浏览器cookies具有缓存和加速的作用,odoo17 website 模块内置了cookies的选项:
(Browser cookies have the function of caching and acceleration, and the Odoo 17 website module has built-in options for cookies:)
1、安装website模块后,可在配置中勾选Cookies Bar:
(After installing the website module, you can tick the “Cookies Bar” option in the configuration)
2、网站首页出现Cookies Policy的选项:
(The “Cookies Policy” option appears on the homepage of the website.)
3、点击“Cookies Policy”查看odoo17 cookies策略:
(Click “Cookies Policy” to view the Odoo 17 cookies policy.)
4、访问用户可自行选择“同意”(I agree)或“只选择必须项”(Only essentials),以实现本地odoo17+cookies管理。
(Visiting users can choose “I agree” or “Only essentials” to manage their local Odoo 17 + cookies preferences.)