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2024/7/4 5:36:56 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/flysnow010/article/details/139982238  浏览:    关键词:CppTest单元测试框架(更新)


  • 1 背景
  • 2 设计
  • 3 实现
  • 4 使用
    • 4.1 主函数
    • 4.2 使用方法

1 背景


2 设计



  • TestApp 增加成员suites_,
  • addSuite增加参数name,表示测试Suite名字,该函数实现将suite增加到成员suites_中存起来。
  • run接口没变,实现时从suites_将suite增加到mainSuite_中,如果没指定测试用例则全部增加,否则只增加指定测试用例。
  • AutoAddSuite的构造函数增加参数用例名称。
  • 宏ADD_SUITE参数没变化,实现时将类型作为测试用例名称来注册


#ifndef TESTAPP_H
#define TESTAPP_H
#include <cpptest/cpptest.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>class TestApp
{typedef std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Test::Suite>> Suites;Test::Suite mainSuite_;Suites suites_;TestApp();
public:static TestApp& Instance();void  addSuite(const char* name, Test::Suite * suite);int run(int argc, char *argv[]);
};#define theTestApp TestApp::Instance()template<typename Suite>
struct AutoAddSuite
{AutoAddSuite(const char* Name) { theTestApp.addSuite(Name, new Suite()); }
};#define ADD_SUITE(Type) AutoAddSuite<Type>  add##Type(#Type);


  • TestApp类型是单例类,提高增加Suite接口和run接口
  • AutoAddSuite是一个自动添加Suite的模板类型
  • 宏ADD_SUITE定义了AutoAddSuite对象,用于自动添加。

3 实现

#include "testapp.h"#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>namespace
void usage()
{std::cout << "usage: test [MODE] [Suite]\n"<< "where MODE may be one of:\n"<< "  --compiler\n"<< "  --html\n"<< "  --text-terse (default)\n"<< "  --text-verbose\n";
}std::tuple<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Test::Output>>
cmdline(int argc, char* argv[])
{Test::Output* output = 0;std::string name;if (argc == 1)output = new Test::TextOutput(Test::TextOutput::Verbose);if(argc > 1){const char* arg = argv[1];if (strcmp(arg, "--compiler") == 0)output = new Test::CompilerOutput;else if (strcmp(arg, "--html") == 0)output =  new Test::HtmlOutput;else if (strcmp(arg, "--text-terse") == 0)output = new Test::TextOutput(Test::TextOutput::Terse);else if (strcmp(arg, "--text-verbose") == 0)output = new Test::TextOutput(Test::TextOutput::Verbose);else if(strcmp(arg, "--help") == 0)std::tuple<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Test::Output>>("help", output);elsestd::cout << "invalid commandline argument: " << arg << std::endl;}if(argc > 2)name = argv[2];return std::tuple<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Test::Output>>(name, output);
}TestApp & TestApp::Instance()
{static TestApp theApp;return theApp;
{}void TestApp::addSuite(const char* name, Test::Suite * suite)
{suites_.emplace(name, std::unique_ptr<Test::Suite>(suite));
}int TestApp::run(int argc, char *argv[])
{try{auto params = cmdline(argc, argv);std::string name(std::move(std::get<0>(params)));std::unique_ptr<Test::Output> output(std::move(std::get<1>(params)));if(name == "help" || !output){usage();std::cout << "where Suite may be one of(default - all):\n";for(auto & suite: suites_)std::cout << "  " << suite.first << "\n";return 0;}for(auto & suite: suites_){if(name.empty())mainSuite_.add(std::move(suite.second));else if(name == suite.first){mainSuite_.add(std::move(suite.second));break;}}mainSuite_.run(*output, true);Test::HtmlOutput* const html = dynamic_cast<Test::HtmlOutput*>(output.get());if (html)html->generate(std::cout, true, argv[0]);}catch (...){std::cout << "unexpected exception encountered\n";return EXIT_FAILURE;}return EXIT_SUCCESS;


  • Instance 返回一个单例引用
  • addSuite 增加Suite到suites_
  • run
    • 首先根据命令行返回Test::Output和要单独运行测试用例名称
    • 如果参数错误或help显示用法后退出主程序。
    • 遍历suites_,将suite添加到mainSuite_中(如果name不为空,则只添加名称为name的测试用例)
    • 然后调用mainSuite_运行测试用例
    • 最后如果类型是Output是Test::HtmlOutput类型,则将结果输出到标准输出std::cout.

4 使用

4.1 主函数

#include "testapp.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{try{theTestApp.run(argc, argv);}catch(const std::exception& e){std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';}return 0;


4.2 使用方法


 $ ./concurrent --help
usage: test [MODE] [Suite]
where MODE may be one of:--compiler--html--text-terse (default)--text-verbose
where Suite may be one of(default - all):AtomicSuiteBlockQueueSuiteConditionVariableSuiteFutureSuiteLocksSuiteMutexSuiteRingQueueSuiteThreadSuiteTimedMutexSuite


$ ./concurrent --text-terse BlockQueueSuite
BlockQueueSuite: 0/2
I get a Apple pie
I get a Banana pie
I get a Pear pie
I get a Plum pie
I get a Pineapple pieI get a Apple pie
I get a Banana pie
I get a Pear pie
I get a Plum pie
I get a Pineapple pieI get a Apple
I get a Banana
I get a Pear
I get a Plum
I get a Pineapple
BlockQueueSuite: 1/2
I get a Apple pie in thread(3)I get a Banana pie in thread(4)I get a Pear pie in thread(0)I get a Plum pie in thread(2)I get a Pineapple pie in thread(1)I get a Apple pie in thread(0)I get a Banana pie in thread(2)I get a Pear pie in thread(3)I get a Plum pie in thread(1)I get a Pineapple pie in thread(4)I get a Apple in thread(1)I get a Banana in thread(0)I get a Pear in thread(2)I get a Plum in thread(3)I get a Pineapple in thread(4)
BlockQueueSuite: 2/2, 100% correct in 0.021808 seconds
Total: 2 tests, 100% correct in 0.021808 seconds


  • 如上所述只运行测试用例BlockQueueSuite


