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2024/10/5 18:24:03 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/jq0123/article/details/142358118  浏览:    关键词:上海十大好厂排名_长春建站宣传_流量查询网站_google搜索引擎入口

Rust Empty Type

(Jin Qing’s Column, Sep., 2024)

Crate void defines an empty type enum Void {}.

Empty type is an enum with no variants. Empty type can not be instantiated.
See: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/exotic-sizes.html

Void is used in statically impossible cases (type-level unreachability).
For instance, a return type of Result<T, Void> indicates that it always returns Ok.

Trait void::ResultVoidErrExt can be used to unwrap the result, statically indicating the unreachability.

impl<T> ResultVoidExt<T> for Result<T, Void> {/// Get the value out of an always-ok Result.////// Never panics, since it is statically known to be Ok.#[inline]fn void_unwrap(self) -> T {match self {Ok(val) => val,Err(e) => unreachable(e)}}

rust-libp2p\swarm\src\dummy.rs uses Void to indicate that FromBehaviour event is impossible.

impl crate::handler::ConnectionHandler for ConnectionHandler {type FromBehaviour = Void;...fn on_behaviour_event(&mut self, event: Self::FromBehaviour) {void::unreachable(event)}


