![]() 5G mmWave Type-C PAAM Development Platform User Guide |
Note!! This document is for the Fujikura Type-C PAAM, not for the now-superseded Task-A/B PAAM.
If you are interested in the Fujikura Task-A/B PAAM documentation, please see the 5G mmWave Task-A/B PAAM Development Platform User Guide.
Also, please follow this FAQ link for some Frequently Asked Questions and their answers.
Document Control
Document Version: 3.0.2
Document Date: 12/13/2025
Version History
Version | Date | Comment | |||
3.0.0 | Nov 08, 2024 | Initial public release with RFSoC Explorer 3.1.1 | |||
3.0.1 | Nov 14, 2024 | Updated screenshots for Type-C PAAM | |||
3.0.2 | Dec 13, 2024 | Added new setup sequence with PAAM first | |||
Table of contents
1.1 The AMD ZCU208 RFSoC evaluation kit
1.2 The Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation Board (EVB)
1.3 Beam Switching using the Fujikura Type-C PAAM
1.4 Multiple PAAM control
1.5 Suggested Setup Sequence
Setting up the Fujikura Type-C PAAM EVB
2.1 MicroZed uSD Card Preparation
2.2 Setting the MicroZed IP Address
Setting up the AMD ZCU208 Evaluation Board
3.1 ZCU208 uSD Card Preparation
Connecting the ZCU208 to your PC
4.1 Serial Port Connection
4.2 Getting the IP Address
4.3 Setting a Static IP Address (optional)
Connecting the ZCU208 to the Fujikura Type-C PAAM
5.1 Breaking out the ZCU208 RF signals using the AMD XM655
5.1.1 XM655 balun replacement
5.1.2 Using a Carlisle CoreHC2 breakout assembly
5.2 Connecting the Type-C PAAM EVB to the ZCU208
5.2.1 Ethernet Connections
5.2.2 Analog Connections
5.2.3 Sync Trigger Connections
5.3 Connecting the Analog Path and Instruments
Installing MATLAB and Avnet RFSoC Explorer®
6.1 Setting up Python Support in Matlab
6.1.1 Setting the Python version in MATLAB
Testing the RFSoC Explorer Digital Interface
Over-the-air Testing with Rohde & Schwarz ATS800B compact antenna test range
Appendix 1 - Using the CLK-104 Module
- Terminology
Figure 1.a – ZCU208 5G Development Platform with XM655 and a generic Fujikura PAAM
Figure 1.1.a – ZCU208 5G Development Platform with XM655 and CLK-104 plug-in cards
Figure 1.2.a – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) with block diagram
Figure 1.2.b – Fujikura Type-C PAAM
Figure 1.3.a – Avnet MicroZed on the Fujikura Type-C PAAM EVB
Figure 1.3.b – Fast beam switching using the Fujikura Type-C PAAM
Figure 1.4.a – Using 4 Fujikura Type-C PAAMs with one ZCU208
Figure 1.5.a – Two separate development kits
Figure 1.5.b – Integrated PAAM control with RFSoC Explorer
Figure 2.a – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) with cooling fan attached to the under-side
Figure 2.b – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) antenna side
Figure 2.c – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) component side (no MicroZed)
Figure 2.d – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) component side (with MicroZed SOM mounted)
Figure 2.1.a – MicroZed power-on LEDs
Figure 3.a – AMD ZCU208 Evaluation Board
Figure 4.1.a – Completed boot sequence
Figure 5.1.a – AMD’s XM655 plug-in card
Figure 5.1.b – XM655 attached to the ZCU208
Figure 5.1.c – Both CLK-104 card and XM655 attached to the ZCU208
Figure 5.1.1.a – XM655 frequency groupings of compression-mount SMA’s
Figure 5.1.1.b – Carlisle break-outs
Figure 5.1.2.b – Carlisle CoreHC2 8-Channel Male Cable
Figure 5.2.a – Test setup overview
Figure 5.2.2.a – Fujikura Type-C PAAM EVB SMA connectors
Figure 5.2.2.b – Typical tile assignments in RFSoC Explorer
Figure A1.a – Board User Interface to the CLK-104 Module
Figure A2.a – Renesas 8V97003 RF Synthesizer in Fractional Mode
Figure A2.b – Renesas 8V97003 RF Synthesizer in Integer Mode
1) Overview
This document guides you through the steps of assembling the hardware, installing the required software, and configuring the platform for initial TX and RX over-the-air (OTA) tests. Avnet RFSoC Explorer Toolbox for MATLAB will be used as an all-in-one application for programming the platform using either the intuitive GUI for visual configuration, or the powerful API for scripting.
Avnet’s 5G mmWave PAAM Development Platform combines the AMD ZCU208 evaluation kit with the Fujikura Type-C PAAM.
Figure 1.a – ZCU208 5G Development Platform with XM655 and a generic Fujikura PAAM
1.1 The AMD ZCU208 RFSoC evaluation kit
AMD’s ZCU208 Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC evaluation kit features the ZU48DR device:
Cortex®-A53 core,
Cortex-R5 core and, amongst other peripherals, integrates
eight 14-bit 5GSPS ADCs,
and eight 14-bit 10GSPS* DACs.
The image below shows the ZCU208 with
- A XM655 plug-in card that breaks out the ADC and DAC signals to multiple SMA connectors
- A CLK-104 add-on card designed for use with Zynq® UltraScale+™ RFSoC Gen3 ZCU216 and ZCU208 evaluation boards. It provides an ultra low-noise, wideband RF clock source for the analog-to-digital and digital-to-ananlog converters (ADCs and DACs). The clock distribution PLL provides the low frequency reference clock for the integrated PLL of RFSoC devices.
Figure 1.1.a – ZCU208 5G Development Platform with XM655 and CLK-104 plug-in cards
1.2 The Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation Board (EVB)
The Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation Board (EVB) houses the PAAM itself.
Figure 1.2.a – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) with block diagram
The Fujikura Type-C PAAM features:
- A 64-element 8x8 phased array antenna
- Scalable configuration with 8x8 element PAAM as a unit
- Operates at 28 GHz (24.25-27.50 GHz or 26.50-29.50 GHz)
- Can transmit and receive dual polarizations (both Horizontal and Vertical)
- It integrates Beamformer ICs (BFIC), Frequency conversion IC (FCIC) and Band pass filters
- Calibration free; precise beam control without gain/phase calibration
- Fast beam switching of < 220 ns
- Supports > 20,000 beams
- EIRP 48 dBm at EVM 3%
- Fast parallel interface for digital control
Figure 1.2.b – Fujikura Type-C PAAM
1.3 Beam Switching using the Fujikura Type-C PAAM
On the Type-C PAAM EVB, there is an Avnet MicroZed 7020 SOM. This module is used for fast digital control of the PAAM, as well as for diagnostics, over Ethernet.
Figure 1.3.a – Avnet MicroZed on the Fujikura Type-C PAAM EVB
Via the MicroZed, the PAAM can be used for fast switching between beams. Each time the beam position has to switch, the MicroZed has to transfer a command with data to the PAAM.
The beam switching can be done in a number of ways, with or without an external trigger signal. Note that it is also possible to select an internally-generated trigger with a programmable period instead of an external trigger.
As is shown in the diagram below, three beam-switching modes are currently supported:
- Free-running beam switching : In this mode a new beam position is selected, followed by a specified delay. This is repeated as necessary and each command is porformed after the other, sequentially.
- Triggered beam switching : Here a delay period is not specified, but instead the command to change position is only sent to the PAAM once a trigger (internally or externally generated) occurs. It typically takes only 130ns from the trigger occurrence until the new setting takes effect in the field.
- Beam switching synchronized to an external sync trigger : In this mode a sequence of delay periods and beam settings is also sent, but the whole sequence will only kick off when a trigger (internally or externally generated) occurs. This allows for a pattern/burst to be repeated but for the start of that sequence to be tied to a specific triggering event.
Figure 1.3.b – Fast beam switching using the Fujikura Type-C PAAM
Note: For detail on the mechanism outlined above, as well as for PAAM datasheets and characterization information, an NDA is required. To request such an NDA, please submit the your contact information using the form-fill on this page or just send a request by email to rfinfo@avnet.com .
1.4 Multiple PAAM control
Note: Version 3.2. of RFSoC Explorer does not support Multiple PAAMs yet, but that functionality is under way and will be coming soon.
Each Type-C PAAM allows for a Horizontal (H) and a Vertical (V) channel for both transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx). So we have TX_H, TX_V, RX_H and RX_V.
The ZCU208 provides 8 RFSoC DAC channels and 8 RFSoc ADC channels.
Since each PAAM has 2 Tx and 2 Rx connections, we can connect 4 PAAM EVBs to one ZCU208 EVB. Keep in mind that each signal is assumed to be single-ended. So the differential signals will have to be converted to single-ended, using baluns. This is discussed in Breaking out the ZCU208 RF signals using the AMD XM655.
The ZCU208 and each MicroZed will be assigned a separate IP address. The diagram below shows the configuration. In this case an external trigger signal is generated by the ZCU208.
Figure 1.4.a – Using 4 Fujikura Type-C PAAMs with one ZCU208
1.5 Suggested Setup Sequence
In this user guide, the reader is guided through the steps of hardware and software setup with the goal of using the Fujikura Type-C PAAM with TRIA’s RFSoC Explorer tool.
The image below shows two separate development kits.
(1) is the Fujikura Type-C EVB (Evaluation Board). Detailed instructions for setting it up can be obtained from Fujikura after signing an NDA. Contact us at rfinfo@avnet.com to learn more about the NDA process. They also provide a set of Python scripts that demonstrate the various PAAM capabilities. In this setup, the IF signals will be provided via a signal generator and received signals will be displayed on test equipment.
(2) is an RFSoC development setup that consists of the the AMD ZCU208 evaluation kit combined with TRIA’s RFSoC Explorer tool wherein MATLAB® functions can be used to generate waveforms and to display the received signals.
(3) is a set of cabled interconnections that connects
- the ZCU208’s RFSoC DAC outputs to the IF inputs of the Type-C PAAM EVB
- the IF outputs of the Type-C PAAM EVB to the ZCU208’s RFSoC ADC inputs
Note that using the Fujikura Python scripts for PAAM evaluation as in (1) above could be useful for experimentation, but that it is not necessary in order to complete the instructions in this guide. RFSoC Explorer leverages those Python functions directly.
Figure 1.5.a – Two separate development kits
Once combined, the setup is as below.
Figure 1.5.b – Integrated PAAM control with RFSoC Explorer
2) Setting up the Fujikura Type-C PAAM EVB
If you have signed the required Non-disclorure Agreement (NDA), Fujikura will provide you with access to a download location for the documentation, datasheets and user guide for the Fujikura Type C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB).
If you have not signed the NDA yet but are interested in more detail on Fujikura PAAMs, please submit the your contact information using the form-fill on this page or just send a request by email to rfinfo@avnet.com .
Once you have access to the Fujikura documentation, please follow the steps outlined in their user manual, “User manual of the evaluation board: 28 GHz Phased Array Antenna Module”.
That manual provides guidance on the following steps:
- Providing the EVB with power
- Connecting digital control to a host computer
- Connecting a Local Oscillator (LO)
- Connecting Signal Generator and Signal Analyzer to operate in either transmit or receive mode
- Running various Python scrips on the host to exercise these modes and to demonstrate the various PAAM features (optional)
Note that using the Fujikura Python scripts for PAAM evaluation could be useful for experimentation, but that it is not necessary in order to complete the instructions in this guide.
RFSoC Explorer will be used to control the PAAM
The images below show various views of the Fujikura Type-C PAAM EVB.
Figure 2.a – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) with cooling fan attached to the under-side
Figure 2.b – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) antenna side
Figure 2.c – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) component side (no MicroZed)
Figure 2.d – Fujikura Type-C PAAM Evaluation board (EVB) component side (with MicroZed SOM mounted)
2.1 MicroZed uSD Card Preparation
- Download the MicroZed.TypeC.uSD.Card zip archive from the public uSD Card release repository.
Be aware that this is not necessarily the latest MicroZed firmware. It is the MicroZed firmware with which the latest realease of RFSoC Explorer has been tested. The latest firmware for the MicroZed should always be obtained from your Fujikura repository, which is provided by Fujikura after NDA.
Copy the BOOT.bin file and the uz_network_settings.txt file onto the MicroZed uSD card.
When you replace the MicroZed uSD card in the slot underneath the serial port connector J2 and power up the EVB, the LED’s should match the image below. Importantly, the blue DONE LED will indicate that the configuration was correctly loaded from the uSD card. If not, confirm that you boot mode jumpers matches the picture, as per the MicroZed Getting Started Guide.
Figure 2.1.a – MicroZed power-on LEDs -
The firmware versions reported should match what is shown in the release notes at the public uSD Card release repository. So When you power up the MicroZed, on the serial port terminal you should see something like this:
- - - - - - - - -
Zynq PS design 0, ver 0.3.1; ed30b045 Timestamp 2024.10.29 11:01:05
Zynq PL design 0, ver 0.3.0; 2bb0a924 Timestamp 2024.07.05 10:36:36
Start PHY autonegotiation
Waiting for PHY to complete autonegotiation.
autonegotiation complete
link speed for phy address 0: 100
unable to determine type of EMAC with baseaddress 0xE000B000
Clk Wizard init: Clk_in = 100.000 MHz, Clk_out = 100.000 MHz
Clk_out = Clk_in * m / ( d * o ) = 100.000 MHz * 10 / ( 1 * 10 );
TCP server started, IP =, Port = 50007
2.2 Setting the MicroZed IP Address
The MicroZed’s IP address is specified in the uz_network_settings.txt file on its Micro SD card.
It may be necessary to modify your default IP address if you need a different network sub-net, for instance. If, for example, your ZCU208 is on an IP address, you could use a text editor to modify the MicroZed IP address from the default of to
3) Setting up the AMD ZCU208 Evaluation Board
For instructions on setting up the ZCU208, please refer to the ZCU208 User Guide and
the guide for ZCU208 Software Install and Board Setup.
Note that for the purposes of this user guide, some sections in the documents mentioned above can be skipped:
- Skip the installation of AMD tools such as Vitis, Vivado, SDK, HL, etc.
- Attach the XM655 (not the XM650 as described in the guide)
- Set S2 for booting from Micro SD card
- If the ZCU208 is connected to a DHCP router, skip the Ethernet setup
- Skip the Optional Hardware configuration steps
Some relevant components for the instructions below are marked in this diagram.
Figure 3.a – AMD ZCU208 Evaluation Board
(1) Marks the uSD card slot J23
(2) Marks the micro USB Type B serial cable connector J24 that goes to the PC
(3) Marks the Ethernet cable connector P1
(4) Marks the power connector J50 and
(5) marks the power ON/OFF switch SW15
(6) marks the XM655 plug-in card that allows access to the ZCU208 RFSoC’s ADC and DAC signals
(7) marks the CLK-104 add-on card that provides an ultra low-noise, wideband RF clock source for the RFSoC data converters (ADCs and DACs). The clock distribution PLL provides the low frequency reference clock for the integrated PLL of RFSoC devices
3.1 ZCU208 uSD Card Preparation
A Micro SD (uSD) card ships with the ZCU208. A different uSD card can be
used, but it is important to know that some uSD cards do not work well
with AMD development boards. Please consult this
link for list of SD cards
that have been tested with Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC.
Follow these steps to load a custom SD card boot image for the ZCU208,
allowing it to control the Fujikura PAAM Daughtercard via RFSoC
Remove the SD card from slot J23 on the ZCU208 and insert into your
PC. Then format it as FAT using a tool like SD Memory Card Formatter. -
Download the ZCU208 boot image archive zip file from the public uSD Card release repository.
Unzip the archive to the root level of the SD card.
Safely eject the SD card from the PC and replace it in the J23 slot
on the ZCU208.
4) Connecting the ZCU208 to your PC
4.1 Serial Port Connection
Connect a micro USB Type B to USB Type A serial comms cable between J24
on the ZCU208 and a USB port on your PC.
If your PC does not automatically detect the new COM ports associated
with the ZCU208, you should consult the guide for ZCU208 Software
Install and Board
In summary:
If your PC does not automatically detect and enumerate new COM ports for the ZCU208, you may need to install FTDI Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers.
Three new COM ports for the ZCU208 should appear in the Windows
Device Manager. Each of these COM ports should show that it is using
the FTDI driver:
These 3 COM ports are usually in numerical order and it is important
that of these 3 ports, you select the COM port with the lowest value
when connecting to the serial port for the Zynq device on the
ZCU208. Here that port is COM8, but on your PC it could be 3 other
numbers that show up, and you should pick the lowest one. -
Open a serial terminal emulator (e.g. TeraTerm) on your PC.
Make sure you select 115200 as the Baud rate and that you picked
the correct COM port. -
Connect the ZCU208 power supply to an outlet and to connector J50.
Then power ON the board using SW15. -
The serial terminal emulator should start showing the boot log as
When the boot process completes, this should be the output. Note
that the displayed IP address will not necessarily be one that can
be used. We will discuss setting the IP address in the next section.
Figure 4.1.a – Completed boot sequence
4.2 Getting the IP Address
Connect an Ethernet cable from P1 on the ZCU208 to the local network
that your PC is on. -
On the serial port terminal that is shown in Completed boot sequence, hit Enter so that a login prompt will be shown. Enter root for the login name
and then again root for the password. -
Enter ifconfig. Note the IP address, since you will use this address to connect to the board from your PC.
From a Command Prompt on your PC, verify that you can connect to the ZCU208 by pinging the IP address above.
4.3 Setting a Static IP Address (optional)
The image below outlines the setup that we want to achieve.
Test setup overview
In the setup above, as is described later, the MicroZed will have an IP address that is specified in the “uz_network_settings.txt” file on its Micro SD card.
If you would prefer to also specify the IP address of the ZCU208, or if for separate development you want to connect the ZCU208 directly to your PC to work only on it directly, you may have to edit the autostart.sh file on the ZCU208’s uSD card first.
ZCU208 connected directly to the PC
Power the ZCU208 off using SW15 and remove the uSD card from its
slot, J23. -
Insert the uSD card into your PC and open autostart.sh in a text
editor.Note: Make sure you are using a Linux-compatible editor like
Notepad++ so that lines are terminated with a LF character only. -
Set USE_DHCP=false
Safely eject the SD card from the PC and replace it in the J23 slot
on the ZCU208 and turn the ZCU208 power switch SW15 ON -
The application auto-start function creates an IP connection for the
board at an address like To use a different IP
address, simply modify the IPADDR field in the autostart.sh file.
Set a static IP for your host PC’s Local Ethernet adapter. Make sure
your PC and the board are on the same subnet and gateway. See the
example below.

5) Connecting the ZCU208 to the Fujikura Type-C PAAM
5.1 Breaking out the ZCU208 RF signals using the AMD XM655
The XM655 plug-in card allows access to the ZCU208 RFSoC’s ADC and DAC signals.
It also allows for 20 DACIO and 20 ADCIO digital I/O pins on a header strip. Note that for the ZCU208 only 16 DACIO and 16 ADCIO signals are connected to the Zynq device.
See Appendix C of the ZCU208 Evaluation Board User Guide for details.
Figure 5.1.a – AMD’s XM655 plug-in card
The XM655 can be attached to the ZCU208 by plugging it into the two RFMC connectors, J87 and J82, and then securing it with 4 through-hole screws.
Figure 5.1.b – XM655 attached to the ZCU208
The CLK-104 card can be attached to the ZCU208 by plugging it into the CLK104 module connector, J101, and then securing it with 3 through-hole screws.
Please refer to the Appendix on using the CLK-104 Module for more information.
Figure 5.1.c – Both CLK-104 card and XM655 attached to the ZCU208
The XM655 enables access to RF-ADC and RF-DAC signals differentially or single-ended. For convenience, this tutorial uses single-ended connections. As you will see, this limits the number of IF signals available. An alternative methodology, using differential connection to the XM655, is also described to enable connection to all RF-ADC and RF-DAC channels, but requires additional external equipment.
5.1.1 Single-ended IF connection to XM655 baluns
The XM655 includes baluns to convert differential RF signals from the ZCU208 to single-ended by way of various SMA connections. Different baluns on the XM655 have different band pass filter responses. Only a subset of baluns have a filter response suitable to pass 4.9GHz IF signals to/from the Fujikura PAAM evaluation board. The available baluns allow for 2 channel connections in each of these 4 bands:
- Low: 10MHz - 1GHz uses Minicircuits TCM2-33WX+ balun
- Mid-Low: 1GHz - 4GHz uses Anaren BD1631J50100AHF balun
- Mid-High: 4GHz - 5GHz uses Anaren BD3150N50100AHF balun
- High: 5GHz - 6GHz uses Anaren BD4859N50100AHF balun
Each of these balun types is associated with specific group of compression mount SMAs on the board, as indicated by the silkscreen boxes. The diagram below also illustrates the groupings of the SMA connectors (red dots).
Figure 5.1.1.a – XM655 frequency groupings of compression-mount SMA’s
As the Fujikura Type C PAAM operates at 4.9GHz IF (4.3 to 5.5GHz), the XM655 standard baluns will only allow for the use of the 2 Mid-High connectors and possibly the 2 High connectors.
The image below shows two RF-DAC and two RF-ADC connections to XM655 4-5MHz baluns using the Carlisle ganged cables that are included in the ZCU208 kit.
Figure 5.1.1.b – Carlisle break-outs
5.1.2 Differential IF connection with XM655 Carlisle cables
The number of 4-5 GHz baluns on the XM655 limits single-ended connections to support only a single Fujikura PAAM (1TX h/v and 1RX h/v). However, an alternative methodology is available using differential connections to the XM655. In this configuration the RF-ADC and RF-DAC differential signals can be connected from the Carlisle ganged connector to external equipment to convert to single-ended within the IF range of the Fujikura PAAM.
This approach will bypass the baluns on the XM655 board by bringing out the RF signals via the Carlisle CoreHC2 breakout assembly to external baluns. Two sets of these cable assemblies ship with each ZCU208 kit. See Page 80 of the ZCU208 Evaluation Board User Guide
If you need more break-outs than what the two included sets provide, the Carlisle Core HC2 8 Channel – Male, 3.5 mm TM40-0157-00 can be ordered from: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/carlisleit/TM40-0157-00/11502992
Figure 5.1.2.b – Carlisle CoreHC2 8-Channel Male Cable
5.2 Connecting the Type-C PAAM EVB to the ZCU208
Once you are familiar with setting up and using the Type-C PAAM EVB, you should be ready to continue on towards using it with the ZCU208. This will allow you to use AMD’s RFSoC technology to drive the PAAM inputs and to process its outputs. This setup will also allow you to use the Avnet RFSoC Explorer tool and MATLAB functions.
The image below outlines the setup that we want to achieve.
Figure 5.2.a – Test setup overview
5.2.1 Ethernet Connections
From the host PC, digital control for the ZCU208 and the Fujikura PAAM is done via Ethernet. An Ethernet router is required so that the connected devices will be on the same sub-net.
As per the diagram above, connect the following to an Ethernet router:
- your PC
- the ZCU208 - see connector (3) in Figure 7
- the Fujikura Type-C PAAM EVB, using J1 on the MicroZed SOM
5.2.2 Analog Connections
The two images below show the compression-mount SMA connectors on the under-side (fan side) of the Type-C PAAM EVB.
Figure 5.2.2.a – Fujikura Type-C PAAM EVB SMA connectors
Use SMA cables and follow the instructions below:
Make sure to power off the ZCU208 first, using the ON/OFF switch, SW15.
Make sure that the PAAM power is turned off at the 12V and 5V power supply/supplies.
Connect the SMA cables as follows:
- Tx_IF_H - CN1 on the PAAM EVB to J9 on the XM655
- Tx_IF_V - CN3 on the PAAM EVB to J27 on the XM655
- Rx_IF_H - CN2 on the PAAM EVB to J4 on the XM655
- Rx_IF_V - CN4 on the PAAM EVB to J34 on the XM655
The reasoning for the connections above is as follows:
The Fujikura Type C PAAM operates at 4.9GHz IF (4.3 to 5.5GHz). So one could use the Carlisle CoreHC2 breakout assembly with external baluns, or one could pick some baluns on the XM655 board itself. Since the range for this PAAM is 4.3 to 5.5GHz, we could pick baluns in the 4-5 GHz range or in the 5-6 GHz range, depending on the application’s exact frequency.
DAC Tile 229 Chan 0 p/n wired to XM655 balun 4-5 GHz (J10, J12), which has an output on J9.
ADC Tile 224 Chan 0 p/n wired to XM655 balun 4-5 GHz (J2, J6), which has an input on J4.
See the image below for the typical tile assignments in RFSoC Explorer. This is just for information, as the RFSoC Explorer tool, in which tile assignments are done, is only described later.
Figure 5.2.2.b – Typical tile assignments in RFSoC Explorer
5.2.3 Sync Trigger Connections
5.3 Connecting the Analog Path and Instruments
6) Installing MATLAB and Avnet RFSoC Explorer®
Avnet RFSoC Explorer provides native connection to MATLAB® and Simulink®, featuring graphical control of the platform and intuitive APIs for
programmatic access.

Your computer will need the following MathWorks software.
MATLAB (supported
versions) -
DSP System Toolbox
Fixed-Point Designer
Communications Toolbox
Signal Processing Toolbox
Install one of the following support packages from the MATLAB Add-On
Communications Toolbox Support Package for Xilinx Zynq-Based Radio
HDL Coder Support Package for Xilinx RFSoC Devices
SoC Blockset Support Package for Xilinx Devices
Optional toolboxes for working with standards-compliant waveforms in
RFSoC Explorer
LTE Toolbox (optional)
5G Toolbox (optional)
Get a Free MATLAB Trial Package for
RFSoC Explorer installs easily using the MATLAB Add-Ons store.
From MATLAB > Add-Ons, search for Avnet RFSoC Explorer and
click install -
From MATLAB > Add-Ons, search for Communications Toolbox
Support Package for Xilinx Zynq-Based Radio and click install -
If prompted, click Setup Later

6.1 Setting up Python Support in Matlab
RFSoC Explorer has been tested with Python
3.9.13, but
earlier/later releases may also work.
After installing Python, the following commands are needed to install
the support libraries that are being used:
py -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
py -m pip install pyserial
py -m pip install numpy
py -m pip install spectrum
py -m pip install pandas
py -m pip install openpyxl
py -m pip install pyvisa
6.1.1 Setting the Python version in MATLAB
- First, check whether the correct Python version is supported in your
MATLAB installation by entering:
>> pyenvans =PythonEnvironment with properties:Version: "3.9"Executable: "C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe"Library: "C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python39.dll"Home: "C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39"Status: NotLoadedExecutionMode: InProcess
The response above is for a valid Python environment; the important
property is ‘Executable’.
- If these are not as expected, enter:
>> [~, exepath\] = system("where python")exepath =C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exeC:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python.exe
The valid path to the version 3.9 executable is in ‘Python39’ folder.
- Now enter (using the valid path above):
>> pyenv('Version', 'C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe')ans =PythonEnvironment with properties:Version: "3.9"Executable: "C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe"Library: "C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python39.dll"Home: "C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39"Status: NotLoadedExecutionMode: InProcess
7) Testing the RFSoC Explorer Digital Interface
First turn on the ZCU208 power supply. Then turn on the Daughtercard power supply with its ON/OFF switch SW1. The fan should make a loud noise, indicating that it works.
* Do not touch the PAAM surface. If the antenna is scratched, the expected performance may not be achieved.
** Do not remove the heatsink. If the heatsink is removed even once, the heat dissipation performance cannot be guaranteed.
***Incorrect connection will short the power supply.
In MATLAB, enter:
>> Avnet_RFSoC_Explorer('startup')
and select the highlighted option below.
Or, alternatively, enter:
>> Avnet_RFSoC_Explorer('startup', 'board_id', 9)
This should bring up the RFSoC Explorer GUI, starting with the Main Tab. There are two IP addresses that have to be entered, one for the ZCU208 and the other for the MicroZed.
- The ZCU208’s IP address should be displayed as in the Completed boot sequence figure.
- The MicroZed’s IP address is specified in the “uz_network_settings.txt” file on its Micro SD card.
It may be necessary to modify your default IP address if you need a different network sub-net, for instance. If, for example, your ZCU208 is on an IP address, you could use a text editor to modify the MicroZed IP address from the default of to
If you have not connected to a ZCU208 or PAAM EVB before, the IP addresses should be red and “DISCONNECTED", as below.
Note that you can connect independently to the PAAM without connection to the ZCU208 if desired. All the functions on the Fujikura PAAM tab are independent of the RFSoC functions on the ZCU208.
If you have entered an IP address before, the utility will try to connect automatically. If connection was successful, the IP address will
be black,
and it will be available in the drop-down for future sessions.
Once connected:
Go to the Fujikura PAAM tab.
Click Init .
RFSoC Explorer should now start using Python scripts to initialize the PAAM. If it cannot communicate with the PAAM, you will get a dialog to apply PAAM EVB power. Make sure that, in addition to the MicroZed’s 5V power, the 12V power supply to the PAAM EVB and its fan is also ON so that you can hear the fan and that the row of green LEDs on the antenna-side of the EVB are also on.
Then click OK to continue.
Note that if the MicroZed’s USB serial port is connected to a PC, it can be powered and therefore responding. But if the PAAM’s 12V is not also powered, you will get a Python Error: timeout: timed out message in the text box.
- RFSoC Explorer should now continue initializing the PAAM. This can
take 40 seconds to complete.
- When initialization is complete, the dialog box will display the steps taken, followed by Beamformer settings sent to PAAM. and the printout from committing those settings to the PAAM.
- You can now make changes to some PAAM controls. In the image below Tx Vertical Polarization is turned On and the FCIC IF Attenuator Value is changed to 5. Note that the Send to
PAAM button has turned green. These changes on the GUI will only take effect on the hardware once Send to PAAM is clicked.
- Send to PAAM will turn grey again and updated PAAM settings will be displayed in the dialog box. The image of the PAAM will also be updated to show the active elements on the array.
If you wish to see the 2D elevation and azimuth plots or a 3D plot which approximate the beampattern of an array of 5G antenna elements, check the boxes next to the 2D/3D Beam Angle Plot text before sending the settings to the PAAM.
NOTE: Both the MATLAB Phased Array Toolbox and the MATLAB Antenna Toolbox must be installed to create plots.
8) Over-the-air Testing with Rohde & Schwarz ATS800B compact antenna test range (CATR)
Over-the-air testing was conducted with Rohde & Schwarz ATS800B compact antenna test range (CATR)
TX EVM Measurement
Opposite EVM Measurement(2 kits)
Measurements in the lab can be automated through MATLAB scripts for control of:
- parameters of AMD Zynq™RFSoC direct-RF data converters including sampling rate, complex mixer, decimation/interpolation filters, on-chip PLL for each tile (ref: RFSoC RF Data Converter Product Guide)
- digital waveform streaming through direct-RF DACs, with seamless waveform generation through from 5G ToolBox from MathWorks
- Fujikura PAAM Daughtercard parameters including DSA, BFIC phase & gain control / beam weights and Renesas 8V97003 18 GHz RF Synthesizer for LO
- automated measurements such as frequency, power sweeps with Rohde & Schwarz instruments FSW43 Signal and spectrum analyzer, SMW200A vector signal generator and ZNA vector network analyzer
Learn more:
- Optimizing EVM Measurements in 5G FR2 Phased Array Antenna Modules
- IMS2023 San Diego with Fabrício Dourado, application engineer at Rohde & Schwarz
- Prototype 5G FR2 with the AMD Zynq™ RFSoC DFE and mmWave Phased Array
9) Appendix 1 - Using the CLK-104 Module
The ZCU208 kit includes a CLK-104 module that plugs into J101. There are
a few clock sources on this module and the LMK04828 output is available
as OUTPUT_REF on the J10 SMA connector. This can be connected to the PLL
input REF_EXT, which is CN12 on the Fujikura Daughtercard.
The LMK04828 is managed by a TI MPS430 System Controller. The user
interface to the System Controller is via one of the USB serial ports
(one of those ports is used for the Linux terminal).
The software used for this interface is the ZCU208 Board User
Interface. The installer
rdf0562-zcu208-bit-c-2020-1.zip can be downloaded from
After unzipping the file, run .\zcu208_bit\ BoardUI\BoardUI.exe.
Under File/Select the system controller port, select a port. Typically,
this enumerates as the highest number of the 3 ZCU208 USB COM ports.
The way to make sure that communications with the CLK-104 module works
is to click Check-CLK-104.

We want to program the LMK04828 to output 122.88MHz. This is done as
- In the release directory there is a file
ZCU208 CLK-104
Place this file in the folder
As in the diagram below, select the LMK04828 file to program.
The clock can be reset (turned off) by clicking Reset LMK04828.
The clock can be programmed by clicking Set LMK04828 Params. While
being programmed, the D10 LED on the CLK-104 card will go off, briefly
flash a few times and then stay on.
Figure A1.a – Board User Interface to the CLK-104 Module
10) Terminology
Term | Definition |
mmW | Millimeter wave frequency bands applicable to this project: 24.25 GHz – 40 GHz |
mmWave | Same as above. |
BFIC | Beamforming Integrated Circuit |
FCIC | Frequency Conversion Integrated Circuit |
LO | Local oscillator for up/down conversion between IF and RF TX/RX |
Set by user | |
PLL input divider® = 1 | 1 |
IF Frequency | 3.42400 GHz |
VCO Frequency | 6.14400 GHz |
10) Terminology
Term | Definition |
mmW | Millimeter wave frequency bands applicable to this project: 24.25 GHz – 40 GHz |
mmWave | Same as above. |
BFIC | Beamforming Integrated Circuit |
FCIC | Frequency Conversion Integrated Circuit |
LO | Local oscillator for up/down conversion between IF and RF TX/RX |