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2025/2/26 15:06:37 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/arest/article/details/143979770  浏览:    关键词:网站搭建运营_简单的ppt模板免费下载_浏览器下载安装2022最新版_seo智能优化软件


在使用 Chrome 浏览器的过程中,偶尔会遇到浏览器崩溃的情况。为了找出崩溃的原因并修复问题,我们需要对崩溃后的 .dmp 文件进行详细分析。本文将详细介绍如何从用户的系统中获取崩溃日志文件,使用 minidump_stackwalk 查看浏览器版本信息,下载对应的 symbols 文件,并使用 LLDB 进行详细分析。


1.1 收集 .dmp 文件
当 Chrome 浏览器崩溃时,系统通常会生成一个 .dmp 文件,该文件包含了崩溃时的堆栈信息。用户可以在 Chrome 的崩溃报告目录中找到这些文件。路径通常为:

  • Windows: C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Crash Reports
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Crash Reports
  • Linux: ~/.config/google-chrome/Crash Reports

第二步:使用 minidump_stackwalk 查看浏览器版本信息

2.1 安装 minidump_stackwalk

确保你的系统上安装了 minidump_stackwalk。你可以通过以下命令安装:

# macOS 和 Linux
brew install breakpad


git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/breakpad/breakpad
cd breakpad
sudo make install

2.2 使用 minidump_stackwalk 查看信息

使用 minidump_stackwalk 工具查看 .dmp 文件中的浏览器版本信息:

minidump_stackwalk your_crash.dmp /path/to/symbols


第三步:下载 symbols 文件

3.1 访问 Chrome 官方网站

根据 minidump_stackwalk 输出的版本信息,访问 Chrome 官方下载页面 下载对应的 symbols 文件。通常,symbols 文件可以在 Chrome 的开发者资源页面找到。
github 上有一个辅助下载脚本(download_symbols.py),有些处理过时了,略作修改如下所示:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Downloads symbols for official, Google Chrome builds.Usage:./download_symbols.py -v 91.0.4449.6 -a x86_64 -c stable -o /dest/pathThis can also be used as a Python module.
"""import argparse
import csv
import os.path
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib.request as request# 这个地址已经失效了,channel 需要手动指定(比如 【stable】,可以在 https://chromiumdash.appspot.com/releases?platform=Mac 中查看)
_OMAHAPROXY_HISTORY = 'https://omahaproxy.appspot.com/history?os=mac&format=json'_DSYM_URL_TEMPLATE = 'https://dl.google.com/chrome/mac/{channel}/dsym/googlechrome-{version}-{arch}-dsym.tar.bz2'def download_chrome_symbols(version, channel, arch, dest_dir):"""Downloads and extracts the official Google Chrome dSYM files to asubdirectory of `dest_dir`.Args:version: The version to download symbols for.channel: The release channel to download symbols for. If None, attemptsto guess the channel.arch: The CPU architecture to download symbols for.dest_dir: The location to download symbols to. The dSYMs will beextracted to a subdirectory of this directory.Returns:The path to the directory containing the dSYMs, which will be asubdirectory of `dest_dir`."""if channel is None:channel = _identify_channel(version, arch)if channel:print('Using release channel {} for {}'.format(channel, version),file=sys.stderr)else:print('Could not identify channel for Chrome version {}'.format(version),file=sys.stderr)return Noneextracted_dir = _download_and_extract(version, channel, arch, dest_dir)if not extracted_dir:print('Could not find dSYMs for Chrome {} {}'.format(version, arch),file=sys.stderr)return extracted_dirdef get_symbol_directory(version, channel, arch, dest_dir):"""Returns the parent directory for dSYMs given the specified parameters."""_, dest = _get_url_and_dest(version, channel, arch, dest_dir)return destdef _identify_channel(version, arch):"""Attempts to guess the release channel given a Chrome version and CPUarchitecture."""# First try querying OmahaProxy for the release.with request.urlopen(_OMAHAPROXY_HISTORY) as release_history:history = csv.DictReader(release_history.read().decode('utf8').split('\n'))for row in history:if row['version'] == version:return row['channel']# Fall back to sending HEAD HTTP requests to each of the possible symbol# locations.print('Unable to identify release channel for {}, now brute-force searching'.format(version),file=sys.stderr)for channel in ('stable', 'beta', 'dev', 'canary'):url, _ = _get_url_and_dest(version, channel, arch, '')req = request.Request(url, method='HEAD')try:resp = request.urlopen(req)if resp.code == 200:return channelexcept:continuereturn Nonedef _get_url_and_dest(version, channel, arch, dest_dir):"""Returns a the symbol archive URL and local destination directory giventhe format parameters."""args = {'channel': channel, 'arch': arch, 'version': version}url = _DSYM_URL_TEMPLATE.format(**args)dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir,'googlechrome-{version}-{arch}-dsym'.format(**args))return url, dest_dirdef _download_and_extract(version, channel, arch, dest_dir):"""Performs the download and extraction of the symbol files. Returns thepath to the extracted symbol files on success, None on error."""url, dest_dir = _get_url_and_dest(version, channel, arch, dest_dir)if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir):os.mkdir(dest_dir)print('download from {}'.format(url), file=sys.stderr)print(url, file=sys.stderr)try:with request.urlopen(url) as symbol_request:print('Downloading and extracting symbols to {}'.format(dest_dir),file=sys.stderr)print('This will take a minute...', file=sys.stderr)if _extract_symbols_to(symbol_request, dest_dir):return dest_direxcept:print('load failed!!!', file=sys.stderr)passreturn Nonedef _extract_symbols_to(symbol_request, dest_dir):"""Performs a streaming extract of the symbol files.Args:symbol_request: The HTTPResponse object for the symbol URL.dest_dir: The destination directory into which the files will beextracted.Returns: True on successful download and extraction, False on error."""proc = subprocess.Popen(['tar', 'xjf', '-'],cwd=dest_dir,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=sys.stderr,stderr=sys.stderr)while True:data = symbol_request.read(4096)if not data:proc.stdin.close()breakproc.stdin.write(data)proc.wait()return proc.returncode == 0def main():parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument('--version','-v',required=True,help='Version to download.')parser.add_argument('--channel','-c',help='Chrome release channel for the version. The channel will be ' \'guessed if not specified.')parser.add_argument('--arch','-a',help='CPU architecture to download, defaults to that of the current OS.')parser.add_argument('--out','-o',required=True,help='Directory to download the symbols to.')args = parser.parse_args()arch = args.archif not arch:arch = platform.machine()if not os.path.isdir(args.out):print('--out destination is not a directory.', file=sys.stderr)return Falsereturn download_chrome_symbols(args.version, args.channel, arch, args.out)if __name__ == '__main__':main()

3.2 放置 symbols 文件

将下载的 symbols 文件放置在你指定的目录,例如 /path/to/symbols。

第四步:使用 LLDB 进行详细分析

4.1 安装 LLDB

确保你的系统上安装了 LLDB。大多数现代 macOS 和 Linux 发行版都自带了 LLDB,Windows 用户可以通过 Visual Studio 安装。

4.2 使用 LLDB 分析 .dmp 文件

打开终端,使用以下命令加载 .dmp 文件并进行分析:

(lldb) settings set target.exec-search-paths /symbol/file/path
(lldb) target create --core "/dmp/file/path"
(lldb) thread backtrace all

确保将 /path/to/executables 替换为你的 symbols 文件路径。

4.3 查看堆栈跟踪


(lldb) bt
可以看出发生了 OOM,内存占用过大导致崩溃。

4.4 进一步调试


  • 检查变量值
  • 打印内存内容
  • 断点调试
(lldb) frame variable
(lldb) memory read --size 16 --format x --count 10 <address>


这一过程有助于深入理解崩溃的原因,并采取相应的修复措施。希望本文能帮助你有效地分析 Chrome 浏览器的崩溃问题。如果你有任何疑问,欢迎一起探讨。


