您的位置:首页 > 房产 > 建筑 > 网页在线发短信平台_网页设计代码模板源代码_深圳网站搜索优化工具_搜索引擎优化简称seo


2025/3/10 12:31:58 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/lanwilliam/article/details/145495891  浏览:    关键词:网页在线发短信平台_网页设计代码模板源代码_深圳网站搜索优化工具_搜索引擎优化简称seo



官方文档:ip-restriction | Apache APISIX® -- Cloud-Native API Gateway






apiVersion: v1
data:init.lua: |---- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more-- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with-- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at----     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0---- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and-- limitations under the License.--local ipairs    = ipairslocal core      = require("apisix.core")local http   = require("resty.http")local lrucache  = core.lrucache.new({ttl = 300, count = 512})local schema = {type = "object",properties = {message = {type = "string",minLength = 1,maxLength = 1024,default = "Your IP address is not allowed"},whitelist = {type = "array",items = {anyOf = core.schema.ip_def},minItems = 1},blacklist = {type = "array",items = {anyOf = core.schema.ip_def},minItems = 1},external_auth = {type = "object",properties = {uri = {type = "string"},timeout = {type = "integer",minimum = 1,maximum = 60000,default = 3000,description = "timeout in milliseconds",},method = {type = "string",default = "GET",enum = {"GET", "POST"},description = "the method for client to request the auth service"},headers = {type = "object"},ip_param_key = {type = "string", default = "ip"},allow_degradation = {type = "boolean", default = true},rejected_code = {type = "integer", minimum = 200, maximum = 599, default = 403},rejected_msg = {type = "string", minLength = 1}}}},anyOf = {{required = {"whitelist"}},{required = {"blacklist"}},{required = {"external_auth"}},}}local plugin_name = "ip-restriction"local _M = {version = 0.1,priority = 3000,name = plugin_name,schema = schema,}function _M.check_schema(conf)local ok, err = core.schema.check(schema, conf)if not ok thenreturn false, errend-- we still need this as it is too complex to filter out all invalid IPv6 via regexif conf.whitelist thenfor _, cidr in ipairs(conf.whitelist) doif not core.ip.validate_cidr_or_ip(cidr) thenreturn false, "invalid ip address: " .. cidrendendendif conf.blacklist thenfor _, cidr in ipairs(conf.blacklist) doif not core.ip.validate_cidr_or_ip(cidr) thenreturn false, "invalid ip address: " .. cidrendendendreturn trueendfunction _M.restrict(conf, ctx)local remote_addr = ctx.var.remote_addrlocal block = falseif conf.blacklist thenlocal matcher = lrucache(conf.blacklist, nil,core.ip.create_ip_matcher, conf.blacklist)if matcher thenblock = matcher:match(remote_addr)endendif block then-- 黑名单中的 ip 直接拒绝return 403, { message = conf.message }endlocal in_white = falseif conf.whitelist thenlocal matcher = lrucache(conf.whitelist, nil,core.ip.create_ip_matcher, conf.whitelist)if matcher thenin_white = matcher:match(remote_addr)endendif in_white then-- 白名单中的 ip 直接放行returnendif conf.external_auth thenlocal external_auth = conf.external_authlocal params = {method = external_auth.request_method}local httpc = http.new()httpc:set_timeout(external_auth.timeout)local uri = external_auth.ip_param_key .. '=' .. remote_addrif string.find(external_auth.uri, "?") thenuri = external_auth.uri .. "&" .. urielseuri = external_auth.uri .. "?" .. uriendlocal res, err = httpc:request_uri(uri, params)-- 校验 ip 的服务不可用的时候if not res thencore.log.error("failed to auth ip, err: ", err)if conf.external_auth.allow_degradation then-- 允许放行returnelsereturn external_auth.rejected_code, { message = conf.message }endend-- 返回值为 2xx 的时候表示校验通过if res.status >= 300 thenreturn external_auth.rejected_code, { message = conf.message }endendendreturn _M
kind: ConfigMap
metadata:name: ip-restrictionnamespace: apisix-szxc-qxz2v397g6resourceVersion: '224926381'






