1. 1459.矩形面积
1.1 题干
表: Points
| Column Name | Type |
| id | int |
| x_value | int |
| y_value | int |
id 是该表中具有唯一值的列。
每个点都用二维坐标 (x_value, y_value) 表示。
编写解决方案,报告由表中任意两点可以形成的所有 边与坐标轴平行 且 面积不为零 的矩形。
结果表中的每一行包含三列 (p1, p2, area) 如下:
p1 和 p2 是矩形两个对角的 id
矩形的面积由列 area 表示
返回结果表请按照面积 area 大小 降序排列;如果面积相同的话, 则按照 p1 升序排序;若仍相同,则按 p2 升序排列。
示例 1:
Points 表:
| id | x_value | y_value |
| 1 | 2 | 7 |
| 2 | 4 | 8 |
| 3 | 2 | 10 |
| p1 | p2 | area |
| 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 1 | 2 | 2 |
p1 = 2 且 p2 = 3 时, 面积等于 |4-2| * |8-10| = 4
p1 = 1 且 p2 = 2 时, 面积等于 ||2-4| * |7-8| = 2
p1 = 1 且 p2 = 3 时, 是不可能为矩形的, 面积等于 0
1.2 准备数据
Create table If Not Exists Points (id int, x_value int, y_value int)
Truncate table Points
insert into Points (id, x_value, y_value) values ('1', '2', '7')
insert into Points (id, x_value, y_value) values ('2', '4', '8')
insert into Points (id, x_value, y_value) values ('3', '2', '10')
1.3 实现
with t1 as (select p1.id as p1,p2.id as p2,abs((p1.x_value-p2.x_value)*(p1.y_value-p2.y_value)) area
from points p1 cross join points p2
select distinct least(p1,p2) as p1,greatest(p1,p2) as p2,area from t1 where area > 0
order by area desc,p1 asc,p2 asc;# 方式二with t1 as (select p1.id as p1,p2.id as p2,abs((p1.x_value-p2.x_value)*(p1.y_value-p2.y_value)) area
from points p1 cross join points p2
on p1.id <p2.id and p1.x_value <> p2.x_value and p1.y_value <> p2.y_value
select distinct p1,p2,area from t1 where area > 0order by area desc,p1 asc,p2 asc;