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How do you implement OpenAI GPT-3 Api Client in PHP?

2024/10/13 6:04:47 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/suiusoar/article/details/141189841  浏览:    关键词:How do you implement OpenAI GPT-3 Api Client in PHP?

题意:如何在 PHP 中实现 OpenAI GPT-3 API 客户端?


I need help understanding the vague instructions on https://packagist.org/packages/orhanerday/open-ai


I downloaded the package from https://github.com/orhanerday/open-ai

我从 https://github.com/orhanerday/open-ai 下载了这个包。

I installed the package by running "composer require orhanerday/open-ai" in my Command Prompt

我通过在命令提示符中运行 composer require orhanerday/open-ai 安装了这个包。

Instructions stop making sense from there.....


What does the "use Orhanerday\OpenAi\OpenAi;" code mean and where is it applied? Am I to create a php file say index.php with content:

代码 use Orhanerday\OpenAi\OpenAi; 是什么意思,应该在哪里使用?我是要创建一个包含以下内容的 PHP 文件,比如 index.php 吗?

<?phpuse Orhanerday\OpenAi\OpenAi;$complete = $open_ai->complete(['engine' => 'davinci','prompt' => 'Hello','temperature' => 0.9,'max_tokens' => 150,'frequency_penalty' => 0,'presence_penalty' => 0.6,

how and where do I add my api key? Do I create a file Orhanerday\OpenAi\OpenAi.php and enter my api key there? i.e. OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-**********************************************

我应该如何以及在哪里添加我的 API 密钥?我需要创建一个 Orhanerday\OpenAi\OpenAi.php 文件并在其中输入我的 API 密钥吗?例如 OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-**********************************************


You should define the $open_ai variable as an OpenAI object by passing your private KEY value. for example; new OpenAi('Your-OPENAI-KEY');

你应该通过传入你的私密密钥值,将 $open_ai 变量定义为一个 OpenAI 对象。例如:new OpenAi('Your-OPENAI-KEY');

Complete code;        完整的代码

<?phpuse Orhanerday\OpenAi\OpenAi;$open_ai = new OpenAi('OPEN-AI-KEY');// <- define the variable.$complete = $open_ai->complete(['engine' => 'davinci','prompt' => 'Hello','temperature' => 0.9,'max_tokens' => 150,'frequency_penalty' => 0,'presence_penalty' => 0.6,

I also added the Quick Start Part to orhanerday/OpenAI readme.

我还在 orhanerday/OpenAI 的自述文件中添加了快速入门部分。


