There are an infinite amount of bags on a number line, one bag for each coordinate. Some of these bags contain coins.
You are given a 2D array coins, where coins[i] = [li, ri, ci]
denotes that every bag from li to ri contains ci coins.
The segments that coins contain are non-overlapping.
You are also given an integer k.
Return the maximum amount of coins you can obtain by collecting k consecutive bags.
Example 1:
Input: coins = [[8,10,1],[1,3,2],[5,6,4]], k = 4Output: 10Explanation:Selecting bags at positions [3, 4, 5, 6] gives the maximum number of coins: 2 + 0 + 4 + 4 = 10.
Example 2:
Input: coins = [[1,10,3]], k = 2Output: 6Explanation:Selecting bags at positions [1, 2] gives the maximum number of coins: 3 + 3 = 6.
1 <= coins.length <= 10^5
1 <= k <= 10^9
coins[i] == [li, ri, ci]
1 <= li <= ri <= 10^9
1 <= ci <= 1000
The given segments are non-overlapping.
Spent really long time on this one…
If we don’t have k
constrains, then it’s a linear sweep problem. With k
bags, we will need to have a prefix sum hash map, and if we have cumulative coins at index i
, then with k
bags it would be prefix[i] - prefix[i - k]
Because of the constrains, we couldn’t iterate from 1
to 10^9
, instead we can calculate prefix[i] - prefix[i - k]
at each possible optimal point. The possible optimal points are li
and ri
s, because it would be optimal if we start at li
and pick k
bags forward, or start at ri
and pick k
bags backwards.
So when preparing linear sweep array, besides (start, 1)
and (end, -1)
, also add (start + k, 0), (end - k, 0)
Time complexity: o ( c o i n s . l e n ) o(coins.len) o(coins.len)
Space complexity: o ( c o i n s . l e n ) o(coins.len) o(coins.len)
class Solution:def maximumCoins(self, coins: List[List[int]], k: int) -> int:change_point = {}for start, end, coin in coins:change_point[start] = change_point.get(start, 0) + coinchange_point[end + 1] = change_point.get(end + 1, 0) - coinchange_point[start + k] = change_point.get(start + k, 0)change_point[end + 1 - k] = change_point.get(end + 1 - k, 0)prefix_sum = {0: 0}prev_i = 0cur_sum = 0cur_change = 0res = 0for i in sorted(change_point):if i < 1:continuecur_sum += cur_change * (i - prev_i)prefix_sum[i] = cur_sumcur_change += change_point[i]prev_i = iif i - k in prefix_sum:res = max(res, prefix_sum[i] - prefix_sum[i - k])return res