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2024/12/26 23:17:27 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45330297/article/details/144226609  浏览:    关键词:网站开发与维护工资多少_装修网十大平台排行榜_如何在手机上制作网站_无锡网络优化推广公司

  AWS SDK for Delphi 12 Athens Crack

  Key Features of AWS SDK for Delphi :

  Cognito (User Pools and Identity Pools): Manage user authentication and identity management.

  Polly: Convert text to lifelike speech.

  Simple Email Service (SESV2): Send and receive email.

  Simple Notification Service (SNS): Send notifications to mobile devices, email, or other services.

  Simple Queue Service (SQS): Manage message queues.

  Simple Storage Service (S3): Store and retrieve any amount of data.

  Textract: Extract text and data from documents.

  Amazon Translate: Translate text into different languages.

  AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS): Manage cryptographic keys.

  AWS Secrets Manager: Securely manage sensitive information.


