您的位置:首页 > 财经 > 金融 > 太原网页设计师招聘_app开发一个多少钱_一键生成app制作器_环球贸易网


2024/12/23 0:17:27 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/u011436427/article/details/143505889  浏览:    关键词:太原网页设计师招聘_app开发一个多少钱_一键生成app制作器_环球贸易网


  • 一、Map类型
    • 1.HashMap
    • 2.什么时候用HashMap
    • 3.HashMap中的键
  • 二、BTreeMap
    • 1.什么时候用BTreeMap
    • 2.BTreeMap中的键
  • 参考




  • · HashMap
    ·- BTreeMap


·HashMap<K,V>类型储存了一个键类型K对应一个值类型V的映射。它通过一个 哈希函数(hashing function)来实现映射,决定如何将键和值放入内存中。




  • in-memory cache


·一般结构体: #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Hash, Eq)]

use std::collections::HashMap;// Hash Eq PartialEq
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Car {id: i32,price: i32,
}fn main() {let _int_map: HashMap<i32, i32> = HashMap::new();let _int_map: HashMap<i32, i32> = HashMap::with_capacity(10);// 通过数组来创建maplet mut car_map = HashMap::from([("Car1",Car {id: 1,price: 10000,},),("Car2", Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }),("Car3",Car {id: 3,price: 890000,},),]);// 打印实际是无序的for (k, v) in &car_map {println!("{k}:{:?}", v);}// getprintln!("Some {:?}", car_map.get("Car1"));println!("None {:?}", car_map.get("Car6"));// 覆盖性插入insertcar_map.insert("Car4",Car {id: 4,price: 80000,},);println!("{:?}", car_map);car_map.insert("Car4",Car {id: 5,price: 300000,},);println!("{:?}", car_map);// 只在键没有时插入// Entrycar_map.entry("Car4").or_insert(Car { id: 9, price: 9000 });println!("{:?}", car_map);// removecar_map.remove("Car4");println!("{:?}", car_map);car_map.entry("Car4").or_insert(Car { id: 9, price: 9000 });println!("{:?}", car_map);// 加上注释PartialEq, Eq, Hashlet mut car_map = HashMap::from([(Car {id: 1,price: 10000,},"Car1",),(Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }, "Car2"),(Car {id: 3,price: 890000,},"Car3",),]);println!("Car2: {:?}\n",car_map.get(&Car {id: 1,price: 10000}));for (car, name) in &car_map {println!("{:?}: {name}", car)}// Filter:会原地修改mapcar_map.retain(|c, _| c.price < 5000);println!("< 4000  {:?}", car_map);


 cargo runBlocking waiting for file lock on build directoryCompiling data_struct v0.1.0 (/home/wangji/installer/rust/data_struct/data_struct)Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 13.52sRunning `target/debug/data_struct`
Car1:Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }
Car3:Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }
Car2:Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }
Some Some(Car { id: 1, price: 10000 })
None None
{"Car4": Car { id: 4, price: 80000 }, "Car2": Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }, "Car1": Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }, "Car3": Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }}
{"Car4": Car { id: 5, price: 300000 }, "Car2": Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }, "Car1": Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }, "Car3": Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }}
{"Car4": Car { id: 5, price: 300000 }, "Car2": Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }, "Car1": Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }, "Car3": Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }}
{"Car2": Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }, "Car1": Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }, "Car3": Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }}
{"Car4": Car { id: 9, price: 9000 }, "Car2": Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }, "Car1": Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }, "Car3": Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }}
Car2: Some("Car1")Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }: Car3
Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }: Car1
Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }: Car2
< 4000  {Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }: "Car2"}





·当你查找时,有序可以提供你的性能 (比如二分查找法)



  • Ord
  • PartialOrd
use std::collections::BTreeMap;// Hash Eq PartialEq
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Car {id: i32,price: i32,
}impl Ord for Car {fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {self.price.cmp(&other.price)}
}impl PartialOrd for Car {fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {Some(self.price.cmp(&other.price))}
}fn main() {let _int_map: BTreeMap<i32, i32> = BTreeMap::new();// let _int_map:BTreeMap<i32, i32> = BTreeMap::with_capacity(10);// 通过数组来创建maplet mut car_map = BTreeMap::from([("Car1",Car {id: 1,price: 10000,},),("Car2", Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }),("Car3",Car {id: 3,price: 890000,},),]);println!("{:#?}", car_map);println!("------------------------");let mut car_map = BTreeMap::from([(Car {id: 1,price: 10000,},1,),(Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }, 2),(Car {id: 3,price: 890000,},3,),]);for (k, v) in &car_map {println!("{:?}: {v}", k);}println!("----------------------");car_map.insert(Car {id: 4,price: 90000,},4,);for (k, v) in &car_map {println!("{:?}: {v}", k);}println!("----------------------");println!("{:?}",car_map.get(&Car {id: 1,price: 10000}));println!("{:?}", car_map.first_key_value());println!("{:?}", car_map.last_key_value());println!("----------------------");// removelet car = car_map.pop_first().unwrap();println!("{:?}", car);let car = car_map.pop_last().unwrap();println!("{:?}", car);println!("----------------------");for (k, v) in &car_map {println!("{:?}: {v}", k);}println!("----------------------");// remove(index)不建议你用car_map.remove(&Car {id: 1,price: 10000,});for (k, v) in &car_map {println!("{:?}: {v}", k);}println!("----------------------");car_map.clear();println!("{}", car_map.is_empty());


 cargo runCompiling data_struct v0.1.0 (/home/wangji/installer/rust/data_struct/data_struct)
warning: variable does not need to be mutable--> src/main.rs:27:9|
27 |     let mut car_map = BTreeMap::from([|         ----^^^^^^^|         ||         help: remove this `mut`|= note: `#[warn(unused_mut)]` on by defaultwarning: `data_struct` (bin "data_struct") generated 1 warning (run `cargo fix --bin "data_struct"` to apply 1 suggestion)Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 6.51sRunning `target/debug/data_struct`
{"Car1": Car {id: 1,price: 10000,},"Car2": Car {id: 2,price: 4000,},"Car3": Car {id: 3,price: 890000,},
Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }: 2
Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }: 1
Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }: 3
Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }: 2
Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }: 1
Car { id: 4, price: 90000 }: 4
Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }: 3
Some((Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }, 2))
Some((Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }, 3))
(Car { id: 2, price: 4000 }, 2)
(Car { id: 3, price: 890000 }, 3)
Car { id: 1, price: 10000 }: 1
Car { id: 4, price: 90000 }: 4
Car { id: 4, price: 90000 }: 4


  • Rust常用数据结构教程


