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2025/3/7 10:21:59 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_73087695/article/details/142389598  浏览:    关键词:如何申请公司域名_68设计网_网络营销课程思政_seo整站优化哪家专业
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Godot;namespace GoDogKit
{/// <summary>/// A simple implementation of an object pool without security checks.    /// </summary>public partial class ObjectPool : Node{/// <summary>/// The scene stored in the pool.        /// </summary>[Export] public PackedScene Scene { get; set; }/// <summary>/// The initial size of the pool./// </summary>[Export]public int InitialSize{get => m_initialSize;set => m_initialSize = value < 0 ? 0 : value;}private int m_initialSize = 10;/// <summary>/// Emitted when a node is gotten from the pool.    /// </summary>/// <param name="node"> The node that was gotten.</param>[Signal] public delegate void GottenEventHandler(Node node);/// <summary>/// Emitted when a node is instantiated inside the pool.        /// </summary>/// <param name="node"> The node that was instantiated.</param>[Signal] public delegate void InstantiatedEventHandler(Node node);/// <summary>/// Emitted when a node is released back to the pool.        /// </summary>/// <param name="node"> The node that was released.</param>[Signal] public delegate void ReleasedEventHandler(Node node);/// <summary>/// Emitted when a node is freed from the pool./// </summary>/// <param name="node"> The node that was freed.</param>[Signal] public delegate void FreedEventHandler(Node node);// The queue of nodes in the pool.private Queue<Node> queue;/// <summary>/// The number of nodes in the pool currently.       /// </summary>public virtual int Size{get => queue.Count;}public override void _Ready(){queue = new Queue<Node>();// Auto initialize if initial size is greater than 0if (InitialSize > 0){for (int i = 0; i < InitialSize; i++){Node node = Scene.Instantiate();queue.Enqueue(node);}}}/// <summary>/// Get a node from the pool as Node, and add it to the scene tree root.  /// If the pool is empty, a new node will be instantiated and added to the scene tree./// </summary>         /// <returns> The node that was gotten. </returns>public virtual Node Get(){if (!queue.TryDequeue(out Node node)){node = Scene.Instantiate();EmitSignal(SignalName.Instantiated, node);}GetTree().Root.AddChild(node);EmitSignal(SignalName.Gotten, node);return node;}/// <summary>/// Get a node from the pool as specified Type, and add it to the scene tree root.  ///If the pool is empty, a new node will be instantiated and added to the scene tree root./// </summary>/// <typeparam name="T"> Node type to get. </typeparam>/// <returns> The node that was gotten. </returns>        public virtual T Get<T>() where T : Node{if (!queue.TryDequeue(out Node node)){node = Scene.Instantiate() as T;EmitSignal(SignalName.Instantiated, node);}GetTree().Root.AddChild(node);EmitSignal(SignalName.Gotten, node);return node as T;}/// <summary>/// Release a node back to the pool and remove it from the scene tree root./// Notice that there are no checks for whethet the node was creatd by the pool or not./// </summary>/// <param name="node"> The Node to release. </param>public virtual void Release(Node node){GetTree().Root.RemoveChild(node);queue.Enqueue(node);EmitSignal(SignalName.Released, node);}/// <summary>/// Free a node from the pool and remove it from the scene tree at the end of the frame./// Notice that there are no checks for whethet the node was creatd by the pool or not./// </summary>/// <param name="node"> The Node to free. </param>public virtual void Free(Node node){node.QueueFree();EmitSignal(SignalName.Freed, node);}}













        优点: 轻量,灵活。 


