + b*v2 + c = 0//                       1const float a = kp1.pt.x * F12(0, 0) + kp1.pt.y * F12(1, 0) + F12(2, 0);const float b = kp1.pt.x * F12(0, 1) + kp1.pt.y * F12(1, 1) + F12(2, 1);const float c = kp1.pt.x * F12(0, 2) + kp1.pt.y * F12(1, 2) + F12(2, 2);// 点到直线距离的公式// d = |a*u2 + b*v2 + c| / sqrt(a^2 + b^2)const float num = a * kp2.pt.x + b * kp2.pt.y + c;const float den = a * a + b * b;if (den == 0)return false;const float dsqr = num * num / den;return dsqr < 3.84 * unc;

这两个函数提供了对 Pinhole 类的 序列化反序列化 操作,使得 Pinhole 对象能够方便地与外部数据进行交互。这些操作符重载函数在保存和读取相机参数时非常有用,尤其是在将相机数据存储到文件中,或者从文件中加载时。

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Pinhole &ph)
{os << ph.mvParameters[0] << " " << ph.mvParameters[1] << " " << ph.mvParameters[2] << " " << ph.mvParameters[3];return os;
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &is, Pinhole &ph)
{float nextParam;for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++){assert(is.good());  //Make sure the input stream is goodis >> nextParam;ph.mvParameters[i] = nextParam;}return is;

IsEqual 函数的目的是比较两个 Pinhole 相机对象是否在类型和参数上完全相同。

bool Pinhole::IsEqual(GeometricCamera *pCam)
{if (pCam->GetType() != GeometricCamera::CAM_PINHOLE)return false;Pinhole *pPinholeCam = (Pinhole *)pCam;if (size() != pPinholeCam->size())return false;bool is_same_camera = true;for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i){if (abs(mvParameters[i] - pPinholeCam->getParameter(i)) > 1e-6){is_same_camera = false;break;}}return is_same_camera;



#include "Pinhole.h"#include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>// BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_IMPLEMENT(ORB_SLAM3::Pinhole)namespace ORB_SLAM3
// BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID(Pinhole, "Pinhole")long unsigned int GeometricCamera::nNextId = 0;/** * @brief 相机坐标系下的三维点投影到无畸变像素平面* @param p3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
cv::Point2f Pinhole::project(const cv::Point3f &p3D)
{return cv::Point2f(mvParameters[0] * p3D.x / p3D.z + mvParameters[2],mvParameters[1] * p3D.y / p3D.z + mvParameters[3]);
}/** * @brief 相机坐标系下的三维点投影到无畸变像素平面* @param v3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2d Pinhole::project(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D)
{Eigen::Vector2d res;res[0] = mvParameters[0] * v3D[0] / v3D[2] + mvParameters[2];res[1] = mvParameters[1] * v3D[1] / v3D[2] + mvParameters[3];return res;
}/** * @brief 相机坐标系下的三维点投影到无畸变像素平面* @param v3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2f Pinhole::project(const Eigen::Vector3f &v3D)
{Eigen::Vector2f res;res[0] = mvParameters[0] * v3D[0] / v3D[2] + mvParameters[2];res[1] = mvParameters[1] * v3D[1] / v3D[2] + mvParameters[3];return res;
}/** * @brief 相机坐标系下的三维点投影到无畸变像素平面* @param p3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2f Pinhole::projectMat(const cv::Point3f &p3D)
{cv::Point2f point = this->project(p3D);return Eigen::Vector2f(point.x, point.y);
}/** * @brief 貌似是调试遗留的产物*/
float Pinhole::uncertainty2(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1> &p2D)
{return 1.0;
}/** * @brief 反投影* @param p2D 特征点* @return 归一化坐标*/
Eigen::Vector3f Pinhole::unprojectEig(const cv::Point2f &p2D)
{return Eigen::Vector3f((p2D.x - mvParameters[2]) / mvParameters[0], (p2D.y - mvParameters[3]) / mvParameters[1],1.f);
}/** * @brief 反投影* @param p2D 特征点* @return 归一化坐标*/
cv::Point3f Pinhole::unproject(const cv::Point2f &p2D)
{return cv::Point3f((p2D.x - mvParameters[2]) / mvParameters[0],(p2D.y - mvParameters[3]) / mvParameters[1],1.f);
}/** * @brief 求解二维像素坐标关于三维点坐标的雅克比矩阵* @param v3D 三维点* @return */
Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 3> Pinhole::projectJac(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D)
{Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 3> Jac;Jac(0, 0) = mvParameters[0] / v3D[2];Jac(0, 1) = 0.f;Jac(0, 2) = -mvParameters[0] * v3D[0] / (v3D[2] * v3D[2]);Jac(1, 0) = 0.f;Jac(1, 1) = mvParameters[1] / v3D[2];Jac(1, 2) = -mvParameters[1] * v3D[1] / (v3D[2] * v3D[2]);return Jac;
}/** 三角化恢复三维点  单目初始化时使用* @param vKeys1 第一帧的关键点* @param vKeys2 第二帧的关键点* @param vMatches12 匹配关系,长度与vKeys1一样,对应位置存放vKeys2中关键点的下标* @param R21 顾名思义* @param t21 顾名思义* @param vP3D 恢复出的三维点* @param vbTriangulated 是否三角化成功,用于统计匹配点数量*/
bool Pinhole::ReconstructWithTwoViews(const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeys1, const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeys2, const std::vector<int> &vMatches12,Sophus::SE3f &T21, std::vector<cv::Point3f> &vP3D, std::vector<bool> &vbTriangulated)
{if (!tvr){Eigen::Matrix3f K = this->toK_();tvr = new TwoViewReconstruction(K);}return tvr->Reconstruct(vKeys1, vKeys2, vMatches12, T21, vP3D, vbTriangulated);
}/*** @brief 返回内参矩阵* @return K*/
cv::Mat Pinhole::toK()
{cv::Mat K = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 3) << mvParameters[0],0.f, mvParameters[2], 0.f, mvParameters[1], mvParameters[3], 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);return K;
}/*** @brief 返回内参矩阵* @return K*/
Eigen::Matrix3f Pinhole::toK_()
{Eigen::Matrix3f K;K << mvParameters[0], 0.f, mvParameters[2], 0.f, mvParameters[1], mvParameters[3], 0.f, 0.f, 1.f;return K;
}/** * @brief 极线约束* @param pCamera2 右相机* @param kp1 左相机特征点* @param kp2 右相机特征点* @param R12 2->1的旋转* @param t12 2->1的平移* @param sigmaLevel 特征点1的尺度的平方* @param unc 特征点2的尺度的平方,1.2^2n* @return 三维点恢复的成功与否*/
bool Pinhole::epipolarConstrain(GeometricCamera *pCamera2, const cv::KeyPoint &kp1, const cv::KeyPoint &kp2,const Eigen::Matrix3f &R12, const Eigen::Vector3f &t12, const float sigmaLevel, const float unc)
{// Compute Fundamental MatrixEigen::Matrix3f t12x = Sophus::SO3f::hat(t12);Eigen::Matrix3f K1 = this->toK_();Eigen::Matrix3f K2 = pCamera2->toK_();Eigen::Matrix3f F12 = K1.transpose().inverse() * t12x * R12 * K2.inverse();// Epipolar line in second image l = x1'F12 = [a b c]//                      u2,// (u1, v1, 1) * F12 * (v2,) = 0   -->  (a, b, c) * (u2, v2, 1)^t = 0 --> a*u2 + b*v2 + c = 0//                       1const float a = kp1.pt.x * F12(0, 0) + kp1.pt.y * F12(1, 0) + F12(2, 0);const float b = kp1.pt.x * F12(0, 1) + kp1.pt.y * F12(1, 1) + F12(2, 1);const float c = kp1.pt.x * F12(0, 2) + kp1.pt.y * F12(1, 2) + F12(2, 2);// 点到直线距离的公式// d = |a*u2 + b*v2 + c| / sqrt(a^2 + b^2)const float num = a * kp2.pt.x + b * kp2.pt.y + c;const float den = a * a + b * b;if (den == 0)return false;const float dsqr = num * num / den;return dsqr < 3.84 * unc;
}std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Pinhole &ph)
{os << ph.mvParameters[0] << " " << ph.mvParameters[1] << " " << ph.mvParameters[2] << " " << ph.mvParameters[3];return os;
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &is, Pinhole &ph)
{float nextParam;for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++){assert(is.good());  //Make sure the input stream is goodis >> nextParam;ph.mvParameters[i] = nextParam;}return is;
}bool Pinhole::IsEqual(GeometricCamera *pCam)
{if (pCam->GetType() != GeometricCamera::CAM_PINHOLE)return false;Pinhole *pPinholeCam = (Pinhole *)pCam;if (size() != pPinholeCam->size())return false;bool is_same_camera = true;for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i){if (abs(mvParameters[i] - pPinholeCam->getParameter(i)) > 1e-6){is_same_camera = false;break;}}return is_same_camera;






/** * @brief 投影* xc = Xc/Zc, yc = Yc/Zc* r^2 = xc^2 + yc^2* θ = arctan(r)* θd = k0*θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9* xd = θd/r * xc   yd = θd/r * yc* u = fx*xd + cx  v = fy*yd + cy* @param p3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
cv::Point2f KannalaBrandt8::project(const cv::Point3f &p3D)
{const float x2_plus_y2 = p3D.x * p3D.x + p3D.y * p3D.y;const float theta = atan2f(sqrtf(x2_plus_y2), p3D.z);const float psi = atan2f(p3D.y, p3D.x);const float theta2 = theta * theta;const float theta3 = theta * theta2;const float theta5 = theta3 * theta2;const float theta7 = theta5 * theta2;const float theta9 = theta7 * theta2;const float r = theta + mvParameters[4] * theta3 + mvParameters[5] * theta5 + mvParameters[6] * theta7 + mvParameters[7] * theta9;//其实这部分其实是化简的公式,直接打开就好。return cv::Point2f(mvParameters[0] * r * cos(psi) + mvParameters[2],mvParameters[1] * r * sin(psi) + mvParameters[3]);
}/** * @brief 投影* @param v3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2d KannalaBrandt8::project(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D)
{const double x2_plus_y2 = v3D[0] * v3D[0] + v3D[1] * v3D[1];const double theta = atan2f(sqrtf(x2_plus_y2), v3D[2]);const double psi = atan2f(v3D[1], v3D[0]);const double theta2 = theta * theta;const double theta3 = theta * theta2;const double theta5 = theta3 * theta2;const double theta7 = theta5 * theta2;const double theta9 = theta7 * theta2;const double r = theta + mvParameters[4] * theta3 + mvParameters[5] * theta5 + mvParameters[6] * theta7 + mvParameters[7] * theta9;Eigen::Vector2d res;res[0] = mvParameters[0] * r * cos(psi) + mvParameters[2];res[1] = mvParameters[1] * r * sin(psi) + mvParameters[3];return res;
}/** * @brief 投影* @param v3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2f KannalaBrandt8::project(const Eigen::Vector3f &v3D)
{const float x2_plus_y2 = v3D[0] * v3D[0] + v3D[1] * v3D[1];const float theta = atan2f(sqrtf(x2_plus_y2), v3D[2]);const float psi = atan2f(v3D[1], v3D[0]);const float theta2 = theta * theta;const float theta3 = theta * theta2;const float theta5 = theta3 * theta2;const float theta7 = theta5 * theta2;const float theta9 = theta7 * theta2;const float r = theta + mvParameters[4] * theta3 + mvParameters[5] * theta5 + mvParameters[6] * theta7 + mvParameters[7] * theta9;Eigen::Vector2f res;res[0] = mvParameters[0] * r * cos(psi) + mvParameters[2];res[1] = mvParameters[1] * r * sin(psi) + mvParameters[3];return res;/*cv::Point2f cvres = this->project(cv::Point3f(v3D[0],v3D[1],v3D[2]));Eigen::Vector2d res;res[0] = cvres.x;res[1] = cvres.y;return res;*/
}/** * @brief 投影* @param p3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2f KannalaBrandt8::projectMat(const cv::Point3f &p3D)
{cv::Point2f point = this->project(p3D);return Eigen::Vector2f(point.x, point.y);


float KannalaBrandt8::uncertainty2(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1> &p2D)
{/*Eigen::Matrix<double,2,1> c;c << mvParameters[2], mvParameters[3];if ((p2D-c).squaredNorm()>57600) // 240*240 (256)return 100.f;elsereturn 1.0f;*/return 1.f;


/** * @brief 反投影* 投影过程* xc = Xc/Zc, yc = Yc/Zc* r^2 = xc^2 + yc^2* θ = arctan(r)* θd = k0*θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9* xd = θd/r * xc   yd = θd/r * yc* u = fx*xd + cx  v = fy*yd + cy* * * 已知u与v 未矫正的特征点像素坐标* xd = (u - cx) / fx    yd = (v - cy) / fy* 待求的 xc = xd * r / θd  yc = yd * r / θd* 待求的 xc = xd * tan(θ) / θd  yc = yd * tan(θ) / θd* 其中 θd的算法如下:*     xd^2 + yd^2 = θd^2/r^2 * (xc^2 + yc^2)*     θd = sqrt(xd^2 + yd^2) / sqrt(xc^2 + yc^2) * r*     其中r = sqrt(xc^2 + yc^2)*     所以 θd = sqrt(xd^2 + yd^2)  已知* 所以待求的只有tan(θ),也就是θ* 这里θd = θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9* 直接求解θ比较麻烦,这里用迭代的方式通过误差的一阶导数求θ* θ的初始值定为了θd,设θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9 = f(θ)* e(θ) = f(θ) - θd 目标是求解一个θ值另e(θ) = 0* 泰勒展开e(θ+δθ) = e(θ) + e`(θ) * δθ = 0* e`(θ) = 1 + 3*k1*θ^*2 + 5*k2*θ^4 + 7*k3*θ^6 + 8*k4*θ^8* δθ = -e(θ)/e`(θ) 经过多次迭代可求得θ* 最后xc = xd * tan(θ) / θd  yc = yd * tan(θ) / θd* @param p2D 特征点* @return */
cv::Point3f KannalaBrandt8::unproject(const cv::Point2f &p2D)
{// Use Newthon method to solve for theta with good precision (err ~ e-6)cv::Point2f pw((p2D.x - mvParameters[2]) / mvParameters[0], (p2D.y - mvParameters[3]) / mvParameters[1]);float scale = 1.f;float theta_d = sqrtf(pw.x * pw.x + pw.y * pw.y);  // sin(psi) = yc / rtheta_d = fminf(fmaxf(-CV_PI / 2.f, theta_d), CV_PI / 2.f);  // 不能超过180度if (theta_d > 1e-8){// Compensate distortion iteratively// θ的初始值定为了θdfloat theta = theta_d;// 开始迭代for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++){float theta2 = theta * theta,theta4 = theta2 * theta2,theta6 = theta4 * theta2,theta8 = theta4 * theta4;float k0_theta2 = mvParameters[4] * theta2,k1_theta4 = mvParameters[5] * theta4;float k2_theta6 = mvParameters[6] * theta6,k3_theta8 = mvParameters[7] * theta8;float theta_fix = (theta * (1 + k0_theta2 + k1_theta4 + k2_theta6 + k3_theta8) - theta_d) /(1 + 3 * k0_theta2 + 5 * k1_theta4 + 7 * k2_theta6 + 9 * k3_theta8);theta = theta - theta_fix;if (fabsf(theta_fix) < precision)  // 如果更新量变得很小,表示接近最终值break;}// scale = theta - theta_d;// 求得tan(θ) / θdscale = std::tan(theta) / theta_d;}return cv::Point3f(pw.x * scale, pw.y * scale, 1.f);


/** * @brief 求解二维像素坐标关于三维点的雅克比矩阵* u = fx * θd * x / sqrt(x^2 + y^2) + cx* v = fy * θd * y / sqrt(x^2 + y^2) + cy* 这两个式子分别对 xyz 求导* θd = θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9* θ = arctan(sqrt(x^2 + y^2), z)* @param p3D 三维点* @return */
Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 3> KannalaBrandt8::projectJac(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D)
{double x2 = v3D[0] * v3D[0], y2 = v3D[1] * v3D[1], z2 = v3D[2] * v3D[2];double r2 = x2 + y2;double r = sqrt(r2);double r3 = r2 * r;double theta = atan2(r, v3D[2]);double theta2 = theta * theta, theta3 = theta2 * theta;double theta4 = theta2 * theta2, theta5 = theta4 * theta;double theta6 = theta2 * theta4, theta7 = theta6 * theta;double theta8 = theta4 * theta4, theta9 = theta8 * theta;double f = theta + theta3 * mvParameters[4] + theta5 * mvParameters[5] + theta7 * mvParameters[6] +theta9 * mvParameters[7];double fd = 1 + 3 * mvParameters[4] * theta2 + 5 * mvParameters[5] * theta4 + 7 * mvParameters[6] * theta6 +9 * mvParameters[7] * theta8;Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 3> JacGood;JacGood(0, 0) = mvParameters[0] * (fd * v3D[2] * x2 / (r2 * (r2 + z2)) + f * y2 / r3);  // ∂u/∂xJacGood(1, 0) =mvParameters[1] * (fd * v3D[2] * v3D[1] * v3D[0] / (r2 * (r2 + z2)) - f * v3D[1] * v3D[0] / r3);  // ∂v/∂xJacGood(0, 1) =mvParameters[0] * (fd * v3D[2] * v3D[1] * v3D[0] / (r2 * (r2 + z2)) - f * v3D[1] * v3D[0] / r3);  // ∂u/∂yJacGood(1, 1) = mvParameters[1] * (fd * v3D[2] * y2 / (r2 * (r2 + z2)) + f * x2 / r3);  // ∂v/∂yJacGood(0, 2) = -mvParameters[0] * fd * v3D[0] / (r2 + z2);  // ∂u/∂zJacGood(1, 2) = -mvParameters[1] * fd * v3D[1] / (r2 + z2);  // ∂v/∂zreturn JacGood;


/** 三角化恢复三维点,但要提前做去畸变 单目初始化中使用* @param vKeys1 第一帧的关键点* @param vKeys2 第二帧的关键点* @param vMatches12 匹配关系,长度与vKeys1一样,对应位置存放vKeys2中关键点的下标* @param T21 顾名思义* @param vP3D 恢复出的三维点* @param vbTriangulated 是否三角化成功,用于统计匹配点数量*/
bool KannalaBrandt8::ReconstructWithTwoViews(const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeys1, const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeys2, const std::vector<int> &vMatches12,Sophus::SE3f &T21, std::vector<cv::Point3f> &vP3D, std::vector<bool> &vbTriangulated)
{if (!tvr){Eigen::Matrix3f K = this->toK_();tvr = new TwoViewReconstruction(K);}// Correct FishEye distortionstd::vector<cv::KeyPoint> vKeysUn1 = vKeys1, vKeysUn2 = vKeys2;std::vector<cv::Point2f> vPts1(vKeys1.size()), vPts2(vKeys2.size());for (size_t i = 0; i < vKeys1.size(); i++)vPts1[i] = vKeys1[i].pt;for (size_t i = 0; i < vKeys2.size(); i++)vPts2[i] = vKeys2[i].pt;cv::Mat D = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 1) << mvParameters[4], mvParameters[5], mvParameters[6], mvParameters[7]);cv::Mat R = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F);cv::Mat K = this->toK();cv::fisheye::undistortPoints(vPts1, vPts1, K, D, R, K);cv::fisheye::undistortPoints(vPts2, vPts2, K, D, R, K);for (size_t i = 0; i < vKeys1.size(); i++)vKeysUn1[i].pt = vPts1[i];for (size_t i = 0; i < vKeys2.size(); i++)vKeysUn2[i].pt = vPts2[i];return tvr->Reconstruct(vKeysUn1, vKeysUn2, vMatches12, T21, vP3D, vbTriangulated);


/*** @brief 返回内参矩阵* @return K*/
cv::Mat KannalaBrandt8::toK()
{cv::Mat K = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 3) << mvParameters[0], 0.f,             mvParameters[2],0.f,             mvParameters[1], mvParameters[3],0.f,             0.f,             1.f);return K;
Eigen::Matrix3f KannalaBrandt8::toK_()
{Eigen::Matrix3f K;K << mvParameters[0], 0.f, mvParameters[2], 0.f, mvParameters[1], mvParameters[3], 0.f, 0.f, 1.f;return K;
bool KannalaBrandt8::epipolarConstrain(GeometricCamera *pCamera2, const cv::KeyPoint &kp1, const cv::KeyPoint &kp2,const Eigen::Matrix3f &R12, const Eigen::Vector3f &t12, const float sigmaLevel, const float unc)
{Eigen::Vector3f p3D;// 用三角化出点并验证的这个过程代替极线验证return this->TriangulateMatches(pCamera2, kp1, kp2, R12, t12, sigmaLevel, unc, p3D) > 0.0001f;


std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const KannalaBrandt8 &kb)
{os << kb.mvParameters[0] << " " << kb.mvParameters[1] << " " << kb.mvParameters[2] << " " << kb.mvParameters[3] << " "<< kb.mvParameters[4] << " " << kb.mvParameters[5] << " " << kb.mvParameters[6] << " " << kb.mvParameters[7];return os;
}std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, KannalaBrandt8 &kb)
{float nextParam;for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++){assert(is.good()); // Make sure the input stream is goodis >> nextParam;kb.mvParameters[i] = nextParam;}return is;
bool KannalaBrandt8::IsEqual(GeometricCamera *pCam)
{if (pCam->GetType() != GeometricCamera::CAM_FISHEYE)return false;KannalaBrandt8 *pKBCam = (KannalaBrandt8 *)pCam;if (abs(precision - pKBCam->GetPrecision()) > 1e-6)return false;if (size() != pKBCam->size())return false;bool is_same_camera = true;for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i){if (abs(mvParameters[i] - pKBCam->getParameter(i)) > 1e-6){is_same_camera = false;break;}}return is_same_camera;


#include "KannalaBrandt8.h"#include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>// BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_IMPLEMENT(ORB_SLAM3::KannalaBrandt8)namespace ORB_SLAM3
// BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID(KannalaBrandt8, "KannalaBrandt8")/** * @brief 投影* xc = Xc/Zc, yc = Yc/Zc* r^2 = xc^2 + yc^2* θ = arctan(r)* θd = k0*θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9* xd = θd/r * xc   yd = θd/r * yc* u = fx*xd + cx  v = fy*yd + cy* @param p3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
cv::Point2f KannalaBrandt8::project(const cv::Point3f &p3D)
{const float x2_plus_y2 = p3D.x * p3D.x + p3D.y * p3D.y;const float theta = atan2f(sqrtf(x2_plus_y2), p3D.z);const float psi = atan2f(p3D.y, p3D.x);const float theta2 = theta * theta;const float theta3 = theta * theta2;const float theta5 = theta3 * theta2;const float theta7 = theta5 * theta2;const float theta9 = theta7 * theta2;const float r = theta + mvParameters[4] * theta3 + mvParameters[5] * theta5 + mvParameters[6] * theta7 + mvParameters[7] * theta9;//其实这部分其实是化简的公式,直接打开就好。return cv::Point2f(mvParameters[0] * r * cos(psi) + mvParameters[2],mvParameters[1] * r * sin(psi) + mvParameters[3]);
}/** * @brief 投影* @param v3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2d KannalaBrandt8::project(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D)
{const double x2_plus_y2 = v3D[0] * v3D[0] + v3D[1] * v3D[1];const double theta = atan2f(sqrtf(x2_plus_y2), v3D[2]);const double psi = atan2f(v3D[1], v3D[0]);const double theta2 = theta * theta;const double theta3 = theta * theta2;const double theta5 = theta3 * theta2;const double theta7 = theta5 * theta2;const double theta9 = theta7 * theta2;const double r = theta + mvParameters[4] * theta3 + mvParameters[5] * theta5 + mvParameters[6] * theta7 + mvParameters[7] * theta9;Eigen::Vector2d res;res[0] = mvParameters[0] * r * cos(psi) + mvParameters[2];res[1] = mvParameters[1] * r * sin(psi) + mvParameters[3];return res;
}/** * @brief 投影* @param v3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2f KannalaBrandt8::project(const Eigen::Vector3f &v3D)
{const float x2_plus_y2 = v3D[0] * v3D[0] + v3D[1] * v3D[1];const float theta = atan2f(sqrtf(x2_plus_y2), v3D[2]);const float psi = atan2f(v3D[1], v3D[0]);const float theta2 = theta * theta;const float theta3 = theta * theta2;const float theta5 = theta3 * theta2;const float theta7 = theta5 * theta2;const float theta9 = theta7 * theta2;const float r = theta + mvParameters[4] * theta3 + mvParameters[5] * theta5 + mvParameters[6] * theta7 + mvParameters[7] * theta9;Eigen::Vector2f res;res[0] = mvParameters[0] * r * cos(psi) + mvParameters[2];res[1] = mvParameters[1] * r * sin(psi) + mvParameters[3];return res;/*cv::Point2f cvres = this->project(cv::Point3f(v3D[0],v3D[1],v3D[2]));Eigen::Vector2d res;res[0] = cvres.x;res[1] = cvres.y;return res;*/
}/** * @brief 投影* @param p3D 三维点* @return 像素坐标*/
Eigen::Vector2f KannalaBrandt8::projectMat(const cv::Point3f &p3D)
{cv::Point2f point = this->project(p3D);return Eigen::Vector2f(point.x, point.y);
}float KannalaBrandt8::uncertainty2(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1> &p2D)
{/*Eigen::Matrix<double,2,1> c;c << mvParameters[2], mvParameters[3];if ((p2D-c).squaredNorm()>57600) // 240*240 (256)return 100.f;elsereturn 1.0f;*/return 1.f;
}/** * @brief 反投影,以Eigen::Vector3f形式返回,KannalaBrandt8::TriangulateMatches中调用* @param p2D 特征点* @return */
Eigen::Vector3f KannalaBrandt8::unprojectEig(const cv::Point2f &p2D)
{cv::Point3f ray = this->unproject(p2D);return Eigen::Vector3f(ray.x, ray.y, ray.z);
}/** * @brief 反投影* 投影过程* xc = Xc/Zc, yc = Yc/Zc* r^2 = xc^2 + yc^2* θ = arctan(r)* θd = k0*θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9* xd = θd/r * xc   yd = θd/r * yc* u = fx*xd + cx  v = fy*yd + cy* * * 已知u与v 未矫正的特征点像素坐标* xd = (u - cx) / fx    yd = (v - cy) / fy* 待求的 xc = xd * r / θd  yc = yd * r / θd* 待求的 xc = xd * tan(θ) / θd  yc = yd * tan(θ) / θd* 其中 θd的算法如下:*     xd^2 + yd^2 = θd^2/r^2 * (xc^2 + yc^2)*     θd = sqrt(xd^2 + yd^2) / sqrt(xc^2 + yc^2) * r*     其中r = sqrt(xc^2 + yc^2)*     所以 θd = sqrt(xd^2 + yd^2)  已知* 所以待求的只有tan(θ),也就是θ* 这里θd = θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9* 直接求解θ比较麻烦,这里用迭代的方式通过误差的一阶导数求θ* θ的初始值定为了θd,设θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9 = f(θ)* e(θ) = f(θ) - θd 目标是求解一个θ值另e(θ) = 0* 泰勒展开e(θ+δθ) = e(θ) + e`(θ) * δθ = 0* e`(θ) = 1 + 3*k1*θ^*2 + 5*k2*θ^4 + 7*k3*θ^6 + 8*k4*θ^8* δθ = -e(θ)/e`(θ) 经过多次迭代可求得θ* 最后xc = xd * tan(θ) / θd  yc = yd * tan(θ) / θd* @param p2D 特征点* @return */
cv::Point3f KannalaBrandt8::unproject(const cv::Point2f &p2D)
{// Use Newthon method to solve for theta with good precision (err ~ e-6)cv::Point2f pw((p2D.x - mvParameters[2]) / mvParameters[0], (p2D.y - mvParameters[3]) / mvParameters[1]);float scale = 1.f;float theta_d = sqrtf(pw.x * pw.x + pw.y * pw.y);  // sin(psi) = yc / rtheta_d = fminf(fmaxf(-CV_PI / 2.f, theta_d), CV_PI / 2.f);  // 不能超过180度if (theta_d > 1e-8){// Compensate distortion iteratively// θ的初始值定为了θdfloat theta = theta_d;// 开始迭代for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++){float theta2 = theta * theta,theta4 = theta2 * theta2,theta6 = theta4 * theta2,theta8 = theta4 * theta4;float k0_theta2 = mvParameters[4] * theta2,k1_theta4 = mvParameters[5] * theta4;float k2_theta6 = mvParameters[6] * theta6,k3_theta8 = mvParameters[7] * theta8;float theta_fix = (theta * (1 + k0_theta2 + k1_theta4 + k2_theta6 + k3_theta8) - theta_d) /(1 + 3 * k0_theta2 + 5 * k1_theta4 + 7 * k2_theta6 + 9 * k3_theta8);theta = theta - theta_fix;if (fabsf(theta_fix) < precision)  // 如果更新量变得很小,表示接近最终值break;}// scale = theta - theta_d;// 求得tan(θ) / θdscale = std::tan(theta) / theta_d;}return cv::Point3f(pw.x * scale, pw.y * scale, 1.f);
}/** * @brief 求解二维像素坐标关于三维点的雅克比矩阵* u = fx * θd * x / sqrt(x^2 + y^2) + cx* v = fy * θd * y / sqrt(x^2 + y^2) + cy* 这两个式子分别对 xyz 求导* θd = θ + k1*θ^3 + k2*θ^5 + k3*θ^7 + k4*θ^9* θ = arctan(sqrt(x^2 + y^2), z)* @param p3D 三维点* @return */
Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 3> KannalaBrandt8::projectJac(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D)
{double x2 = v3D[0] * v3D[0], y2 = v3D[1] * v3D[1], z2 = v3D[2] * v3D[2];double r2 = x2 + y2;double r = sqrt(r2);double r3 = r2 * r;double theta = atan2(r, v3D[2]);double theta2 = theta * theta, theta3 = theta2 * theta;double theta4 = theta2 * theta2, theta5 = theta4 * theta;double theta6 = theta2 * theta4, theta7 = theta6 * theta;double theta8 = theta4 * theta4, theta9 = theta8 * theta;double f = theta + theta3 * mvParameters[4] + theta5 * mvParameters[5] + theta7 * mvParameters[6] +theta9 * mvParameters[7];double fd = 1 + 3 * mvParameters[4] * theta2 + 5 * mvParameters[5] * theta4 + 7 * mvParameters[6] * theta6 +9 * mvParameters[7] * theta8;Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 3> JacGood;JacGood(0, 0) = mvParameters[0] * (fd * v3D[2] * x2 / (r2 * (r2 + z2)) + f * y2 / r3);  // ∂u/∂xJacGood(1, 0) =mvParameters[1] * (fd * v3D[2] * v3D[1] * v3D[0] / (r2 * (r2 + z2)) - f * v3D[1] * v3D[0] / r3);  // ∂v/∂xJacGood(0, 1) =mvParameters[0] * (fd * v3D[2] * v3D[1] * v3D[0] / (r2 * (r2 + z2)) - f * v3D[1] * v3D[0] / r3);  // ∂u/∂yJacGood(1, 1) = mvParameters[1] * (fd * v3D[2] * y2 / (r2 * (r2 + z2)) + f * x2 / r3);  // ∂v/∂yJacGood(0, 2) = -mvParameters[0] * fd * v3D[0] / (r2 + z2);  // ∂u/∂zJacGood(1, 2) = -mvParameters[1] * fd * v3D[1] / (r2 + z2);  // ∂v/∂zreturn JacGood;
}/** 三角化恢复三维点,但要提前做去畸变 单目初始化中使用* @param vKeys1 第一帧的关键点* @param vKeys2 第二帧的关键点* @param vMatches12 匹配关系,长度与vKeys1一样,对应位置存放vKeys2中关键点的下标* @param T21 顾名思义* @param vP3D 恢复出的三维点* @param vbTriangulated 是否三角化成功,用于统计匹配点数量*/
bool KannalaBrandt8::ReconstructWithTwoViews(const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeys1, const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeys2, const std::vector<int> &vMatches12,Sophus::SE3f &T21, std::vector<cv::Point3f> &vP3D, std::vector<bool> &vbTriangulated)
{if (!tvr){Eigen::Matrix3f K = this->toK_();tvr = new TwoViewReconstruction(K);}// Correct FishEye distortionstd::vector<cv::KeyPoint> vKeysUn1 = vKeys1, vKeysUn2 = vKeys2;std::vector<cv::Point2f> vPts1(vKeys1.size()), vPts2(vKeys2.size());for (size_t i = 0; i < vKeys1.size(); i++)vPts1[i] = vKeys1[i].pt;for (size_t i = 0; i < vKeys2.size(); i++)vPts2[i] = vKeys2[i].pt;cv::Mat D = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 1) << mvParameters[4], mvParameters[5], mvParameters[6], mvParameters[7]);cv::Mat R = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F);cv::Mat K = this->toK();cv::fisheye::undistortPoints(vPts1, vPts1, K, D, R, K);cv::fisheye::undistortPoints(vPts2, vPts2, K, D, R, K);for (size_t i = 0; i < vKeys1.size(); i++)vKeysUn1[i].pt = vPts1[i];for (size_t i = 0; i < vKeys2.size(); i++)vKeysUn2[i].pt = vPts2[i];return tvr->Reconstruct(vKeysUn1, vKeysUn2, vMatches12, T21, vP3D, vbTriangulated);
}/*** @brief 返回内参矩阵* @return K*/
cv::Mat KannalaBrandt8::toK()
{cv::Mat K = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 3) << mvParameters[0], 0.f,             mvParameters[2],0.f,             mvParameters[1], mvParameters[3],0.f,             0.f,             1.f);return K;
Eigen::Matrix3f KannalaBrandt8::toK_()
{Eigen::Matrix3f K;K << mvParameters[0], 0.f, mvParameters[2], 0.f, mvParameters[1], mvParameters[3], 0.f, 0.f, 1.f;return K;
}bool KannalaBrandt8::epipolarConstrain(GeometricCamera *pCamera2, const cv::KeyPoint &kp1, const cv::KeyPoint &kp2,const Eigen::Matrix3f &R12, const Eigen::Vector3f &t12, const float sigmaLevel, const float unc)
{Eigen::Vector3f p3D;// 用三角化出点并验证的这个过程代替极线验证return this->TriangulateMatches(pCamera2, kp1, kp2, R12, t12, sigmaLevel, unc, p3D) > 0.0001f;
}// 没用
bool KannalaBrandt8::matchAndtriangulate(const cv::KeyPoint &kp1, const cv::KeyPoint &kp2, GeometricCamera *pOther,Sophus::SE3f &Tcw1, Sophus::SE3f &Tcw2,const float sigmaLevel1, const float sigmaLevel2,Eigen::Vector3f &x3Dtriangulated)
{Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 4> eigTcw1 = Tcw1.matrix3x4();Eigen::Matrix3f Rcw1 = eigTcw1.block<3, 3>(0, 0);Eigen::Matrix3f Rwc1 = Rcw1.transpose();Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 4> eigTcw2 = Tcw2.matrix3x4();Eigen::Matrix3f Rcw2 = eigTcw2.block<3, 3>(0, 0);Eigen::Matrix3f Rwc2 = Rcw2.transpose();cv::Point3f ray1c = this->unproject(kp1.pt);cv::Point3f ray2c = pOther->unproject(kp2.pt);// 获得点1在帧1的归一化坐标Eigen::Vector3f r1(ray1c.x, ray1c.y, ray1c.z);// 获得点2在帧2的归一化坐标Eigen::Vector3f r2(ray2c.x, ray2c.y, ray2c.z);// Check parallax between rays// 射线在世界坐标系下Eigen::Vector3f ray1 = Rwc1 * r1;Eigen::Vector3f ray2 = Rwc2 * r2;const float cosParallaxRays = ray1.dot(ray2) / (ray1.norm() * ray2.norm());// If parallax is lower than 0.9998, reject this match// 夹角几乎为0时返回,因为表示这个点过远,三角化会带来大量误差if (cosParallaxRays > 0.9998){return false;}// Parallax is good, so we try to triangulatecv::Point2f p11, p22;p11.x = ray1c.x;p11.y = ray1c.y;p22.x = ray2c.x;p22.y = ray2c.y;Eigen::Vector3f x3D;// 三角化Triangulate(p11, p22, eigTcw1, eigTcw2, x3D);// Check triangulation in front of cameras// 查看点是否位于相机前面float z1 = Rcw1.row(2).dot(x3D) + Tcw1.translation()(2);if (z1 <= 0){ // Point is not in front of the first camerareturn false;}float z2 = Rcw2.row(2).dot(x3D) + Tcw2.translation()(2);if (z2 <= 0){ // Point is not in front of the first camerareturn false;}// Check reprojection error in first keyframe//   -Transform point into camera reference system// 查看投影误差Eigen::Vector3f x3D1 = Rcw1 * x3D + Tcw1.translation();Eigen::Vector2f uv1 = this->project(x3D1);float errX1 = uv1(0) - kp1.pt.x;float errY1 = uv1(1) - kp1.pt.y;if ((errX1 * errX1 + errY1 * errY1) > 5.991 * sigmaLevel1){ // Reprojection error is highreturn false;}// Check reprojection error in second keyframe;//   -Transform point into camera reference systemEigen::Vector3f x3D2 = Rcw2 * x3D + Tcw2.translation(); // avoid using qEigen::Vector2f uv2 = pOther->project(x3D2);float errX2 = uv2(0) - kp2.pt.x;float errY2 = uv2(1) - kp2.pt.y;if ((errX2 * errX2 + errY2 * errY2) > 5.991 * sigmaLevel2){ // Reprojection error is highreturn false;}// Since parallax is big enough and reprojection errors are low, this pair of points// can be considered as a matchx3Dtriangulated = x3D;return true;
}/** * @brief 通过三角化后的重投影误差判断点匹配的情况,如果比较好则返回深度值* @param pCamera2 右相机* @param kp1 左相机特征点* @param kp2 右相机特征点* @param R12 2->1的旋转* @param t12 2->1的平移* @param sigmaLevel 特征点1的尺度的平方* @param unc 特征点2的尺度的平方* @param p3D 恢复的三维点* @return 点的深度值*/
float KannalaBrandt8::TriangulateMatches(GeometricCamera *pCamera2, const cv::KeyPoint &kp1, const cv::KeyPoint &kp2,const Eigen::Matrix3f &R12, const Eigen::Vector3f &t12, const float sigmaLevel,const float unc, Eigen::Vector3f &p3D)
{// 1. 得到对应特征点的归一化平面坐标Eigen::Vector3f r1 = this->unprojectEig(kp1.pt);Eigen::Vector3f r2 = pCamera2->unprojectEig(kp2.pt);// Check parallax// 2. 查看射线夹角// 这里有点像极线约束,但并不是,将r2通过R12旋转到与r1同方向的坐标系// 然后计算他们的夹角,看其是否超过1.14° Eigen::Vector3f r21 = R12 * r2;const float cosParallaxRays = r1.dot(r21) / (r1.norm() * r21.norm());if (cosParallaxRays > 0.9998){return -1;}// Parallax is good, so we try to triangulatecv::Point2f p11, p22;p11.x = r1[0];p11.y = r1[1];p22.x = r2[0];p22.y = r2[1];Eigen::Vector3f x3D;Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 4> Tcw1;// 3. 设定变换矩阵用于三角化Tcw1 << Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity(), Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 4> Tcw2;Eigen::Matrix3f R21 = R12.transpose();Tcw2 << R21, -R21 * t12;// 4. 三角化Triangulate(p11, p22, Tcw1, Tcw2, x3D);// cv::Mat x3Dt = x3D.t();// 深度值是否正常float z1 = x3D(2);if (z1 <= 0){return -2;}float z2 = R21.row(2).dot(x3D) + Tcw2(2, 3);if (z2 <= 0){return -3;}// Check reprojection error// 5. 做下投影计算重投影误差Eigen::Vector2f uv1 = this->project(x3D);float errX1 = uv1(0) - kp1.pt.x;float errY1 = uv1(1) - kp1.pt.y;if ((errX1 * errX1 + errY1 * errY1) > 5.991 * sigmaLevel){ // Reprojection error is highreturn -4;}Eigen::Vector3f x3D2 = R21 * x3D + Tcw2.col(3);Eigen::Vector2f uv2 = pCamera2->project(x3D2);float errX2 = uv2(0) - kp2.pt.x;float errY2 = uv2(1) - kp2.pt.y;if ((errX2 * errX2 + errY2 * errY2) > 5.991 * unc){ // Reprojection error is highreturn -5;}p3D = x3D;return z1;
}std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const KannalaBrandt8 &kb)
{os << kb.mvParameters[0] << " " << kb.mvParameters[1] << " " << kb.mvParameters[2] << " " << kb.mvParameters[3] << " "<< kb.mvParameters[4] << " " << kb.mvParameters[5] << " " << kb.mvParameters[6] << " " << kb.mvParameters[7];return os;
}std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, KannalaBrandt8 &kb)
{float nextParam;for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++){assert(is.good()); // Make sure the input stream is goodis >> nextParam;kb.mvParameters[i] = nextParam;}return is;
}/** * @brief 通过三角化恢复归一化坐标的三维点坐标,该三维点为在左相机坐标系下的点* @param p1 右相机* @param p2 左相机特征点* @param Tcw1 3×4 单位矩阵* @param Tcw2 3×4 T21* @param x3D 恢复的三维点*/
void KannalaBrandt8::Triangulate(const cv::Point2f &p1, const cv::Point2f &p2, const Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 4> &Tcw1,const Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 4> &Tcw2, Eigen::Vector3f &x3D)
{Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 4> A;// 代码中有用到三角化的地方有:TwoViewReconstruction::Triangulate LocalMapping::CreateNewMapPoints KannalaBrandt8::Triangulate Initializer::Triangulate// 见Initializer.cpp的Triangulate函数,A矩阵构建的方式类似,不同的是乘的反对称矩阵那个是像素坐标构成的,而这个是归一化坐标构成的// Pc = Tcw*Pw, 左右两面乘Pc的反对称矩阵 [Pc]x * Tcw *Pw = 0 构成了A矩阵,中间涉及一个尺度a,因为都是归一化平面,但右面是0所以直接可以约掉不影响最后的尺度//  0 -1 y    Tcw.row(0)     -Tcw.row(1) + y*Tcw.row(2)//  1 0 -x *  Tcw.row(1)  =   Tcw.row(0) - x*Tcw.row(2) // -y x  0    Tcw.row(2)    x*Tcw.row(1) - y*Tcw.row(0)// 发现上述矩阵线性相关,所以取前两维,两个点构成了4行的矩阵,就是如下的操作,求出的是4维的结果[X,Y,Z,A],所以需要除以最后一维使之为1,就成了[X,Y,Z,1]这种齐次形式A.row(0) = p1.x * Tcw1.row(2) - Tcw1.row(0);A.row(1) = p1.y * Tcw1.row(2) - Tcw1.row(1);A.row(2) = p2.x * Tcw2.row(2) - Tcw2.row(0);A.row(3) = p2.y * Tcw2.row(2) - Tcw2.row(1);Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix4f> svd(A, Eigen::ComputeFullV);Eigen::Vector4f x3Dh = svd.matrixV().col(3);x3D = x3Dh.head(3) / x3Dh(3);
}bool KannalaBrandt8::IsEqual(GeometricCamera *pCam)
{if (pCam->GetType() != GeometricCamera::CAM_FISHEYE)return false;KannalaBrandt8 *pKBCam = (KannalaBrandt8 *)pCam;if (abs(precision - pKBCam->GetPrecision()) > 1e-6)return false;if (size() != pKBCam->size())return false;bool is_same_camera = true;for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i){if (abs(mvParameters[i] - pKBCam->getParameter(i)) > 1e-6){is_same_camera = false;break;}}return is_same_camera;




