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2025/2/27 16:23:58 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/LIJIWEI0611/article/details/130325071  浏览:    关键词:汕头澄海玩具_自制钓鱼平台_优化师是干嘛的_福州百度seo排名软件


Mojo C++ 绑定 API 利用C++ 系统 API提供一组更自然的原语,用于通过 Mojo 消息管道进行通信。结合从Mojom IDL 和绑定生成器生成的代码,用户可以轻松地跨任意进程内和进程间边界连接接口客户端和实现。

本文档通过示例代码片段提供了绑定 API 用法的详细指南。有关详细的 API 参考,请参阅//mojo/public/cpp/bindings中的标头。

有关针对 Chromium 开发人员的简化指南,请参阅此链接。


When a Mojom IDL file is processed by the bindings generator, C++ code is emitted in a series of .h and .cc files with names based on the input .mojom file. Suppose we create the following Mojom file at //services/db/public/mojom/db.mojom:

module db.mojom;interface Table {AddRow(int32 key, string data);
};interface Database {CreateTable(Table& table);

And a GN target to generate the bindings in //services/db/public/mojom/BUILD.gn:

import("//mojo/public/tools/bindings/mojom.gni")mojom("mojom") {sources = ["db.mojom",]

Ensure that any target that needs this interface depends on it, e.g. with a line like:

   deps += [ '//services/db/public/mojom' ]

If we then build this target:

ninja -C out/r services/db/public/mojom

This will produce several generated source files, some of which are relevant to C++ bindings. Two of these files are:

out/gen/services/db/public/mojom/db.mojom.cc out/gen/services/db/public/mojom/db.mojom.h

You can include the above generated header in your sources in order to use the definitions therein:

#include "services/business/public/mojom/factory.mojom.h"class TableImpl : public db::mojom::Table {// ...

本文档涵盖了 Mojom IDL 为 C++ 消费者生成的不同类型的定义,以及如何有效地使用它们来跨消息管道进行通信。


Mojom IDL 接口在生成的标头中被转换为相应的 C++(纯虚拟)类接口定义,包括为接口上的每个请求消息生成的单个方法签名。在内部还有用于消息序列化和反序列化的生成代码,但是这个细节对绑定消费者是隐藏的。



module sample.mojom;interface Logger {Log(string message);


namespace sample {
namespace mojom {class Logger {virtual ~Logger() {}virtual void Log(const std::string& message) = 0;
};}  // namespace mojom
}  // namespace sample

Remote and PendingReceiver

APendingReceiver<T>本质上只是一个类型化的容器,用于容纳 aRemote<T>的管道的另一端——接收端——直到它可以被路由到某个将绑定它的实现。除了保持管道端点并携带有用的编译时类型信息外,它PendingReceiver<T>实际上没有做任何事情。



#include "sample/logger.mojom.h"mojo::MessagePipe pipe;
mojo::Remote<sample::mojom::Logger> logger(mojo::PendingRemote<sample::mojom::Logger>(std::move(pipe.handle0), 0));
mojo::PendingReceiver<sample::mojom::Logger> receiver(std::move(pipe.handle1));

这相当冗长,但 C++ 绑定库提供了一种更方便的方法来完成同样的事情。remote.h定义了一个BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver方法:

mojo::Remote<sample::mojom::Logger> logger;
auto receiver = logger.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver();


注意:在上面的第一个示例中,您可能会注意到mojo::PendingRemote<Logger>. 这类似PendingReceiver<T>,因为它仅持有管道句柄,实际上不能在管道上读取或写入消息。这种类型 和 都PendingReceiver<T>可以安全地从一个序列自由地移动到另一个序列,而绑定Remote<T>绑定到单个序列。

ARemote<T>可以通过调用它的Unbind()方法来解除绑定,该方法返回一个新的PendingRemote<T>. 相反,anRemote<T>可以绑定(并因此获得所有权)an PendingRemote<T>,以便可以在管道上进行接口调用。


一旦 被PendingRemote<Logger>绑定,我们就可以立即开始Logger对其调用接口方法,这将立即将消息写入管道。这些消息将在管道的接收端排队,直到有人绑定到它并开始阅读它们。



但正如上面提到的,PendingReceiver 实际上并没有做任何事情,因此该消息将永远停留在管道上。我们需要一种方法来从管道的另一端读取消息并发送它们。我们必须绑定挂起的接收者

Binding a Pending Receiver 绑定一个挂起的接收者

绑定库中有许多不同的帮助器类用于绑定消息管道的接收端。其中最原始的是mojo::Receiver<T>mojo::Receiver<T>将 的实现T与单个绑定消息管道端点(通过 a mojo::PendingReceiver<T>)桥接起来,它会持续监视其可读性。

只要绑定管道变得可读,就会Receiver安排一个任务来读取、反序列化(使用生成的代码)并将所有可用消息分派给绑定实现T。下面是接口的示例实现Logger。请注意,实现本身拥有一个mojo::Receiver. 这是一个常见的模式,因为绑定的实现必须比任何mojo::Receiver绑定它的实现都长寿。

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "sample/logger.mojom.h"class LoggerImpl : public sample::mojom::Logger {public:// NOTE: A common pattern for interface implementations which have one// instance per client is to take a PendingReceiver in the constructor.explicit LoggerImpl(mojo::PendingReceiver<sample::mojom::Logger> receiver): receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)) {}Logger(const Logger&) = delete;Logger& operator=(const Logger&) = delete;~Logger() override {}// sample::mojom::Logger:void Log(const std::string& message) override {LOG(ERROR) << "[Logger] " << message;}private:mojo::Receiver<sample::mojom::Logger> receiver_;

LoggerImpl现在我们可以在我们的 上构造一个PendingReceiver<Logger>,之前排队的Log消息将按 的LoggerImpl顺序尽快发送:

LoggerImpl impl(std::move(receiver));

The diagram below illustrates the following sequence of events, all set in motion by the above line of code:


  1. LoggerImpl调用构造函数,将传递PendingReceiver<Logger>Receiver

  2. Receiver获取 的管道端点的所有权并PendingReceiver<Logger>开始观察它的可读性。Log管道是立即可读的,因此安排了一个任务来尽快从管道中读取待处理的消息。

  3. 消息Log被读取和反序列化,导致在其绑定上Receiver调用实现。Logger::LogLoggerImpl

因此,我们的实现最终将"Hello!"通过 记录客户端的消息LOG(ERROR)

注意:只要绑定它的对象(mojo::Receiver上面示例中的 )保持活动状态,消息就会从管道中读取和发送。

Receiving Responses

一些 Mojom 接口方法需要一个响应。假设我们修改我们的Logger界面,以便可以像这样查询最后记录的行

module sample.mojom;interface Logger {Log(string message);GetTail() => (string message);

The generated C++ interface will now look like:

namespace sample {
namespace mojom {class Logger {public:virtual ~Logger() {}virtual void Log(const std::string& message) = 0;using GetTailCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string& message)>;virtual void GetTail(GetTailCallback callback) = 0;
}}  // namespace mojom
}  // namespace sample


class LoggerImpl : public sample::mojom::Logger {public:// NOTE: A common pattern for interface implementations which have one// instance per client is to take a PendingReceiver in the constructor.explicit LoggerImpl(mojo::PendingReceiver<sample::mojom::Logger> receiver): receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)) {}~Logger() override {}Logger(const Logger&) = delete;Logger& operator=(const Logger&) = delete;// sample::mojom::Logger:void Log(const std::string& message) override {LOG(ERROR) << "[Logger] " << message;lines_.push_back(message);}void GetTail(GetTailCallback callback) override {std::move(callback).Run(lines_.back());}private:mojo::Receiver<sample::mojom::Logger> receiver_;std::vector<std::string> lines_;


void OnGetTail(const std::string& message) {LOG(ERROR) << "Tail was: " << message;





  • Mojo 系统级原因:进程终止、资源耗尽等。

  • 由于在处理接收到的消息时出现验证错误,绑定会关闭管道。

  • 对等端点已关闭。例如,远程端是一个绑定mojo::Remote<T>,它被销毁了。


所有消息管道绑定 C++ 对象(例如, mojo::Receiver<T>,)都支持通过方法设置它们的断开连接处理mojo::Remote<T>程序。set_disconnect_handler


LoggerImpl::LoggerImpl(mojo::PendingReceiver<sample::mojom::Logger> receiver): receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)) {receiver_.set_disconnect_handler(base::BindOnce(&LoggerImpl::OnError, base::Unretained(this)));
}void LoggerImpl::OnError() {LOG(ERROR) << "Client disconnected! Purging log lines.";lines_.clear();
}mojo::Remote<sample::mojom::Logger> logger;
LoggerImpl impl(logger.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver());
logger->Log("OK cool");
logger.reset();  // Closes the client end.

只要impl在这里保持活动状态,它最终就会收到Log消息,然后立即调用绑定的回调,输出"Client disconnected! Purging log lines.". 与所有其他接收器回调一样,一旦相应的接收器对象被销毁,断开连接处理程序将永远不会被调用。

使用base::Unretained安全的,因为错误处理程序永远不会在receiver_this拥有 的生命周期之后被调用receiver_


一旦 mojo::Remote<T>被销毁,就可以保证挂起的回调以及连接错误处理程序(如果已注册)不会被调用。

一旦 mojo::Receiver<T>被销毁,就可以保证不再将方法调用分派给实现,并且不会调用连接错误处理程序(如果已注册)。


当调用带有回调的 mojo 接口方法时,一个常见的情况是调用者想知道另一个端点是否被拆除(例如,因为崩溃)。在这种情况下,消费者通常想知道响应回调是否不会运行。这个问题有不同的解决方案,具体取决于Remote<T>举行的方式:

  1. 消费者拥有Remote<T>:set_disconnect_handler应该被使用。

  2. 消费者不拥有Remote<T>:根据调用者想要的行为,有两个助手。如果调用者想要确保错误处理程序运行,那么mojo::WrapCallbackWithDropHandler应该使用。如果调用者希望回调始终运行,则应mojo::WrapCallbackWithDefaultInvokeIfNotRun使用 helper。对于这两个助手,应该遵循通常的回调注意以确保回调不会在消费者被销毁后运行(例如,因为消费者的所有者比Remote<T>消费者长寿)。这包括使用base::WeakPtrbase::RefCounted。还应该注意的是,使用这些助手,回调可以在 Remote 被重置或销毁时同步运行。




LoggerImpl::LoggerImpl(mojo::PendingReceiver<sample::mojom::Logger> receiver,base::OnceClosure disconnect_handler): receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)) {receiver_.set_disconnect_handler(std::move(disconnect_handler));
}void GoBindALogger(mojo::PendingReceiver<sample::mojom::Logger> receiver) {base::RunLoop loop;LoggerImpl impl(std::move(receiver), loop.QuitClosure());loop.Run();
}void LogSomething() {mojo::Remote<sample::mojom::Logger> logger;bg_thread->task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&GoBindALogger, logger.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver()));logger->Log("OK Computer");




Mojom 枚举直接转换为等效的强类型 C++11 枚举类作为int32_t基础类型。Mojom 和 C++ 的类型名和值名是相同的。Mojo 还总是定义一个特殊的枚举器kMaxValue,它共享最高枚举器的值:这使得在直方图中记录 Mojo 枚举并与遗留 IPC 互操作变得容易。

例如,考虑以下 Mojom 定义:

module business.mojom;enum Department {kEngineering,kMarketing,kSales,
This translates to the following C++ definition:
namespace business {
namespace mojom {enum class Department : int32_t {kEngineering,kMarketing,kSales,kMaxValue = kSales,
};}  // namespace mojom
}  // namespace business


Mojom 结构可用于将字段的逻辑分组定义为新的复合类型。每个 Mojom 结构都会生成一个同名的、有代表性的 C++ 类,具有相应 C++ 类型的同名公共字段,以及几个有用的公共方法。

例如,考虑以下 Mojom 结构:

module business.mojom;struct Employee {int64 id;string username;Department department;
This would generate a C++ class like so:
namespace business {
namespace mojom {class Employee;using EmployeePtr = mojo::StructPtr<Employee>;class Employee {public:// Default constructor - applies default values, potentially ones specified// explicitly within the Mojom.Employee();// Value constructor - an explicit argument for every field in the struct, in// lexical Mojom definition order.Employee(int64_t id, const std::string& username, Department department);// Creates a new copy of this struct valueEmployeePtr Clone();// Tests for equality with another struct value of the same type.bool Equals(const Employee& other);// Equivalent public fields with names identical to the Mojom.int64_t id;std::string username;Department department;
};}  // namespace mojom
}  // namespace business

请注意,当用作消息参数或另一个 Mojom 结构中的字段时,类型struct由 move-only 助手包装mojo::StructPtr,这大致等同于带有std::unique_ptr一些附加实用方法的 。这允许结构值可以为空,并且结构类型可以是潜在的自引用。

每个生成的结构类都有一个静态New()方法,该方法返回一个新的mojo::StructPtr<T>包装类的新实例,该实例是通过转发来自New. 例如:

mojom::EmployeePtr e1 = mojom::Employee::New();
e1->id = 42;
e1->username = "mojo";
e1->department = mojom::Department::kEngineering;


auto e1 = mojom::Employee::New(42, "mojo", mojom::Department::kEngineering);


interface EmployeeManager {AddEmployee(Employee e);
We'll get this C++ interface to implement:
class EmployeeManager {public:virtual ~EmployeManager() {}virtual void AddEmployee(EmployeePtr e) = 0;

我们可以从 C++ 代码发送此消息,如下所示:

mojom::EmployeManagerPtr manager = ...;
manager->AddEmployee(Employee::New(42, "mojo", mojom::Department::kEngineering));// or
auto e = Employee::New(42, "mojo", mojom::Department::kEngineering);


与structs类似,标记的联合生成一个同名的、有代表性的 C++ 类,它通常包装在一个mojo::StructPtr<T>.

与结构不同,所有生成的联合字段都是私有的,必须使用访问器进行检索和操作。字段foo可由 访问get_foo()和设置set_foo()。每个字段还有一个布尔值is_foo(),指示联合当前是否正在采用 field 的值foo以排除所有其他联合字段。

最后,每个生成的联合类还有一个嵌套的Tag枚举类,它枚举所有命名的联合字段。Mojom 联合值的当前类型可以通过调用which()返回 a 的方法来确定Tag

例如,考虑以下 Mojom 定义:

union Value {int64 int_value;float float_value;string string_value;
};interface Dictionary {AddValue(string key, Value value);
This generates the following C++ interface:
class Value {public:~Value() {}
};class Dictionary {public:virtual ~Dictionary() {}virtual void AddValue(const std::string& key, ValuePtr value) = 0;


ValuePtr value = Value::NewIntValue(42);
CHECK_EQ(value->which(), Value::Tag::kIntValue);value->set_float_value(42);
CHECK_EQ(value->which(), Value::Tag::kFloatValue);value->set_string_value("bananas");
CHECK_EQ(value->which(), Value::Tag::kStringValue);

最后,请注意,如果联合值当前未被给定字段占用,则访问该字段的尝试将 DCHECK:

ValuePtr value = Value::NewIntValue(42);
LOG(INFO) << "Value is " << value->string_value();  // DCHECK!

Sending Interfaces Over Interfaces

我们知道如何创建接口管道并以一些有趣的方式使用它们的 Remote 和 PendingReceiver 端点。这仍然不是有趣的 IPC!Mojo IPC 的主要功能是能够跨其他接口传输接口端点,所以让我们来看看如何实现这一点。

Sending mojo::PendingReceiver

考虑一个新的例子 Mojom in //sample/db.mojom

module db.mojom;interface Table {void AddRow(int32 key, string data);
};interface Database {AddTable(pending_receiver<Table> table);

如Mojom IDL 文档中所述,pending_receiver<Table>语法与上述部分中讨论的类型完全对应PendingReceiver<T>,实际上为这些接口生成的代码大致如下:

namespace db {
namespace mojom {class Table {public:virtual ~Table() {}virtual void AddRow(int32_t key, const std::string& data) = 0;
}class Database {public:virtual ~Database() {}virtual void AddTable(mojo::PendingReceiver<Table> table);
};}  // namespace mojom
}  // namespace db

We can put this all together now with an implementation of Table and Database:

#include "sample/db.mojom.h"class TableImpl : public db::mojom:Table {public:explicit TableImpl(mojo::PendingReceiver<db::mojom::Table> receiver): receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)) {}~TableImpl() override {}// db::mojom::Table:void AddRow(int32_t key, const std::string& data) override {rows_.insert({key, data});}private:mojo::Receiver<db::mojom::Table> receiver_;std::map<int32_t, std::string> rows_;
};class DatabaseImpl : public db::mojom::Database {public:explicit DatabaseImpl(mojo::PendingReceiver<db::mojom::Database> receiver): receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)) {}~DatabaseImpl() override {}// db::mojom::Database:void AddTable(mojo::PendingReceiver<db::mojom::Table> table) {tables_.emplace_back(std::make_unique<TableImpl>(std::move(table)));}private:mojo::Receiver<db::mojom::Database> receiver_;std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TableImpl>> tables_;


mojo::Remote<db::mojom::Database> database;
DatabaseImpl db_impl(database.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver());mojo::Remote<db::mojom::Table> table1, table2;
database->AddTable(table2.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver());table1->AddRow(1, "hiiiiiiii");
table2->AddRow(2, "heyyyyyy");


Sending mojo::PendingRemote


interface TableListener {OnRowAdded(int32 key, string data);
};interface Table {AddRow(int32 key, string data);AddListener(pending_remote<TableListener> listener);


  virtual void AddListener(mojo::PendingRemote<TableListener> listener) = 0;


mojo::PendingRemote<db::mojom::TableListener> listener;
TableListenerImpl impl(listener.InitWithNewPipeAndPassReceiver());



Self-owned Receivers

self-owned receiver 作为独立对象存在,它拥有自己的接口实现,并在其绑定的接口端点检测到错误时自动清理自身。该MakeSelfOwnedReceiver函数用于创建这样的接收器。.

class LoggerImpl : public sample::mojom::Logger {public:LoggerImpl() {}~LoggerImpl() override {}// sample::mojom::Logger:void Log(const std::string& message) override {LOG(ERROR) << "[Logger] " << message;}private:// NOTE: This doesn't own any Receiver object!
};mojo::Remote<db::mojom::Logger> logger;
mojo::MakeSelfOwnedReceiver(std::make_unique<LoggerImpl>(),logger.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver());logger->Log("NOM NOM NOM MESSAGES");


Receiver Sets

有时与多个客户端共享单个实现实例很有用。ReceiverSet使这变得容易。考虑一下 Mojom:

module system.mojom;interface Logger {Log(string message);
};interface LoggerProvider {GetLogger(Logger& logger);

有时与多个客户端共享单个实现实例很有用ReceiverSet使这变得容易。考虑一下 Mojom

class LogManager : public system::mojom::LoggerProvider,public system::mojom::Logger {public:explicit LogManager(mojo::PendingReceiver<system::mojom::LoggerProvider> receiver): provider_receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)) {}~LogManager() {}// system::mojom::LoggerProvider:void GetLogger(mojo::PendingReceiver<Logger> receiver) override {logger_receivers_.Add(this, std::move(receiver));}// system::mojom::Logger:void Log(const std::string& message) override {LOG(ERROR) << "[Logger] " << message;}private:mojo::Receiver<system::mojom::LoggerProvider> provider_receiver_;mojo::ReceiverSet<system::mojom::Logger> logger_receivers_;

Remote Sets

ReceiverSet上面类似,有时维护一组Remotes 是有用的,例如组观察某个事件的客户端RemoteSet在这里提供帮助。以 Mojom 为例:

module db.mojom;interface TableListener {OnRowAdded(int32 key, string data);
};interface Table {AddRow(int32 key, string data);AddListener(pending_remote<TableListener> listener);
An implementation of Table might look something like like this:
class TableImpl : public db::mojom::Table {public:TableImpl() {}~TableImpl() override {}// db::mojom::Table:void AddRow(int32_t key, const std::string& data) override {rows_.insert({key, data});for (auto& listener : listeners_) {listener->OnRowAdded(key, data);}}void AddListener(mojo::PendingRemote<db::mojom::TableListener> listener) {listeners_.Add(std::move(listener));}private:mojo::RemoteSet<db::mojom::Table> listeners_;std::map<int32_t, std::string> rows_;

Associated Interfaces 关联接口


  • 允许在单个消息管道上运行多个接口,同时保留消息顺序。

  • 使接收者可以从多个序列访问单个消息管道。


interface Bar {};struct Qux {pending_associated_remote<Bar> bar;
};interface Foo {// Uses associated remote.PassBarRemote(pending_associated_remote<Bar> bar);// Uses associated receiver.PassBarReceiver(pending_associated_receiver<Bar> bar);// Passes a struct with associated interface pointer.PassQux(Qux qux);// Uses associated interface pointer in callback.AsyncGetBar() => (pending_associated_remote<Bar> bar);

在每种情况下,接口 impl/client 将使用相同的消息管道进行通信,相关的 remote/receiver 通过该消息管道传递。

Using associated interfaces in C++

生成 C++ 绑定时,pending_associated_remoteBar被映射到mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<Bar>;pending_associated_receiver 到mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<Bar>.

// In mojom:
interface Foo {...PassBarRemote(pending_associated_remote<Bar> bar);PassBarReceiver(pending_associated_receiver<Bar> bar);...
};// In C++:
class Foo {...virtual void PassBarRemote(mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<Bar> bar) = 0;virtual void PassBarReceiver(mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<Bar> bar) = 0;...

Passing pending associated receivers 传递挂起的关联接收器

假设您已经有一个Remote<Foo> foo,并且您想调用PassBarReceiver()它。你可以做:

mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<Bar> pending_bar;
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<Bar> bar_receiver = pending_bar.InitWithNewEndpointAndPassReceiver();
foo->PassBarReceiver(std::move(bar_receiver));mojo::AssociatedRemote<Bar> bar;

首先,代码创建了一个类型为 的关联接口Bar。它看起来与您设置非关联接口的操作非常相似。一个重要的区别是两个关联端点之一(要么bar_receiver要么pending_bar)必须通过另一个接口发送。这就是接口与现有消息管道相关联的方式。

需要注意的是不能bar->DoSomething()在pass前调用bar_receiver。这是 FIFO 保证所要求的:在接收方,当DoSomething调用的消息到达时,我们希望AssociatedReceiver<Bar>在处理任何后续消息之前将其分派给相应的消息。如果bar_receiver在后续消息中,则消息调度将陷入死锁。另一方面,一经bar_receiver发送bar就可以使用。无需等到bar_receiver绑定到远程端的实现。


mojo::AssociatedRemote<Bar> bar;
The implementation of Foo looks like this:
class FooImpl : public Foo {...void PassBarReceiver(mojo::AssociatedReceiver<Bar> bar) override {bar_receiver_.Bind(std::move(bar));...}...Receiver<Foo> foo_receiver_;AssociatedReceiver<Bar> bar_receiver_;

在此示例中,bar_receiver_的生命周期与 的生命周期相关联FooImpl。但你不必那样做。例如,您可以传递bar2给另一个序列以绑定到AssociatedReceiver<Bar>那里。


Passing associated remotes

同样,假设您已经有一个Remote<Foo> foo,并且您想调用PassBarRemote()它。你可以做:

mojo::AssociatedReceiver<Bar> bar_receiver(some_bar_impl);
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<Bar> bar;
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<Bar> bar_pending_receiver = bar.InitWithNewEndpointAndPassReceiver();


mojo::AssociatedReceiver<Bar> bar_receiver(some_bar_impl);
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<Bar> bar;



  • 发送消息:发送直接发生在调用序列上。所以没有序列跳跃。

  • 接收消息:绑定在与主接口不同的序列上的关联接口在调度期间会产生额外的序列跳跃。




如果您想在不首先关联它的情况下测试关联的接口端点,您可以使用AssociatedRemote::BindNewEndpointAndPassDedicatedReceiver. 这将创建有效的关联接口端点,这些端点实际上并不与其他任何东西关联。

  • 设计:Mojo 相关接口




  • 同步调用损害了并行性,因此损害了性能。

  • 重新进入会改变消息顺序并产生您在编码时可能从未想过的调用堆栈。这一直是一个巨大的痛苦。

  • 同步调用可能会导致死锁

Mojom changes

A new attribute [Sync] (or [Sync=true]) is introduced for methods. For example:

interface Foo {[Sync]SomeSyncCall() => (Bar result);



SomeSyncCallWithNoResult() => ();

Generated bindings (C++)

The generated C++ interface of the Foo interface above is:

class Foo {public:// The service side implements this signature. The client side can// also use this signature if it wants to call the method asynchronously.virtual void SomeSyncCall(SomeSyncCallCallback callback) = 0;// The client side uses this signature to call the method synchronously.virtual bool SomeSyncCall(BarPtr* result);

如您所见,客户端和服务端使用不同的签名。在客户端,response被映射为输出参数,boolean返回值表示操作是否成功。(返回 false 通常意味着发生了连接错误。)








Read more

  • Design Proposal: Mojo Sync Methods


在许多情况下,您可能更喜欢生成的 C++ 绑定使用更自然的类型来表示接口方法中的某些 Mojom 类型。例如,考虑一个 Mojom 结构,如下所示Rect

module gfx.mojom;struct Rect {int32 x;int32 y;int32 width;int32 height;
};interface Canvas {void FillRect(Rect rect);
The Canvas Mojom interface would normally generate a C++ interface like:
class Canvas {public:virtual void FillRect(RectPtr rect) = 0;

然而,Chromium 树已经定义了一个 native gfx::Rect,它在含义上是等价的,但也有有用的辅助方法。与其在每个消息边界手动转换 agfx::Rect和 Mojom 生成的对象RectPtr,不如让 Mojom 绑定生成器生成:

class Canvas {public:virtual void FillRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) = 0;

定义 StructTraits

为了教导生成的绑定代码如何将任意本机类型序列T化为任意 Mojom 类型mojom::U,我们需要定义mojo::StructTraits模板的适当特化。有效特化StructTraits必须定义以下静态方法:

  • Mojom 结构的每个字段的单个静态访问器,与结构字段具有完全相同的名称。这些访问器都必须采用(最好是 const)引用到本机类型的对象,并且必须返回与 Mojom 结构字段的类型兼容的值。这用于在消息序列化期间安全且一致地从本机类型中提取数据,而不会产生额外的复制成本。

  • 一个单一的静态Read方法,它在给定 Mojom 结构的序列化表示的情况下初始化本机类型的实例。该Read方法必须返回一个bool以指示传入数据是被接受 ( true) 还是被拒绝 ( false)。

为了定义 的映射gfx::Rect,我们需要以下StructTraits特化,我们将在 中定义//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_mojom_traits.h

#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/mojom_traits.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom.h"namespace mojo {template <>
class StructTraits<gfx::mojom::RectDataView, gfx::Rect> {public:static int32_t x(const gfx::Rect& r) { return r.x(); }static int32_t y(const gfx::Rect& r) { return r.y(); }static int32_t width(const gfx::Rect& r) { return r.width(); }static int32_t height(const gfx::Rect& r) { return r.height(); }static bool Read(gfx::mojom::RectDataView data, gfx::Rect* out_rect);
};}  // namespace mojo
And in //ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_mojom_traits.cc:
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_mojom_traits.h"namespace mojo {// static
bool StructTraits<gfx::mojom::RectDataView, gfx::Rect>::Read(gfx::mojom::RectDataView data,gfx::Rect* out_rect) {if (data.width() < 0 || data.height() < 0)return false;out_rect->SetRect(data.x(), data.y(), data.width(), data.height());return true;
};}  // namespace mojo

请注意,如果传入或字段为负数,则该Read()方法返回。这在反序列化期间充当验证步骤:如果客户端发送负宽度或负高度的 ,其消息将被拒绝并且管道将被关闭。这样,除了使调用站点和接口实现更加方便之外,类型映射还可以用于启用自定义验证逻辑。falsewidthheightgfx::Rect


以下示例用于StringPiece返回 GURL 数据 ( //url/mojom/url_gurl_mojom_traits.h) 的视图

The following example uses StringPiece to return a view of the GURL's data (//url/mojom/url_gurl_mojom_traits.h):

#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/mojom/url.mojom.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"namespace mojo {template <>
struct StructTraits<url::mojom::UrlDataView, GURL> {static base::StringPiece url(const GURL& r) {if (r.possibly_invalid_spec().length() > url::kMaxURLChars ||!r.is_valid()) {return base::StringPiece();}return base::StringPiece(r.possibly_invalid_spec().c_str(),r.possibly_invalid_spec().length());}
}  // namespace mojo


我们已经定义了StructTraits必要的,但我们仍然需要向绑定生成器(以及构建系统)传授有关映射的信息。为此,我们必须向mojomGN 中的目标添加更多信息:

# Without a typemap
mojom("mojom") {sources = ["rect.mojom",]
}# With a typemap.
mojom("mojom") {sources = ["rect.mojom",]cpp_typemaps = [{# NOTE: A single typemap entry can list multiple individual type mappings.# Each mapping assumes the same values for |traits_headers| etc below.## To typemap a type with separate |traits_headers| etc, add a separate# entry to |cpp_typemaps|.types = [{mojom = "gfx.mojom.Rect"cpp = "::gfx::Rect"},]traits_headers = [ "//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_mojom_traits.h" ]traits_sources = [ "//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_mojom_traits.cc" ]traits_public_deps = [ "//ui/gfx/geometry" ]},]

Let's look at each of the variables above:

  • mojom: Specifies the mojom file to which the typemap applies. Many typemaps may apply to the same mojom file, but any given typemap may only apply to a single mojom file.

  • public_headers: Additional headers required by any code which would depend on the Mojom definition of gfx.mojom.Rect now that the typemap is applied. Any headers required for the native target type definition should be listed here.

  • traits_headers: Headers which contain the relevant StructTraits specialization(s) for any type mappings described by this file.

  • sources: Any implementation sources and headers needed for the StructTraits definition. These sources are compiled directly into the generated C++ bindings target for a mojom file applying this typemap.

  • public_deps: Target dependencies exposed by the public_headers and traits_headers.

  • deps: Target dependencies exposed by sources but not already covered by public_deps.

  • type_mappings: A list of type mappings to be applied for this typemap. The strings in this list are of the format "MojomType=CppType", where MojomType must be a fully qualified Mojom typename and CppType must be a fully qualified C++ typename. Additional attributes may be specified in square brackets following the CppType:

    • move_only: The CppType is move-only and should be passed by value in any generated method signatures. Note that move_only is transitive, so containers of MojomType will translate to containers of CppType also passed by value.

    • copyable_pass_by_value: Forces values of type CppType to be passed by value without moving them. Unlike move_only, this is not transitive.

    • nullable_is_same_type: By default a non-nullable MojomType will be mapped to CppType while a nullable MojomType? will be mapped to base::Optional<CppType>. If this attribute is set, the base::Optional wrapper is omitted for nullable MojomType? values, but the StructTraits definition for this type mapping must define additional IsNull and SetToNull methods. See Specializing Nullability below.

    • force_serialize: The typemap is incompatible with lazy serialization (e.g. consider a typemap to a base::StringPiece, where retaining a copy is unsafe). Any messages carrying the type will be forced down the eager serailization path.

Now that we have the typemap file we need to add it to a local list of typemaps that can be added to the global configuration. We create a new //ui/gfx/typemaps.gni file with the following contents:

typemaps = [  "//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.typemap",]

And finally we can reference this file in the global default (Chromium) bindings configuration by adding it to _typemap_imports in chromium_bindings_configuration.gni:

_typemap_imports = [  ...,  "//ui/gfx/typemaps.gni",  ...,]


在类型映射配置中使用traits_sources意味着列出的源将直接烘焙到相应mojom目标自己的源中。如果你想对 Blink 和非 Blink 绑定使用相同的类型映射,这可能会有问题。


mojom("mojom") {sources = ["rect.mojom",]cpp_typemaps = [{types = [{mojom = "gfx.mojom.Rect"cpp = "::gfx::Rect"},]traits_headers = [ "//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_mojom_traits.h" ]traits_public_deps = [ ":geometry_mojom_traits" ]},]
}component("geometry_mojom_traits") {sources = ["//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_mojom_traits.cc","//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_mojom_traits.h",]# The header of course needs corresponding COMPONENT_EXPORT() tags.defines = [ "IS_GEOMETRY_MOJOM_TRAITS_IMPL" ]


每个StructTraits专业化的静态 getter 方法——每个结构字段一个——必须返回一个类型,该类型可以在序列化期间用作该字段的数据源。这是一个快速参考,将 Mojom 字段类型映射到有效的 getter 返回类型

Mojom Field TypeC++ Getter Return Type
stringValue or reference to any type T that has a mojo::StringTraits specialization defined. By default this includes std::string, base::StringPiece, and WTF::String (Blink).
array<T>Value or reference to any type T that has a mojo::ArrayTraits specialization defined. By default this includes std::array<T, N>, std::vector<T>, WTF::Vector<T> (Blink), etc.
array<T, N>Similar to the above, but the length of the data must be always the same as N.
map<K, V>Value or reference to any type T that has a mojo::MapTraits specialization defined. By default this includes std::map<T>, mojo::unordered_map<T>, WTF::HashMap<T> (Blink), etc.
FooEnumValue of any type that has an appropriate EnumTraits specialization defined. By default this includes only the generated FooEnum type.
FooStructValue or reference to any type that has an appropriate StructTraits specialization defined. By default this includes only the generated FooStructPtr type.
FooUnionValue of reference to any type that has an appropriate UnionTraits specialization defined. By default this includes only the generated FooUnionPtr type.
Foo?absl::optional<CppType>, where CppType is the value type defined by the appropriate traits class specialization (e.g. StructTraits, mojo::MapTraits, etc.). This may be customized by the typemapping.

使用生成的 DataView 类型

专门化的静态Read方法StructTraits获得一个生成的FooDataView参数(如上RectDataView例中的 ),它在传入消息的内容中公开序列化 Mojom 结构的直接视图。为了使其尽可能易于使用,生成的FooDataView类型具有对应于每个结构字段的生成方法:

  • 对于 POD 字段类型(例如布尔值、浮点数、整数),这些是简单的访问器方法,其名称与字段名称相同。因此在这个Rect例子中我们可以访问像data.x()和这样的东西data.width()。返回类型与上表中StructTraits Reference下列出的映射完全对应。

  • 对于句柄和接口类型(例如 handleor pending_remote<Foo>),它们被命名TakeFieldName(对于一个名为 的字段field_name),它们按值返回一个适当的只能移动的句柄类型。返回类型与上表中StructTraits Reference下列出的映射完全对应。

  • 对于所有其他字段类型(例如,枚举、字符串、数组、映射、结构),这些被命名ReadFieldName(对于名为的字段field_name)并且它们返回一个bool(以指示读取成功或失败)。成功时,他们用反序列化的字段值填充输出参数。输出参数可以是指向具有适当特化定义的任何类型的指针StructTraits,如上表中StructTraits Reference中所述。

一个例子在这里很有用。假设我们引入了一个新的 Mojom 结构:

struct RectPair {Rect left;Rect right;
and a corresponding C++ type:
class RectPair {public:RectPair() {}const gfx::Rect& left() const { return left_; }const gfx::Rect& right() const { return right_; }void Set(const gfx::Rect& left, const gfx::Rect& right) {left_ = left;right_ = right;}// ... some other stuffprivate:gfx::Rect left_;gfx::Rect right_;
Our traits to map gfx::mojom::RectPair to gfx::RectPair might look like this:
namespace mojo {template <>
class StructTraitspublic:static const gfx::Rect& left(const gfx::RectPair& pair) {return pair.left();}static const gfx::Rect& right(const gfx::RectPair& pair) {return pair.right();}static bool Read(gfx::mojom::RectPairDataView data, gfx::RectPair* out_pair) {gfx::Rect left, right;if (!data.ReadLeft(&left) || !data.ReadRight(&right))return false;out_pair->Set(left, right);return true;}
}  // namespace mojo
Generated ReadFoo methods always convert multi_word_field_name fields to ReadMultiWordFieldName methods.


By now you may have noticed that additional C++ sources are generated when a Mojom is processed. These exist due to type mapping, and the source files we refer to throughout this docuemnt (namely foo.mojom.cc and foo.mojom.h) are really only one variant (the default or chromium variant) of the C++ bindings for a given Mojom file.

The only other variant currently defined in the tree is the blink variant, which produces a few additional files:

out/gen/sample/db.mojom-blink.cc out/gen/sample/db.mojom-blink.h

These files mirror the definitions in the default variant but with different C++ types in place of certain builtin field and parameter types. For example, Mojom strings are represented by WTF::String instead of std::string. To avoid symbol collisions, the variant's symbols are nested in an extra inner namespace, so Blink consumer of the interface might write something like:

#include "sample/db.mojom-blink.h" class TableImpl : public db::mojom::blink::Table { public: void AddRow(int32_t key, const WTF::String& data) override { // ... } };

In addition to using different C++ types for builtin strings, arrays, and maps, the custom typemaps applied to Blink bindings are managed separately from regular bindings.

mojom targets support a blink_cpp_typemaps parameter in addition to the regular cpp_typemaps. This lists the typemaps to apply to Blink bindings.

To depend specifically on generated Blink bindings, reference ${target_name}_blink. So for example, with the definition:

# In //foo/mojom mojom("mojom") { sources = [ "db.mojom", ] }

C++ sources can depend on the Blink bindings by depending on "//foo/mojom:mojom_blink".

Finally note that both bindings variants share some common definitions which are unaffected by differences in the type-mapping configuration (like enums, and structures describing serialized object formats). These definitions are generated in shared sources:

out/gen/sample/db.mojom-shared.cc out/gen/sample/db.mojom-shared.h out/gen/sample/db.mojom-shared-internal.h

Including either variant's header (db.mojom.h or db.mojom-blink.h) implicitly includes the shared header, but may wish to include only the shared header in some instances.

C++ sources can depend on shared sources only, by referencing the "${target_name}_shared" target, e.g. "//foo/mojom:mojom_shared" in the example above.

For converting between Blink and non-Blink variants, please see //third_party/blink/public/platform/cross_variant_mojo_util.h.

Versioning Considerations

For general documentation of versioning in the Mojom IDL see Versioning.

This section briefly discusses some C++-specific considerations relevant to versioned Mojom types.

Querying Interface Versions

Remote defines the following methods to query or assert remote interface version:

void QueryVersion(base::OnceCallback<void(uint32_t)> callback);

This queries the remote endpoint for the version number of its binding. When a response is received callback is invoked with the remote version number. Note that this value is cached by the Remote instance to avoid redundant queries.

void RequireVersion(uint32_t version);

Informs the remote endpoint that a minimum version of version is required by the client. If the remote endpoint cannot support that version, it will close its end of the pipe immediately, preventing any other requests from being received.

Versioned Enums

All extensible enums should have one enumerator value designated as the default using the [Default] attribute. When Mojo deserializes an enum value that is not defined in the current version of the enum definition, that value will be transparently mapped to the [Default] enumerator value. Implementations can use the presence of this enumerator value to correctly handle version skew.

[Extensible] enum Department { [Default] kUnknown, kSales, kDev, kResearch, };

Using Mojo Bindings in Chrome

See Converting Legacy Chrome IPC To Mojo.

Additional Documentation

Calling Mojo From Blink: A brief overview of what it looks like to use Mojom C++ bindings from within Blink code.


