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自己制作logo免费 生成器_装修网站模板_网站seo排名优化工具_厦门搜索引擎优化

2025/3/12 17:54:17 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43408020/article/details/145695263  浏览:    关键词:自己制作logo免费 生成器_装修网站模板_网站seo排名优化工具_厦门搜索引擎优化
自己制作logo免费 生成器_装修网站模板_网站seo排名优化工具_厦门搜索引擎优化


其实,学任何东西都是循序渐进的,在学习的初期投入更多的精力,将来你会越学越快。我相信,放弃是最容易的事情,而坚持学习的你很靓。如果不怕吃苦就跟我一起来吧。反正,人生就像打电话,不是你先挂就是我先挂,看谁先放弃,哈哈哈。Here insert one tip:Maybe my passage will join some foreign English words in future.(这里加个提示:也许我的文章将来会加入一些外国英语单词),In my opinion,it is benifit to you,could help you easliy read the professional computer passages。话不多说,上代码:


//this is day1.c file codes
void first(int num);
void second();
void butler(void);
void KeyWords();
void test2();
void test3();
void test4();
void test5();
void test6();
void test7();
void test8();
void test9();int main(void){printf("C is make me happy!!\n");int dogs;printf("How many dogs do you have?\n");scanf("%d",&dogs);printf("So you have %d dog(s)!\n",dogs);printf("Concrete contains gravel and cement.\n");printf("A .c is used to end a C program filename.\n");first(1);second();butler();KeyWords();test2();test3();test4();test5();test6();test7();test8();test9();return 0;
}void first(int num){//int num;//定义一个名为num的变量;//num = 1;//为num赋值1;printf("I am a simple ");//使用printf()函数printf("Computer.\n");printf("My favorite number is %d because it is first.\n\n",num);
}void second(){int feet,fathoms;printf("Please input the fathoms:");scanf("%d",&fathoms);feet = 6 * fathoms;printf("There are %d feet in %d fathmos!\n",feet,fathoms);printf("Yes, I said %d feet!\n\n",6 * fathoms);
}void butler(void){/*函数定义开始*/printf("You rang, sir?\n\n");}void KeyWords(){//Create a KeyWords Tableprintf("These KeyWords are important,\nI will remenber them forever.\n\n");printf("               KeyWords Table\n");printf(" <----------------------------------------->\n");printf(" |auto    |extern  | short  | while        |\n");printf(" |break   |float   |signed  |_Alignas      |\n ");printf("|case    |for     |sizeof  |_Alignof      |\n");printf(" |char    |goto    |static  |_Atomic       |\n");printf(" |const   |if      |struct  |_Bool         |\n");printf(" |continue|inline  |switch  |_Complex      |\n");printf(" |default |int     |typedef |_Generic      |\n");printf(" |do      |long    |union   |_Imaginary    |\n");printf(" |double  |register|unsigned|_Noreturn     |\n");printf(" |else    |restrict|void    |_Static_assert|\n");printf(" |enum    |return  |volatile|_Thread_local |\n");printf(" <----------------------------------------->\n\n");
}void test2(){//What is the program will output?printf("The 2 program.\n");printf("Baa Baa Black Sheep.");printf("Have you any wool?\n");printf("Begone!\nO createure of lard!\n");printf("What?\nNo/nfish?\n");int num;num = 2;printf("%d + %d = %d\n\n",num,num,num + num);
}void test3(){//seek the KeyWords in these words.//main,int,function,char,=printf("The 3 program.\n");printf("In these Words: main, int, function, char, =\nKeyWords: int, char\n\n");
}void test4(){//How to output varchar words and lines like below rule?  3020 and 350 represented two varchars
//There were 3020 words and 350 lines.printf("The 4 program.\n");printf("There were %d words and %d lines.\n\n",3020,350);
}void test5(){//across 1,2,3,what is result for a,b?printf("The 5 program.\n");int a,b;a = 5;b = 2;//1printf("a = %d , b = %d\n",a,b);b = a;//2printf("a = %d , b = %d\n",a,b);a = b;//3printf("a = %d , b = %d\n\n",a,b);/*1:a=5,b=22:a=5,b=5 3:a=5,b=5*/
}void test6(){printf("The 6 program.\n");int x,y;x = 10;y = 5;//1printf("x = %d , y = %d\n",x,y);y = x + y;//2printf("x = %d , y = %d\n",x,y);x = x * y;//3printf("x = %d , y = %d\n\n",x,y);/*1:x=10,y-52:x=10,y=153:x=150,y=15*/
}void test7(){printf("The 7 program.\n");/*编写一个程序,调用一次printf(),把你的姓名打印在一行,再调用一次printf()把你的姓名打印在两行。然后,再调用两次printf(),把你的姓名打印在一行,输出结果如下所示:Python JackPythonJackPython Jack*/printf("Python Jack\n");printf("Python \nJack");printf("\nPython ");printf("Jack\n\n");
}void test8(){//make a program to print your name and addressprintf("The 8 program.\n");printf("My name is Python_Jack,\nI live in China.\n\n");
}void test9(){//make a program translate your age to days,//and show the two numbers.printf("The 9 program.\n");printf("Please you input your age:");int age;scanf("%d",&age);int days = age * 365;printf("Your age is %d,translate to %d days.\n\n",age,days);


//day2.c file codes
void jolly();
void deny();
int main(){printf("The 10 program.\n");/*make a program and output below result:For he's a jolly good fellow!For he's a jolly good fellow!For he's a jolly good fellow!Which nobody can deny!except main() the program also use anothor two functions,one is jolly(),it's used to print the first three pieces of information once used by once print,deny() is used to print last information.*/jolly();jolly();jolly();deny();return 0;
}void jolly(){printf("For he's a jolly good fellow!\n");
void deny(){printf("Which nobody can deny!\n\n");



