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2025/3/7 7:13:51 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/huaqianzkh/article/details/143373323  浏览:    关键词:哈尔滨工程研究生招生信息网_创意logo设计生成器_关键词推广价格_抖音广告推广怎么收费
哈尔滨工程研究生招生信息网_创意logo设计生成器_关键词推广价格_抖音广告推广怎么收费 State diagram for DecoderKey changes 解码器密钥更改的状态图

Figure 9 illustrates the KT states that a DecoderKey may assume from time to time.


Where one key is used to encrypt another key (as in the key change token set), the former is referred to as the parent key and the latter as the child key.


The solid line arrows indicate the direction in which a key may change from one type to another type. The type that it changes from is the parent key and the type that it changes to is the child key. To effect a change of the DecoderKey the new key (or child key) is encrypted with the parent key and then loaded into the payment meter by means of a key change token set. The payment meter then replaces the parent key with the child key, which now becomes the new parent key.


The dotted line arrows indicate the function, for which a KT may be used, i.e. the values that it may encrypt or decrypt. For example, only a DITK, DUTK or DCTK can be used to encrypt or decrypt a credit transfer function, but all four types can be used to encrypt or decrypt meter-
specific management functions.


Table 33 details the permitted key change state relationships and associated functions.


The child key rows refer to the permitted usage of decoder key types for encryption of DecoderKeys in the key change token set key management functions. Similarly, the management and credit rows detail the permitted usage of decoder key types for the encryption of the remaining meter-specific management functions and credit transfer functions respectively.


The key type relationship policy in the POS shall be enforced in a secure device such as a tamper-proof CryptographicModule.





