1. Environment requirements
SimBlock 可以在 Windows、MacOS、Ubuntu Linux 或任何支持 Java 的 Unix 平台上运行。
它需要以下版本的 JDK 和 Gradle。
请注意,SimBlock 的仓库中包含 Gradle Wrapper,因此您也可以自动安装 Gradle(我们稍后会提到)。
Software | Version |
JDK | 1.8.0 or later |
Gradle | 5.1.1 or later |
2. 下载
Download the SimBlock repository as a zip file from GitHub and unzip, or clone the repository.
Release list: Releases · dsg-titech/simblock · GitHub
Command for clone: $ git clone git@github.com:dsg-titech/simblock.git
发布列表:Releases · dsg-titech/simblock · GitHub
克隆命令:$ git clone git@github.com:dsg-titech/simblock.git
- wget https://github.com/dsg-titech/simblock/archive/refs/tags/v0.8.0.zip
- unzip v0.8.0.zip
2-a. 目录结构
The structure of the unzipped or cloned directory is as follows:(解压缩或者克隆后的目录结构如下所示)
+-- docs
+-- gradle
| +-- wrapper
+-- simulator+-- src+-- dist| +-- conf| +-- out| +-- graph+-- main+-- java+-- SimBlock+-- ...:
Directory 目录 | Description 描述 |
docs | Documents about SimBlock (e.g., user manual) |
gradle/wrapper | For Gradle wrapper |
simulator/src/dist/conf | Directory in which to place the files that simulator reads |
simulator/src/dist/out | Directory where files output by simulator are stored |
simulator/src/main/java/SimBlock | Source codes |
3. Build
3-a. 如果Gradle 已安装
You can build by the following Gradle command, if you have already installed Gradle.
$ gradle build
If successful, build directory will be created under <ROOT_DIR>/simulator.
+-- simulator+-- build+-- classes+-- distributions+-- libs+-- scripts+-- tmp
Directory 目录 | Description 说明 |
simulator/build/classes | Directory where built class files are stored 存储构建类文件的目录 |
simulator/build/distributions | Directory where distribution archive files (zip, tar) are stored 存储分发存档文件(zip、tar)的目录 |
simulator/build/libs | Directory where jar files are stored |
simulator/build/scripts | Directory where startup scripts are stored 启动脚本的目录 |
Note that the startup scripts in simulator/build/scripts are generated for inclusion in the distribution archive; if you run the scripts with the directory structure as it is, an error will occur.
请注意,simulator/build/scripts 中的启动脚本是为了包含在分发存档中而生成的;如果按原样运行目录结构的脚本,将出现错误。
3-b. If Gradle is not installed(忽略)
You can use gradlew(gradlew.bat, for Windows user)in <ROOT_DIR> instead of running Gradle command.
$ gradlew build
This is a program called Gradle wrapper, which will automatically install Gradle if it is not installed and call it.
3-c. Discard build products(忽略)
The following Gradle command will delete the files generated by the above build process.
$ gradle clean
You can also instruct the execution of clean and build at one time as follows:
$ gradle clean build
4. Run SimBlock
There are two main ways to run SimBlock: by using Gradle command and by using build products.
4-a. Run with Gradle command
Run following Gradle command in <ROOT_DIR>, then the simulator starts up.
$ gradle :simulator:run
Output files of the simulator will be stored in <ROOT_DIR>/simulator/src/dist/output.
到这里已经成功运行,我们可以将/simulator/src/dist/output/output.json上传到SimBlock Visualizer来可视化区块链仿真:
4-b. Run with build product(忽略)
Extract the distribution archive (zip, tar) of <ROOT_DIR>/simulator/build/distributions. Then, the following directory structure will be created.
+-- bin
+-- conf
+-- lib
+-- output
A script for execution is in bin directory.
By executing runSimBlock (runSimBlock.bat for Windows) in the terminal, the simulator starts up.
Output files of the simulator will be stored in output directory.
4-c. Other ways(忽略)
The extracted distribution archive contains the jar file of SimBlock (lib/simulator.jar). Of course, it is also possible to execute this jar file directly with the java command. Note that it is required to set the classpath appropriately.
You can also run SimBlock on IDEs, such as Eclipse. It is explained later in the section of "Import to IDE".
5. 仿真参数
参数 | 定义的位置 | 描述 |
区域列表 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.NetworkConfiguration#REGION_LIST | 节点可以存在的区域列表。 |
延迟列表 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.NetworkConfiguration#LATENCY | 分配给每个区域的延迟列表。(单位:毫秒) |
上传带宽列表 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.NetworkConfiguration#UPLOAD_BANDWIDTH | 分配给每个区域的上传带宽列表。(单位:比特每秒) |
下载带宽列表 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.NetworkConfiguration#DOWNLOAD_BANDWIDTH | 分配给每个区域的下载带宽列表。(单位:比特每秒) |
区域分布 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.NetworkConfiguration#REGION_DISTRIBUTION | 节点区域的分布。每个值表示该区域内节点数量与所有节点数量之比。 |
度数分布 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#DEGREE_DISTRIBUTION | 出站连接数的累积分布。参考:Andrew Miller 等人,“Discovering bitcoin's public topology and influential nodes”,2015年。 |
节点数量 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#NUM_OF_NODES | 参与区块链网络的节点数量。 |
路由表 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#TABLE | 路由表的种类。 |
区块间隔 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#INTERVAL | 区块生成间隔的期望值。挖矿难度会根据该值和挖矿能力的总和自动调整。(单位:毫秒) |
平均挖矿能力 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#AVERAGE_MINING_POWER | 每个节点的平均挖矿能力。挖矿能力对应于比特币中的哈希率,即每毫秒执行的挖矿(哈希计算)次数。 |
挖矿能力标准差 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#STDEV_OF_MINING_POWER | 每个节点的挖矿能力根据正态分布随机确定,其均值为 AVERAGE_MINING_POWER,标准差为 STDEV_OF_MINING_POWER。 |
最大区块高度 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#END_BLOCK_HEIGHT | 模拟结束时的区块高度。 |
区块大小 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#BLOCK_SIZE | 区块大小。(单位:字节) |
CBR使用率 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#CBR_USAGE_RATE | 紧凑区块中继(CBR)协议的使用率。 |
节点变动率 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#CHURN_NODE_RATE | 造成节点变动的节点比例。 |
紧凑区块大小 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#COMPACT_BLOCK_SIZE | 紧凑区块大小。(单位:字节) |
控制节点CBR失败率 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#CBR_FAILURE_RATE_FOR_CONTROL_NODE | 始终连接网络的控制节点的CBR失败率。 |
节点变动节点CBR失败率 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#CBR_FAILURE_RATE_FOR_CHURN_NODE | 造成节点变动的节点的CBR失败率。 |
控制节点CBR失败区块大小分布 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#CBR_FAILURE_BLOCK_SIZE_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_CONTROL_NODE | 控制节点在CBR失败时接收的数据大小分布。 |
节点变动节点CBR失败区块大小分布 | BlockChainSimulator.settings.SimulationConfiguration#CBR_FAILURE_BLOCK_SIZE_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_CHURN_NODE | 变动节点在CBR失败时接收的数据大小分布。 |
SimBlock.settings package has two classes which have these parameters: NetworkConfiguration.java and SimulationConfiguration.java. The former has parameters related to network parameters, and the latter has blockchain parameters. By changing these parameters and doing build, you can conduct different patterns of simulation.( SimBlock.settings 包含两个类,它们具有这些参数:NetworkConfiguration.java 和 SimulationConfiguration.java。前者包含与网络参数相关的参数,后者包含与区块链参数相关的参数。通过修改这些参数并进行构建,可以进行不同模式的模拟。 )
6. Output
(通过 Gradle 命令执行时)以及 SimBlock/output
- Standard output and out.txt
- The following is listed under block ID
- <node ID, propagation time>
- Propagation time: The time from when the block of the block ID is generated to when the node of the node ID is reached.
- Blocklist.txt
- <fork information, block height, block ID>
- Fork information: One of "OnChain" and "Orphan". "OnChain" denote block is on Main chain. "Orphan" denote block is an orphan block.
- graph/
- ${number}.txt: Network information when block height is ${number}
- <node ID, node ID>
- Connection from left node ID to right node ID.
- output.json
- This file is listing occurred events. By uploading this file into SimBlock Visualizer, you can see the visualization.
- <event, content>
- Event
- add-link: Add a node to neighbor nodes.
- remove-link: Remove a node from neighbor nodes.
- flow-block: Block transmmission.
- simulation-end: Simulation end.
- content
- timestamp: Order of events.
- block-id: Block id.
- transmission-timestamp: Timestamp when a block is transmitted.
- reception-timestamp: Timestamp when a block is recieved.
- begin-node-id: Source node.
- end-node-id: End node.
7. Import to IDE
By using Gradle, you can generate configuration files of an IDE and easily import them into it.
通过使用 Gradle,您可以生成 IDE 的配置文件,并轻松地将其导入到 IDE 中。
7-a. For IntelliJ IDEA
By executing the following Gradle command, configuration files for IntelliJ IDEA are generated.
$ gradle idea
Generated files are listed as follows:
File |
<ROOT_DIR>/simulator/simulator.iml |
With IntelliJ IDEA, select File -> Open and select <ROOT_DIR>.ipr. <ROOT_DIR>/simulator will be imported as a module.
Then, you can run the simulator with the IDE. For example, select <ROOT_DIR>/simulator/src/main/java/SimBlock/simulator/Main.java from the tool window of the project structure, right click and execute Run 'Main.main ()'. Output files will be stored in <ROOT_DIR>/simulator/src/dist/output. Do not import as Gradle project if offered.
Discard products
The following Gradle command will delete the files generated by $ gradle idea
. Note that <ROOT_DIR>.iws file will not be deleted. Also, if the project is left open in the IDE, the deleted files may be automatically regenerated by the IDE.)
$ gradle cleanIdea
You can also instruct the execution of cleanIdea and idea at one time as follows:
$ gradle cleanIdea idea
In this case, idea is executed after cleanIdea.
7-b. For Eclipse
By executing the following Gradle command, configuration files for Eclipse are generated.
$ gradle eclipse
Generated files are listed as follows:
File |
<ROOT_DIR>/.project |
<ROOT_DIR>/simulator/.classpath |
<ROOT_DIR>/simulator/.project |
<ROOT_DIR>/simulator/.settings |
With Eclipse, select File -> Open Projects from File System and select <ROOT_DIR> as Import source. Check the listed two Eclipse projects, and click Finish. <ROOT_DIR>/simulator and <ROOT_DIR> will be imported as a project respectively.
Then, you can run the simulator with the IDE. For example, select the simulator project from Package Explorer, right-click and execute Run As -> Java Application to start the simulator. Output files will be stored in <ROOT_DIR>/simulator/src/dist/output.
Discard products
The following Gradle command will delete the files generated by $ gradle eclipse
$ gradle cleanEclipse
You can also instruct the execution of cleanEclipse and eclipse at one time as follows:
$ gradle cleanEclipse eclipse
In this case, eclipse is executed after cleanEclipse.