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2025/1/6 19:30:06 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/Ice1774/article/details/141468959  浏览:    关键词:pygame—炸弹牌(可做课设)


  1. 在5X5的数字宫格里翻牌,翻出所有的2和3即可获胜
  2. 每一格只能是0、1、2、3,
  3. 第六列和最第六行为 X | Y,X代表该列或该行的数字总和,Y代表该列或该行的0的个数
  4. 控制难度,每行每列的数字总和不超过9
  5. 该游戏需要一定运气及技巧



def createNumList() -> list:arr = []for i in range(6):row = []row_sum = 0col_sum = 0row_zeros = 0col_zeros = 0for j in range(5):# 从第二行开始计算每列当前和col_sum = sum([arr[s - 1][j] for s in range(i)]) if i > 0 else Noneif i < 5:num = random.randint(0, 3)if col_sum:while row_sum + num > 9 or col_sum + num > 9: # 控制总和num = random.randint(0, 3)else:while row_sum + num > 9: # 控制总和num = random.randint(0, 3)row.append(num)row_sum += numrow_zeros = row_zeros + 1 if num == 0 else row_zeroselse:# 第六行开始计算每列0的数量col_zeros = [arr[s][j] for s in range(5)].count(0)row.append((col_sum, col_zeros))row.append((row_sum, row_zeros))arr.append(row)return arr


def makePalace(numList, window, screen, click_list=[]):"""绘制宫格,根据是否被点击来更改样式:param click_list: 被点击的格子,默认没有:param numList: 数字列表:param window:  surface:param screen: screen:return: 宫格列表(一维)"""palace_list = []for i in range(6):for j in range(6):# 特殊格子的内容if i == 5 or j == 5:text = f'{numList[i][j][0]} | {numList[i][j][1]}'if i == 5 and j == 5:text = ' 'else:text = numList[i][j]# 每一个的样式border = 2palace_color = color_dict['black']if (i, j) in click_list:if text == '0':border = 0palace_color = color_dict['red']text_color = color_dict['white']else:border = 1text_color = color_dict['black']else:text_color = color_dict['white']if i == 5 or j == 5:text_color = color_dict['black']palace = makeAndDrawRect(surface=window,x=(screen.width - screen.height) / 2 + j * screen.height / 6,y=i * screen.height / 6,width=screen.height / 6,height=screen.height / 6,border=border,color=palace_color,text=text,text_color=text_color,font_size=70)palace_list.append({'rect': palace,'click': False,'index': (i, j),'data': text if len(text) == 1 else None})return palace_list


import pygame
import screeninfo
import gameNumfrom color import color_dictpygame.init()def makeText(surface, txt, x, y, text_color=color_dict['white'], size=40):"""绘制以(x, y)为中心的文本:param size::param surface::param txt::param x::param y::param text_color::return:"""font_name = pygame.font.match_font('Microsoft YaHei')font = pygame.font.Font(font_name, size)text = font.render(txt, True, text_color)text_rect = text.get_rect(center=(x, y))surface.blit(text, text_rect)def makeAndDrawRect(surface, x, y, width, height, text=None, border=0, color=color_dict['white'],text_color=color_dict['white'], font_size=40, border_radius=0):"""生成按钮,生成以(x, y)为顶点,文本在中间的按钮:param border_radius::param font_size::param text_color::param color::param border::param surface::param x::param y::param width::param height::param text::return: button"""button = pygame.Rect(x, y, width, height)pygame.draw.rect(surface, color, rect=button, width=border, border_radius=border_radius)if text:makeText(surface, text, x + width / 2, y + height / 2, text_color, font_size)return buttondef makePalace(numList, window, screen, click_list=[]):"""绘制宫格,根据是否被点击来更改样式:param click_list: 被点击的格子,默认没有:param numList: 数字列表:param window:  surface:param screen: screen:return: 宫格列表(一维)"""palace_list = []for i in range(6):for j in range(6):# 特殊格子的内容if i == 5 or j == 5:text = f'{numList[i][j][0]} | {numList[i][j][1]}'if i == 5 and j == 5:text = ' 'else:text = numList[i][j]# 每一个的样式border = 2palace_color = color_dict['black']if (i, j) in click_list:if text == '0':border = 0palace_color = color_dict['red']text_color = color_dict['white']else:border = 1text_color = color_dict['black']else:text_color = color_dict['white']if i == 5 or j == 5:text_color = color_dict['black']palace = makeAndDrawRect(surface=window,x=(screen.width - screen.height) / 2 + j * screen.height / 6,y=i * screen.height / 6,width=screen.height / 6,height=screen.height / 6,border=border,color=palace_color,text=text,text_color=text_color,font_size=70)palace_list.append({'rect': palace,'click': False,'index': (i, j),'data': text if len(text) == 1 else None})return palace_listdef main():screen = screeninfo.get_monitors()[0]window = pygame.display.set_mode((screen.width, screen.height))pygame.display.set_caption('炸弹牌')Gameplay = "每一个格子的数字只能是1、2、3, \n" \"'X | Y' 代表了该行或该列的数字之和为X,炸弹数量为Y\n" \"找出所有的2和3即为胜利"numList = []  # 每一局的数字列表clickPalace_indexList = []  # 被点击的格子now_2_3_Count = 0bt_again = Nonesound_click = pygame.mixer.Sound('turn.wav')sound_over = pygame.mixer.Sound('dedede.wav')sound_win = pygame.mixer.Sound('win.mp3')running = Trueplaying = Falseresult = None  # True则赢,False则输while running:window.fill(color_dict['black'])# 开始界面if playing is False:bt_start = makeAndDrawRect(surface=window,x=(screen.width - 200) / 2,y=screen.height * 0.7,width=200,height=80,text='开始游戏',border=5,border_radius=5)bt_exit = makeAndDrawRect(surface=window,x=(screen.width - 200) / 2,y=screen.height * 0.7 + 120,width=200,height=80,text='退出游戏',border=5,border_radius=5)lines = Gameplay.split('\n')offset = -60for line in lines:makeText(window, line, screen.width / 2, screen.height / 2 + offset)offset += 60else:# 生成当局数字if numList:passelse:numList = gameNum.elementToStr()bt_exit = makeAndDrawRect(surface=window,x=50,y=screen.height * 0.7 + 120,width=200,height=80,text='退出游戏',border=5,border_radius=5)# 正方形白色背景makeAndDrawRect(surface=window,x=(screen.width - screen.height) / 2,y=0,width=screen.height,height=screen.height)# 根据是否被点击显示内容palace_list = makePalace(numList, window, screen, clickPalace_indexList if clickPalace_indexList else [])# 游戏结束所显示的内容if result is not None:bt_again = bt_start = makeAndDrawRect(surface=window,x=50,y=screen.height * 0.7,width=200,height=80,text='再玩一局',border=5,border_radius=5)if result is True:makeText(window, '你赢了!', screen.width * 0.1, screen.height * 0.5)else:makeText(window, '翻到炸弹了!', screen.width * 0.1, screen.height * 0.5)for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:running = Falseif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:if bt_exit.collidepoint(event.pos):sound_click.play()running = Falseif playing is False:if bt_start.collidepoint(event.pos):sound_click.play()playing = Truedel bt_startelse:# 点击宫格count_2_3 = len([x for x in palace_list if x['data'] in ['2', '3']])for palace in palace_list:if palace['rect'].collidepoint(event.pos) and result is None:  # 被点击且游戏还没有结束if palace['index'] not in clickPalace_indexList and palace['data']:  # 去重插入数字区数据if palace['data'] == '0':sound_over.play()result = Falseelse:sound_click.play()if palace['data'] != '1':now_2_3_Count += 1clickPalace_indexList.append(palace['index'])# 所有2和3被找出if count_2_3 == now_2_3_Count and result is not True:sound_win.play()result = True# 游戏结束if result is not None and bt_again:if bt_again.collidepoint(event.pos):sound_click.play()result = Nonenow_2_3_Count = 0numList = []clickPalace_indexList = []bt_again = Nonepygame.display.flip()pygame.quit()if __name__ == '__main__':main()


