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2025/3/10 12:59:22 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_38803409/article/details/143311304  浏览:    关键词:电商图片_工程建设数字化管理平台app下载_输入关键词进行搜索_武汉百度信息流广告

DevOps --- Pipeline和Yaml文件

  • 什么是Pipleine
  • 什么是Yaml文件
  • Yaml文件的构成


  • 在DevOps中pipeline可以按顺序在一台虚拟机上实现一组特定的操作,包括但不限于
  • 执行git命令,如拉取代码,push代码等
  • 执行任意程序
  • 执行python或bash脚本
  • 基于以上操作,pipeline通常可以完成以下场景
  • 持续集成:拉取代码,运行代码质量检查工具,运行集成测试,部署代码等
  • 使用第三方控件对代码进行安全扫描(DAST, Image,SAST等)
  • 定时运行E2E测试


  • 和Json,XML类似,YAML(YAML Ain’t Markup Language)是一种数据序列化格式。经常被用于配置文件和数据交换格式,特别适用于各种编程语言之间的数据传递.
  • 在微软的DevOps中,yaml通常用来定义一个pipeline


  • 一个pipeline 由多个stages组成
  • 一个stage由多个jobs组成
  • 每个Job可以在一个agent上执行(一个Job也可以没有agent)
  • an agent could be an VM or sometimes an VM can have multiple agents
  • 一个job由多个steps组成
  • steps可以是task或script,是pipeline的最小构建单元


  • task是一些Azure DevOps预先设定好的功能,可以直接使用. 常用的task包括,
  • PythonScript@0
  • PowerShell@2
  • Docker@1
  • CopyFiles@2
  • PublishTestResults@2
  • 可以在ADO中搜索
  • Trigger
  • This states what changes trigger the pipeline. For the example in the below code, changes in the main branch alone trigger the pipeline run and not from the feature branches.
  • Pool
  • When your build or deployment runs, the system begins one or more jobs. An agent is a computing infrastructure with installed agent software that runs one job at a time. For example, your job could run on a Microsoft-hosted Ubuntu agent. The below pipeline yaml uses “ubuntu-latest”
  • Variables
  • Variables are a way to get key bits of data into various parts of the pipeline.
  • The most common use of variables is to define a value that you can then use in your pipeline.
  • All variables are strings and are mutable. The value of a variable can change from run to run or job to job of your pipeline.


trigger:branches:include:- mainexclude:- feature_branchespool:vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'variables:- name: tagvalue: '$(Build.BuildNumber)'- name: ImageNamevalue: "demo Image"- name: python.versionvalue: '3.8'schedules:- cron: "0 18 1 * *"always: truedisplayName: Monthly, 2nd, 2:00 am (utc+8)branches:include:- masterstages:- stage: LintdisplayName: Format and lint codejobs:- job: Lintingsteps:- script: |python3 -m pip install blackpython3 -m pip install pylintdisplayName: "Install dependencies"  - script: |#app is the folder in which the application code residespython3 -m black ./appdisplayName: "Apply black code formatting"- script: |python3 -m pylint ./app --recursive=true --exit-zerodisplayName: "Static code analysis with pylint"- stage: TestdisplayName: Unit testjobs:- job: Teststeps:- script: |python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txtpython3 -m pip install pytest-azurepipelinesdisplayName: "Install dependencies"- script: |python3 -m pytest -v -s --junitxml=unittest/junit.xml --cov=. --cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=xml- stage: BuilddisplayName: 'Build and Push Docker Image'jobs:- job: BuildAndPushdisplayName: 'Build and Push Docker Image'steps:- task: Docker@1displayName: 'Build an image'inputs:containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry'azureSubscriptionEndpoint: 'Service connection name'azureContainerRegistry: '<<democontainer-DEV.azurecr.io>>'command: 'Build an Image'dockerFile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Dockerfile'tags: |latest$(Build.BuildId)imageName: '$(ImageName):$(tag)'- task: Docker@1displayName: 'Push image to ACR to TEST'inputs:containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry'azureSubscriptionEndpoint: '<<demoserviceconenction>>'azureContainerRegistry: 'container registary name-DEV.azurecr.io'command: 'Push an image'imageName: '$(ImageName):$(tag)'- task: Docker@1displayName: 'Build an image'inputs:containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry'azureSubscriptionEndpoint: 'Service connection name'azureContainerRegistry: 'container registary name-PROD.azurecr.io'command: 'Build an Image'dockerFile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Dockerfile'tags: |latest$(Build.BuildId)imageName: '$(ImageName):$(tag)'- task: Docker@1displayName: 'Push image to ACR to PROD'inputs:containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry'azureSubscriptionEndpoint: 'Service connection name'azureContainerRegistry: 'container registary name-PROD.azurecr.io'command: 'Push an image'imageName: '$(ImageName):$(tag)'      - task: CopyFiles@2inputs:SourceFolder: 'kubernetes'Contents: '*.yaml'TargetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1inputs:PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'ArtifactName: 'manifest'publishLocation: 'Container'


