Daily Life ‐ New Guy in Town
A: Oh, I don’t know if you heard, but someone moved into that old house down the road.
B: Yeah, I know. I met the owner of the house yesterday as he was moving in. His name is Armand.
A: Really? What’s he like? You have to fill me in.
B: Actually, he’s a bit strange. I don’t know... I’ve got a bad feeling about him.
A: Really? Why?
B: Well, yesterday I brought over a housewarming gift,but Armand started acting really weird, and then he practically kicked me out! I tried to, sort of, peek into his house, but everything was so dark inside that I couldn’t really get a good look.
A: Well, you’ll never guess what I saw this morning.
A delivery truck pulled into his driveway, and it dropped off a long, rectangular box. It almost looked like a coffin!
B: You see! Why would he...
C: Hello ladies...
B: Ah, Armand! You scared the heck out of me! This is my friend Doris.
C: A pleasure to meet you...If you are not doing anything tonight, I would like to have you both for dinner.I mean...I would like to have you both over for dinner.
1、Weird,adj怪诞的; 离奇的; 诡异的=strange,Weird在美式英语American English中是常用表达,一个美国人几乎每天说上几百遍,这点我们可以在很多的美剧中窥豹一斑。在英式英语 British English中,常用Odd这个词来表达相同的意思。
2、Housewarming gift乔迁贺礼,温锅,烧炕,暖房,即搬入新房子之后招待亲朋欢宴。各国各地的叫法不同、做法不同,但大都有这么一个活动或聚会
3、Bad feeling 不详的预感,常常指感觉会有不好的事情即将发生。例句1: I’ve got a bad feeling about this trip. I feel like something is going to happen. Maybe we shouldn’t go. 例句2: I don’t like Kelly’s new boyfriend. I’ve got a bad feeling about him.
4、Kick sb. Out将某人扫地出某地。比如macro曾经kick his student out of his class, 比如Erica曾经kick her husband out of bed.
5、Creeped me out Creep v.爬行;蔓延;起鸡皮疙瘩n. 卑鄙小人,谄媚者;毛骨悚然的感觉;creep me out 吓着我了。Macro: I’m kind of creeped out by clowns(the clowns are creepy)
表达害怕,还有一个非常常用的表达方式:it is scared the heck out of me.或者You scared the heck out of me. = “You really, really scared me!”
6、gossip [ˈɡɑːsɪp] n. 流言蜚语; 闲言碎语; 说长道短; 闲聊; 喜欢传播流言蜚语的人; 爱说长道短(或说三道四)的人; v.传播流言蜚语; 说三道四; 说长道短;
Phrase 1: I don’t know if you’ve heard… or Did you know that..., or Did you hear...
Phrase 2: You have to fill me in. =Oh, tell me about it. =Give me the details.
Phrase 3: Well, you’ll never guess what I saw this morning. Or you’ll never guess who I saw, or you’ll never guess what I heard.
7、Take-away 根据Oxford Dictionary, "takeaway"一词本意是餐厅的外卖。这个词的popularity近年来大幅上升,不知是不是因为现在人们外卖叫得多了,还是大家越来越多使用了它的第二个定义:“A key fact, point, or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting.”
这个词很好用,很多场景都能造句,先来看看一些例句吧~ (部分来自Oxford Dictionary例句)
The takeaway: companies should master "reverse innovation" by launching services tailored for developing countries.
That book has 10 excellent takeaways for time management that can help anyone.
My take-away from this is that there are some steps that we can individually take to improve our security against identity theft.
The important takeaway here is that there is more than one way to solve this problem.
The real takeaway you get from the film is the same one his daughters touchingly acknowledge in the denouement - there's never anything wrong with making a stand against social injustice.
One of our takeaways from the global financial crisis is that it is very important for rating agencies to be transparent about the assumptions that go into the analysis.
"takeaway tips"
"key takeaways"
"learning takeaway from the topic"之类的字眼。
大家发现了吗?如果你去参加一个讲座或者活动,最后让你说说自己的感想时,你就可以说,"my biggest takeaway is..."
A: Oh, I don’t know if you heard, but someone moved into that old house down the road.哦,我不知道你有没有听说,但是有人搬进了路那边的那栋老房子。
B: Yeah, I know. I met the owner of the house yesterday as he was moving in. His name is Armand.是的,我知道。昨天我在房主搬进来的时候遇见了他。他叫Armand.
A: Really? What’s he like? You have to fill me in.真的吗?他长什么样?快跟我说一下。
B: Actually, he’s a bit strange. I don’t know... I’ve got a bad feeling about him.其实,他有点奇怪。我不知道。。。我对他有种不好的感觉。
A: Really? Why?真的吗?为什么?
B: Well, yesterday I brought over a housewarming gift,but Armand started acting really weird, and then he practically kicked me out! I tried to, sort of, peek into his house, but everything was so dark inside that I couldn’t really get a good look.嗯,昨天我带来了一份乔迁礼物,但是阿尔芒开始表现得很奇怪,然后他几乎把我赶出去了!我试着,某种程度上,偷看他的房子,但里面的一切都太黑了,我真的看不清楚。
A: Well, you’ll never guess what I saw this morning.你永远猜不到我今天早上看到了什么。
A delivery truck pulled into his driveway, and it dropped off a long, rectangular box. It almost looked like a coffin! 一辆送货车停在他的车道上,从一个长方形的长箱子上掉下来。简直像棺材!
B: You see! Why would he...你看!为什么他会。。。
C: Hello ladies...女士们。。。
B: Ah, Armand! You scared the heck out of me! This is my friend Doris.啊,Armand,你吓死我了!这是我的朋友Doris。
C: A pleasure to meet you...If you are not doing anything tonight, I would like to have you both for dinner.I mean...I would like to have you both over for dinner.很高兴见到你……如果你今晚无事要做,我想拿你们两个当晚饭。我是说……我想请你们两个一起吃晚饭。