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Swift Combine — Publisher、Operator、Subscriber概念介绍

2025/1/10 9:35:50 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/guoyongming925/article/details/139683548  浏览:    关键词:Swift Combine — Publisher、Operator、Subscriber概念介绍


Combine框架提供了一个声明式Swift API,用于处理随时间变化的值。这些值可以表示多种异步事件。Combine声明发布者公开发布可能随时间变化的值,并声明订阅者从发布者接收这些值。



Publisher 发布者


public protocol Publisher<Output, Failure> {/// The kind of values published by this publisher.associatedtype Output/// The kind of errors this publisher might publish.////// Use `Never` if this `Publisher` does not publish errors.associatedtype Failure : Error/// Attaches the specified subscriber to this publisher.////// Implementations of ``Publisher`` must implement this method.////// The provided implementation of ``Publisher/subscribe(_:)-4u8kn``calls this method.////// - Parameter subscriber: The subscriber to attach to this ``Publisher``, after which it can receive values.func receive<S>(subscriber: S) where S : Subscriber, Self.Failure == S.Failure, Self.Output == S.Input

Publisher 最主要的工作其实有两个:发布新的事件及其数据,以及准备好被Subscriber订阅。
Output 定义了某个 Publisher 所发布的值的类型,Failure 则定义可能产生的错误的类型。随着时间的推移,事件流也会逐渐向前发展。对应 OutputFailurePublisher 可以发布三种事件:

  1. 类型为 Output 的新值:这代表事件流中出现了新的值。
  2. 类型为 Failure 的错误:这代表事件流中发生了问题,事件流到此终止。
  3. 完成事件:表示事件流中所有的元素都已经发布结束,事件流到此终止。


Subscriber 也是一个抽象的协议。

public protocol Subscriber<Input, Failure> : CustomCombineIdentifierConvertible {/// The kind of values this subscriber receives.associatedtype Input/// The kind of errors this subscriber might receive.////// Use `Never` if this `Subscriber` cannot receive errors.associatedtype Failure : Error/// Tells the subscriber that it has successfully subscribed to the publisher and may request items.////// Use the received ``Subscription`` to request items from the publisher./// - Parameter subscription: A subscription that represents the connection between publisher and subscriber.func receive(subscription: any Subscription)/// Tells the subscriber that the publisher has produced an element.////// - Parameter input: The published element./// - Returns: A `Subscribers.Demand` instance indicating how many more elements the subscriber expects to receive.func receive(_ input: Self.Input) -> Subscribers.Demand/// Tells the subscriber that the publisher has completed publishing, either normally or with an error.////// - Parameter completion: A ``Subscribers/Completion`` case indicating whether publishing completed normally or with an error.func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Self.Failure>)

定义中 InputFailure 分别表示了订阅者能够接受的事件流数据类型和错误类型。想要订阅某个 PublisherSubscriber 中的这两个类型必须与 Publisher 的 Output 和 Failure 一致。


public func sink(receiveCompletion: @escaping ((Subscribers.Completion<Self.Failure>) -> Void), receiveValue: @escaping ((Self.Output) -> Void)) -> AnyCancellable
public func sink(receiveValue: @escaping ((Self.Output) -> Void)) -> AnyCancellable

该方法可以同时提供两个闭包也可以一个,receiveCompletion用来接收 failure 或者 finished 事件,receiveValue 用来接收 output 值。

还有一个 Subscriber 可能会更为简洁常用,那就是 assign。和通过 sink 提供闭包,可以执行任意操作不同,assign 接受一个 class 对象以及对象类型上的某个键路径 (key path)。每当 output 事件到来时,其中包含的值就将被设置到对应的属性上去。

public func assign<Root>(to keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Self.Output>, on object: Root) -> AnyCancellable

使用这个方法有些要求,只有那些 class 类型的实例中的属性能被绑定,在SwiftUI中,我们厂用的和View匹配的ViewModel继承了 ObservableObject,而继承 ObservableObject的只能是class类,因此assign放在常用在这里。




let cancellable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].publisher.filter {$0 % 2 == 0}.sink {print ("Even number: \($0)")}
// Prints:
// Even number: 2
// Even number: 4



PublisherOperatorSubscriber 三者组成了从事件发布,变形,到订阅的完整链条。在建立起事件流的响应链后,随着事件发生,app 的状态随之演变,这些是响应式编程处理异步程序的 Combine 框架的基础架构。


