您的位置:首页 > 健康 > 美食 > 【大模型应用开发极简入门】提示工程一:1. 通过context、task、role文本结构设计有效的提示词、 2. OpenAI的提示词任务示例

【大模型应用开发极简入门】提示工程一:1. 通过context、task、role文本结构设计有效的提示词、 2. OpenAI的提示词任务示例

2024/10/7 4:34:02 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/hiliang521/article/details/139625298  浏览:    关键词:【大模型应用开发极简入门】提示工程一:1. 通过context、task、role文本结构设计有效的提示词、 2. OpenAI的提示词任务示例


  • 一. chat_completion函数
  • 二. 设计有效的提示词
    • 1.上下文
      • 1.1. 更多细节的上下文
      • 1.2. 让GPT改进上下文
    • 2.任务
      • 2.1. 提供足够的任务信息
      • 2.2. OpenAI的任务示例
        • 语法纠正
        • 总结
        • TL;DR概要
        • Python转自然语言
        • 计算时间复杂度
        • 修复Python bug
        • 产生python函数
    • 3.角色

了解LLM和OpenAI API的基础知识,之后我们就可以了解一些更高阶的知识,比如提示工程、零样本学习、少样本学习到为特定任务微调模型,接下来我们将要了解提供开发LLM驱动型应用程序所需的一切知识。

一. chat_completion函数


def chat_completion(prompt, model="gpt-4", temperature=0):res = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=model,messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}],temperature=temperature,)print(res["choices"][0]["message"]["content"])



为了说明提示工程的原理,我们使用示例文本“As Descartes said, I think therefore”(正如笛卡儿所说,我思故)。如果将此文本输入GPT-4,那么模型自然会通过迭代式地添加最可能出现的标记来补全句子:

chat_completion("As Descartes said, I think therefore")


I am. This famous philosophical statement, also known as "Cogito, ergo
sum," emphasizes the existence of the self through the act of thinking
or doubting. Descartes used this statement as a foundational principle
in his philosophy, arguing that one's own existence is the most certain
and indubitable fact that can be known.



  • 提示工程可能会影响OpenAI API的使用成本。
  • 另外在openai库的方法中使用不同的参数,因为如果使用temperature、top_p和max_tokens等参数,那么即使使用相同的提示词,你也可能得到截然不同的结果。


二. 设计有效的提示词








1.1. 更多细节的上下文


chat_completion("Give me a suggestion for the main course for
today's lunch.")


Grilled chicken with roasted vegetables and quinoa.


prompt = """
Context: I do 2 hours of sport a day. I am vegetarian, and I don't
like green vegetables. I am conscientious about eating healthily.
Task: Give me a suggestion for a main course for today's lunch."""


For today's lunch, you can try a Chickpea and Sweet Potato Curry
served with Quinoa. This dish is packed with protein, fiber, and
essential nutrients, while also being vegetarian and not relying
on green vegetables. The curry can be made with chickpeas, sweet
potatoes, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and a blend of spices like
turmeric, cumin, and coriander. Cook the quinoa separately and
serve it alongside the curry for a delicious and healthy meal.



1.2. 让GPT改进上下文



prompt = """
Context: I do 2 hours of sport a day. I am vegetarian and I don't
like green vegetables. I am very careful to eat healthily.
Task: Give me a suggestion for a main course for today's lunch? Do
not perform the requested task! Instead, can you ask me questions
about the context so that when I answer, you can perform the
requested task more efficiently?


Sure, I have a few questions to help me suggest a suitable main
course for you:
1. What type of sport do you do, and do you have any specific nutritional requirements related to it?
2. Are there any other vegetables or ingredients that you particularlyenjoy or dislike?
3. Do you prefer a hot or cold meal for lunch?
4. Are you open to trying new recipes or do you prefer sticking tofamiliar dishes?






2.1. 提供足够的任务信息


prompt = """
Context: I do 2 hours of sport a day. I am vegetarian, and I don't
like green vegetables. I am conscientious about eating healthily.
Task: Give me a suggestion for a main course for today's lunch. With
this suggestion, I also want a table with two columns where each row
contains an ingredient from the main course. The first column of the
table is the name of the ingredient. The second column of the table
is the number of grams of that ingredient needed for one person. Do
not give the recipe for preparing the main course.


Suggestion for today's lunch: Stuffed Bell Peppers with Quinoa and
Black Beans
| Ingredient          | Grams per person |
| Bell peppers        | 200g             |
| Quinoa              | 60g              |
| Black beans         | 75g              |
| Onion               | 50g              |
| Garlic              | 5g               |
| Olive oil           | 10g              |
| Tomato sauce        | 50g              |
| Cumin               | 1g               |
| Chili powder        | 1g               |
| Salt                | 1g               |
| Pepper              | 1g               |
| Shredded cheese     | 30g              |


2.2. OpenAI的任务示例

OpenAI API示例页面列出了48个任务示例。这些示例展示了GPT模型可以执行的任务,其中每个示例都配有相关的提示词和演示。见官网: Prompt examples




from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",messages=[{"role": "system","content": "You will be provided with statements, and your task is to convert them to standard English."},{"role": "user","content": "She no went to the market."}],temperature=0.7,max_tokens=64,top_p=1




from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",messages=[{"role": "system","content": "Summarize content you are provided with for a second-grade student."},{"role": "user","content": "Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass one-thousandth that of the Sun, but two-and-a-half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter is one of the brightest objects visible to the naked eye in the night sky, and has been known to ancient civilizations since before recorded history. It is named after the Roman god Jupiter.[19] When viewed from Earth, Jupiter can be bright enough for its reflected light to cast visible shadows,[20] and is on average the third-brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus."}],temperature=0.7,max_tokens=64,top_p=1



TL;DR是“too long; didn’t read”的首字母缩写,意为“太长了,没读”。有人发现,只需在文本末尾添加Tl;dr,即可请求模型对文本进行总结。


A neutron star [...] atomic nuclei. Tl;dr




from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-4",messages=[{"role": "system","content": "You will be provided with a piece of code, and your task is to explain it in a concise way."},{"role": "user","content": "class Log:\n        def __init__(self, path):\n            dirname = os.path.dirname(path)\n            os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)\n            f = open(path, \"a+\")\n    \n            # Check that the file is newline-terminated\n            size = os.path.getsize(path)\n            if size > 0:\n                f.seek(size - 1)\n                end = f.read(1)\n                if end != \"\\n\":\n                    f.write(\"\\n\")\n            self.f = f\n            self.path = path\n    \n        def log(self, event):\n            event[\"_event_id\"] = str(uuid.uuid4())\n            json.dump(event, self.f)\n            self.f.write(\"\\n\")\n    \n        def state(self):\n            state = {\"complete\": set(), \"last\": None}\n            for line in open(self.path):\n                event = json.loads(line)\n                if event[\"type\"] == \"submit\" and event[\"success\"]:\n                    state[\"complete\"].add(event[\"id\"])\n                    state[\"last\"] = event\n            return state"}],temperature=0.7,max_tokens=64,top_p=1




from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",messages=[{"role": "system","content": "You will be provided with Python code, and your task is to calculate its time complexity."},{"role": "user","content": "def foo(n, k):\n        accum = 0\n        for i in range(n):\n            for l in range(k):\n                accum += i\n        return accum"}],temperature=0.7,max_tokens=64,top_p=1


修复Python bug


from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-4",messages=[{"role": "system","content": "You will be provided with a piece of Python code, and your task is to find and fix bugs in it."},{"role": "user","content": "import Random\n    a = random.randint(1,12)\n    b = random.randint(1,12)\n    for i in range(10):\n        question = \"What is \"+a+\" x \"+b+\"? \"\n        answer = input(question)\n        if answer = a*b\n            print (Well done!)\n        else:\n            print(\"No.\")"}],temperature=0.7,max_tokens=64,top_p=1


Create a SQL request to find all users who live in California and
have over 1000 credits.


from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-4",messages=[{"role": "user","content": "Write a Python function that takes as input a file path to an image, loads the image into memory as a numpy array, then crops the rows and columns around the perimeter if they are darker than a threshold value. Use the mean value of rows and columns to decide if they should be marked for deletion."}],temperature=0.7,max_tokens=64,top_p=1





prompt = """
# Role: You are a nutritionist designing healthy diets for high-performance athletes. You take into account the nutrition needed for a good recovery.
# Context: I do 2 hours of sport a day. I am vegetarian, and I don't like green vegetables. I am conscientious about eating healthily.
# Task: Based on your expertise defined in your role, give me a suggestion for a main course for today's lunch. With this suggestion, I also want a table with two columns where each row in the table contains an ingredient from the main course. The first column of the table is the name of the ingredient. The second column of the table is the number of grams of that ingredient needed for one person. Do not give the recipe for preparing the main course.


Main Course Suggestion: Quinoa and Chickpea Stuffed Bell Peppers
Ingredient Table:
| Ingredient          | Grams per Person |
| Quinoa              | 60               |
| Chickpeas           | 100              |
| Bell Peppers        | 200              |
| Olive Oil           | 10               |
| Onion               | 50               |
| Garlic              | 5                |
| Tomato              | 100              |
| Feta Cheese         | 30               |
| Kalamata Olives     | 20               |
| Fresh Basil         | 5                |
| Salt                | 2                |
| Black Pepper        | 1                |






