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VBA 根据单元格改变的值改变对应单元格的值

2024/10/5 23:29:14 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43050480/article/details/141941498  浏览:    关键词:VBA 根据单元格改变的值改变对应单元格的值

VBA 根据单元格改变的值改变对应单元格的值

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)10    On Error GoTo er:20      Application.EnableEvents = False30        If Intersect(Target, Range("I6")) Is Nothing = False Then' Range("I6").Formula = "=IF(SUM(INDIRECT(""$I$16:$I$2015""),INDIRECT(""$G$16:$G$2015""))=0,"""",SUM(INDIRECT(""$I$16:$I$2015""),INDIRECT(""$G$16:$G$2015"")))"
40            Range("I6").Formula = "=IF(SUM(INDIRECT(""$G$16:$G$2015""))=0,"""",SUM(INDIRECT(""$G$16:$G$2015"")))"50        End If60         If Intersect(Target, Range("I9")) Is Nothing = False Then
70           Range("I9").Formula = "=IF(SUM(INDIRECT(""$I$6""),INDIRECT(""$I$7""))*INDIRECT(""$I$8"")=0,"""",SUM(INDIRECT(""$I$6""),INDIRECT(""$I$7""))*INDIRECT(""$I$8""))"
80        End If90        If Intersect(Target, Range("I10")) Is Nothing = False Then
100          Range("I10").Formula = "=IF(sum($I$6,$I$7,$I$9)=0,"""",sum($I$6,$I$7,$I$9))"
110       End If120       If Intersect(Target, Range("N10")) Is Nothing = False Then
130          Range("N10").Formula = "=IF(sum($I$10,0)=0,"""",ROUND($I$10,2)*ROUND($M$10,2))"
140       End If150       If Intersect(Target, Range("N15")) Is Nothing = False Then
160          Range("N15").Formula = "=IF(SUM(INDIRECT(""$N$16:$N$2015""))=0,"""",SUM(INDIRECT(""$N$16:$N$2015"")))"
170       End If'    If Intersect(Target, Range("Q15")) Is Nothing = False Then'       Range("Q15").Formula = "=IF(SUM(INDIRECT(""$Q$16:$Q$2015""))=0,"""",SUM(INDIRECT(""$Q$16:$Q$2015"")))"'    End If''    If Intersect(Target, Range("R15")) Is Nothing = False Then'       Range("R15").Formula = "=IF(SUM(INDIRECT(""$R$16:$R$2015""))=0,"""",SUM(INDIRECT(""$R$16:$R$2015"")))"'    End If'180     Application.EnableEvents = True190    If Intersect(Target, Range("D16:D2015,F16:G2015,L16:N2015")) Is Nothing = False And ckEnableEvents = True ThenDim strFormulaCLPrice As StringDim intResultCLPrice  As DoubleDim strFormulaCLAmount As StringDim intResultCLAmount  As DoubleDim strFormulaCLLR As StringDim intResultCLLR  As Double200          strFormulaCLPrice = "{材料成本}+{材料加价}"     '//材料单价
210          strFormulaCLAmount = "{材料数量}*{材料单价}"    '//材料金额
220          strFormulaCLLR = "{材料数量}*{材料加价}"       '//材料利润230          Application.EnableEvents = False'------材料-----------
240          strFormulaCLPrice = Replace(strFormulaCLPrice, "{材料成本}", Val(Range("L" & Target.Row).Value))
250          strFormulaCLPrice = Replace(strFormulaCLPrice, "{材料加价}", Val(Range("M" & Target.Row).Value))
260          intResultCLPrice = Application.Evaluate(strFormulaCLPrice)
270          Range("F" & Target.Row).Value = IIf(intResultCLPrice = 0, "", intResultCLPrice)280          strFormulaCLAmount = Replace(strFormulaCLAmount, "{材料数量}", Val(Range("D" & Target.Row).Value))
290          strFormulaCLAmount = Replace(strFormulaCLAmount, "{材料单价}", Val(Range("F" & Target.Row).Value))
300          intResultCLAmount = Application.Evaluate(strFormulaCLAmount)
310          Range("G" & Target.Row).Value = IIf(intResultCLAmount = 0, "", intResultCLAmount)320          strFormulaCLLR = Replace(strFormulaCLLR, "{材料数量}", Val(Range("D" & Target.Row).Value))
330          strFormulaCLLR = Replace(strFormulaCLLR, "{材料加价}", Val(Range("M" & Target.Row).Value))
340          intResultCLLR = Application.Evaluate(strFormulaCLLR)
350          Range("N" & Target.Row).Value = IIf(intResultCLLR = 0, "", intResultCLLR)360          Application.EnableEvents = True370    End If' If Intersect(Target, Range("O16:O2015")) Is Nothing = False Then'''       Application.EnableEvents = False''        Dim imgFile As String'        Dim pic As Picture'        Dim strFileAsFileNameFullPath As String'        Dim rng As Range'        Dim bl As Double''        Dim ws As Worksheet'        Set ws = ActiveSheet'''         imgFile = GetPicFileName(Target)''            If Trim(imgFile) <> "" Then''             '--方法一,链接图片---(这里需要保留方法一,来计算方法二填充图片的尺寸)----------'             Set pic = ws.Pictures.Insert(imgFile)''              ' opic_产品编码_01'              picName = GetPicName(Target, False, True)''              '--方法二,填充图片-------------'              Dim shMB As Shape'              Set shMB = Sh_picMB.Shapes("PIC_MB")''              Dim shNew As Shape'              shMB.Copy'              ActiveSheet.Paste'              Set shNew = Selection.ShapeRange(1)''              shNew.Fill.UserPicture (imgFile)''               Set rng = Target.Offset(0, -4)'              ' On Error Resume Next''               Call ShapePicDel(Target)''                 Dim intMin As Double''                 intMin = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(rng.MergeArea.Height, rng.MergeArea.Width) - 3'                 'ws.Hyperlinks.Add pic.ShapeRange(1), imgFile, , "点击查看图片"'                 ws.Hyperlinks.Add shNew, imgFile, , "点击查看图片"''                 With shNew 'pic'                 .Height = pic.Height'                 .Width = pic.Width''                      .Name = picName'                      '.Placement = xlMoveAndSize '这个属性很关键'                     ' If .ShapeRange.Rotation = 0 Then'                      If .Rotation = 0 Then'                        If .Height >= .Width Then'                            .Height = intMin'                            bl = pic.Height / intMin'                            .Width = pic.Width / bl'                        Else'                            .Width = intMin'                            bl = pic.Width / intMin'                            .Height = pic.Height / bl'                        End If'                      End If'                      .top = rng.top + (rng.MergeArea.Height - .Height) / 2'                      .Left = rng.Left + (rng.MergeArea.Width - .Width) / 2'               End With''               pic.Delete''            End If''       Range(GetSetVal("ckBill_customerRng")).Select''       Application.EnableEvents = True' End If380    Exit Sub'----------------------------------
390     MsgBox err.Description
400     Application.EnableEvents = TrueEnd SubSub ShapePicDel(rng As Range)Dim ws As WorksheetDim sh As ShapeSet ws = rng.WorksheetFor Each sh In ws.ShapesIf InStr(sh.Name, Replace(rng.Address, "$", "")) > 0 Thensh.DeleteEnd IfNext sh
End SubPrivate Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)If Intersect(Target, Range("G3")) Is Nothing = False ThenCancel = TrueDim strPwInput As StringDim strPw As StringstrPwInput = InputBox("请输入密码", "提示")If Trim(strPwInput) = "" ThenExit SubEnd IfstrPw = getws("数据字典").Range("C2").ValueIf Trim(strPw) = "" ThenExit SubEnd IfIf Trim(strPw) = Trim(strPwInput) ThenColumns("L:N").EntireColumn.Hidden = Not Columns("L:N").EntireColumn.HiddenEnd IfEnd IfIf Intersect(Target, Range(GetSetVal("ckBill_customerRng"))) Is Nothing = False ThenCancel = TrueSet frmSearchCustomer.rngResult = TargetfrmSearchCustomer.utype = "CK"frmSearchCustomer.DblClickClose = TruefrmSearchCustomer.Caption = "选择客户"frmSearchCustomer.Width = 500frmSearchCustomer.listInfo.Width = frmSearchCustomer.Width - 20Dim p As POINTAPIGetCursorPos pfrmSearchCustomer.StartUpPosition = 0 '手动frmSearchCustomer.Left = Target.Offset(0, -1).Width + p.X / 1.3333frmSearchCustomer.top = Target.Offset(0, -1).Height + p.Y / 1.3333frmSearchCustomer.Show 0frmSearchCustomer.initfrmSearchCustomer.Height = frmSearchCustomer.listInfo.Height + frmSearchCustomer.listInfo.top + 38End IfIf Intersect(Target, Range(GetSetVal("ckBill_selectGoodsRng"))) Is Nothing = False ThenCancel = TrueIf CheckLimited = False Then Exit SubckEnableEvents = TrueWith frmSelectInfoSet .rngResult = Target'Set frmSelectInfo.rngDetail = Range(strBillGoodsRng).BillType = "CK".DblClickClose = False.Caption = "选择产品信息".Width = GetSetVal("goods_formWidth").listInfo.Width = .Width - 20.init.Show 0End WithEnd IfIf Intersect(Target, Range(GetSetVal("ckBill_billDateRng"))) Is Nothing = False ThenCancel = TruefrmCalendar.Show vbModalIf IsNull(rtnDate) = False ThenRange(GetSetVal("ckBill_billDateRng")).Value = rtnDatestrTempVal = GetSetVal("ckBill_billNoRng")If Trim(strTempVal) <> "" ThenRange(strTempVal).Value = GetBillNo("BJ", Range(GetSetVal("ckBill_billDateRng")).Value, False) ' "自动生成"End IfEnd IfEnd IfIf Intersect(Target, Range("C5")) Is Nothing = False ThenCancel = TrueSet frmSelectPara.rngResult = TargetfrmSelectPara.BillType = ""frmSelectPara.DblClickClose = TruefrmSelectPara.Caption = "选择提交公司"frmSelectPara.Width = 280frmSelectPara.listInfo.Width = frmSelectPara.Width - 20frmSelectPara.Show 0frmSelectPara.init (GetSetVal("gsmc_list_dataRng"))End IfIf Intersect(Target, Range("A16:A2015")) Is Nothing = False ThenCancel = TrueSet frmSelectPara.rngResult = TargetfrmSelectPara.BillType = "bj"frmSelectPara.moveCol = 1frmSelectPara.DblClickClose = TruefrmSelectPara.Caption = "选择项目类别"frmSelectPara.Width = 280frmSelectPara.listInfo.Width = frmSelectPara.Width - 20frmSelectPara.Show 0frmSelectPara.init (GetSetVal("xmtype_list_dataRng"))End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)Set frmSelectInfo.rngResult = Target
End Sub


