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2025/2/27 23:56:16 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/FL1623863129/article/details/141147282  浏览:    关键词:[C++][opencv]基于opencv实现photoshop算法高反差保留







#define OPENCV2_PHOTOS_FILTER_HPP_#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"namespace cv {class Filter {
public:Filter();virtual ~Filter();/*** Gaussian Blur** @param src [in]  InputArray* @param dst [out] OutputArray* @param radius [in] Gaussian radius, value range [0.1, 250]** @return 0 if success, else return error code*/static int GaussianBlur(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, float radius);/*** High Pass** @param src [in]  InputArray* @param dst [out] OutputArray* @param radius [in] Gaussian radius, value range [0.1, 250]** @return 0 if success, else return error code*/static int HighPass(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, float radius);static int AddNoise(InputArray src, OutputArray dst);/*** Ripple** @param src [in]  InputArray* @param dst [out] OutputArray* @param center [in] center point of ripple* @param radius [in] radius of ripple* @param phases [in]* @param waveLength [in] wave length* @param amplitude [in] amplitude** @return 0 if success, else return error code*/static int Ripple(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Point center, float radius,float phases = 0, int waveLength = 0, int amplitude = 0);/*** Pinch** @param src [in]  InputArray* @param dst [out] OutputArray** @return 0 if success, else return error code*/static int Pinch(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, float amount = 0.5, Point center = Point(0,0), float radius = 0.6 );/*** Kaleidoscope** @param src [in]  InputArray* @param dst [out] OutputArray** @return 0 if success, else return error code*/static int Kaleidoscope(InputArray src, OutputArray dst);
};} /* namespace cv */#endif /* OPENCV2_PHOTOS_FILTER_HPP_ */


#include "Filter.hpp"
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>#define CLIP_RANGE(value, min, max)  ( (value) > (max) ? (max) : (((value) < (min)) ? (min) : (value)) )
#define COLOR_RANGE(value)  CLIP_RANGE((value), 0, 255)
#define M_PI 3.14
namespace cv {Filter::Filter() {}Filter::~Filter() {
}/*** Gaussian Blur** @param src [in]  InputArray* @param dst [out] OutputArray* @param radius [in] Gaussian radius, value range [0.1, 250]** @return 0 if success, else return error code*/
int Filter::GaussianBlur(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, float radius)
{if ( radius < 0.1 ) return -1;if ( radius > 250 ) return -1;cv::GaussianBlur(src, dst, Size(0,0), radius, radius);return 0;
}/*** High Pass** @param src [in]  InputArray* @param dst [out] OutputArray* @param radius [in] Gaussian radius, value range [0.1, 250]** @return 0 if success, else return error code*/
int Filter::HighPass(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, float radius)
{Mat input = src.getMat();if( input.empty() ) {return -1;}dst.create(src.size(), src.type());Mat output = dst.getMat();if ( radius < 0.1 ) return -1;if ( radius > 250 ) return -1;cv::GaussianBlur(input, output, Size(0, 0), radius, radius);const uchar *in;uchar *out;int width = input.cols;int height = input.rows;int channels = input.channels();for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {in = input.ptr<uchar>(y);out = output.ptr<uchar>(y);for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {*out = COLOR_RANGE((*in - *out) + 127);++out; ++in;}for (int i = 0; i < channels-3; ++i) {*out++ = *in++;}}}return 0;
}int Filter::AddNoise(InputArray src, OutputArray dst)
{Mat input = src.getMat();if( input.empty() ) {return -1;}dst.create(src.size(), src.type());Mat output = dst.getMat();//output = input.clone();cv::randn(output, 0.5, 0.25);
}#define PRINT_VAR(a) std::cout << #a << "= " << a << std::endl/*** Ripple** @param src [in]  InputArray* @param dst [out] OutputArray* @param center [in] center point of ripple* @param radius [in] radius of ripple* @param phases [in]* @param waveLength [in] wave length* @param amplitude [in] amplitude** @return 0 if success, else return error code*/
int Filter::Ripple(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Point center, float radius, float phases,int wave_length, int amplitude_in)
{Mat input = src.getMat();if( input.empty() ) {return -1;}dst.create(src.size(), src.type());Mat output = dst.getMat();int width = input.cols;int height = input.rows;float centreX = center.x * 1.0 / width; //0.25;float centreY = center.y * 1.0  / height; //0.5;//float radius = 90;if (radius==0)radius = std::min(width, height) / 2;int wavelength = (wave_length == 0) ?  radius / 2 : wave_length; //50;int amplitude = (amplitude_in == 0) ? wavelength / 4 : amplitude_in; //20if ( phases <= 2) phases = 4;float phase = M_PI / phases; // default = M_PI / 4;float icentreX=width*centreX;float icentreY=height*centreY;float radius2=radius*radius;float dx,dy,new_x,new_y;float p,q,x1,y1; //,x0,y0;float distance, distance2;float amount;for (int y=0; y<height; y++){for (int x=0; x<width; x++){dx = x-icentreX;dy = y-icentreY;distance2=dx*dx+dy*dy;if (distance2>radius2){new_x=x;new_y=y;}else{distance=sqrt(distance2);amount=amplitude * sin(distance / wavelength * 2*M_PI - phase);amount =amount* (radius-distance)/radius;amount=amount*wavelength/(distance+0.0001);new_x =x + dx*amount;new_y =y + dy*amount;}if(new_x<0)         new_x=0;if(new_x>=width-1)  new_x=width-2;if(new_y<0)         new_y=0;if(new_y>=height-1) new_y=height-2;x1=(int)new_x;y1=(int)new_y;p=new_x-x1;q=new_y-y1;for (int k=0; k<3; k++){output.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[k]=(1-p)*(1-q)*input.at<Vec3b>(y1, x1)[k]+(p)*(1-q)*input.at<Vec3b>(y1,x1+1)[k]+(1-p)*(q)*input.at<Vec3b>(y1+1,x1)[k]+(p)*(q)*input.at<Vec3b>(y1+1,x1+1)[k];}}}return 0;
}int  Filter::Pinch(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, float amount, Point center, float radiusPercent)
{Mat input = src.getMat();if( input.empty() ) {return -1;}dst.create(src.size(), src.type());Mat output = dst.getMat();int width = input.cols;int height = input.rows;float angle = M_PI / 2;float centreX = 0.5;float centreY = 0.5;float radius = std::min(width, height) * radiusPercent ;//float amount = 0.5;std::cout << amount << std::endl;if (radius==0)radius = std::min(width, height) / 2;float icentreX = width * centreX;float icentreY = height * centreY;if (center.x != 0 || center.y != 0) {icentreX = center.x;icentreY = center.y;}float radius2 = radius * radius;float dx, dy, new_x, new_y;float p, q, x1 ,y1;float distance;float a, d, t, s, c, e;for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y){for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x){dx = x - icentreX;dy = y - icentreY;distance = dx*dx + dy*dy;if (distance > radius2 || distance == 0){new_x = x;new_y = y;}else{d  =  sqrt( distance / radius2 );t  =  pow( sin( M_PI * 0.5 * d ), -amount );dx  = dx* t;dy  = dy* t;e = 1 - d;a = angle * e * e;s = sin( a );c = cos( a );new_x = icentreX + c*dx - s*dy;new_y = icentreY + s*dx + c*dy;}if(new_x<0)         new_x = 0;if(new_x>=width-1)  new_x = width - 2;if(new_y<0)         new_y = 0;if(new_y>=height-1) new_y = height - 2;x1=(int)new_x;y1=(int)new_y;p = new_x - x1;q = new_y - y1;for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++){output.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[k]=(1-p)*(1-q)*input.at<Vec3b>(y1, x1)[k]+(p)*(1-q)*input.at<Vec3b>(y1,x1+1)[k]+(1-p)*(q)*input.at<Vec3b>(y1+1,x1)[k]+(p)*(q)*input.at<Vec3b>(y1+1,x1+1)[k];}}}return 0;
}static float Triangle(float x)
{float temp_r = fmod(x, 1.0);if (temp_r < 0.5) {return 2 * temp_r;} else {return 2 * (1 - temp_r);}
}int Filter::Kaleidoscope(InputArray src, OutputArray dst)
{Mat input = src.getMat();if( input.empty() ) {return -1;}dst.create(src.size(), src.type());Mat output = dst.getMat();//const uchar *in;//uchar *out;int width = input.cols;int height = input.rows;//int channels = input.channels();float angle = M_PI / 4;float angle2 = M_PI / 4;float centreX = 0.5;float centreY = 0.5;float sides = 4;float icentreX = width * centreX;float icentreY = height * centreY;float radius = 150;float dx, dy, new_x, new_y;float p, q, x1, y1;float c, r, theta, temp_theta, radius_c;for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j){dx = j - icentreX;dy = i - icentreY;theta = atan2(dy, dx) - angle - angle2;r = sqrt( dy * dy + dx * dx );temp_theta = theta / M_PI * sides * 0.5;theta = Triangle (temp_theta);if (radius){c = cos(theta);radius_c = radius/c;r=radius_c * Triangle( r / radius_c );}theta = theta + angle;new_x = r * cos(theta) + icentreX;new_y = r * sin(theta) + icentreY;if(new_x<0)         new_x = 0;if(new_x>=width-1)  new_x = width-2;if(new_y<0)         new_y = 0;if(new_y>=height-1) new_y = height-2;//		    if (new_x < 0)     continue;
//		    if (new_x >= width-1)   continue;
//		    if (new_y >= height-1)  continue;
//		    if (new_y < 0)  continue;x1 = (int) new_x;y1 = (int) new_y;p = new_x - x1;q = new_y - y1;//in = input.ptr<uchar>(y1) + x1 * channels;;//out = output.ptr<uchar>(y) + x * channels;for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k){output.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[k]=COLOR_RANGE((1-p) * (1-q) * input.at<Vec3b>(y1, x1)[k] +(p) * (1-q) * input.at<Vec3b>(y1,x1+1)[k]+(1-p) * (q) * input.at<Vec3b>(y1+1,x1)[k]+(p) * (q)* input.at<Vec3b>(y1+1,x1+1)[k]);}}}return 0;
}} /* namespace cv */




1 https://blog.csdn.net/c80486/article/details/52506429


