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可视化小波频率如何影响地震纵向分辨率(MATLAB R2018A)

2025/1/7 17:20:31 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39402231/article/details/139339052  浏览:    关键词:可视化小波频率如何影响地震纵向分辨率(MATLAB R2018A)



load('Sections.mat');             % This is an experimental Data contains RC matix.
load('Seis_maps.mat');            % Maps to plot%% Wavelet prameters
Sampling_Interval= 1/1000;                     % Sampling Interval in Sec
NumberOfSamples= (10/Sampling_Interval)+1;       % Must be enough to make sure the whole wavelet is plotted% (must contains zeros at the sides)
NumberOfSamples= round(NumberOfSamples, 0);t0= 0;    % This determines where the peak/trough must appear. In our case% we generate a zero-phase wavelet that shows its peak at 0.
%% Processing
% In this section we generate the wavelet with a certain frequency and 
% convolve it with the RC matrix then we plot the resultsfor iter=1:0.2:120Freqeuncy= iter;% Generate Ricker wavelet with the above parameters[Wavelet, t]= Edited_ricker(Freqeuncy, NumberOfSamples, Sampling_Interval, t0);% delete the unnecessary 0 Values of the Wavelet and make sure it is still%  symmetricfor it=1:length(Wavelet) % start from 1 to end and determine where the non zero values startsif Wavelet(it)~=0Left= it-1;      % the left coordinate of the wavelet contains one zeroLeft= max(1, Left); % sometimes because we choose a small number of NumberOfSamples the waveletbreak;              % is already cut and doesn't have zeros! endendfor ite=length(Wavelet):-1:1 % The same as the previous loop but here we determine the coordinateif Wavelet(ite)~=0       % at which the zeros end.Right= ite+1;Right= min(Right, length(Wavelet));break;endend% Modify the Wavelet and Time rowst= t(1, Left:Right);                  % Trim the Time rowWavelet= Wavelet(1, Left:Right);      % Trim the Wavelet row  % Convolove the Wavelet with the RC matrixRes= conv2(Wavelet, 1, RC_Matrix_RHG);% The convolved matrix is larger in size(Rows) than the RC matrix so we have% to trim the values from the begining and ending of the Res matrix so% they match each other.S1= size(Res, 1);                  % Convoloved matrix sizeS2= size(RC_Matrix_RHG, 1);        % RC matrix sizedif= (S1 - S2)/2;                  % dif is the values we must delete from the begining and ending of RCRes(1:dif, :)= [];                 % Delete dif from the begining of the matrixRes(end:-1:(end-dif)+1, :)= [];    % Delete from the end of the matrixT= 1:size(Res,1);if iter>1cla(h1);cla(h2);cla(h3);cla(h4);cla(h5);endsubplot(4, 8, [1 25]);plot(RC_Matrix_RHG(:, 1), T);h1= gca;h1.YDir= 'reverse';title('RC series');grid on;subplot(4,8,[2 26]);plot(Wavelet, t);h2= gca;h2.YDir= 'reverse';title({'Wavelet'; ['Frequency= ' num2str(round(Freqeuncy, 0)) ' Hz']}, 'Color', 'b');grid on;subplot(4,8,[3 27]);plot(Res(:,1), T);h3= gca;h3.YDir= 'reverse';title({'1D Synthetic'});grid on;subplot(4,8,[4 16]);imagesc(RC_Matrix_RHG);h4= gca;title({'Subsurface geology'});subplot(4,8,[20 32]);imagesc(Res);hold onplot([1:1:size(Res, 2)]+Res(:, 1:1:end), T, 'k');h5= gca;colormap(Red_blue_map);title({'Synthetic Section'});xlabel('Coded by Haydar Khayou - Damascus University', 'Color', 'b');%完整代码:https://mbd.pub/o/bread/mbd-ZpWbkpdydrawnow;


工学博士,担任《Mechanical System and Signal Processing》《中国电机工程学报》《控制与决策》等期刊审稿专家,擅长领域:现代信号处理,机器学习,深度学习,数字孪生,时间序列分析,设备缺陷检测、设备异常检测、设备智能故障诊断与健康管理PHM等。


