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2025/3/17 20:30:36 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/LFSJXS/article/details/143316457  浏览:    关键词:邢台seo技术_网页设计指的是什么_网站网络推广服务_真正的免费建站在这里

本次给大家整理的是《Computers, Environment and Urban Systems》杂志2024年10月第113期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括13篇SCI论文!


Can consumer big data reveal often-overlooked urban poverty? Evidence from Guangzhou, China



In the evolving landscape of poverty research, especially in China, the focus has shifted from eliminating absolute poverty to relieving relative poverty. Although much of the existing studies have begun to use built environment big data, such as remote sensing and street view imagery, to measure poverty, peoples' consumption, an essential indicator of poverty receives less attention. This study delves into the relationship and spatial disparity between poverty measured by consumer big data and multidimensional poverty measured based on the census data. We investigated 1731 communities in Guangzhou as case study regions and combined their residents' mobile phone metadata and spatial cost of living data as the input consumer big data. Then, we constructed Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) levels based on the census data and built random forest classification model based on our consumer big data to predict IMD level at community level. The result shows that the predicted poverty of 81.11% communities were generally consistent with the IMD level, indicating that the consumer big data poverty mapping provided a viable poverty measurement from consumer behavior perspective. The SHapley Additive exPlanations' values result shows that Pinduoduo (a low-cost online shopping mobile application) contributes the most to predicted poverty from consumer behavior. For spatial disparities, poverty mapping based on consumer big data is more sensitive to the poverty in suburban developing neighborhoods and affordable housing communities compared with the IMD. The urban poverty mapping based on consumer big data offers a timely portray of communities' socio-economic challenges and consumption-related poverty, and provides support and evidence for accurate urban poverty alleviation strategies.


在中国的贫困研究领域中,随着重点从消除绝对贫困转向缓解相对贫困,研究方向也在不断演变。尽管已有许多研究开始使用建筑环境大数据(如遥感和街景图像)来衡量贫困,但人们的消费——这一贫困的重要指标——却很少受到关注。本研究深入探讨了通过消费者大数据衡量的贫困与基于人口普查数据的多维贫困之间的关系及其空间差异。我们以广州的1731个社区为研究对象,结合其居民的手机元数据和空间生活成本数据作为消费者大数据的输入。随后,我们基于人口普查数据构建了多重剥夺指数(IMD)等级,并基于消费者大数据构建了随机森林分类模型,以预测社区层面的IMD等级。研究结果表明,81.11%的社区的预测贫困与IMD等级总体一致,表明从消费者行为角度进行的消费者大数据贫困映射提供了一种可行的贫困测量方法。SHapley Additive exPlanations(SHAP)值的结果显示,拼多多(一个低成本的线上购物应用)在预测贫困中对消费者行为的贡献最大。在空间差异方面,基于消费者大数据的贫困映射对郊区发展中的社区和经济适用房社区的贫困更为敏感,优于IMD。基于消费者大数据的城市贫困映射及时描绘了社区的社会经济挑战和与消费相关的贫困,为精准的城市贫困缓解策略提供了支持和证据。




Qingyu Wu, 中山大学地理与规划学院,广州510275,中国;广东省城市化与地理模拟重点实验室,中山大学,广州510275,中国

Yuquan Zhou, 南加州大学索尔普莱斯公共政策学院城市规划与空间分析系,美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶90089-0626

Yuan Yuan, 中山大学地理与规划学院,广州510275,中国;广东省城市化与地理模拟重点实验室,中山大学,广州510275,中国

Xi Chen, 中山大学地理与规划学院,广州510275,中国;广东省城市化与地理模拟重点实验室,中山大学,广州510275,中国

Huiwen Liu,中山大学地理与规划学院,广州510275,中国;广东省城市化与地理模拟重点实验室,中山大学,广州510275,中国


Predicting human mobility flows in response to extreme urban floods: A hybrid deep learning model considering spatial heterogeneity



Resilient post-disaster recovery is crucial for the long-term sustainable development of modern cities, and in this regard, predicting the unusual flows of human mobility when disasters hit, could offer insights into how emergency responses could be managed to cope with such unexpected shocks more efficiently. For years, many studies have been dedicated to developing various models to predict human movement; however, abnormal human flows caused by large-scale urban disasters, such as urban floods, remain difficult to capture accurately using existing models. In this paper, we propose a spatiotemporal hybrid deep learning model based on a graph convolutional network and long short-term memory with a spatial heterogeneity component. Using 1.32 billion movement records from smartphone users, we applied the model to predict total hourly flows of human mobility in the “7.20” extreme urban flood in Zhengzhou, China. We found that the proposed model can significantly improve the prediction accuracy (i.e., R2from 0.887 to 0.951) for during-disaster flows while maintaining high accuracy for before- and after-disaster flows. We also show that our model outperforms selected mainstream machine learning models in every disaster stage in a set of sensitivity tests, which verifies not only its better performance for predicting both usual and unusual flows but also its robustness. The results underscore the effective role of spatial heterogeneity in predicting human mobility flow in a disaster context. This study offers a novel tool for better depicting human mobility under the impact of urban floods and provides useful insights for decision-makers managing how people move in large-scale disaster emergencies.






Junqing Tang, 北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,中国深圳518055,

Jing Wang, 北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,中国深圳518055

Jiaying Li, 北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,中国深圳518055

Pengjun Zhao, 北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,中国深圳518055;北京大学城市与环境学院,中国北京100871

Wei Lyu, 北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,中国深圳518055

Wei Zhai, 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校Klesse工程与综合设计学院建筑与规划学院,美国德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥78207

Li Yuan, 北京大学深圳研究生院电子与计算机工程学院,中国深圳518055

Li Wan, 剑桥大学土地经济系,英国剑桥CB3 9EP

Chenyu Yang,北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,中国深圳518055


Does real time experience matter? Comparison of retrospective and in-situ spatial data in participatory mapping



Public Participation GIS is a widely used method in research, planning, and many other domains. Approaches to participatory data collection have traditionally taken place retrospectively, whereby a digital mapping platform is used for participants to elucidate their spatial through to and feelings. More recently, enabled by the proliferation of smartphones, data collection has also taken place in-situ, whereby participants report their spatial thoughts and feelings at their current location and time. There has yet to be any investigation into the implications of choice between retrospective and in-situ data collection, nor has there been any investigation into how comparable or compatible datasets collected using these methods might be expected to be. This paper addresses this shortcoming by providing a comparative analysis of retrospective and in-situ data collected in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Through a combination of theoretical, quantitative and qualitative approaches, the differences between the two methods are formalised along with their respective benefits and limitations. We find substantial differences between the results of the two methods, which have implications for methodological decision making. These implications are then examined in detail, providing critical guidance in the design of Public Participation GIS surveys for researchers and practitioners.


公共参与地理信息系统(Public Participation GIS,PPGIS)是研究、规划等众多领域广泛应用的一种方法。传统的参与式数据收集方式通常是回溯性的,使用数字制图平台让参与者表达其对空间的想法和感受。最近,随着智能手机的普及,数据收集也开始在现场进行,参与者在当前位置和时间即时报告其空间想法和感受。然而,关于回溯性和现场数据收集方式的选择及其影响,尚未进行深入探讨,也没有研究探讨这两种方法收集的数据集在可比性或兼容性方面的预期表现。本文通过对捷克共和国奥洛穆茨市的回溯性和现场收集的数据进行比较分析,弥补了这一不足。通过理论、定量和定性方法的结合,本文系统化了两种方法之间的差异及其各自的优点和局限性。研究发现,两种方法的结果存在显著差异,这对方法选择有重要影响。本文详细探讨了这些影响,为研究人员和实践者设计PPGIS调查提供了关键指导。




Lucia Brisudová, 捷克共和国奥洛穆茨帕拉茨基大学地理系

Jonathan J. Huck, 英国曼彻斯特大学地理系

Reka Solymosi,英国曼彻斯特大学犯罪学系


LCZ-based city-wide solar radiation potential analysis by coupling physical modeling, machine learning, and 3D buildings



Addressing climate change and urban energy problems is a great challenge. Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) plays a pivotal role in energy conservation and carbon emission reduction. However, traditional approaches to assessing solar radiation on buildings with physical models are computing-intensive and time-consuming. This study presents a hybrid approach by integrating physical model-based solar radiation calculation and machine learning (ML) for city-wide building solar radiation potential (SRP) analysis. By considering urban morphology, land cover, and meteorological characteristics, local climate zones (LCZs) are classified. The SRP of representative LCZs is precisely evaluated using computing-intensive physical models integrated with 3D building models. A ML model is then developed to effectively predict the SRP of building roofs and facades throughout the city. An experiment was conducted in Shenzhen, China to validate the presented approach. The results demonstrate that Shenzhen has a total annual building solar radiation of 3.28*1011 kwh. Luohu District exhibits the highest SRP density. The LCZ-based analysis highlights that compact low-rise LCZs offer greater SRP for roofs, while compact high-rise LCZs do so for facades. Moreover, BIPV could cut CO2 emission by up to 41.85 million tons annually. Notably, solar PV installation only on rooftops in Shenzhen could meet 87.81% of the city's electricity department's carbon reduction goal. This study provides an alternative for city-wide SRP estimation by combining physical modeling and ML and offers valuable insights for data-driven and model-driven urban planning and management in low-carbon cities.


应对气候变化和城市能源问题是一个巨大的挑战。建筑集成光伏(Building Integrated Photovoltaics, BIPV)在节能和减少碳排放中起着关键作用。然而,传统的通过物理模型评估建筑物太阳辐射的方法计算量大且耗时。本研究提出了一种混合方法,将基于物理模型的太阳辐射计算与机器学习(ML)相结合,用于全市范围内建筑太阳辐射潜力(SRP)分析。通过考虑城市形态、土地覆盖和气象特征,研究对局部气候区(LCZ)进行了分类。采用集成3D建筑模型的计算密集型物理模型对代表性LCZ的SRP进行了精确评估。随后开发了一个ML模型,以有效预测全市建筑屋顶和立面的SRP。本文在中国深圳进行了实验验证。结果表明,深圳市的年建筑太阳辐射总量为3.28*10¹¹千瓦时。罗湖区表现出最高的SRP密度。基于LCZ的分析显示,紧凑型低层LCZ的屋顶SRP较高,而紧凑型高层LCZ则立面SRP较高。此外,BIPV每年可减少最多4185万吨的二氧化碳排放量。值得注意的是,仅在深圳的屋顶安装太阳能光伏系统就可以实现城市电力部门87.81%的碳减排目标。该研究通过结合物理建模和ML为全市范围内的SRP估算提供了另一种选择,并为低碳城市中的数据驱动和模型驱动的城市规划和管理提供了有价值的见解。




Xiana Chen, 广东省城市信息学重点实验室, 深圳大学, 深圳 518060, 中国;深圳空间信息智能感知与服务重点实验室, 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院城市信息学系, 深圳 518060, 中国

Wei Tu, 广东省城市信息学重点实验室, 深圳大学, 深圳 518060, 中国;深圳空间信息智能感知与服务重点实验室, 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院城市信息学系, 深圳 518060, 中国;粤港澳大湾区智能城市联合实验室, 深圳大学, 深圳 518060, 中国;大湾区地理环境监测重点实验室 (自然资源部), 深圳 518060, 中国

Junxian Yu, 广东省城市信息学重点实验室, 深圳大学, 深圳 518060, 中国;深圳空间信息智能感知与服务重点实验室, 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院城市信息学系, 深圳 518060, 中国

Rui Cao, 城市治理与设计组, 香港科技大学(广州), 广州, 中国

Shengao Yi, 城市与区域规划系, 宾夕法尼亚大学, 费城, PA 19104, 美国

Qingquan Li,广东省城市信息学重点实验室, 深圳大学, 深圳 518060, 中国;深圳空间信息智能感知与服务重点实验室, 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院城市信息学系, 深圳 518060, 中国;大湾区地理环境监测重点实验室 (自然资源部), 深圳 518060, 中国;广东省人工智能与数字经济实验室 (深圳), 深圳 518107, 中国


Large-scale integration of remotely sensed and GIS road networks: A full image-vector conflation approach based on optimization and deep learning



Road networks play an important role in the sustainable development of human society. Conventionally, there are two sources of road data acquisition: road extraction from Remote Sensing (RS) imagery and GIS based map production. Each method has its limitations. The RS road extraction methods are primarily raster-based and the extracted roads are not directly usable in GIS due to their fragmented and noisy nature, while vector-based methods cannot utilize rich raster information. Further more, the vector and raster data can have discrepancies for various reasons. Efficient road data production requires an image-vector conflation process that can match and combine raster and vector-based road data automatically.In this study, we propose a full image-vector conflation framework that directly integrates image and vector road data by appropriately transforming extracted roads from imagery and establishing a match relation between these roads and a credible target GIS road dataset. Based on analyzing these match relations, we propose new metrics for measuring the degree of agreement between the raster and vector road data. The proposed framework combines state-of-the-art deep learning methods for image segmentation and optimization-based models for object matching. We prepared a large-scale high-resolution road dataset covering two counties in Kansas, US. Using trained models from one of the two counties, we were able to extract road segments in the other county and match them to the TIGER/Line roads.Our experiments show that conventional performance metrics for road extraction (e.g. IoU) are insufficient for measuring the degree of agreement between image and vector roads as they are pixel-based and are too sensitive to spatial displacement. Instead, the newly defined vector-based agreement metrics are needed for image-vector conflation purposes. Experiments show that, by the vector-based metrics, nearly 90% of GIS road lengths in the study area were extracted and over 90% of extracted roads matched the target GIS roads. The new framework streamlines raster-vector conflation of roads and can potentially expedite relevant geospatial analyses regarding change detection, disaster monitoring and GIS data production, among others.






Zhen Lei, 自动化学院,武汉理工大学,武汉 430070,中国

Ting L. Lei,地理与大气科学系,堪萨斯大学,堪萨斯 66045,美国


The great equalizer? Mixed effects of social infrastructure on diverse encounters in cities



Casual encounters with diverse groups of people in urban spaces have been shown to foster social capital and trust, leading to higher quality of life, civic participation, and community resilience to hazards. To promote such diverse encounters and cultivate social ties, policymakers develop social infrastructure sites, such as community centers, parks, and plazas. However, their effects on the diversity of encounters, compared to baseline sites (e.g., grocery stores), have not been fully understood. In this study, we use a large-scale, privacy-enhanced mobility dataset of >120 K anonymized mobile phone users in the Boston area to evaluate the effects of social infrastructure sites on the observed frequencies of inter-income and inter-race encounters. Contrary to our intuition that all social infrastructure sites promote diverse encounters, we find the effects to be mixed and more nuanced. Overall, parks and social businesses promote more inter-income encounters, while community spaces promote more same-income encounters, but each produces opposite effects for inter-race encounters. Parks and community spaces located in low-income neighborhoods were shown to result in higher inter-income and inter-race encounters compared to ordinary sites, respectively, however, their associations were insignificant in high-income areas. These empirical results suggest that the type of social infrastructure and neighborhood traits may alter levels of diverse encounters.






Timothy Fraser, 康奈尔大学系统工程项目,美国纽约州伊萨卡市14850,

Takahiro Yabe, 麻省理工学院数据、系统与社会研究所,美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市02139;纽约大学坦登工程学院技术管理与创新系和城市科学与进展中心,美国纽约布鲁克林11201,

Daniel P. Aldrich, 东北大学公共政策与城市事务学院,美国马萨诸塞州波士顿02115

Esteban Moro,东北大学网络科学研究所,物理系,美国马萨诸塞州波士顿02115;麻省理工学院媒体实验室,美国马萨诸塞州剑桥02139


Integrating species distribution and piecewise linear regression model to identify functional connectivity thresholds to delimit urban ecological corridors



Urban ecological corridors are essential for sustainable urban development, but determining their width remains challenging. This paper addresses this issue by focusing on the unique habitat requirements of urban undercanopy bird species. We employ Species Distribution Model to simulate their potential living spaces in Shanghai and quantify their functional connectivity in urban mobility. We then use segmented linear regression models to identify turning points in functional connectivity within different buffer zones, which represent the physical width of the corridor. Our findings show that urban undercanopy birds are less sensitive to human activity and building distribution compared to surface temperature, land cover types, and vegetation canopy height. We also find that conventional linear weighting methods tend to overestimate the impact of environmental factors on undercanopy birds, leading to subtle deviations in corridor path recognition. Finally, we demonstrate that employing segmented linear regression helps to quantify the turning points of functional connectivity for each urban ecological corridor, allowing us to determine their physical width range. This study is the first attempt to quantitatively assess the functional connectivity of urban ecological corridors from the perspective of undercanopy birds and demarcate their extent.


城市生态廊道对可持续城市发展至关重要,但确定其宽度仍然具有挑战性。本文通过关注城市下层鸟类物种的独特栖息地需求来解决这一问题。我们采用物种分布模型(Species Distribution Model)模拟它们在上海的潜在栖息空间,并量化其在城市流动性中的功能连接性。然后,我们使用分段线性回归模型识别不同缓冲区内功能连接性的转折点,这些转折点代表了廊道的物理宽度。我们的研究结果表明,城市下层鸟类对人类活动和建筑分布的敏感性低于对地表温度、土地覆盖类型和植被冠层高度的敏感性。我们还发现,传统的线性加权方法往往高估环境因素对下层鸟类的影响,导致廊道路径识别的细微偏差。最后,我们证明使用分段线性回归有助于量化每个城市生态廊道的功能连接性转折点,从而确定其物理宽度范围。这项研究首次从下层鸟类的角度定量评估城市生态廊道的功能连接性并划定其范围。




Haoran Yu, 南京林业大学, 景观建筑学院, 南京 210037, 中国

Hanwen Xiao, 天津大学, 土木工程学院, 天津 300072, 中国

Xinchen Gu,天津大学, 土木工程学院, 天津 300072, 中国;中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100044, 中国


Urban streets profiling with coupled spatio-temporal characteristics and topological information from the biking perspective



Urban street profiling is the spatio-temporal pattern discovery of street-level urban areas, which plays a vital role in understanding urban structures and dynamics. Due to the natural topology and various geographic characteristics on the streets, it is necessary to combine multi-dimensional spatio-temporal information to understand different profiles of streets. This research aims to develop a street profiling framework according to the coupled characteristics of streets. At the start, a bidirected dual graph and a spatial weighted graph embedding method were used to solve the street representation. Then, the street profiles can be extracted by clustering embedding vectors of streets and feature importance analysis. As the case study, we employed the bike trajectories and street view images in Xiamen, China to depict the geographic attributes of streets. The results can reveal nine spatio-temporal street profiles from the biking perspective, including three spatial distribution patterns and two spatial semantic patterns. Urban streets in the study area show a significant hierarchical pattern because of locations and the spatial lags of the biking behaviors. Meanwhile, the spatio-temporal characteristics of biking behaviors are the main factors of street profiles, though the street environment attributes participate in over half the number of profile types. We further evaluated the profiling ability of the proposed framework and the importance of urban street profiles using coupled characteristics. Overall, this study explored the profiling method for coupling static and dynamic characteristics of urban streets. The profiling results also help understand street usage and experiences by bikers, which have a practical value on the human-oriented classification of streets and further urban development from a geographic view.






Disheng Yi, 资源环境与旅游学院,北京市海淀区西三环北路105号,首都师范大学,邮政编码100048,中国;北京市水资源安全实验室,首都师范大学,北京市邮政编码100048,中国;教育部3D信息采集与应用重点实验室,首都师范大学,北京市邮政编码100048,中国;首都师范大学城市环境过程与数字仿真北京市重点实验室孵化基地,北京市邮政编码100048,中国。

Jing Zhang,资源环境与旅游学院,北京市海淀区西三环北路105号,首都师范大学,邮政编码100048,中国;北京市水资源安全实验室,首都师范大学,北京市邮政编码100048,中国;教育部3D信息采集与应用重点实验室,首都师范大学,北京市邮政编码100048,中国;首都师范大学城市环境过程与数字仿真北京市重点实验室孵化基地,北京市邮政编码100048,中国


An ontology-based approach for harmonizing metrics in bike network evaluations



The urgency to decarbonize the transportation sector has accelerated the adoption of micro-mobility solutions, with cycling network development witnessing remarkable growth. Robust and quantitative evaluation frameworks are needed to evaluate the quality of such developments. While a plethora of bike network evaluation approaches exist, their diversity creates issues of interpretability and comparability due to varying metrics and domain-specific terms. We present three contributions to address these challenges. First, we construct a formal ontology, VeloNEMO, that captures key attributes of evaluation metrics for harmonizing bike network evaluation metrics. Second, we generate a machine-readable knowledge base containing these metrics, enabling meta-analyses and resolving some of the existing terminological discrepancies. Third, we propose recommendations for transparent and comparable metric descriptions across various evaluation approaches, illustrated by exploratory metric selection scenarios for a forthcoming bike network evaluation tool. In summary, our research addresses the need for a structured and shared vocabulary for bike network evaluations. This ontology-based approach aims to improve the coherence of evaluation methods as the field of bike network planning continues to evolve, ultimately supporting decision-making for sustainable transportation planning.






Ayda Grisiute,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院制图与地理信息研究所,8093 苏黎世,瑞士

Nina Wiedemann,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院制图与地理信息研究所,8093 苏黎世,瑞士

Pieter Herthogs,,新加坡-ETH中心,未来城市实验室全球项目,CREATE校园,138602 新加坡

Martin Rauba,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院制图与地理信息研究所,8093 苏黎世,瑞士


A physics-guided automated machine learning approach for obtaining surface radiometric temperatures on sunny days based on UAV-derived images基于无人机影像的晴天地表辐射温度获取的物理引导自动化机器学习方法


Urban surface radiometric temperatures, approximate to the surface kinetic temperatures, are predominantly retrieved using satellites or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and exhibit pronounced spatiotemporal variations. Despite numerous methods ranging from empirical to physical models for obtaining urban microscale surface radiometric temperatures via UAVs, challenges remain given the limited physical significance and substantial professional barriers to method application. Against this background, this study introduces a novel and straightforward approach for acquiring spatially distributed radiometric temperatures on sunny days without understanding the complex radiative transfer process as well as acquiring low-altitude atmospheric parameters. An automated machine learning was employed to train a model capable of efficiently estimating radiometric temperatures. Training and testing datasets were created based on the urban radiative transfer equation, incorporating three independent variables: UAV-measured surface brightness temperature, broadband emissivity, and sky view factor, which collectively represent the diverse thermal environments across different surface characteristics and urban layouts during sunny transitional and summer seasons. The model's accuracy was subsequently confirmed through direct comparisons with radiometric temperatures retrieved from UAV-collected multimodal images and kinetic temperatures synchronously collected on the ground across four periods. The results indicate that AutoGluon achieved high accuracy (MAE: 0.04 K; RMSE: 0.06 K; R2: 0.99). Additional ground measurement validations further demonstrated the model's reliability, with absolute biases on sunlit surfaces maintained within 1.25 K. Given its capability for real-time, high-spatial-resolution mapping of radiometric temperatures (April test: 8.70 cm, July test: 6.89 cm) in urban microscales with considerable heterogeneity, such a method is envisioned to be an effective tool for the dynamic monitoring and management of thermal environments at the microscale level in urban settings.


城市表面辐射温度近似于表面动能温度,主要通过卫星或无人机(UAV)获取,并表现出明显的时空变化。尽管已有多种方法(从经验模型到物理模型)用于通过无人机获得城市微观表面辐射温度,但由于物理意义有限和方法应用的专业壁垒,仍面临许多挑战。在此背景下,本研究提出了一种新颖而简单的方法,用于在晴天获取空间分布的辐射温度,无需理解复杂的辐射传输过程,并可获取低空大气参数。采用自动化机器学习训练模型,以有效估算辐射温度。训练和测试数据集基于城市辐射传输方程创建,包含三个独立变量:无人机测得的表面亮度温度、宽波段发射率和天空视野因子,这些变量共同代表不同表面特征和城市布局在晴天过渡季节和夏季的多样热环境。随后,通过与无人机收集的多模态图像中提取的辐射温度以及在四个时间段内同步收集的地面动能温度进行直接比较,确认了模型的准确性。结果表明,AutoGluon实现了高准确度(MAE:0.04 K;RMSE:0.06 K;R²:0.99)。额外的地面测量验证进一步证明了模型的可靠性,阳光照射下的绝对偏差保持在1.25 K以内。考虑到其在城市微观尺度上对辐射温度(四月测试:8.70 cm,七月测试:6.89 cm)的实时高空间分辨率映射能力,该方法被设想为有效工具,用于动态监测和管理城市环境中的热环境。




Xue Zhong, 广东工业大学建筑系,亚热带建筑与城市科学国家重点实验室,广州510640,中国

Lihua Zhao, 广东工业大学建筑系,亚热带建筑与城市科学国家重点实验室,广州510640,中国

Peng Ren, 广东工业大学建筑系,亚热带建筑与城市科学国家重点实验室,广州510640,中国

Xiang Zhang, 慕尼黑工业大学生命科学学院,战略景观规划与管理,Emil-Ramann-Str. 6,Freising 85354,德国

Jie Wang,西华师范大学地理科学学院,南充637009,中国


Disparities in public transport accessibility in London from 2011 to 2021



Addressing urban inequalities has become a pressing concern on both the global sustainable development agenda and for local policy. Improving public transport services is seen as an important area where local governments can exert influence and potentially help reduce inequalities. Existing measures of accessibility used to inform decision-making for public transport infrastructure in London show spatial disparities, yet there is a gap in understanding how these disparities vary across demographic groups and how they evolve over time—whether they are improving or worsening. In this study, we investigate the distribution of public transport accessibility based on ethnicity and income deprivation in London over the past decade. We used data from the Census 2011 and 2021 for area-level ethnicity characteristics, English Indices of Deprivation for income deprivation in 2011 and 2019, and public transport accessibility metrics from Transport for London for 2010 and 2023, all at the small area level using lower super output areas (LSOAs) in Greater London. We found that, on average, public transport accessibility in London has increased over the past decade, with 78% of LSOAs experiencing improvements. Public transport accessibility in London showed an unequal distribution in cross-sectional analyses. Lower income neighbourhoods had poorer accessibility to public transportation in 2011 and 2023 after controlling for car-ownership and population density. These disparities were particularly pronounced for underground accessibility. Temporal analyses revealed that existing inequalities with respect to income deprivation and ethnicity are generally not improving. While wealthier groups benefited most from London Underground service improvements; lower income groups benefited more from bus service improvements. We also found that car ownership levels declined in areas with substantial increases to public transport accessibility and major housing developments, but not in those with moderate improvements.






Yuxin Nie, 高级空间分析中心 (CASA), 伦敦大学学院, 伦敦 W1T 4TJ, 英国

Shivani Bhatnagar,伦敦交通局 (TfL), 伦敦 E20 1JN, 英国

Duncan Smith, 高级空间分析中心 (CASA), 伦敦大学学院, 伦敦 W1T 4TJ, 英国

Esra Suel,高级空间分析中心 (CASA), 伦敦大学学院, 伦敦 W1T 4TJ, 英国


‘Green or short: choose one’ - A comparison of walking accessibility and greenery in 43 European cities



Promoting environmentally and socially sustainable urban mobility is crucial for cities, with urban greening emerging as a key strategy. Contact with nature during travel not only enhances well-being but also promotes sustainable behaviour. However, the availability of travel greenery varies, and only recently have new datasets and computational approaches made it possible to compare the conditions in the distribution of travel greenery within and between cities quantitatively. In this study of 43 large European cities, we undertook a comparative analysis of travel greenery availability by using high-resolution spatial data and daily school trips as a marker of a daily travel need. By recognising walking accessibility as the most sustainable and equally available mode of transportation, we first estimated the proportion of the population residing within walking distance to upper secondary schools. Second, we associated the detailed school routes with monthly green cover data and compared the spatial variation in travel greenery availability between European cities, taking seasonal variation into account. Lastly, we analysed spatial inequalities of travel greenery availability within the study cities using the Gini index, the Kolm-Pollak equally-distributed equivalent (EDE) index and Moran's I. Our findings reveal a consistent negative association between accessibility and green cover implying a trade-off between access and greenery. We found large variations between European cities in the walking accessibility of schools, ranging from 44% to 98% of the population being within 1600 m of their school. Moreover, our results show substantial within-city disparities in travel greenery availability in large European cities. We demonstrated methodologically the importance of considering seasonal variations when measuring greenery availability. Our study offers empirical evidence of urban greenery availability from a mobility-focused perspective. It provides a novel understanding with which to support researchers and planners in affording the benefits of nature to more people as they travel.






Elias Willberg, 数字地理实验室, 地球科学与地理系, 赫尔辛基大学, 赫尔辛基, 芬兰;赫尔辛基可持续发展科学研究所, 城市与区域研究所, 赫尔辛基大学, 赫尔辛基, 芬兰

Christoph Fink, 数字地理实验室, 地球科学与地理系, 赫尔辛基大学, 赫尔辛基, 芬兰;赫尔辛基可持续发展科学研究所, 城市与区域研究所, 赫尔辛基大学, 赫尔辛基, 芬兰

Robert Klein, 数字地理实验室, 地球科学与地理系, 赫尔辛基大学, 赫尔辛基, 芬兰

Roope Heinonen, 数字地理实验室, 地球科学与地理系, 赫尔辛基大学, 赫尔辛基, 芬兰

Tuuli Toivonen,数字地理实验室, 地球科学与地理系, 赫尔辛基大学, 赫尔辛基, 芬兰;赫尔辛基可持续发展科学研究所, 城市与区域研究所, 赫尔辛基大学, 赫尔辛基, 芬兰


Developing two-dimensional indicators of transport demand and supply to promote sustainable transportation equity



Inadequate supply of transport infrastructure is often seen as a barrier to a sustainable future for cities globally. Such barriers often perpetuate significant inequalities in who can and who cannot benefit from sustainable transport opportunities, and as a result there is momentum for transformative urban planning to promote sustainable transportation equity. This study introduces a new set of two-dimensional indicators, merging elements of supply and demand, to identify barriers and imbalances in sustainable transport equity. The accessibility indicators, which are generated for bus, rail, and cycle infrastructure, consider the proximity of administrative areas to good quality transport infrastructure, as well as mode-specific demand, to clearly identify areas where the supply of infrastructure is inadequate to support local populations. We present a policy case study for Liverpool City Region, which demonstrates how these indicators can be used in an analytical framework to support transformative urban planning in long-term. In particular, the indicators reveal policy priority areas where demand for sustainable transport is greater than supply, as well as neighbourhoods where multiple transport inequalities are intersecting spatially, highlighting the need for specific types of infrastructure investment to promote sustainable transport equity (e.g. more frequent services, additional cycle paths). Our framework lays the foundations for improved decision-making in urban systems, through development of mode-specific sustainable transport indicators at small area levels, which harmonise elements of supply and demand for the first time.






Patrick Ballantyne, 利物浦大学地理与规划系,罗克斯比大楼,利物浦,L69 7ZT,英国

Gabriele Filomena, 利物浦大学地理与规划系,罗克斯比大楼,利物浦,L69 7ZT,英国

Francisco Rowe, 利物浦大学地理与规划系,罗克斯比大楼,利物浦,L69 7ZT,英国

Alex Singleton,利物浦大学地理与规划系,罗克斯比大楼,利物浦,L69 7ZT,英国


