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2024/10/7 4:34:46 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37703224/article/details/142204442  浏览:    关键词:上海公交建设公司官网_自建站多少钱_seo在线优化工具_优化大师的优化项目有哪7个


As you probably noticed, there are no classes in the Go programming language. But we can mimic this by declaring functions on types. The type which declares functions is called the receiver argument and the function declared on the type is called the method. The receiver argument is placed between keyword function and method name. This code block will declare type Circle and two methods for that type.


type Circle struct {r float64
}func (c Circle) Perimeter() float64 {return 2 * c.r * math.Pi
}func (c Circle) Area() float64 {return c.r * c.r * math.Pi

We use operator .(dot) to call a method defined on type.

我们使用操作符号.(点) 来调用定义在类型上的方法。

func main(){c := Circle{5.0}fmt.Println(c.Perimeter())fmt.Println(c.Area())

There is no explicit way to declare a method on basic types, but there is a catch on how to override this restriction. The receiver must be in the same package as the method, so if we have a need to define a method on an integer, we must redeclare the integer type inside our package.


type CustomInt intfunct (ci CustomInt) Double() int {return int(ci *2)

Technically, the previous method is not declared on basic type but the re-declared type has all the characteristics of the base type from which it was derived.


A method with receiver argument will act the same as function with it as an argument. The method from the previous example is identical with the following function.


func Double(ci CustomInt) int {return int(ci *2)

We can also declare a method on pointers. Pointer receivers are quite common for two reasons:

  • Method can modify the value to which the reicever points.
  • Method will operate on a copy of the original receiver value. With a pointer receiver, we will avoid copying of whole value, only the memory address will be copied.


  • 方法可以修改接收方所指向的值。
  • 方法将对原始接收器值的副本进行操作。使用指针接收器,我们将避免复制整个值,只复制内存地址。

When we declare methods for the concrete type, we should decide which receiver we will use, value or pointer. It is not a good practice to combine them.



The interface can be defined as a set of method signatures. We define interface with keywords type and interface, between which we specify the name of the interface, followed by method signatures between curly brackets. This code block will declare interface Geometry with two methods, for the calculation of perimeter and area of different shapes.


type Geometry interface {Perimeter() intArea() int

Most programming languages have keywords dedicated to interface implementation. But that is not the case with Go programming language. Any type that implements all interface methods will automatically implement the interface.


Here we can see how type Square implements Geometry interface.


type Square struct {a int
}func (s Square) Perimeter() int {return s.a * 4
}func (s Square) Area() int {return s.a * s.a

Now, we can create a Square whose side is equal to 5 and execute methods on it.


func main() {s := Square{5}fmt.Println(s.Perimeter())fmt.Println(s.Area())

If we have a function with interface type as an argument, we can pass any type that implements that interface to function. Here is an example of that kind of function.


func Details (g Geometry) {fmt.Println("Perimeter:", g.Perimeter())fmt.Println("Area:", g.Area())

This function will display details about perimeter and area. Inside the main() function, we can create a Square and pass it to the Details() function. The code will be executed successfully and proper information will be displayed.


func main() {s := Square{5}Details(s)

Under the hood, the interface can be examined as a pair consisting of a type and value. Following the previous example, the type is Square and the value is newly created Square, where a side is 5. It is interesting that the value can be nil. This situation is not irregular but should be handled in order to avoid incorrect execution of the program.


We can declare a variable with the interface as a type. Thisi variable will be interpreted a s an interface that contains neither type nor value, called a nil interface. If we try to call any method on a nil interface, a run-time error will occur.


var g Geometryg.Perimeter() // <- this line will cause run-time exeception

An empty interface is an interface without ethods and can hold values of any type. How is this possible? Type will implement the interface if it implements all methods from the declaration of interface; an empty interface has zero methods, so technically every type implements it.


The empty interface is a very useful thing. Each time we need to handle an unknown type in our code, we can use the empty interface. One good example of usage is the Print() function from the fmt package. The function takes any number of type interface{} so that we can pass different types (strings, numbers, Boolean, and so on) and values of that type will be printed on standard output. The empty interface will be surpassed by generics.


If we declare a variable of interface type, we can assign a value of any type that implements that interface. This can put us in a situation where we are not sure what is assigned to a variable. Fortunately, there is a concept known as type assertion that can help us. This is how we can check if the interface variable holds the value of a Square type.


var g Geoetry = Square{5}
v, ok := g.(Square)

As we can see two values will be returned, the underlying value and Boolean (variables v and ok in the previous example). If a variable holds a Square type (which was the case in the previous example), v will hold the actual value of the interface variable (Square whose side is equal to5), and ok will be true. Otherwise, the default value for concrete type will be assigned to v (Square with default values assigned to all fields), and false will be assigned to ok. The second valeu (ok) can be omitted, but this can cause an error in case of an unsuccessful assertion, so it is not recommended to do so.

正如我们所看到的,将返回两个值,底层值和布尔值(前面示例中的变量v和ok)。如果变量为Square类型(前面的例子就是这种情况),v将保存接口变量的实际值(边长等于5的Square), ok将为真。否则,具体类型的默认值将被赋给v(将默认值赋给所有字段的Square), false将被赋给ok。第二个值(ok)可以省略,但如果断言不成功,这可能会导致错误,因此不建议这样做。

swith g.(type) {case Square:fmt.Println("Square")case Rectangle:fmt.Println("Rectangle")default:fmt.Println("Unkonw type")

Here is one interesting example for the end of interface section. This function will check if the provided value is equal to nil.


func IsNill(a interface{}) bool {return a == nil

In our main() function, we will just declare Square and pass it to the IsNil() function.


func main() {var s *Squarefmt.Println(IsNil(s))

What is an expected output? It would be logical that IsNil() function returns true, but actually, it will return false! As we mentioned before, interface has two fields type and value. Even if we assign nil pointer to the interface, a value will be assigned to type (in our case, type will be *Square and the value will be nil). An interface will be nill only when both the type and value are nil.


Go programming languages have a couple of interfaces that are widely used. Some of the popular ones are Stringers, Errors, Readers, and Images.

Go编程语言有几个被广泛使用的接口。一些流行的是Stringers, Errors, Readers和Images。


