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2025/3/29 16:32:54 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/rtffcggh/article/details/144062364  浏览:    关键词:企业网站建设兴田德润实惠_朋友圈链接怎么制作_青岛网站建设培训学校_军事新闻


    • 源码分析
      • 结构体定义和构造
      • dictAdd 插入元素
      • dictReplace
      • dictDelete
      • dictFind
      • dictExpand
      • dictRehash
    • 参考





// 定义的是哈希表每一个位置处链表中的一个节点
typedef struct dictEntry {  void *key;union {   // union联合体节省内存void *val;uint64_t u64;int64_t s64;double d;} v;struct dictEntry *next;
} dictEntry;typedef struct dictht {dictEntry **table;unsigned long size;   unsigned long sizemask;unsigned long used;   // 已有的元素数量
} dictht;typedef struct dict {dictType *type;void *privdata;dictht ht[2];   //  redis 渐进式rehash需要新旧两个哈希表// 表示rehash的进程,如果为-1,表示当前不处于rehash中long rehashidx; /* rehashing not in progress if rehashidx == -1 */// 表示当前正在哈希表上迭代的线程数目unsigned long iterators; /* number of iterators currently running */
} dict;


static void _dictReset(dictht *ht)
{ht->table = NULL;ht->size = 0;ht->sizemask = 0;ht->used = 0;
}/* Create a new hash table */
// type结构体里包含一些针对具体类型的哈希函数,比较函数,注意到Entry结构体定义中的key和val都是void*指针,一定程度上支持泛型
dict *dictCreate(dictType *type,void *privDataPtr)
{dict *d = zmalloc(sizeof(*d));_dictInit(d,type,privDataPtr);return d;
}/* Initialize the hash table */
int _dictInit(dict *d, dictType *type,void *privDataPtr)
{_dictReset(&d->ht[0]);_dictReset(&d->ht[1]);d->type = type;d->privdata = privDataPtr;d->rehashidx = -1;   d->iterators = 0;return DICT_OK;

dictAdd 插入元素


int dictAdd(dict *d, void *key, void *val)
{// 插入一个节点,并且返回指向那个节点的指针,用来赋值(处于底层代码复用的目的)dictEntry *entry = dictAddRaw(d,key,NULL);if (!entry) return DICT_ERR;dictSetVal(d, entry, val);   // 赋值return DICT_OK;
}/* Low level add or find:* This function adds the entry but instead of setting a value returns the* dictEntry structure to the user, that will make sure to fill the value* field as he wishes.** This function is also directly exposed to the user API to be called* mainly in order to store non-pointers inside the hash value, example:** entry = dictAddRaw(dict,mykey,NULL);* if (entry != NULL) dictSetSignedIntegerVal(entry,1000);** Return values:** If key already exists NULL is returned, and "*existing" is populated* with the existing entry if existing is not NULL.** If key was added, the hash entry is returned to be manipulated by the caller.*/
// 这个函数用来实现插入或者查找,如果哈希表中有这个key了,则返回null,但是会将传入的二级指针参数指向这个存在的entry,如果不存在,则插入一个,返回这个新创建的entry
dictEntry *dictAddRaw(dict *d, void *key, dictEntry **existing)
{long index;dictEntry *entry;dictht *ht;// 如果当前处于rehash阶段,则先尝试完成一个桶的rehashif (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);/* Get the index of the new element, or -1 if* the element already exists. */// key已经存在if ((index = _dictKeyIndex(d, key, dictHashKey(d,key), existing)) == -1)return NULL;/* Allocate the memory and store the new entry.* Insert the element in top, with the assumption that in a database* system it is more likely that recently added entries are accessed* more frequently. */// 如果当前处于rehash状态,则每一次插入key-value都会进行一次rehash,将rehash的时间分散到每一次操作中// 和scan、keys的选择有异曲同工之妙,毕竟redis是单线程,宁愿要多次短时操作,不要单次长时操作// 并且如果正在rehash,则选择新的ht[1], 选择选择ht[0]ht = dictIsRehashing(d) ? &d->ht[1] : &d->ht[0];entry = zmalloc(sizeof(*entry));entry->next = ht->table[index];ht->table[index] = entry;ht->used++;/* Set the hash entry fields. */dictSetKey(d, entry, key);return entry;
// 查找过程,如果key不存在,则返回待插入节点所在的桶位置,如果存在,返回-1,且传入的二级指针将会指向这个节点
static long _dictKeyIndex(dict *d, const void *key, uint64_t hash, dictEntry **existing)
{unsigned long idx, table;dictEntry *he;if (existing) *existing = NULL;/* Expand the hash table if needed */if (_dictExpandIfNeeded(d) == DICT_ERR)  // 判断需要需要扩容return -1;for (table = 0; table <= 1; table++) {idx = hash & d->ht[table].sizemask;/* Search if this slot does not already contain the given key */he = d->ht[table].table[idx];while(he) {if (key==he->key || dictCompareKeys(d, key, he->key)) {if (existing) *existing = he;return -1;}he = he->next;}if (!dictIsRehashing(d)) break;   // 非rehash阶段,不需要去看1号桶(新桶)}return idx;


  1. 首先判断是否处于rehash阶段,是的话,则进行一个旧bucket的搬迁
  2. 判断是否需要扩容,如果需要扩容,则首先完成扩容
  3. 先在零号哈希表里去找,如果找不到且当前处于rehash阶段,则到1号哈希表里去找。如果找不到,则说明需要插入这个元素,返回这个元素在哈希表中bucket的编号,找到了则直接返回这个找到的节点。
  4. 如果上一步中没有在哈希表中找到这个key,下面正式进入插入阶段,直接用头插法插入到哈希表对应bucket链表的头部。注意,如果当前处于rehash阶段,会优先插入到新的1号哈希表里。
  5. 返回插入的节点,进行相应的赋值,没有在插入的时候赋值是因为复用底层函数的目标,底层函数要复用,不能执行赋值操作。


// dictReplace 增加一个元素或者更新一个元素,如果key已经存在,
int dictReplace(dict *d, void *key, void *val)
{dictEntry *entry, *existing, auxentry;/* Try to add the element. If the key* does not exists dictAdd will succeed. */// 传入二级指针,如果key不存在则插入,否则返回key对应的节点entry = dictAddRaw(d,key,&existing);if (entry) {dictSetVal(d, entry, val);  return 1;}/* Set the new value and free the old one. Note that it is important* to do that in this order, as the value may just be exactly the same* as the previous one. In this context, think to reference counting,* you want to increment (set), and then decrement (free), and not the* reverse. */auxentry = *existing;dictSetVal(d, existing, val);dictFreeVal(d, &auxentry);return 0;




// 底层工具函数,其中第三个参数nofree表示是否需要删除找到的entry,高层的dictDelete传入0,表示直接删除,dictUnlink 相当于只是从哈希表中摘出了这个节点
static dictEntry *dictGenericDelete(dict *d, const void *key, int nofree) {uint64_t h, idx;dictEntry *he, *prevHe;int table;// 空哈希表if (d->ht[0].used == 0 && d->ht[1].used == 0) return NULL;if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);   // 正在rehash,则尝试搬迁一个旧bucketh = dictHashKey(d, key);for (table = 0; table <= 1; table++) {idx = h & d->ht[table].sizemask;he = d->ht[table].table[idx];prevHe = NULL;   // 保存前驱节点,便于删除链表节点while(he) {if (key==he->key || dictCompareKeys(d, key, he->key)) {/* Unlink the element from the list */if (prevHe)prevHe->next = he->next;elsed->ht[table].table[idx] = he->next;if (!nofree) {   // 直接删除dictFreeKey(d, he);dictFreeVal(d, he);zfree(he);}d->ht[table].used--;return he;}prevHe = he;he = he->next;}if (!dictIsRehashing(d)) break;   // 只有当前处于rehash阶段,才会去查1号哈希表}return NULL; /* not found */
}/* Remove an element, returning DICT_OK on success or DICT_ERR if the* element was not found. */
int dictDelete(dict *ht, const void *key) {return dictGenericDelete(ht,key,0) ? DICT_OK : DICT_ERR;
}/* Remove an element from the table, but without actually releasing* the key, value and dictionary entry. The dictionary entry is returned* if the element was found (and unlinked from the table), and the user* should later call `dictFreeUnlinkedEntry()` with it in order to release it.* Otherwise if the key is not found, NULL is returned.** This function is useful when we want to remove something from the hash* table but want to use its value before actually deleting the entry.* Without this function the pattern would require two lookups:**  entry = dictFind(...);*  // Do something with entry*  dictDelete(dictionary,entry);** Thanks to this function it is possible to avoid this, and use* instead:** entry = dictUnlink(dictionary,entry);* // Do something with entry* dictFreeUnlinkedEntry(entry); // <- This does not need to lookup again.*/
dictEntry *dictUnlink(dict *ht, const void *key) {return dictGenericDelete(ht,key,1);




dictEntry *dictFind(dict *d, const void *key)
{dictEntry *he;uint64_t h, idx, table;// 空哈希表if (dictSize(d) == 0) return NULL; /* dict is empty */if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);   // 尝试进行一次搬迁h = dictHashKey(d, key);for (table = 0; table <= 1; table++) {idx = h & d->ht[table].sizemask;he = d->ht[table].table[idx];while(he) {if (key==he->key || dictCompareKeys(d, key, he->key))return he;he = he->next;}if (!dictIsRehashing(d)) return NULL;}return NULL;



// 判断是否需要扩容,如果需要,则进行扩容
static int _dictExpandIfNeeded(dict *d)
{/* Incremental rehashing already in progress. Return. */// 处于rehash阶段,不扩容if (dictIsRehashing(d)) return DICT_OK;/* If the hash table is empty expand it to the initial size. */// 初始化if (d->ht[0].size == 0) return dictExpand(d, DICT_HT_INITIAL_SIZE);/* If we reached the 1:1 ratio, and we are allowed to resize the hash* table (global setting) or we should avoid it but the ratio between* elements/buckets is over the "safe" threshold, we resize doubling* the number of buckets. */// 扩容策略:// 1. 配置为可以扩容情况下,只要元素数量大于了桶的数量,将会扩容,负载因子大于1// 2. 配置为避免扩容情况下,只要元素数量大于五倍的桶数量,相当于负载因子大于5,if ((dict_can_resize == DICT_RESIZE_ENABLE &&d->ht[0].used >= d->ht[0].size) ||(dict_can_resize != DICT_RESIZE_FORBID &&d->ht[0].used / d->ht[0].size > dict_force_resize_ratio)){return dictExpand(d, d->ht[0].used*2);}return DICT_OK;
}/* Our hash table capability is a power of two */
static unsigned long _dictNextPower(unsigned long size)
{unsigned long i = DICT_HT_INITIAL_SIZE;if (size >= LONG_MAX) return LONG_MAX + 1LU;while(1) {if (i >= size)return i;i *= 2;}


int dictExpand(dict *d, unsigned long size)
{/* the size is invalid if it is smaller than the number of* elements already inside the hash table */// 如果当前处于rehash阶段,返回错误if (dictIsRehashing(d) || d->ht[0].used > size)return DICT_ERR;dictht n; /* the new hash table */// 从4开始不断乘以2,直到找到一个可行2的幂并且大于sizeunsigned long realsize = _dictNextPower(size);/* Rehashing to the same table size is not useful. */// 不需要扩容if (realsize == d->ht[0].size) return DICT_ERR;/* Allocate the new hash table and initialize all pointers to NULL */n.size = realsize;n.sizemask = realsize-1;   // 掩码设置n.table = zcalloc(realsize*sizeof(dictEntry*));n.used = 0;/* Is this the first initialization? If so it's not really a rehashing* we just set the first hash table so that it can accept keys. */// 初始化if (d->ht[0].table == NULL) {d->ht[0] = n;return DICT_OK;}/* Prepare a second hash table for incremental rehashing */d->ht[1] = n;d->rehashidx = 0;   // 标识当前处于rehash阶段,下一步要处理搬迁的桶的编号为0return DICT_OK;



下面来看rehash的相关代码,函数_dictRehashStep会在插入更新删除查找等操作中被调用,进行一步搬迁,即最多搬迁一个非空桶。同时,在搬迁之前还会检查,如果resize策略被设置为禁止或者当前不处于rehash阶段,则直接返回,或者策略为尽可能避免avoid rehash,且新哈希表桶数量小于旧哈希表桶数量的五倍(dict_force_resize_ratio),也会直接返回。且旧哈希表里有空桶,所以这里只会扫描10 * n个空桶,然后返回,这样做的目的是避免长时间在扫描空桶,增加了一条命令的响应延迟。

// dictRehash 执行n步的rehash
int dictRehash(dict *d, int n) {int empty_visits = n*10; /* Max number of empty buckets to visit. */   // 最高的访问桶的次数// doct_can_resize 是一个全局的static变量,默认设置为DICT_RESIZE_ENABLE,表示可以扩容// 当不允许扩容或者当前不处于rehash阶段的时候,返回0不再需要进行rehashif (dict_can_resize == DICT_RESIZE_FORBID || !dictIsRehashing(d)) return 0;// 当扩容策略被设置为尽可能避免avoid,且新ht的桶数量相比旧ht桶的数量没有达到一定的阈值,则直接返回0,不进行rehashif (dict_can_resize == DICT_RESIZE_AVOID && (d->ht[1].size / d->ht[0].size < dict_force_resize_ratio)){return 0;}while(n-- && d->ht[0].used != 0) {   // 开始搬迁dictEntry *de, *nextde;/* Note that rehashidx can't overflow as we are sure there are more* elements because ht[0].used != 0 */// rehashidx=-1,说明当前不处于rehash阶段,否则处于rehash阶段,且该值表示rehash到了那个桶assert(d->ht[0].size > (unsigned long)d->rehashidx);// 找到一个非空的桶,进行搬迁,注意最多扫描10 * n个空桶,如果超过这个,也会返回,避免长时间扫描带来的服务停顿while(d->ht[0].table[d->rehashidx] == NULL) {d->rehashidx++;if (--empty_visits == 0) return 1;}de = d->ht[0].table[d->rehashidx];/* Move all the keys in this bucket from the old to the new hash HT */// 开始搬迁de这个桶while(de) {uint64_t h;nextde = de->next;/* Get the index in the new hash table */h = dictHashKey(d, de->key) & d->ht[1].sizemask;  // 找到其在新桶中的位置de->next = d->ht[1].table[h];  //  头插法d->ht[1].table[h] = de;d->ht[0].used--;d->ht[1].used++;de = nextde;}d->ht[0].table[d->rehashidx] = NULL;d->rehashidx++;}/* Check if we already rehashed the whole table... */// 检查一下是否完成了所有搬迁工作if (d->ht[0].used == 0) {zfree(d->ht[0].table);d->ht[0] = d->ht[1];_dictReset(&d->ht[1]);d->rehashidx = -1;return 0;} /* More to rehash... */return 1;
static void _dictRehashStep(dict *d) {// 此时没有安全的迭代器正在迭代,进行一次rehashif (d->iterators == 0) dictRehash(d,1);



