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    • 1.诞生背景
    • 2.LongAdder核心思想
    • 3.底层实现:
    • 4.额外补充


LongAdder是JDK8新增的一个原子操作类,和AtomicLong扮演者同样的角色,由于采用AtomicLong 保证多线程数据同步,高并发场景下会导致大量线程同时竞争更新一个原子变量,容易造成大量线程竞争失败后,无线循环不断自旋尝试CAS,极大浪费CPU资源为了解决这个循环自旋尝试CAS极大占用CPU资源的问题,JDK大佬就创造了LongAdder类





下面结合LongAdder的结构,add()sum() 方法对类底层执行进行剖析。

// 继承Striped64.
public class LongAdder extends Striped64 implements Serializable {private static final long serialVersionUID = 7249069246863182397L;
// Striped64 类中四个实例变量/** Number of CPUS, to place bound on table size */// 当前机器CPU数目static final int NCPU = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();/*** Table of cells. When non-null, size is a power of 2.*/// 用于存储变量的数组,初始size为2,采用2倍扩容,因为length参与了线程获取cell对象时索引计算transient volatile Cell[] cells;/*** Base value, used mainly when there is no contention, but also as* a fallback during table initialization races. Updated via CAS.*/// 变量基数transient volatile long base;/*** Spinlock (locked via CAS) used when resizing and/or creating Cells.*/// 用于判断是否发生cell竞争状态标识,1表示存在获取cell线程。transient volatile int cellsBusy;


    /*** Padded variant of AtomicLong supporting only raw accesses plus CAS.** JVM intrinsics note: It would be possible to use a release-only* form of CAS here, if it were provided.*/@jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Contended static final class Cell {volatile long value;Cell(long x) { value = x; }final boolean cas(long cmp, long val) {return VALUE.weakCompareAndSetRelease(this, cmp, val);}final void reset() {VALUE.setVolatile(this, 0L);}final void reset(long identity) {VALUE.setVolatile(this, identity);}final long getAndSet(long val) {return (long)VALUE.getAndSet(this, val);}// VarHandle mechanicsprivate static final VarHandle VALUE;static {try {MethodHandles.Lookup l = MethodHandles.lookup();VALUE = l.findVarHandle(Cell.class, "value", long.class);} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);}}}

@jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Contended 注解是用以字节填充,用来避免伪共享。这个伪共享在上一篇剖析AQS源码中有讲。点击查看


接着看看sum() 方法:

    /*** Returns the current sum.  The returned value is <em>NOT</em> an* atomic snapshot; invocation in the absence of concurrent* updates returns an accurate result, but concurrent updates that* occur while the sum is being calculated might not be* incorporated.** @return the sum*/public long sum() {Cell[] cs = cells;long sum = base;if (cs != null) {for (Cell c : cs)if (c != null)sum += c.value;}return sum;}


继续看add() 方法,这个是整个类最关键的方法:

    /*** Adds the given value.** @param x the value to add*/public void add(long x) {// b为基础值, v为存储当前线程被分配到具体某个cell的value。/** m 当前cell的长度-1 ,由于cell的长度是2的幂数,因此结构必然是`...1111`结尾,index & m 就是用来计算当前线程竞争获取对象cell在cells的位置!(uncontended = c.cas(v = c.value, v + x) cell对象cas失败走longAccumulate(x, null, uncontended, index)逻辑。**/Cell[] cs; long b, v; int m; Cell c;if ((cs = cells) != null || !casBase(b = base, b + x)) {int index = getProbe();boolean uncontended = true;if (cs == null || (m = cs.length - 1) < 0 ||(c = cs[index & m]) == null ||!(uncontended = c.cas(v = c.value, v + x)))longAccumulate(x, null, uncontended, index);}}/*** Returns the probe value for the current thread.* Duplicated from ThreadLocalRandom because of packaging restrictions.*/static final int getProbe() {return (int) THREAD_PROBE.get(Thread.currentThread());}


3.接着来分析下longAccumulate 这个方法:

final void longAccumulate(long x, LongBinaryOperator fn,boolean wasUncontended, int index) {if (index == 0) {ThreadLocalRandom.current(); // force initializationindex = getProbe();wasUncontended = true;}// 默认冲突为falsefor (boolean collide = false;;) {       // True if last slot nonemptyCell[] cs; Cell c; int n; long v;if ((cs = cells) != null && (n = cs.length) > 0) {// 当前cell对象为空if ((c = cs[(n - 1) & index]) == null) {// cellsBusy 为0 此时可以通过自旋竞争获取锁。if (cellsBusy == 0) {       // Try to attach new CellCell r = new Cell(x);   // Optimistically create// cas方式加锁。这个锁在创建对象和扩容时需要加锁。if (cellsBusy == 0 && casCellsBusy()) {try {               // Recheck under lockCell[] rs; int m, j;// 二次检查。确保对象索引位置为null在执行赋值操作。// 这个和懒加载单例模式DoubleCheck 思想一直。if ((rs = cells) != null &&(m = rs.length) > 0 &&rs[j = (m - 1) & index] == null) {//  将新建的cell对象r赋值给指定位置。rs[j] = r;break;}} finally {// 锁释放cellsBusy = 0;}continue;           // Slot is now non-empty}}collide = false;}// cas执行失败 设置true重新再执行else if (!wasUncontended)       // CAS already known to failwasUncontended = true;      // Continue after rehash// 当前cell 存在 则执行CAS,如果方法fn为null则执行加法操作此时就是LongAdder// 如果传了函数,则调用自定义函数fn。else if (c.cas(v = c.value,(fn == null) ? v + x : fn.applyAsLong(v, x)))break;//  如果当前Cell数组元素个数大于CPU数或者已经完成扩容,则冲突为false。else if (n >= NCPU || cells != cs)collide = false;            // At max size or stale// 如果以上判断均不满足,则是存在冲突的。设置为true。else if (!collide)collide = true;// 如果当前n没有到达cpu个数且存在冲突。// 尝试扩容。cas机制扩容加锁,避免多个线程都进行扩容操作。else if (cellsBusy == 0 && casCellsBusy()) {try {if (cells == cs)        // Expand table unless stalecells = Arrays.copyOf(cs, n << 1); // 必须是2倍扩容} finally {// 锁释放cellsBusy = 0;}// 重新设置冲突为false。collide = false;continue;                   // Retry with expanded table}index = advanceProbe(index);}// cell数组初始化判断逻辑。else if (cellsBusy == 0 && cells == cs && casCellsBusy()) {try {                           // Initialize tableif (cells == cs) {Cell[] rs = new Cell[2];rs[index & 1] = new Cell(x);cells = rs;break;}} finally {cellsBusy = 0;}}// Fall back on using baseelse if (casBase(v = base,(fn == null) ? v + x : fn.applyAsLong(v, x)))break;}}

index ==0 说明 getProbe() 方法为0,(int)
则说明当前线程threadLocalRandomProbe=0, 这个是通过反射实现值获取。

再看Thread类中,关于threadLocalRandomProbe注释,说明ThreadLocalRandom 对象没有初始化,因此才需执行初始化操作。也就是ThreadLocalRandom.current()这个方法。

    /** Probe hash value; nonzero if threadLocalRandomSeed initialized */// 初始化后不能为0。int threadLocalRandomProbe;

由于longAccumulate 代码量太大,关于运行情况,注释都写在代码上。 相信大家都能看懂。


1.LongAdder 和LongAccumulate 之间的关系,longAccumulate 是通用累计计算器,不仅可以实现累加,还可以根据用户自定义函数来实现累计功能,LongAdder 是其中一个特例,相当于就是一个longAccumulate 默认实现。


